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According to the Public Procurement Regulations, if an Entity states in its Bidding Terms and

Conditions that it will accept information omitted by the bidders after the deadline, which of the
following Evaluation Criteria must be included in the respective Bidding Terms and Conditions?
Select one:
a. Previous contractual compliance.
b. Conditions of employment and remuneration.
c. Compliance with formal requirements.
d. It is not required to indicate any particular Evaluation Criteria.

In situations where a Public Bidding must be carried out, and where it was not possible to estimate
the effective amount of the contracting, what is the minimum period that must be established
between the call for bids and the reception of the bids?
Select one:
a. 5 calendar days
b. 10 calendar days
c. 20 calendar days.
d. 30 calendar days

5.- Regarding inclusive bids, what must the Purchasing Entity do once the respective contract has
been signed or the Purchase Order has been sent?
Select one:
a. Verify that the inclusive elements that have been declared by the successful bidder in the bid
are complied with throughout the execution of the contract.
b. Require the supplier to prove, once the term of the contract has expired, that the persons hired
by the supplier have rendered the services awarded.
c. Verify, at any milestone of the contract, compliance with the inclusive factors that have been
declared by the successful bidder in the bid.
d. It should not do anything because the control of the workers' contracts is a matter for the
awarded supplier.

In relation to the market consultation procedure for a Public Bidding, what activities can the
Entities carry out, prior to the preparation of the Bidding Terms and Conditions, to obtain
information about the prices or characteristics of the goods and services?

Select one:

a. None, since consultations can only be made after the preparation of the Bidding Terms and

b. None, since the platform can only be used as a formal means of obtaining information. Incorrect
c. Market inquiries through any means other than the Information System
d. Diversify the delivery of information through the publication of one or more advertisements in
newspapers or media of international, national or regional circulation, as the case may be, in order
to increase the dissemination of market consultations.

7.- What must be published in the Information System, in addition to the
resolution or mayoral decree of award, when an entity awards a bid to one or several bidders?
Select one:
a. The technical offer of each supplier.
b. The background information submitted by each supplier.
c. The evaluation of all bids submitted.
d. The document that accredits the ability of each participating supplier.

Question 8
Which of the following alternatives indicates the purpose of Inclusive Procurement?
Select one:
a. Create new categories of Public Procurement that will gradually replace the existing ones.
b. Generate considerable savings for the supplier, in order to favor its participation in future
bidding processes.
c. Generate effective tools that allow for the sustainable development of the State, through
sustainable procurement and contracting.
d. To orient towards a gradual change for the choice of more sustainable suppliers that are already
consolidated in the system.

9.-When the Law of Bases of the State Administration states that every public official must have an
honest and loyal performance of the public function or position, what action should he/she not
Select one:
a. Use the information to which you have access for your own benefit.
b. Influencing another person by the position he or she holds.
c. Receiving donations, advantages or privileges.
d. All alternatives.

Question 10
Prior to the preparation of the Bidding Terms and Conditions, in which type of Bids is it mandatory
to consult the market through the Information System
Select one:
a. For all types of tenders.
b. For none, since market consultations do not constitute a formal procedure.
c. Only for bids for specialized personal services.
d. Only for bids in excess of 5,000 UTM, or in those whose bid evaluation is highly complex.

Of the following Evaluation Criteria, which one promotes inclusiveness, according to Directive Nº
17 of the ChileCompra Directorate?
Select one:
a. Contemplates the payment of overtime.
b. The projected salary is higher than the minimum wage.
c. Guarantees snacks and transportation for personnel, through payroll deduction.
d. The company hires young people (18 to 23 years old) or senior citizens (over 60 years old).

Question 12
If an Entity has a bid published in the Information System, can it shorten
the deadline for receipt of bids in this system?
Select one:
a. Yes, the term can be decreased and increased, which will depend on the Purchasing Entity's
b. Yes, this change of date can be made, for which the Entity must publish a resolution modifying
the Bases authorizing the change.
c. No, because the published Bidding Terms and Conditions do not consider it.
d. No, it is only possible to increase the deadline for receipt of the offer, but not to decrease it.

13.- According to the Public Procurement Regulations, which of the following options correspond
to the minimum content of any bidding process?
I) The condition, term and manner in which the payment(s) of the purchase to be made is/are
II) The means to prove whether the supplier has unpaid balances of salaries or social security
contributions with its workers.
III) The identification of the members of the Evaluation Committee.
IV) The amount of the Guarantees required by the Bidding Entity and the form of restitution.
Select one:
a. I and III.
b. II and IV.
c. I, II and IV.
d. I, II, III and IV.

Question 14
In what cases can a Framework Agreement supplier reject a Purchase Order?
Select one:
a. Under no circumstances.
b. When there are claims made to the Purchasing Entity.
c. When the product indicated in the Purchase Order is out of stock.
d. When there is an overdue debt on the part of the Purchasing Entity.

15.- What is the role of the Evaluation Commission in the evaluation of the procurement
Select one:
a. Award the most complete bid as requested in the Bidding Terms and Conditions.
b. Propose the most convenient offer according to the Evaluation Criteria.
c. Decide who to award according to the Evaluation Criteria.
d. Electronic opening of the bids to be evaluated.

Question 16
Due to the outbreak of the H1N1 influenza virus, the Health Service of the region has been
overstretched in its capacities, and the Director is requesting the hiring of professionals who are
employees of the Health Service as medical service providers. Would it be correct to carry out the
requested hiring?
Select one:
a. Yes, because it is an emergency, urgent and unforeseen situation.
b. Yes, as long as they are performed outside working hours, and the agreements must be
executed in accordance with the nature and entity of the contracted services.
c. No, because it creates a conflict of interest that violates the Principle of Administrative Probity.
d. No, since this implies modifying the contract of each one of them, which must go to the
Comptroller General of the Republic, which would delay the situation even more.

17.- What is required for a bid to be formally declared void?

Select one:
a. That the Entity publishes in the Information System the corresponding
resolution or mayoral decree.
b. That the buyer requests the ChileCompra Directorate to change the status of the bidding
c. That notice be given to the suppliers of the item by e-mail.
d. The buyer to change the status of the bidding to "deserted".

Question 18
Your Entity sent a Purchase Order to a supplier using a Framework Agreement, however, the
supplier indicated that the product is not available due to stock out. What should the Purchasing
Unit do about it?
Select one:
a. Agree with the supplier the delivery of an alternative product, for the same value.
b. Inform, via Official Letter to the ChileCompra Directorate, the non-compliance of the supplier's
c. Request the ChileCompra Help Desk to block the supplier in the Framework Agreement
Electronic Catalog.
d. Inform the ChileCompra Directorate by e-mail, so that it may apply the sanctions it deems
The correct answer is: Inform, via Oficio to the ChileCompra Directorate, the supplier's non-
compliance with its obligations.

19.-Is the publication of responses in the consultation forum mandatory once a bid is published?
Select one:
a. Yes, and it must be made on the date indicated in the Bidding Terms and Conditions.
b. Yes, and it can be done at any minute before the date stipulated in the Bidding Terms and
c. No, as responses can be sent to suppliers via e-mail.
d. No, since each supplier must be responded to individually, through the means provided by

Question 20
How is a conflict of interest sanctioned when a member of the Evaluation Commission presents a
conflict of interest and this is not declared?
Select one:
a. With fines established in the Bidding Terms and Conditions.
b. With disciplinary measures according to the seriousness of the act.
c. With criminal sanction, since it is a crime of influence peddling.
d. It is not penalized if it performs the evaluation in an objective manner.

Which of the following options does not correspond to one of the functions carried out by the
Supervisor profile?
Select one:
a. Create, edit, publish and award purchasing processes.
b. Seek and respond to complaints received by your institution.
c. Request the cancellation of issued Purchase Orders.
d. Accept the cancellation of the Purchase Order.

Question 22
What is the nature of the "special offers" that may be made by Framework Agreement suppliers?
Select one:
a. Solidarity, since they are available to any Public Service.
b. Restrictive, in that only the requesting agency may have access to them.
c. The Bankruptcy Court, since only organizations that meet certain requirements can access them.
d. Suppliers may not make "special offers" in the Framework Agreement.
The correct answer is: Solidarity, since any Public Service can have access to them.

23.- In the event that a bidding contemplates the option of saving formal errors or omissions, what
element should be contemplated in the Bidding Terms and Conditions?
Select one:
a. An email for the sending of documentation pending the offer.
b. An e-mail address for responses to inquiries made to bidders.
c. A technical requirement for the formal presentation of the pending background information.
d. A clause of compliance with the formal requirements for submission of the bid.

Question 24
According to the Public Procurement Regulations, who may not contract with the State?
Select one:
a. National legal entities that accredit their financial situation before the purchasing agency.
b. Individuals or legal entities that at the time of the award or direct contracting have been
convicted for anti-union practices or infringement of the fundamental rights of workers within the
two years prior to the submission of the bid or the sending of the Purchase Order.
c. National or foreign individuals or legal entities that can prove their financial standing and
technical suitability in accordance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Regulations.
d. Individuals or legal entities that belong to the National Registry of State Suppliers.

25.- In relation to the Evaluation Criterion "experience of the bidders", by means of which of the
following alternatives is its evaluation possible?
Select one:
a. The supplier's registration in the Public Market.
b. The company's ISO Standard certificates.
c. Supplier registration in ChileProveedores.
d. Projects associated with the line of business to which the company belongs.

Question 26
In the case of procurement from Framework Agreement suppliers, what action should be taken
when a supplier is late in delivering a good or service?
Select one:
a. Fines are charged, which in all Framework Agreements correspond to 0.5% of the amount
purchased, per day of delay.
b. Fines are charged and must be requested from the ChileCompra Directorate, as the buyer is not
authorized to do so.
c. Fines are charged and are applied directly by the buyer, according to the procedure established
in the respective Bidding Terms and Conditions.
d. It is not appropriate to charge penalties to Framework Agreement suppliers because it is
mandatory in arrears to request the ChileCompra Directorate to collect the Guarantee.

27.-When a bid requires an extension of the award period, and this option has been foreseen in
the Bidding Terms and Conditions, which option should be selected when entering the Bidding
Terms and Conditions form?
Select one:
a. "Upload attachment", since the system does not allow to modify the dates, therefore, the
resolution authorizing the extension of the required date must be attached.
b. "Add new date" and mark in the calendar the new deadline, justifying the delay.
c. "Show dates" and mark in the calendar the new deadline, justifying the delay.
d. "Extend date" and mark the new deadline on the calendar.

Question 28
In relation to the Evaluation Criteria, which of the following statements does not violate the
Principle of Strict Submission to the Bidding Terms?
Select one:
a. The Evaluation Criteria cannot be modified if the deadline for receipt of bids has already closed.

b. The Evaluation Criteria may be modified during the bid evaluation process, informing suppliers
through the "bid clarification" forum.
c. If the Entity wishes to modify one or more Evaluation Criteria contemplated in the Bidding
Terms and Conditions, it is sufficient to inform it at the bid opening ceremony that takes place in
the Information System
d. If during the bid evaluation process the Entity becomes aware that the Evaluation Criteria were
published erroneously, it must be informed in the Evaluation Report and the new criteria must be
published in that document, indicating the reasons for the change.

Of the following alternatives, which one does not correspond to a violation of the Principle of
Select one:
a. Accepting gift products delivered by a supplier with a current contract with the Agency.
b. Accept samples for the Entity in the manner, terms and return mechanism established in the
Bidding Terms and Conditions.
c. Accept an invitation to an event at which a vendor with a current contract will conduct travel
drawings, with you as the contract administrator.
d. Accept discounts on products or services to be used for particular purposes, made by suppliers
that deliver goods and/or services to the Entity, being you the administrator of the contract.

Question 30
According to the Regulations of Law No. 19,886, when must public entities have the pertinent
budgetary authorizations?
Select one:
a. Prior to the publication of the respective Bidding Terms and Conditions.
b. Prior to the closing date for the elaboration of questions.
c. Prior to the closing date for receipt of bids.
d. Prior to the award ceremony in the Information System

31.- When an Entity is evaluating a bidding process and makes a query to one or more bidders
through the "bid clarification" tool, when can the Purchasing Entity review the response in the
Information System
Select one:
a. When the Entity awards the bid.
b. Within the deadline for the publication of responses established in the Bidding Terms and
Conditions. Incorrect
c. Immediately after the supplier answers the query in the "bid clarification" application.
d. The Entity may not make inquiries to bidders during the bid evaluation process.
The correct answer is: Immediately after the supplier answers the query in the "bid clarification"
Question 32
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Which system user profile can perform the status change of a Purchase Order to "conforming
Select one:
a. The Institutional Manager of the Entity.
b. The ChileCompra Administrator of the Entity.
c. This action cannot be performed in the Information System
d. The Operator or Supervisor profile, if active in the Information System
The correct answer is: The Operator or Supervisor profile, if they are active in the Information
An Entity acquires a product through the Framework Agreement Electronic Catalog, and upon
receipt, the supplier delivers another product of better quality and that maintains the price
indicated in the Purchase Order, arguing that the ordered product is discontinued. What action
should the Purchasing Entity take in this situation?
Select one:
a. Receive the alternative product, as there is no price difference.
b. Receive the product offered by the supplier because it is necessary for the Entity.
c. Reject the product and apply the corresponding fine.
d. Reject the product for homologation and notify the ChileCompra Directorate, since the supplier
is incurring in a fault susceptible of being sanctioned. Correct
The correct answer is:
Reject the product for homologation and notify the ChileCompra Directorate, since the supplier is
incurring in a fault susceptible of being sanctioned.
Question 34
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Which of the following are minimum contents in the Bidding Terms and Conditions?
Select one:
a. Data of the person in charge of the contract.
b. Sustainable Evaluation Criteria.
c. Condition, term and manner in which the payment is committed. Correct
d. Identification of the members of the Evaluation Committee.
The correct answer is: Condition, term and manner in which payment is committed.

When a Private Bidding is carried out after a Public Bidding in which no bidders were presented,
what happens with the Bidding Terms and Conditions?
Select one:
a. They may be modified, except for the amount, which must be the same as in the first call.
b. They can be modified, except for the quantity of the product or service to be required.
c. They cannot be modified, except for the mandatory dates. Correct
d. The same Bidding Terms and Conditions cannot be used in the case of Private Bids.
The correct answer is: They cannot be modified, except for mandatory dates.
Question 36
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Prior to confirming the purchase, what should a user who makes a purchase through the
Framework Agreement Electronic Catalog verify?
Select one:
a. Volume discounts and freight surcharges are available. Correct
b. That the supplier has the Factoring option enabled.
c. That the supplier has enabled the Confirming option.
d. No verification should be made, only the Purchase Order should be issued according to the
value indicated in the respective Catalog.
The correct answer is: Yes, there are volume discounts and freight surcharges.

According to the Public Procurement Law 19.886, all public sector institutions must carry out
certain actions in relation to their Annual Procurement Plan. Which of the following alternatives
corresponds to the Public Procurement Regulations?
Select one:
a. The date for uploading the Annual Purchasing Plan to the Information System, will depend on each Institution according to the authorization given by
the Head of Service.
b. Each Entity shall publish its Annual Procurement Plan in the Information System, in the manner and by the deadlines established by the ChileCompra
Directorate. Correct
c. If the execution of the Annual Procurement Plan is not fully complied with, this information
must be sent via email to both the ChileCompra Directorate and the Comptroller General of the
d. This Annual Purchasing Plan must be an exhaustive detail of the purchases to be made during
the year, and must be executed in its entirety, and must be supported in the system when there is
any modification.
The correct answer is: Each Entity shall publish its Annual Procurement Plan in the Information
System, in the manner and within the deadlines established by the
ChileCompra Directorate.
Question 38
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What happens if during the evaluation of a bidding process one of the members of the Evaluation
Committee, who is hired on a fee basis, indicates that one of the bidders was his partner in his
previous job?
Select one:
a. The official must abstain from participating and inform his or her management so that he or she
can be replaced. Correct
b. The employee should abstain from participating since he is hired on a fee basis.
c. The officer may continue to serve on the Evaluation Committee, since there is no family
relationship that would generate a conflict of interest.
d. The officer may continue to be a member of the Evaluation Committee, but for the sake of
transparency, he/she must indicate this in the final report of the Evaluation Committee.
The correct answer is: The official must abstain from participating and inform his or her
management in order to be replaced.

In the case of the provision of regular services of a permanent nature, which are provided through
bids, which Evaluation Criteria must be included in the Bidding Terms and Conditions?
Select one:
a. Hiring of personnel with disabilities.
b. Better employment conditions and remuneration.
c. Previous contractual compliance. Incorrect
d. Supplier experience.
The correct answer is: Better employment conditions and remuneration.
Question 40
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According to the Public Procurement Regulations, in the case of acquisitions made through Public
Bidding, what information must be published in the Information System
Select one:
a. The answers to the questions asked by the suppliers within the deadlines established in the
Bidding Terms and Conditions, without identifying the supplier who asked the question. Correct
b. The resolution indicating to which purchase process, established in the Annual Purchase Plan,
the current bidding is associated.
c. The technical offers submitted by the bidders once the bidding process has been awarded.
d. The list of participating suppliers with the questions asked by each one of them.
The correct answer is: The answers to the questions asked by the suppliers within the deadlines
established in the Bidding Terms and Conditions, without identifying the supplier who asked the

What information should the Annual Purchase Plan contain?

Select one:
a. The name of the person in charge of each bidding process.
b. The amount and approximate date on which the purchase will be made.
c. The number of the budget approval resolution.
d. The list of goods and services to be contracted on a monthly basis. Incorrect
The correct answer is: The amount and approximate date on which the purchase will be made.
Question 42
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What is the name of the jurisdictional body competent to hear the action of challenge against
illegal or arbitrary acts or omissions in the administrative procedures of contracting with public
bodies governed by Law No. 19,886?
Select one:
a. National Economic Prosecutor's Office.
b. Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic.
c. Public Procurement Tribunal. Correct
d. Public Procurement and Contracting Directorate.
The correct answer is: Tribunal de Contratación Pública.

In the case of contracting regular services of a permanent nature, what is the frequency with
which the Entities must verify the supplier's compliance with the payment of contributions and
remunerations to its workers?
Select one:
a. There is no minimum term indicated in the Public Procurement Regulations, and therefore each
Entity determines the term and the relevance of making this request. Incorrect
b. As indicated in the Bidding Terms and Conditions, but at least halfway through the term of the
contract, which shall not exceed 6 months.
c. Once a month, considering the period between the publication of the bid and 60 working days
after the end of the contract.
d. Once a month, considering the period between the signing of the contract and its termination.
The correct answer is: The one indicated in the Bidding Terms and Conditions, but it must be
verified at least halfway through the contract execution term, which shall not exceed 6 months.
Question 44
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What must the Bidding Entity do when the Evaluation Committee, in the bid evaluation process,
verifies that a bid does not meet the essential requirements established in the Bidding Terms and
Select one:
a. To declare the bidding process null and void.
b. Verify the economic offer, since if it is convenient for the Entity's interests, the offer may remain
c. Declare the bid inadmissible, through the Bid Evaluation Report and subsequently include it in
the Award Report. Correct
d. Collect the Bid Bond for lack of seriousness of the bidder when submitting its proposal.
The correct answer is: Declare the bid inadmissible, through the Bid Evaluation Record and
subsequently include it in the Award Record.

In order to enter into a contract with a successful bidder, the bidding conditions required the
presentation of the company's articles of incorporation and certificate of good standing. The
awarded supplier, who was registered in the National Suppliers Registry, ChileProveedores, stated
that it had all its records updated in said registry. The requesting unit reviewed them and verified
that the certificate of good standing was dated one month ago and the Bidding Terms and
Conditions requested that it be valid for 60 days. What should be done in such a case?
Select one:
a. Request the document in paper format to be attached to the contract.
b. Request the update of the certificate in the National Registry of Suppliers, ChileProveedores.
c. Use the certificate found in the National Suppliers Registry, ChileProveedores, since it is current.
d. To award the contract to another bidder because it does not have the background established
in the Bidding Terms and Conditions.
The correct answer is: Use the certificate found in the National Suppliers Registry,
ChileProveedores, since it is current.
Question 46
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Over what contract amount is the request for a Performance Bond mandatory?
Select one:
a. 100 UTM.
b. 1,000 UTM. Correct
c. 2,000 UTM.
d. 5,000 UTM.
The correct answer is: 1,000 UTM.

According to the Public Procurement Regulations, what type of institutions must publish their
Procurement Procedures Manual in the Information System
Select one:
a. All institutions subject to the Public Procurement Law. Correct
b. All institutions with the exception of municipalities.
c. Only institutions belonging to the Central Government.
d. All institutions, with the exception of those belonging to the Armed Forces. and Public Order
and Safety.
The correct answer is: All institutions affected by the Public Procurement Law.
Question 48
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In relation to the definition of delivery terms in the Bidding Terms, which of the following
statements is correct?
Select one:
a. They are defined by the supplier, depending on their delivery times.
b. They are considered on the basis of what is indicated in the dispatch guide.
c. Mechanisms must be established to "arch" the times to be met in an internal management
d. Penalties may be charged for each day of delay in delivery. Correct
The correct answer is: Fines may be assessed for each day of late delivery.

According to the Inclusive Evaluation Criteria suggested in Directive No. 17, what is correct to
point out regarding the accreditation of the disability situation?
Select one:
a. It does not require accreditation by any means or document, since the disability is evident.
b. Proof must be provided by a simple copy of the Disability Credential. Correct
c. It can be accredited through the National Register of Disability, as long as it presents only
physical and sensory problems.
d. It must be evidenced only by a certificate issued by a treating physician stating the diagnosis and
describing the disability presented.
The correct answer is: It must be evidenced by a simple copy of the Disability Credential.
Question 50
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Which of the following options corresponds to a sanction cause of temporary suspension of the
Electronic Catalog of Framework Agreement for the suppliers that are currently in force in it?
Select one:
a. Three or more claims issued during a year by one or more Entities, referred to the ChileCompra
Directorate. Incorrect
b. Delay of more than 10 days in the delivery of products or services to Purchasing Entities.
c. Not to participate in the calls for Large Purchases.
d. Not having stock of its products.
The correct answer is: Delay of more than 10 days in the delivery of products or services to
Purchasing Entities.

Almost every month he receives a request to make an urgent purchase of a product that is not in
stock and is essential for the work of his institution. What action could you take to improve your
Select one:
a. To have "standard resolutions" to carry out Direct Deals more efficiently when stock-outs occur.
b. To have pre-approved "Standard Bidding Bases" in order to shorten the time and publish in a
short period of time each time a stockout occurs.
c. Request ChileCompra to create a closed Framework Agreement for your Institution in order to
be able to purchase it on a monthly basis.
d. To make a tender for the whole year with monthly deliveries and with the possibility of
increasing the quantity by a percentage depending on the stock available that month. Correct
The correct answer is: To make a tender for the whole year with monthly deliveries and with the
possibility of increasing the quantity by a percentage depending on the stock available that month.
Question 52
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What is the objective of the "Purchasing Programming" stage of the Public Procurement Planning
Select one:
a. To guide, control and make purchases and expenditures transparent while they are being
executed, allowing timely corrective actions to be taken.
b. Define the mechanism to be used to acquire goods and services. Incorrect
c. Determine what will be needed during the next period.
d. Review purchases and contracts from previous years.
The correct answer is: To guide, control and make purchases and expenditures transparent while
they are being executed, allowing timely corrective actions to be taken.

What is the procedure to apply a sanction, such as collection of Performance Bond or suspension
from the Electronic Catalog, against a Framework Agreement supplier?
Select one:
a. Submit the background and support of the supplier's fault to the National Register of Suppliers,
ChileProveedores, so that the supplier can be disqualified.
b. Apply the sanction directly, for which the Entity must inform the supplier in writing to enforce
the collection of the Guarantee or the suspension of the Electronic Catalog.
c. Attach to the Purchase Order the resolution or mayoral decree authorizing the collection of the
Guarantee or suspension of the Electronic Catalog, so that the ChileCompra Directorate is
d. Communicate formally to the ChileCompra Directorate indicating the fault committed by the
supplier and the supporting background, so that the corresponding sanction can be applied as
established in the Bidding Terms and Conditions. Correct
The correct answer is: Communicate formally to the ChileCompra Directorate indicating the fault
committed by the supplier and the supporting background, so that the corresponding sanction can
be applied as established in the Bidding Terms and Conditions.

Question 54
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What factors are considered in sustainable procurement for the evaluation of bids?
Select one:
a. Environmental factors.
b. Better remuneration and employment conditions
c. Social factors.
d. All alternatives. Correct
The correct answer is:
All alternatives.

In a Public Bidding of more than 1,000 UTM, what matters must be included in the final report
submitted by the Evaluation Commission?
I) The criteria and weightings used in the evaluation of bids.
II) The bids that should be declared inadmissible for not complying with the requirements
established in the Bidding Conditions, specifying them.
III) The proposal to declare the bidding as void, when no bids are submitted, or when the
Evaluation Committee deems that the bids submitted are not convenient to the interests of the
Bidding Entity or the award proposal, addressed to the authority empowered to make the final
IV) The assignment of scores for each criterion and the calculation formulas applied for the
assignment of such scores, as well as any observations regarding the manner of applying the
Evaluation Criteria.
Select one:
a. IV.
b. I and II.
c. I, II and III.
d. I, II, III and IV. Correct
The correct answer is:
I, II, III and IV.
Question 56
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An Entity needs to request administrative information omitted by a supplier at the time of
submitting its bid, and this option has been provided for in the respective Bidding Terms and
Conditions. How should you perform this action through the Information System
Select one:
a. Entering the "bid clarification" forum, and informing the supplier that it must send the missing
information, indicating there the mechanism to send it: by fax, e-mail or physical delivery.
b. Entering the "bid clarification" forum, and informing the bidder of the missing information, and
selecting the "upload attachments" option so that the missing information can be sent. Correct
c. Calling or sending an e-mail to the supplier, indicating the defined deadline for the supplier to
send by any means the missing document in its offer.
d. None of the above.
The correct answer is: Entering the "bid clarification" forum, and informing the bidder of the
missing information, and selecting the "upload attachments" option so that the missing
information can be sent.

Which of the following actions must an Entity perform when conducting an award process in the
Information System
Select one:
a. To publish in the Information System the Minutes of Evaluation of the
Offers with all the information of the process.
b. Signing of the Evaluation Act or Technical Commission Report by those responsible for the
c. Communicate, through the Information System, to the awarded
d. All alternatives. Correct
The correct answer is:
All alternatives.
Question 58
Scores 1.00 out of 1.00
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According to the Public Procurement Regulations, when is the preparation and publication of the
Bid Evaluation Report mandatory?
Select one:
a. In all types of bidding. Correct
b. Only in bids over 100 UTM.
c. Only in bids over 1,000 UTM.
d. Only in bids of greater complexity.
The correct answer is: In all types of bidding.

In the event that an area is declared in a state of catastrophe and emergency items must be
purchased through a Framework Agreement for an amount exceeding 1,000 UTM, what is the
minimum period to be established from publication to receipt of bids?
Select one:
a. 5 working days from the publication of the Resolution/Decree authorizing it.
b. 10 working days from the publication of the Resolution/Decree authorizing it.
c. 10 calendar days from the publication of the Resolution/Decree authorizing it.
d. There is no time limit, since this procedure can be omitted in case of emergency. Correct
The correct answer is: There is no time limit, since in case of emergency this procedure can be
Question 60
Score 0.00 out of 1.00
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Which of the following Direct Deal cases require 3 quotations in accordance with the Public
Procurement Regulations?
I) Contracts for amounts equal to or less than 10 UTM.
II) Agreements for the rendering of services to be entered into with foreign legal entities to be
performed outside the national territory.
III) Contracts financed with representation expenses, in accordance with the corresponding
budgetary instructions.
IV) Replacement or complementation of equipment or accessory services, which must necessarily
be compatible with the models, systems or infrastructure previously acquired by the Entity.
Select one:
a. I and II.
b. I and III.
c. II and IV.
d. I, II, III and IV. Incorrect
The correct answer is:
I and II.

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