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AUTHOR: Elsa Bornemann was born in Buenos Aires.

She was a professor of Literature and

Philosophy at the National University of Buenos Aires. He studied English, German, Italian,
Latin and classical Greek. He writes books for young people and children. He has also
written songs and plays. His works have been published in Latin America, USA, Europe and
Israel. He has received numerous awards around the world.
Twelve disturbing stories in which the protagonists, from an apparently normal everyday
reality, come to live terrifying situations from which they do not always come out alive.
Narrated in the third person, and using the resource that someone told them because
they happened to her, the author offers us very short stories that contain great tension
and provoke continuous chills in the reader.


Once upon a time, there was a grandmother who hated her grandchildren, and even more
so when they went to live with her when their mother died. After several years of
suffering the tortures imposed on them by their grandmother, she finally died. And in
doing so, the three brothers separated and went to live happily in their respective homes.
But alas, Lilibeth, the most hated by her grandmother, did not get off so easily as she was
harassed by her late grandmother in the most horrible ways until...did she die or just
disappear? (no one knew this). In fact, the only one who knew about it was his cat, who,
being unable to speak, was never able to reveal this secret.
A girl tells the story her uncle used to tell her when she was a little girl. The story takes
place in Buenos Aires, three girls named Oriana, Martina and Camila were very close
friends, they would meet to be together in and out of school. One day they decided to go
to Oriana's house to sleep, something they had already done several times, everything
seemed normal until it was time to go to bed, when Oriana's grandmother fainted and her
parents decided to take her to the hospital, so the girls had to stay alone in the house.
They told them to stay in bed and they would be back soon, but they could not sleep
because they were afraid, especially Martina who was the most fearful of the three. Then
they decided that in order not to be afraid they would hold hands lying on the beds and so
they could sleep. The next morning, their parents arrived with their grandmother and
asked them how they had slept, the girls answered that they had slept very well, without
fear since they had held hands, but when they went to show them how they had held
hands, they could not touch each other.
It's about a boy named Kenzo Kobayashi who lived in Tokyo, he was a boy about my age,
he liked to go for walks in the evenings. One of those nights he saw an old man who
dropped his wallet, Kenzo decided to pick it up and give it back to him but when he went
to look at his face, the old man didn't have it. Kenzo ran scared until he reached the bank
of a river where he saw a girl his age crying, when he approached to see what happened
to her, the girl told him the same thing that had happened to him. the same thing that had
happened to him, then he saw that the girl didn't have a face either, he ran scared to his
house and never went out again at night.


It is about a couple named Juan and Claudia, they had two children named Marvin and
Greta who were taken to a house by the beach on vacation. They had to stay alone
because their parents had to stay working in the city. As soon as they arrived, strange
things began to happen, doors opened and closed, they heard banging around the house
and saw leftovers scurrying all over the place. Greta was the one who was the most
scared, so to clear her head she decided to go down to the beach. She saw footsteps in
the sand without finding anyone walking on the beach, and when she started to swim
towards the deep part, something tried to drown her, when she went to look what it was,
there was nothing, she asked for help and her brother ran to rescue her. They tried to find
out what was happening and discovered that it was the ghost of a boy who died in the
house and stayed in it because he had died without falling in love. When they told their
parents, they sold the house and in the end, because of the strange events that were
happening, they ended up abandoning it.


is about a family that had two sons named Boris and Ivan. One day the father was
assigned to work in the south of the country, and although he did not want to at first, he
finally decided, since he earned more money. The mother and children decided that they
would call him every Saturday, but since they did not have a telephone at home, they had
to go to a phone booth next to the train station. One day when they went there, a thief
pounced on the mother and stole her purse. She ran after the thief, because she would
not give up. The children followed her, but could not catch up with her. Then they went
over the railroad tracks, and just as the children passed, they were hit by the train. The
thief fled and the mother was left in tears looking at the dismembered bodies of her
children. The children were transformed into spirits and decided to take revenge for the
harm the thief had caused them. So, once the thief went to ride the train, he was thrown
onto the tracks and died, leading people to believe it was a suicide.


It tells the story of what a boy nicknamed "Manga" did to some children in a small village.
According to the boy who tells the story, it all started when Manga bought a house on the
outskirts of the small village (very cheap, almost given away, according to the neighbors)
where he went to live. He only left his house to go once a week to buy a few bottles of
mineral water at the store of the little boy who narrates this story. Manga was a scruffy
guy and not very sociable, especially with children, whom he ignored and treated as if
they didn't exist. One day, in the quiet little village, children began to disappear without a
trace. The boy tells that once, Manga went to buy water, and asked him to accompany
him to take it to his house because he could not do it by himself. When he arrived home,
the boy was trapped in a large spider web in which all the other missing children were also
trapped. The last thing he remembers is seeing Manga transform into a spider before he
was rescued. In the end, Manga is proven to be a real spider and ends up dying.


This story is about a boy named Timothy who lived in a town called Maladonny. This boy
knew almost everyone in town, which was not difficult because the town was so small.
One day when he left school he went home as he always did, but when he crossed paths
with people he knew in town, they didn't recognize him. When he arrived home he could
see that his parents were not there, he became very nervous and began to scream, the
neighbors called the police, they took him and tied him to a stretcher in a hospital, the
nurses who attended him were his parents and his sister but they did not recognize him
either. Timothy spent 40 years in that hospital, until they decided to send him home
because he was already recovered, when he left his parents had already passed away. This
story came to the attention of a boy who was traveling to Maladonny, and he decided not
to go.

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