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Two-stroke TUNERT HanPBOOK CORO FUNDAMENTALS BES LOU €YLINDERHEADS EXPANSION CHAMBERS CYLINDER SCAVENGING PORT TIMING CRANKCASE PUMPING CARSURETION, IGNITIO: i i 7 Two-stroke TUNER’S HANDBOOK by Gordon Jennings lustrations by the author ty meena Copyright 81973 by Gordon Jennings FOREWORD ten years ago th two-stroke engine was widely and q thought to be a understandably having substantial theoreti stroke for each 360 degree: dual power the output end of the e some of the theoret promise, as it delivered a power Ikshafe rotation but the hard reality was that sunt to mich when totalled at i to persist i rts to wring competitive m the racing two-stroke engine. To say that they were ultimately ssful would be gross understatement. "Those engineers were motivated by the need to demonstrate that the two-stroke ddo wonders for hundreds of dol ngg may be altered simply by reshaping the holes in its ower output markedly resonant effects in its intake and exhaust tracts, ications are costly, hhand, while the two-stroke engine does not commonly require large dollar inputs to raise its power output, it does require an in-depth under- ‘on the part of the man doing the is. In an attempt to acquire that understanding I began a study of the hig itput tworstroke we that has led to the collection of a minor order costs 3 less satisfactory € such as the general behavior of ex flatter myself to think tha book for the guidance of # at least take care of # 3t supply all of the prevent the ‘My special thanks to Mr. Joh ineering, who has done much to dilute my once pure i uld not be held accountable for the residue found herein). Also to the late Henry Koepke, who mistakenly assumed that I knew somethi stroke engines and supported my early why started needled, pleaded, com publishable form, Thammered my file of notes into CONTENTS Contents... FUNDAMENTALS: Predicting Power Piston Speed .... Piston Acceleration CRANK TRAIN «.. ‘The Piston Piston Rit Wristpin/Crankpin Crank Assembly CYLINDERHEADS o ‘The Combustion Process ‘Squish Bands Plug Location .. Head/Cylinder Sealing EXPANSION CHAMBERS ‘The Basic Process “Tuned Length .. Diffuser Proportions Baflle Cones Outlet Pipes Lead-in Pipes ae Expansion Chamber Design Formulae. se 73. PORT TIMING 5 Specific Time-Area 76 Angle-Atea eo. a eee 80, Time-Area Combinations 81 Emphasis on Area . ce vn 84 Timing Limits ... a sone 85 Rotary-Valve Timing or) ORANKCASE PUMPING sent 1 Resonance Elects... somes OB Carburetor Location... a - 94 Crankease Volume 95, Reed Valves 98, ‘The Rotary Valve 101 Intake Port Shape 102 CYLINDER SCAVENGING Exhaust Port Port-Edge Chamfers CARBURETION, IGNITION Spark Plugs 105 109 12 15 ug 1h 129 130 1st 143. 152 FUNDAMENTALS Throughout this book it wi inconvenient though that assumption. 's progressed to at least 1 superficial piston-type internal cos bustion engine —with particular reference to those operating on the two-stroke cycle principle—converts quantities of fue! at the end of its crankshaft. People who need enlightenment in that regard will find a wealth of ex {erature collected on the shelves of any ‘and physics re is an entirely kind of “state of engines for laymen—\ h-output tworstroke Jost cases do not have access to the literature amounts of time and money return appropriate to the i iake you a Kade ‘more serious mistakes. ‘The first serious mistake a lay that those who designed what they were d& jon to be provided here 0; it will help you to avoid some of the © is to assume ne didn’t know , the professional engineer knows very an what the experi engines are compromised, interest of manufacturing ports may derive their shape experimenter can manufacturing, Si designing for mass cs engine must be agreeable to many different uses — even though that inevitably aly well. In these areas toa very specific loring process one inevitably all the various expenses the engine's designer has avoided. Hours of labor may be required to finish rough-cast ports; dollars will be spent correcting other things that are the creatures of manufacturing economies; power added at reased speeds required to obtai be paid for in terms of reliability Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK Another mistake commonly made, sometimes even by enjoyed some odifying two-stroke engines, it any given displacement erage pres der during the power stroke and power strokes occur, minus work absorbed by friction and scav and pumping losses, and the engine's net output there are speeds, and in inertia ngineer ing losses can be gh an engine—with a properly Some improve nut the scope f ‘complished with engine is ely to be, monly know crown area, Thus, measurements being FUNDAMENTALS tor of performance an modified engi PREDICTING POWER psi—an improvement yield a 64-percent increase in power output without raising the 64-percent increase in operating speed have the same effect on out following formula for calculating horsepower: Ps Ware mi TD? S-2-ng a Dae g,m Pris MEDELSVER~ TAY Ce NY S? SLAGLANGD, mM Re VARY, P/mnin ReANTAL CYL, AB Bers PERI. brake mean effective pressure, in psi Lis piston stroke, A is the area of one pi apa lot easier to increase the Jatter than the former. As already stated, 1 figures for engin effectively) for maxi ing arranged solely (and m horsepower at peak revs would be about 115 psi— highly-devcloped two-stroke engines operating up at 125 psi, ‘The exact ni and the width of an with, cylinders vice versa, Road ra d to exert a maximum effort over a very narrow speed range, will usually show a bmep of 100-115 psi, and of course the same remarks regarding the influence of ess beyond the mere sa mn of vulgar 30,5 Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK they may be used very profitably to determine an engine's suitability ticular application. For example, they shed light on the future nsform Kawasaki's F-5 “Bighom” ination in road racing. Much has been made, by the Kawasaki’ supporters, of the usefulness of a broader power range inherent with the F-5's disc-valve induction and the 100ce advantage it gets, over the TD-2, by having only a single cylinder (this, under the present American Motorcycle Association rules). Now while it is, reycle having a wide power band is easier for its rider to manag offer an absolute if very slight advantage on short, extraordinarily fwisty circuits, one must not overlook the fact that the TD-2 has been blessed with an excellent transmission jumber of riders quite capable of coping with troduced by the need for frequent gear changes. Viewed any serious challenger to Yamaha's supremacy which horsepower must be met with horsepower. And what are the Kawasaki's prospects of developing that kind of horsepower? Let's have @ e numbers ‘Assuming that the man who modifies the Kawasaki F-5 knows his business, but doesn't have all the development time in the world, (probability favors the latter far more than the former) then he very likely will arrive at a combination of porting, etc., good for a bmep of about 105 psi—which is about all that can be expected with a single cylinder of 350ce displacement, To expect more would be to ignore the considerable difficulties in scavenging efficiently the F-5’s large-bore (3.17-inch) cylinder, Further assuming (and tas we shall see later, this assumption is far from safe) that the F-5 engine will remain in one, working piece for the duration of a longish race with its rider observing a red-line of 9000 rpm, with a power peak at 8500 rpm, then, 105 x 993 x 7.89 x 8500 33,000 BHP = BHP = 47.6 So, a well developed F-5 would deliver 47.6 brake horsepower. How does that compare with the Yamaha TD-2? With all the years that have gone into the TD.2's development, and giving due thought to Yamaha's proven expertise in these matters, it seems safe to assume that this engine would be operating with a bmep of 115 psi at its power peak—which seems to be at 11,000 rpm. ‘working from those numbers and the 250ce Yamaha twin’s bore/stroke dimensions of 56mm and 50mm, respectively, 115 x 164 x 3.81 x 22,000 33,000 BHP = BHP = 480 FUNDAMENTALS e who wor d try to beat the Yamaha with a Kawasakt Ives a task of considerable magnitude. The only re 0.4 bhp down they probably we horsepower, figured from the moment those for peak horsepower w for a change to the next higher F-5 have taken upor Dright spo! single- vis going to be stressed very near its absolute limit—a limit imposed the properties of av not only extremely diffic requires data concerning, rooms of the factories guide-lines which, 2 ‘A quick and e by worki do not trav: they move from a dead stop at each end of their stroke, maximum speed that often is in excess of 120 mph, and then brake to another co we use just the mean piston speed and the sa t, for engines having bore-stroke di for motorcycles, isabout 4000 casily by applying the following formula: 20 m/s, sions and red-lined at 80.5/6%.9] Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK FUNDAMENTALS Cu = 166xLN a reduction in bore, and with it a loss of piston area against ‘which re Cui ct per mimute pressure can exert its force, that exactly balances the loss of Lis short-stroke engine (which is, in turn, compensated by Nis lutions per minute The only thing wrong with the long-strol s crankshaft speed is limited by inertia loadings, and that in turn limits its absolute power potential as compared with the “modern” short-stroker. On the other hand, it is compensated by having a much more compact combustion chamber, which makes for more efficient burning, and by lower thermal loadi C., = 166 x 2.68 x 9000 the piston as a result of the smaller crown area into which heat fror C,, = 4000 ¢/min ‘combustion process may soak. Finally, there is an advantage in port area for Bsns VID 9008 > 12.5 mm) an piston speed, in in direct proportion to stroke, butis increased by a factor of 3.14 (the constant, pi) with enlargements in bore. These arc very real advantages, but they are not enough, usually, to prevail against the short-stroke engine’s sheer ability 1g abruptness if pressed to rev. Ci ig subject to much juggling in the hat few engines, the F-5 not horsepower jore potent factor in d ing power an piston speeds of output than the nprovements in bmep obtainable with the ‘marginally better combustion chamber and porting in the long-stroke engine. A 10-percent improvement in our Kawasaki F-5 engine's bmep (a large improvement indeed) would at to 52.8 bhp; leave the bmep at takes an engine ichanged, but sho 1d spin it 11,000 rpm and you would have cd the ground between 3500 ft/min and 61.3 bhp. There is indeed no substitute for revs : s covered with unpleasant possibilities, n of materials and 4000 ise its VAS m/s into the twilight zone of reliabilit 20.35m/ the near absolute limit of 4000 ft/ mized with the proper select note here that there are exceptions to this rule among PISTON ACCELERATION -d, long-stroke engines, which tend to have very light (and strong) reciprocating parts relative to their absolute stroke. An example Sadly, while there is no substitute for revs, there are plenty of barriers: that comes to mind is the Bultaco 125ce TSS, which had a stroke of no less piston speed is one, as was already noted. But that is a rather indirect limit es (decidedly long for a 125) but which would, in “factory” asit ignores the fact that itis not speed so much as all the starting and stopp of pistons that does the damage, or at least the worst of any damage. The and that represents a mean piston speed of acceleration forces generated by the starting and stopping are felt even in an the opinion that the resulting thinnish engine's earings, but they 1 connecting rod and piston disastrous effect on the latter, as any attempt to make so to make it heavier~which aggravates the very hould improve. Even so, an engine's es heel, the problem that may most strongly resist solution, often Je engines in many is the disastrous effects piston acceleration may have on the piston's rings. npared Itoften is thought, and quite wrongly, that rings maintain a seal between the piston and the cylinder’s walls simply through their properties as springs. ht should convince you that such cannot be the case, for most ressed in the process 0 a t their TSS never was as predictably 1d have a particular! me crankshaft speed (11,500) a piston stronger i wn piston speed of only 3775 ft/ While on th of bore/stroke there is much in favor of long stroke two-stroke applications. They are not superior (as many people seem to thi ay short-stroke designs in terms of low-speed tora) bore/stroke rings, con Norden, (8% nmin st Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK groove in the groove) shoves s pressures holding nears the top FUNDAMENTALS described instantly spping back into its groove again—to repeat ly stopped and the ring’s span of several degrees of te of its groove; a more serious case is failure, overheating, and piston seizure. n be avoided, thanks to the work of ie ring flutter itis opposed by a. id in consequence has sare high enow, the following feet per second squared imute To illustrate how high let's use as an example the Yamaha TD-2, using 11,000 rpm for N. The formula tells us that Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK FUNDAMENTALS the answer rounded th paper and pencil) no less that the acceleration remains not o the TD-2 engine, comparativ 000 ft/sec? —but not much higher, ing ring thicknesses and the accelera- are discussed elsewhere appropriate here, After establishing ring, which has ‘groove in the piston. Thi its horize around th tter-resistant by the fact that ;, as compared to clearances top center that is most us. ‘you, for example, how much to raise the top ed 1g rattled about vigirously and if the kes ring, and the groove trying to , its ability to seal ng enough, the ; both beco: Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK {in degrees and in piston travel from top center. You may devise your own methods for deriving information according to your preference and resources; I have explained my own techniques elsewhere in this text, in the appropriate chapters. ‘An item that must be included applies at specific points throughout the engine and its related I be covered later, but you should know a few of the funda- mentals now, and thus save me from becoming influenced by gas which it forms, as shape of the surface, Please understand that "with general flow throughout its depth — novement increasing as to distance from the surface on which it is formed. And as close as .020-inch from the surface, flow may still be in the order of 80-percent of t idstream, which 1¢ restriction formed by the boundary not very great. ig from the shape thick boundary layer, In straight, paral y, transfer ports should diminish in cross- sectional area from their entrance in the crankcase toward their outlet in the cylinder, These gases a ‘motion; when at rest they resi this means that there al FUNDAMENTALS the movement of compensated toward the the crankease has risen the port—bu separately. ‘These inertia effects are usel ‘Changes in baflle-cone angle primarily infve past the point at which maximum power Is too brief to provide the desired py narrow limits in engine speed. A conical baffle, on the wave reflection time (as reflection occurs down its entire length) and, be its effects a wider engine he engine’s us power band is broadened. Obviously, here, a ly tapered baffle-con will extend an engine’s power range more than a shorter, more sharply tapered cone in the customary trade-off between range and peak power. These tapers should be, in most c of the diffuser used in the expansion S-dogree diffuser, the baflle-cone sible and may be employed to cope with a specific situation. the smallest, 14-degrees, xs and bafile- 1g to remember is that there is a peculiar side to the power-range broadening effect of the baffle-cone: most of itis on the part of the engine’s power curve past the horsepower peak. Thus, for an engine that has proven to be rather fragile when pressed beyond its rpm red-line, you may terminate the expansion chamber with a 20-degree ballle- variations are p ‘The largest taper angle you should use is 20-4 ¥y, to obtain a part the horsepower peak, say, 500 xpm below the danger mark, the engine wil resist very strongly any effort to get it spinning faster. EXPANSION CHAMBERS My experience in dynamom er-testing various expansion chamber con- figurations has shown that a 20-degrce bafile-cone gives a good, strong power peak —and then simply cuts the engine dead, in terms of output, if you try to force the revs any st, gives a some- what lower maxi in its output well tions of this influence wtocross bikes ean gain in 1 gently tapered baffe-cone, but if you are ‘who often forgets to protect the engine from elf by changing gears, then you can use a 20-degree baffle- out the gear lever by chopping the power dra tically every time he tries to use too many revs. ‘There is a ou can design jon chambers: they do, as stated earlier, th any wave entering them, but there is not an even jon, for reasons too numerous and involved for serious discussion here What you do find, however san” point of reflection — which is, as I lown the baflle-cone's length. The “t is actually the distance from the exh measured along the exhaust system’s cet st The mean point reflection inside the bfleconeis Lr = HE Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK to this point way point seems to be at yy point of the complete cone, which would be half the length of the cone were complete, right out to a sharp tip, instead of being «dat its small end to make room for the outlet pipe. You can find this point of mean reflection 1g the complete cone, measuring, and simple formula: ‘one's inlet diameter angle of convergence (0. for a 16-degree cone use S-degrees, etc.) Iso give you the formula jor and minor diameters. While we are on this particular subject, I wi for finding the length of « cone, given its taper, The formula is as follows: -Ds 2 Where L is length Deis the cone’s major diameter Dy is the cone’s minor diameter ‘A. is half the angle of divergence, or convergence. xcot A OUTLET PIPES Having gotten past the business of diffusers and balfle-con proceed onward to the lengths and diameters of lead-in and outlet pipes. ter will, ifthe rest of the expansion chamber is proportioned fairly closely accord with the advice I have given, have @ diameter between .58- and 62-times that ofthe lead-in pipe, and a Tength equal to 12 ofits own diameters. Itis simply a pressure-bleed resister, which prevents the free escape of exhaust ‘gases from inside the expansion chamber and thereby creates a backpressure to enhance the port-plugging efforts of the wave reflected by the baflle-cone. ich more sensitive to diameter than length. The rule T have provided for diameter will get you very close to the optimum, if the rest of the chamber is proportioned correctly (or at least as I have indicated, which I hope will amount to the same thing) and the length, of 12-diameters, EXPANSION CHAMBERS. will also be very close. Even so, they will only be “close” and I have found few instances, in my own experimenting, when a session of cut-and-try on the dyn: not lead me to a slightly different diameter and length for best results. You probably do not have a dynan that bit of news is in all likelihood not something you wanted to hear. Nonetheless, itis true. You will not get opti by following the instruc- tions T provide ad of adjusting is required, to meet a particular set amber give maxi- eter, ‘mum perforn outlet pipe that you should know ab you make the outlet pipe too small in diameter, or give it too much length (both tending to over-restrct the chamber's outlet passage in terms of flow capacity) then there will be a price to be paid in overheating. I frankly do not know the mechanism involved in this; T only know that if the outlet is too restricted, engine temperature is very greatly elevated — and Yamaha’s Naito has said that the same unfortunate result will be observed if the expansion chamber's baffle-cone is tapered too abruptly. From what I have seen, this increase in temperature is especially sharp at the piston crown, which tends tobe the power limiting part in a two-stroke engine in any case. So, you should keep a sharp eye on your engine's piston, There will be temperatures high enough to darken the underside of the piston crown, due to there, w ne is healthy; just don’t ignore the you sce when that oil begins to char. The next thing you see, after you see ash, will be a hole as you work your way down from be only a slight decrease in power output when you have gone too far in restr Therefore, unless you have a dynamometer and instru peratures, make all errors on the large side of the di we provided. In other ved diameter (taken from a lead-in pipe diameter of ,, L-TSsinches) is from 1,015- to 1.085-inches, then you should not try to piece of al diameter is an outside measurement. Subtract for a wall thickness of, say, .049-inch, and have a passage only .902-inch in diameter. That isn't large enough to be safe—nor would a tube having nominal diameter of Lweinches, with an inside diameter of 1.027-inches be entirely safe. When skirting that close, go up to the next largest available diam it would be 14-inches —and run the engine long enough and hard enough to permit a valid “reading” of the piston crown’s underside. If it shows no sign of excessive heat, you can try slightly smaller outlet pipe, and then check the piston again. Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK LEAD-IN PIPES ing outlet pipe diameter le T have offered is tied to the diameter of the exp ber’s lead-in pipe, which is very, very difficult to determine on a ‘exhaust port timings and port iber’s lead-in pipe should greater than that of the parameters fa power curve very di ised toward a, Cermust| ——logh = a a = 29 we 5 4 Crmansren — | PORT TIMING 5 6 7 a 3B RPM x 1000 Shown here in graph form Is the ip betwoen time-area and angle- area over a range of engine speeds Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK T am informed by a very good source that even narrower power band, and that the iton the power curve to make the power by perhaps of the present more work. In most values that f within those ra engine is no joy to a rider. EMPHASIS ON AREA instead of extending approach do effects exaggerated exhau ide a bri moderating between ports and in snag. PORT TIMING too near the transfer ports, there will be an increased jrease by raising is to say, widening the power is realized, to be observed in the port to c if on to the business ig the top of the it for width has been reached. There is good reas: in exhaust port time-area, gained by whatever change in the port shape, certainly will have the same general effect, increasing width to get more time-area has a much less narrowing effect on the power band than increases in height. TIMING LIMITS Suined by lengthening the port-open du advantage of ‘sim s for the extraordinary piston-port engine's ies of sonic waves and the imertia take-closing should occur Two Stroke TUNER’ cay (E 's HANDBOOK QD the crankcase right back ie piston from displacing part of ough the carburetor. TR3 racing renter and PORT TIMING mum even for and it would hat their time-area sosed by the -yond the point of being useful no : rum power figure may sound. kind of is all too easy to get the the intake timing. All ful check to deter- Tength is not ns. It may also help field, Fufio Nagao, of Kyoto ery oceurs when the intake riod 75:percent of the intake port- Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK i there is no sub- intake effects. nclined to believe t b exhaust system to isola open period. With all that, I ROTARY-VALVE TIMING ake valves (ie. reed-valves). But the wnaged when an engine has compli or for an low-back prol resistance to flow than reeds, People wl the reed-valve concept should cor its handicap in cost dul, he proper t or the piston-controlled port. ely whack away at the valve tary intake v ‘This does not mean that on dise without get aise cutaway. T 1 very wide variety of dise-valve fore deciding to apply able delay in closing the top center, will cause some low- engine spe effects in the intake tract speed blowback. At higher engine spe will overcome the slight blowback caused by the delayed intake closing, but there will be a Tas of low-speed power All his taken ito acount the best approach hi ng delay in very small stages, more than 2 the desired result is obtained. Reme port, after the pi grees at a tin PORT TIMING ber that retarding the intake higher, while reducing power that changes i roves the engine's power peak of the range. Remember, too, we overall intake tract, such as would liferent size, will alter the point at which port-closing delay reaches its optimum. tis fort valve engines are relatively inse pening, because there is no clear to lend our efforts dire rotary valves is b tive to the tern in existing examples itis that the point of opening for t established right at the point of transfer-closing if you want a very broad range of power. On the other hand, maximum power is obtained by opening the intake port so to 145- degrees before top c that the intake and transfer ports have overlappi is. This presupposes wall have Deen fitted with a proper expansio user section in such chambers is capable of if @ negative-pressure wave to the eylinder having a bel value of sometl this p the pres irop well below atmospheric. At lower-than-peak engine speeds, particularly, there is a t. below.atmospheric er lize itself by drawing part of the charge back down through the transfer ports, which neatly cancels an it of the work done by system, There is . beyond working pulse after transfer- Ive, itis possible to is very closely tied to the exhaust systemn’s pulsing and the overal acteristics of the transfer ports. A few hours work with nd pressure-transducers would get you ight on target, because you would then know with a high degree of certainty the precise p ase pressure did in fact fall to atmosph but few people md most will have to achiove the same us process of cut-and-try. The same fact, as is needed to locate the optimum point for ences ‘ould be ne-area requirements have been covered, ‘ut for practical reasons are not, Crank- Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK ‘ease compression ratio is one. Both intake and transfer time-area requirements do vary in inverse proportion with crankcase compression ratios, simply becanse as crankcase pressures are reduced so pressure differentials that cause gases to move, You are spared having to worry overmuch about this factor because virtu wwe primary (crankcase) compress 5:1 — this having proven to be best for almost every application, and is mechanically easy (itis what you get with flywheels rrankcase of normal proportions). Exaggerated angles of entry into the cylinder could also create ports with window areas misleadingly larger than the passages themselves, but again this ys present in some degree —is ekdom serous enough towarant one’s worry while working time-area calculations. Finally, extraord adly misshapen port cavities could | to upset one’s ealeultions, but one almost never sees outstandingly ad work from any of the major manufacturers. All of their casting work is quite good, jot be much improved by even the most painstaking carving and ‘on your part — which may be discouraging, but does tend to preserve the validity of the time-area values I have presented here, CRANKCASE PUMPING Back before the unpleasantness of the early 1940s, a number of two-stroke motoreycle engines were built with external scavenging-air pumps—much in the fashion of today’s GMC truck engines—despite the resulting penalty in bulk and manufacturing cost. Tt was then thought that no engine relying on ordinary crankease 1g for scavenging-air delivery could hope to compete with the better four-strokes in terms of specific power output, and there was every reason for that pessimisin: For ing, no one in his right mind would design a piston-type air pump with as much clearance volun inevitably exists in an engine's crankcase. Neither could it be considered desirable to pr e cylinder, ed two-stroke roke engine's crankease as a scavenging pump ‘onnecting rod bearings to a diet of too much raw fuel and too little oil. Only the fuct that resorting to a separate, external scavenging pump oughly doubles the cost of a single- or twin-cylinder engine, making it more expensive than a four-stroke engine of equivalent power output, has kept us at work on the crankease-scavenged two-stroke, And over the years, out of necessity, we have Tearned to make the erankease funetion as a pump with an effectiveness that would astonish the engineers of fifty years ago. Much of the improvement in ivery capabilities of crankcase pumping alf-century to a two-stroke stationary engine (used to drive an electrical generator) that neither employed an external scavenging pump nor relied upon its crankcase to do the job. Instead, the work of moving air through the cylinder was performed by the effects of sonie waves and inertia in the engine st pipes. The former 's scavenging ports; the latter was a This engine had to be motored up to ast of compressed air directed into its intake pipe of wave and inertia activity in its € over, to scavenge and recharge the thud merrily along at that speed until it ly dependent on the resonant frequencies Id of course run at only one speed —but that in an engine used to turn a generator. And while the engine deseribed was neither very powerful for its size nor Particularly efficient, it was simple and trouble-free for the hyper-powerful racing engines of another, engines capable of running at only one speed, and which must be cranked up to that speed before they will start, h a couple of road racing engines approaching that condition come to mind). Even so, few of the current erop well without help from conventional, if lengt its operating speed intake and exhaust pipes cylinder, and the engine would 1 ran out of fuel or broke. Being ut of the attached p Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK the mixture drawn ‘backflow is in some m: which may attain pres ito the crankease by the ascending. pist and 15 atmospheres, are enough to he descending piston — even if port closing after top center, as is the case in RESONANCE EFFECTS Timing wave arrivals on the two-stroke engine's exhaust sid Je task, as the exhaust system's resonate frequency is almost e there is a fairly flasks, which is ‘Unfortunat. a to get very complicated 1s one tries to apply any of the preceding to the conerete example. We can, CRANKCASE PUMPING ously heated by surromding metal, But proper length woving any effect the exhaust ‘may have on the results obtained. To do thi the engine’s projected yugh to prevent the “back-breathing” of air in through the exhaust port to Tength influence. For sma exhaust, and thos H-inches. Quite obviously, the sheer noise level produced by stub-exhausts will make some form of muffing a necessity in many areas, and where such is the case you can add mufling without ups ducing chamber should be as large as can be fitted on it impossible to ric diameter to pri straigl yecause you will have to ith every change in port timing and/or carburetor f course, be ige in the system's frequency with every change in crankcase volume as well, but such changes will be too small to worry about in most instances. Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK load tho engine ts reading of the engine n power. And that effect very strongly when it comes “on the pipe’. Jength can move the stub exhaust-equipped me power at 3000 rpm and 4000 rpm; at 5000 zp n and 7000 rpm the same power could be had vary with any changes diameter. They are given a given intake timing work over length; and B) that the wide speed range by varying produce more than one peak, or powerpeak. th of an intake stack added on the is the most conver the intake port wi to the cylin: crankcase tion is the answer. CRANKCASE PUMPING the carburetor and aircleaner, plumbing may also add to d common, section of part of the heterodynes mounted very close to the ter may, if close to and fuel—in which case it out penalty, but the paper-type the carburetor mouth, become saturated with oil will refuse to pass any CRANKCASE VOLUME At one time, it was every two-stroke tuncr’s habit to begin any serious jempt at extracting mor a given engine to say, the ratio ‘crankcase volume with the piston at top center, and at bottom center, c following expression: ‘Where, CR, is primary compression ratio Vis crankcase volume at BDC ‘Ve is piston displacement T suspect that the popularity of this practice, “ derived from the fact that the old T-crank Villiers was ing modified, its crankshaft and crankcase provided only ratio, Too low, in fact, for anyt operation, so that any efforts immediately rellect increasing the Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK fell into error. to the work of Fujio Nagao (and his results have been d by other researchers) we find some very interesting conclusions with ‘efficiency is nearly constar efficiency ris Later work and that there ment to be had even f compression ratios above studying the effects of the whole scavenging sys through the crankease and scavenging ports and right on system, And we must think in dynamic, system are hed, the fresh charge moving v transfer ports t only be pushed through by the pressure below but will get additional roduced vacuum in the cylinder unicated down into the crankcase, and crankcase pressure via the transfer passages atmospheric value when enters the crankease— with a force equal to about 1.5 atmospheres in advanced engines. Thus, we have evacuated the crankease to something below atmos: pheric pressure before refilling it with a fresh charge, and the erankease will have been charged to something above atmospheric pressure by the pulsations CRANKCASE PUMPING 1.5.atmospheres than in one of 500cc capacity. t assume that ime to start reducing crankcase as pumping losses (horsepower absorbed in doing this work) rise as to the third power of compression ratio, Actual this isn't quite true either, for reductions in crankcase compression rat an equal redu represents something very near the opt if carburetor size also is sclect Broad range performance is another matter entirely. For motocross, you will require much more flexibility from an engine than would be true of road racing or even flattrack, Int .cement classes part sheer engine size makes i strongly over a very wide reading. For such app! primary compress chamber au tant than any peak to be one with a and it might be that a near-zero length would provide the best spread of power. The difficulty here is that some sort of smooth passage must be pro- vided for the transition from the -square intake port window to the round carburetor throat, and igth of that passage to the carburetor’s length, then you ha ike system even if you don't want one. ‘ing a length that provides the best results overal diameter Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK would be subject retor preceded by as any other carl length of resonating pipe. REED VALVES the benefits of a resonating, ram intake is to interpose a check-valve between Anothe tract (as passes through the valve. Now as it happens, the only check-valve currently capable of functioning fast enough to keep pace with a high-revving two-stroke engine is the one generally called a “reed- valve ly describes the valve, which has a thin, broad if against an aperture and clamped at one end bend away from said aperture, There usually are multiple reeds crankease imize flow , clamped direction of gas flow, so as to ere will be four separate are used in groups of four or more and pos ‘of flow to improve efficiency, with cu CRANKCASE PUMPING edge, with the carburet jine speeds, but now everyone he stops, which are simply thick, curved both the reeds’ travel and the today, do reeds fracture at their root and drop happens, ity. The 1972 Yamaha reed-valve (they ci rave reed blocks coated with neoprene, and has be explained if you consider the devastating effect of even a very little rust on such thin strips of inclined to doubt that reed-valves will become popular in road -y do introduce @ flow restr ito the intake system that must have a depressing effect on peak horsepower at ultra-high engine speeds. But there is every reason to assume that “Torque Induction” will come into very wide use for every kind of off-road motorcy. re is, for example, the reed-valve's ability to make the most out of positive intake-resonance Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK extractor effect of through the reeds have an enormons accumulated experience with reed-valve ies can be altered very radically by ‘ession created in the eylinder by the exhaust system 10 seem to think that the boost-port’s width is some- thing one determines al CRANKCASE PUMPING is of course, an embarrassment even applications. If you ignore the mechanical disadvantages of the rotary-valve, it becomes highly attractive from the standpoi of not ony peak power, but broad ange ‘The dise-typo rotary valve can impose p the best known solution to the intake problem, and a very broad power range cost and bulk, bt provides ding both maximum power Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK the rotary valve co effective. INTAKE PORT SHAPE if is covered elsewhere in this book, but this certainly is, ort there is a tendeney for the rear edge of the piston irt to snag at the bottom of the port window, which means that it may be ‘window shape more nearly round than square to prevent rapid wear at the bottom of the piston skirt. Which is often good prac any case. A rounded port window, or one with a V-shape to its lower edge, provides what ef a slower rate of port opening, which is very useful the same area, but “B” has a better reduced by the notched floor of °C"; rib above and & floor that prevents CRANKCASE PUMPING red by surface roughness, Uneven it flow even when very carefully polished to mirror- of the sonic wave that is used, -,and that has the effect of fh rounded corners has ‘may not be Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK CYLINDER SCAVENGING Scavenging, in the context of piston-type intemal combustion engines, is the process in which the products of combustion are cleared from a cylinder at the end of the power stroke and a fresh air/fuel charge is introduced in reparation for the compression and power strokes to follow. This proces Common to all Otto-cycle engines, but it can be accomplished in two entirely different ways: In the four-stroke eycle engine, it occupies at minimum a full 360-degrees of crankshaft rotation, with one piston stroke being devoted to cylinder, past a valve in the eylinder- head; the return stroke aspirates a fresh charge in through another port and ppast another valve. Thus, there isa fairly complete mechanical separation of ig will commonly be arranged so exhaust and intake phases of this tion of the fresh charge by exhaust gases is possible, and of this air/fuel mixture out the exhaust port during the carly stages of the intake-open period has no adverse effect on the weight of the charge ultimately trapped in the cylinder at intake-closing. Obviously, the mechanism required to operate a four-stroke engine's valves adds con- seiderable complication to the basic crank-rod-piston assembly, but the very efficient scavenging obtained is, for most applications, considered to be worth the valve-gear complexities. And the very hil ‘mean effective pressures resulting from this high scavenging efficiency —a bmep in the order of 200 psi for highly-tuned examples of the type — offset the scheme’s single disadvan- tage, which is that power strokes occur at 720-degree intervals. Twosstroke cycle engines deliver power strokes twice as often, at 360- degree intervals, and in those intended for industrial (trucks, electrical for marine applications essentially the same bmep as are stroke engines are to be expected. But in such engines one finds an even greater -al complexity than in the four-stroke design, for in all two-stroke engi Process occurs in time borrowed from the compression in effect, this means that all of the cylinder clearing and recharging for which 360-degrecs of crank rotation are reserved in the four-stroke engine must occur while the piston is halted at the botton g time for a more leisurely exchange of gases, the process 1s by extremely large port areas and high wpe being discussed will have ng of windows around, ir is forced by an engine. operatior any short-cir Ives in their cylinderh the cylinders base through which sca driven pump. Such engines almost in which fuel is injected only after all the valves and ports are closed (injection beginning at TDC and continuing for pethaps 70-degrees of crank angle) and the scav- enging pump delivers air in excess of what is required to fill the cylinder, so there is no loss of charge nor any dilution to cause a loss of power. Unfor- Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK ¢ very complicated and exper in motorcycle terms — simply because fast enough to keep up with the the power outputs we have come urangement is suitable for motorcycle engines, and that is—with an excep- orts, exist use of dise- or reed-type intake valving ~ precisely to be universally applied. P 6 are scavenged through windows in their cylinder walls, with scavenging air being supplied fr es tutiful in its simplicity, but it does have having excess air to use y piston’s ctually, to uncover and cover) the aust and transfer ports cre iculties in a number of areas recharging the eylinder. The low scavenging pressure absolutely essential that pressure in the cylinder be no more than slightly higher than atmospheric when the transfer ports open, which means that the exhaust phase must begin well in advance of the uncovering of transfer ports. And, because the piston-controlled exhaust iming is the exhaust port will remain open long after the transfer ports close —leavi for the fresh charge to escape the cylinder. Indeed, the charge «d into the cylinder has every reason to escape, as the upward motion of the piston, moving to close the exhaust port and begin the effective compression stroke, ypen, and out the exhaust ports. Thus, tis virtually, on of the fresh charge will be lost into the exhaust upward stroke of the piston will also tend to aspirate warge back down in the crankcase. ifficulties inherent in the piston-port scavenging system are not confined to charge loss, or backflow into the crankcase. One of the great problems is created by the lack of mechanical separation of the exhaust gases and the incoming fresh charge. We expect that the engine’s exhaust gases will choose to escape from the exhaust port, and that the charge coming in through the transfer ports w he residual exhaust products ahead of it to completely clear the cylinder, but the actual process is by no means that tidy. The cylinder pressure may drop very neatly to atmospheric, or even below, but it still will be filled with exhaust gases, and. these will not necessarily be swept out the exhaust port merely because other gases have entered the cylinder. In point CYLINDER SCAVENGING of fact, it is possible to short-circuit the scavenging flow straight from the transfer ports to the exhaust port and Is in the upper cylinder entirely undisturbed. This pos haunted the design engineer throughout the two-stroke engine’s long history, nny an elaborate system of ports and piston-crown convolutions has been created to confound this ‘worst ofall demons. For many years cross-flow scavenging was preeminent, principally because it makes maximum use of cylinderwall area, In the cross-flow engine, ports ting virtually the entire lower cylinder, with half being exhaust and those ‘opposite being transfer. Given the dircetion of the flow emer transfer ports, the charge would shoot straight across and out tl but for the up on the transfer side to form a deflector that redirects the transfer flow upward, Cross-flow scavenging is still employed in outboard-marine and model airplane engines, in the latter because it is a manufacturing convenience and in the former because its insensitivity to scavenging pressures and volume of flow provide superior low-speed, part-throttle running characteristies. The cross-flow system is, however, handicapped in terms of maximum power by the large surface area created in all that lumpiness in the piston’s crown, which very greatly increases the heat flow into the piston and lowers the compress will tolerate asco Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK CYLINDER SCAVENGING concentrating sively on development in Japan. Japanese engineers did stroke engine, nor have they employed any system of scaven has not seen earlier service elsewhere. But they have do amount of basic research direct ost purely 1 of this would be of some of the Japanese firms policy of secrecy and are sharing what hhas made the middle of the ide, so that the fresh charge led up into the eylinder. But the best of these EXHAUST PORT success and Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK severe overheating of the piston crown. There are reasons for these problems A tworstroke engine's piston rings always bulge out into any port window they pass, and while transfer port windows seldom are wide enough to permit this to an extent sufficient to cause difficulties, the same certainly may not be said of the exhaust port. A relatively mildly-tuned engine will have an exhaust port width equal to at least 50-percent of its bore diameter (which is to say, a S-inch cylinder bore would have & 1.5-inch exhaust port width) and that is enough to allow the ring to spring out into the port window very peroeptibly. Make that port square, with sharp comers and sharp edges, and the ring will estroyed very quickly. And if you enlarge the port so that its width represents 70-percent of cylinder-bore diameter, ring failure would almost certainly occur during the first revolution of the crankshaft. Yet, racing ies have been run quite successfully with 70-percent port widths, and while I cannot recommend that kind of extremity for modified produetion- type engines, the mere fact that it has been done tells us that techniques exist to make it possible ring. life is improved — at any given port width —by A) rounding the shape of the port window, and B) breaking the window's sharp edges. Both of these measures are employed in all engines, but they reach special and somewhat exaggerated form in racing applications. The traditional port window shape is square, or rectangular, with its comers rounded to help prevent ring snagging. Assuming that the port width does not exceed 60-per- cent of bore diameter, the radii at the port window’s corners should be about is just what you will find in most + radii have to be made larger to about 28-percent of port width when the latter approaches being 70-per- cent of cylinder diameter. Actually, even these very large radii will not ng if they are not joined by straight-line edges. ' of the port window should be arched, on a radius equal to about twice the port width, in ports having a width that is 60-percent of bore diameter or le ly, these simple rules-of-thumb are not adequate at port widths above the 60-percent level—and such widths are becoming very common. With the rings we had a decade past, which were ly thick, axially, and quite narrow, radially, (not to mention being made of ordinary and rather brittle cast-iron) the upper limit for port width was 62-percent of cylinder bore diameter; now, with our vastly improved rings it has become possible to widen the port ont to 70-percent of bore, or thtly more, if we are very careful in shaping the port window. mny great accuracy, what kind cylinder when both le for shaping ultra- tally, on the basis of vrature, neither is there any wide exhaust port windows, Both are established, CYLINDER SCAVENGING ) may be widened to gies designed specific. past experience, and then modified according to test results. It has been demonstrated, in practice, that a modified ellipse is the basic shape of port vs in the 62- to 70-percent (of bore) range. Thus, while the ring may its instant destruction in a sq Fe port, or in on i, the contours of an elliptical port window will sweep the ring gently back into its groove, ie only problem that will be encountered is that the ring may bulge out, and be pushed back, unevenly —which may drive one end of the ring sharply against its locating pin and eventually cause the pin to loosen and come adrift, It should be obvious that this last difficulty will be ‘most pronounced when the port window is not perfectly symmetrical, as any departure from symmetry will result in the ring heing displaced to one side as it is pushed back into its groo Careful craftsmanship will prevent this asymmetrical displacement of the ring; it will not, of itself, forestall other problems associated with very wide exhaust port windows, In my opinion, one should never simply and arbitrarily widen a port out to the 70-percent limit. Instead, the safe and sensible approach is to begin at 62-percent, with a shape that is as nearly an ellipse as is possible. Quite obviously, sharp limitations are going to be imposed by the shape of the existing port window; the idea isto provide the most generous radii permitted by the basic shape with which one must begin, Obviously, Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK 3 easier if you have opted to work above ‘ou will have to inspect the rings and snagging. Seldom wil radius at CYLINDER SCAVENGING is of course necessary window, just to be groove is performed is needed at all As regards the exhaust por is served by providing a bevel, and radiused edges, around the port window, There is a very con- siderably contract such orifices ly larger by prov the order of 30-pere ry he stock exhaust window and Indeed, this increase oft the waves returning to the cyl by the abrupt constriction of 1 Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK should definitely be avoided. Neither gas-flow nor the effects of sonic waves in the exhaust tract aro served by a bunch of lumps and jogs — more important than a mirror finish on the port walls, Given a free hand with an exhiust port (which sible, when yc exhaust passage’s ss you have a dyna- passage experiments, the ter is to leave unaltered the exhaust-flange \d the enlarged exhaust window into the best approach to end of the port, and rest of the port ‘There is one ‘The bridge to w wore item to be covered here: the “bridged” exhaust port I refer isa vertical rib that divides the exhaust port and e exhaust windows s have bridged exhaust nor narrowed — despite and perhaps idged exhaust ports is rly cooled. In consequence, it tends to distort nt thus created is very poorly idge is common, Narrow’ Bridging permits widening the exhaust port overhangs the transfers without ring trapping, but the bridge itself may overheat and expand out to create a pressure point on the piston skirt. | | | | CYLINDER SCAVENGING nd will continue to be in to make the exhaust port urge without the usual attending difficulties +r hand, it makes worse one of 1e exhaust windows —which is piston-crown overheating, t port opening, a great blast of fire goes jetting down, eat into the piston skirt. Clearly, snagging, On # inherent in ov of these power-enhancin forward, require a compensa jual exhaust produets, fe that way, For one thing, there simply wi ivered up from the crankcase sufficient to from the eylinder. Seldom will the delivery x. ‘ment to air actually pumped into the ey! 80-percent. Therefore, a cyl i e a volume of gases the exhaust products products and the ng of the two due to ge is lost out the exh disposition of the ‘book; we are concerned here wi deliveres raking the ind in that regard the importance of the transfers’ shapes and Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK placement cannot be exaggerated. Often, the most subtle changes yield very large differences not only in peak power, but in the shape of the entire power knowledge and the tools tom with some caution. Why? Because in scavenging efficiency so very much depends on symmetry of flow. ously BHP-= T RPM Vertical misalignment transfer ports has only a slight effect on peak power, the lst of power is more pronounced at lower speeds. | CYLINDER SCAVENGING Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK too, and should be used as a preliminary experiment to see whether the port engines Sohne any —perhaps most —are more or less 1arge emerge from twin t ized when the How is sym- ion of the fresh charge trapped wer transfer port to one the other will badly seavenging flow point of mai tion, but I susp. explosive entry of the sa Al mixing: oid exce crowded together too clos the charge, Havis streams emerging from its transfer ports are allowed to divert from their CYLINDER SCAVENGING 3.5 mn stood made to direct the scavenging str s sharply toward the rear cylinder wall MULTIPLE TRANSFER PORTS: Some manufacturers, notably Suzuki, conti results from —a single pair of transfer ports. Nevert development today is toward increasing use of m trend began fake ports, simp) such designs have an unch wall and it was ine hat someone would add a third transfer port in this otherwise unemployed space. MZ’s Kaaden incorporated a third transfer 1962 GP engine, fed from a window high on the piston s Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK to cool the piston crown and carry oil up to the wristpin bearing, But while en the motivation behind this change, it also resulted in a power increase. Others found much the same result, and by 1965 the triple-transfer layout was standard for engines having rotary-dise intake valves. Isolated examples of piston-port i ports are to be fo but was not allowed anything -avor. Management told him to work around the then-popular Alpha crank assembly (it was a more-reliable replacement for the Vi ; rod and bearings) and forbade anything as tricky (and expensive) as rotary-valve induction. In short, he was asked to design a cylinder that would magically produce all the power of a genuine GP engine without any of the latter's complication. Understandably, Meier's best ne the obstacles placed in his path by Royal .gement, but he did develop an engine that was a noteh up, it terms of power, over the twin-cylinder Yamaha production racers of that t —which was al Enfield engine did have more than the usual pair of transfer ports. The presence of a large intake port on the rear cylinderwall prevented Meier from positioning a third transfer port there, so he simply crowded the primary transfer ports forward, closer to the iary transfer ports between directly from the crankeas of windows adjacent to and slightly higher than the wristpi ston, also fed mixture through matching holes in the cylinder into the transfer passages. g, soon passed into oblivion, but hard on its five-port” Yamaha —with a virtually identical transfer port systen the Yamaha fed its auxiliary transfer ports entirely through windows in its pistons, and the transfers themselves were merely a pair of grooves flanking the intake ports. This arrangement soon, however, gave way to the now-established Yamaha practice of providing all of the flow for the auxiliary ports fi crankcase; itis only in the recent reed-valve engines that windows once again appear in Yamaha pistons. With- ‘out really knowing, I would suspect that Yamaha dropped the windowed piston concept because it adds a complication in manufacturing and weakens the piston and because Yamaha's needle-roller wristpin bearings survive very nicely the conditions of scanty lubrication and high temperatures that caused problems for Meier and Kaaden. CYLINDER SCAVENGING Boost ports fed from holes high in the piston skirt cool and oil the piston crown and wist pia, whi In any case, multiple t give superior results if an extra pair of holes up through the cylinder does not constitute proper ‘management of the n ransfer concept, for the must act in concert with the main transfers or they will only contribute to turbulence— which means an increase in charge dilution —and/or outright Unless you have the equipment, and dexterity, to cut extra rh great accuracy, you better off confining your efforts to 1g your engine's single pair of transfer ports—if a single pair is what it has. ‘SUBTLETIES The best basic shape for a transfer port is a sweeping are, but many are (for reasons of manufacturing cost or because of space considerations) sub- stantially straight, with a sharp turn where they meet the port window. There is little difference in these two approaches in terms of bulk flow, but scav- enging-stream control is superior with transfer passages that sweep wide to in with the port windows less abruptly. Consequently, the peak power obtained will be much the same with either transfer passage configuration, Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK CYLINDER SCAVENGING = 7 BHP—~ \ Window areas Bae | AA) ate greater 8 ine | 'slavored bythe former range by Transfers with abrupt turns ( coven are (B) but are interior but the less abrupt shape gives better performance below the power peak i cannot recommend it to anyone who is unwilling to A) build a flow-pattern Obviously, it is much easier to tell about the difference than to make any real test bench and B) dynamometer-test a number of cylinders with incremental realignments of their transfer ports ly, the basement-workshop experimenter's scavenging-flow test ne plenty of oil, and inspect the pattern on ‘om the port's outer wal the piston crown after a period of running. That is better than nothing, but it Devcon filler on the wall nearest the cylinder bore. provides one with only a very crude picture of what is happening inside the cylinder while the engine is running, Better methods have been developed: ler base to the port window itself, and that itis virtually impossible ‘One is the “water-analogy” test, cylinder is fitted with a lucite to make the entrance area too large. Enlarging the transfer passages reduces eylinderhead and water forced up through its transfer ports and out the an engine's primary compression ratio, of course, but we have already exhaust port. Air is injected into the water, in small bubbles, just below each se compression is not terribly important --and mixture transfer pads these bubbles make the flow patterns inside cylinder most definitely is! Another, less messy method also entails making a clear perform the modification just described, be careful not to ig used, air is aspirated from ‘ You might the exhaust port (it ner, if you have one) and smoke alter the port window's direction, either upward or to the improve upon the manufacturer's handiwork in this regard; the chances are ot fine dye droplet tream as it enters each transfer inders crowded together to do everything possible to make 1 done by carving away met ss of plas that any change will be for the worse. In practice, the effective area of the port. Only by such means can you see asymmetrical scavenging transfer ports becomes greater when they are angled more toward the middle streams, and short-c techniques are essential if you plan of the cylinder and less toward the rear eylinderwall, but while a change in jour engine's maker has provided. the order of 10-degrees increase will be purd I sometimes yield a boost in peak power, this sed at some considerable cost in power range and T «rules concerning the size and direction se is that in a “Bve-port” cylinder the Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK auxiliary tr the main tran: 90-degrees fro le as 45-degrees to as much as 60-degrees. Maximum power is ined, in most engines, with the least amount of upward tilting —as this makes the port windows effectively larger—but power range tends to sulfer the upward ie scavenging stream flow is reduced. Thus, in a moto: cross en considerable amount of upward bias and reduce this until th ’s power 1g too narrow the opposite approach, ports and adding epoxy to the port rools to pro applied in road racing engines. In eit in one-degree inerements unt There would seem to be no rule a for the kind of changes should be made is found. in de 1g the upward angles ve the scavenging power, due to the cor CYLINDER SCAVENGING ar, 350ce TR2 engine's main transfers have a zero upward es angled very sharply at 45-degrees. Yamaha's racing engine, the 350ce TR3, combines these, with its main transfers directed upward abo grees and the auxiliaries even steeper at about 45-degrees. In all cases, both main and auxiliary open at the same n the Yamaha engines, although this is not universal by any means. d best results by either advancing or delaying ry transfers, with respect to the main transfer port timing, and the old GP Suzuki 50ce single had its third port open before its exhaust port—which caused crankcase pressure to rise very sharply just before the exhaust blow-down and rather radical method of an extremely narrow powe serious shortcomings for recent years. Now that reed intake valving has cot “sixth and seven approaches to adding ex chosen by Yamaha is si link the port cavity with the cylinder when the piston is down at the bottom of its stroke. This “sixth” port is not fed from the crankease; mixture moves action of gas ineritia in the intake manifold, and vacuum formed in the cylinder by exhaust system dynamics. Yamaha places the top of this extra transfer ports on a level with the four already found in their five-port engin. and the roof of the port is angled upward very sharply — about 70-degrees, in fact. Apparently, such “tuning” as is done with this kind of port is mostly a ‘matter of varying its width, but not enough experimental work has been done with itto provide us with any guidelines. The other approach to this particular kind of transfer port is to cut windows in the rear of the piston to permit part of the charge compr crankcase to blow up into the intake port, from where it is then able to escape through the boost port and into the oylinder, From early reports, the effect of this modification is to improve very substantially an engine’s power range at some expense to peak power. This is, of course, precisely the effect to be desired in a large-displacement scram- bler or motocross engine, but hardly what one would be looking for from a engine. My own ex still to limited to permit me benefits of the porting they make po ied at present to believe that they fall something short of being the answer to the two-stroke tuner's prayers. Indeed, their prinepal contribution is to keep carburetion clean over range than is possible with piston-controlled intake porting. I her Suzuki nor anyone else has employed it in e into fashion, there will be a lot of Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK very i I ever equal the ordinary piston trolled induct 1m horsepower — though I recognize th base of Italy. Engineers there piston, which provi wssages fed from three holes drilled through the mn, just below the ring, To get room for these holes, without rdly high the wristpin, Aermacchi’s lat-crown piston, from the crankcase, it will all be for nothing unless the flow is controlled after it enters the cylinder, In a cylinder wi upward pitch of the auxiliary ports is used to literally herd the main scav- enging streams together and direct them up into the eylinder. This can be accomplished by shooting the auxiliary streams under CYLINDER SCAVENGING Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK CARBURETION, IGNITION of one’s time and money engines have with selecting jetti that « tuner's ineptitude could not render troke engi fine-tuning than their poppet for examp the specified distance of TDC. These engines a y sensitive to spark intensity, and magneto maladjustments or other defects too slight to produce perceptible misfiring wi deterioration of perfor two-stroke engin rich, ti 1 bun 1m here too. Finding these ng, time-consuming chore, roving inten optima for spark and but # putting forth the effort ids on the basic tuners de to seek magical sol jing a main jet or re exotica merely replace the exist ‘even more mysterious problems. For ly capable of produ te for inticipated by the engines’ makers, but may collapse into a fit of misfiring at higher revs. Most tuners will assume that the root cause of this distress is that ves such an incredibly i an God's-Own-Lightning is enough to scurrying away in search of some transistorized, magnetically-triggered system with enough sheer zap to frac- ture atoms. Often as not, the system they get will clear up the misfire and convince them that they have done a Good Thing —even though the new system is impossible to time accurately and is prone to sudden, failures. that at the higher speeds, the point cam profile was too “sudden” for the breaker-point springs, leading to point-foat. The proper cure would have been to modify the cam profile to open and close the points more gently, y solv sparks at a rate Two Stroke TUNER’s HANDBOOK and/or substitute the standard points-set with one having stronger springs, instead of abandoning the straightforward mechanical problem in favor of a black box of troubles best left to electronics engineers Details vary according to the fashion of the moment, but much the series of events often occur subsequent to the discovery of @ carburetion problem. A persistent misfire frequently leads people into the error of assum- ing that the carburetor at hand must be replaced with something more splendid. Today, the most frequently chosen replacement is a Mikuni retor, and for once the dictates of fashion are substantially correct, 2 Mikuni isa very fine instrument and when used in the appropriate throat it can be made to give excellent results. Unfortunately, itis distinctly poss to employ even the Mikuni carburetor badly, unless you know what you're doing and are prepared to work at it diligently. THE BASIC CARBURETOR There is nothing quite so simple, and at the same time complicated, as a merely a device 1e) with air, and although early sto this end it has long since been dled best by directing the air through & venturi in le is incorporated. Pressure within the venturi is icin direct proportion to air velocity, which applies hus, fuel is drawn from and the basic proportions of the the carburetor may be establ entry as compared to t cata combustible by varying the cross-sectional area of the the venturi. And, in point of fact, early carbur. of throttle valve added. around the basic venturi, fuel nozzle, Is have been add feature, which is needed to compensate juclnozzle's great inherent defect: Uncompensated, the fuel mixture in which even higher pro- portions of fuel appear as air velocity through the venturi increases. The reason for this is that the pressure-drop within the venturi is accompanied density n the fuel nozzle is in direct 3s of air passing the nozzle does not ixture strength rises with increases in from happening, ‘Modem carburetors are reservoir, and throttle, but va ind wi remain in propor! velocity unless CARBURETION, IGNITION Air entering from outside the carburetor throat compensates for the fact that the depression in the throat increases faster than bulk air low and prever mixture strength from increasing with fw. 1 opening around the spray nozzle ~as may be observed in Amal carburetors. As pressure within the carburetor throat drops, the Viscosity cause airflow from the correction-air system to than fuel-flow from the spray nozzle, and this does much to st strength. But much better mixture s ed by correction-air into a well below the spray through a may be directing the sction-air through a patt its sides. At low rates of flow, the w air passes only through the topmost holes flow increases, the fuel level in the well drops t correction-air component of the froth de larger. By altering the ion tube, But as overall cover more holes and the ered to the spray nozzle becomes system, the lored to suit a particular

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