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gave rise ato the gradual assimilation of inter-tribal occupation

Occupational stratification. Such occupational
stratification was
favoured by religion. Slowly and gradually the
different occupations became hereditary for different tribes ana
restriction in social intercourse between different tribes became
rigid. This process finally gave birth to the form of caste
There is a view according to which 'caste system had its orign
the classes and corporations. In ancient India, there
natural groups, namely, priesthood, nobility and bourgeoisie. These
groups were in turn split into a number of smaller groups and
communities some based on relationship, others based on
occupation'. Thus, the origin of the caste happened from the
economical guilds. However, occupation is a factor in the evolution
of castes but not the cause of its origin.
It is clear that there is no unanimous view about the origin of
caste system. However, Indian caste system is the natural result to
the interaction of a number of geographical, social, political,
religious and economic factors not elsewhere found in conjunction.

Effects or Consequences of Caste System

Merits or Benefits or Functions of Caste System
two millennia
The caste system in Hindu society is more than
blame the caste system for all the
old. There have been critics who
of Indian society. In spite of the demerits, Hindu society still
due to its usefulness to the society.
follows the age old caste system members.
is found to offer the following benefits to its
Caste system individual with a
caste system has provided every
(1) The "He is provided
environment. Hutton says,
fixed social of associations which
with a permanent body
in this way and contracts. His
his behaviour
control almost all acts as the trade
choice in marriage,
channelises his his state-club,
beneficent society,
union, his friendly takes the place
for him of health,
and his orphanage, provided for his funeral."
if need be
insurance, and co-operation and
created the spirit of
has caste. By
(2) Caste system of the same
among a necessity by
fellow-feeling it has avoided
and needy,
helping the poor the poor. the
the caste
supporting economic pursuits of
defines the
Caste system

indivduals. There is an oceupation pertaining to ever

aste so that the ehild's future is not only carved out
already but also a proper place of apprenticeship ia
4) The caste system has preserved the racial purity of the
higher eastes by forbidding indiscriminate inter-caste
marriages. The habits of cleanliness are maintained by
insisting ritual purity.
(5) Caste system influences the intellectual make up of an
individual. It is a main source of influence in the
formation of attitudes, customs and traditions. The caste
system fosters the spirit of equality with the group.
6) Caste system helped in cultural diffiusion within the
group, i.e., the caste-customs, traditions, beliefs,
behaviour, skills, ideas, trade secrets are passed on from
one generation to the other. In this way culture is
preserved for ages.
(7) Caste system provides for all functions necessary to
social life "functions from education to scavenging, from
government to domestic service of the most menial kind
and it makes this provision under the sanction of
religious, the belief in karma, which renders superficially
inequitable distribution of functions acceptable as being
part of the divine order of the universe".
(8) Caste system has separated the social life from political
life and has maintained its independence from political
(9) Caste system integrated Indian society by developing
class consciousness without breeding class struggle. It
has created an efficient organisation of Hindu society
without giving any chance to class frictions and factions.
The caste system has prevented the country from
splitting up into warring racial units.
(10) The caste system has promoted economic strength and
efticiency in provisions and function by working on the
basis of the division of labour.
(11) The caste system provided a means of social insurance
and promoted social service activities. It helped the
and the needy and sometimes advanced money to its
poor members.
(12) The caste system ensured the continuity of the
traditional social organisation. It succeeded in

accommodating multiple communities by ensuring each

of them a monopoly of a specific means of livelihood.

erits or
Demerits or Di
Disadvantages or Dysfunctions or Effects
of Caste System
The caste system has given rise to several evils. They are
1) The caste sysiem ieads to untouchability. It is the
hateful expression of caste. Large sections of people are
reduced to the virtual slavery. As long as untouchability
is practised, no solidarity of Hindu society is possible as
they were made to live in seclusion and they were
deprived of the meagre necessities of life. They are
actually made to rot in life. The caste system is like a
bad coin.
(2) The rigid caste system led to social immobility and
occupational mobility. It deprives him from doing a job of
his choice. Irrespective of one's likes and dislikes, one
has to continue only his traditional hereditary
occupation. This situation is a hindrance for economic
(3) The caste system retarded the growth of solidarity and
brotherhood in the Hindu society by rigidly separating
one class from another and denying any type of social
intercourse between them.
(4) The caste system often results in putting a man in the
wrong occupation. The caste in which one is born always
decides one's position in life or his occupation. He is not
permitted to take up any other profession though he may
possess the skill and may like that job. The caste has
given an aristocracy to birth, not of merit.
(5) The caste systemis always an obstacle to national unity.
According to G.S. Ghurye, "It is the spirit of caste
patriotism which endangers opposition to other castes
and creates an unhealthy atmosphere for the growth of
national consciousness."
(6) The caste system is a great obstacle to the social and
economie progress of nation. Since people believe in the
theory of karma, they become conservative in their ideas.
And because their economic position is fixed they are led
to inertia and enterprise.
(7) Caste system is also undemocratic because it does not
give equal rights and opportunities to all people
irrespective of their caste, creed or colour.
and demerits of c a s t e
of comparative merits
On the pursuance that the demerits of casteism
be safely
system, it may
outweigh the merits.

The Jajmani System in
unit in the Indian
basic and important
The village has been a characteristics of a traditional
of the basie
social organisation. One system', In
socio-economic organisationin a village is the jajmani
services are provided by different
the village different types of take one profession,
In villages, people of a particular caste
the jajmani system. Wiser was the
The caste system is linked with
as jajmani system.
first m a n who labeled the system

is an exchange of services and
Wiser says, "Jajmani system
castes". As per Wiser, "Jajmani
obligations between different
relationships reveals that the priest,
system in the service
grower, etc. are the jajmani of
accountant, goldsmith, vegetable
has a form of service capacity and
other castes. Each of these castes
master and a servant".
services to others. Each in turn is
of distribution
Kolenda defined jajmani system as "a system
families called
in Indian villages whereby high caste land-owning
various lower castes
jajmans are provided services and products by
such as carpenters, potters, blacksmiths and
According to Varma, the word jajman' has been derived
a Sanskrit term yajman', which means a man who performed
who performs a
yajna-a sacred rite. Yajman means a person
term yajman
yajna or hires the service of a Brahmin to do it. The
came to be applied to everyone who lured services of a person, who
or Pundit who
was prepared to offer those services. The purohit
would become a
prays to God for the prosperity of his yajman
permanent family priest and this turned int6 a hereditary process.
The Jajmani-system has its roots in the customary sacred relgious
performance of the attached family priest for the welfare of his
jajman. The other functional castes like barber, potter, goldsmith,
carpenter and washerman who have also helped in yajna followed
suit and adopted a similar pattern of hereditary service. The samne
pattern of labour supply came to be a practice even in the agrarian
structure and a few more castes that were useful for the
agriculturist came into being with jajmani rights and duties. Thus,
the jajmani relationship has acquired implications concerned more
with the economy than
The economic power is the basis of jajmani system. The

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