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These are two peoples who used cocoa in a ceremonial way. The Cocoa Spirit is one of the most
powerful deities in Maya cosmology, he was called "Ku-Ku" which means "Sacred over the sacred".

The Aztecs learned from the Mayas the cultivation and preparation of what was the drink of the
Gods, they called it "Cacahuat" and when they extracted the bitter drink they obtained from its
fruits they called it "Xocolatl", hence the name Chocolate in Spanish. It is important to mention
that it was only consumed by the emperor and the nobility.


Cocoa, used in a ceremonial and therapeutic way, is a great tool to deepen the personal work that
each one of us is willing to do. More specifically, cocoa brings loving awareness; that is its main
benefit in a spiritual and ceremonial sense.

Cocoa has a gentle and at the same time very deep way of working with emotions and
consciousness, its expansive effects put us in contact with a sense of openness in which we can
see more clearly the issues we have to work on, it opens the doors to get in touch with our
personal wisdom and the master we all carry inside, showing us the multiple possibilities we have
to create, flow and share.

In the ceremony we make a journey into our inner being, where our wisdom resides. Therefore,
for the Maya, cacao not only opens the door to the heart but also the door to greater
consciousness. For when we connect with the Love that resides within us, we become in tune with
nature and the Universe. It is a way that helps us to open the body and mind to experience the


The Cocoa Spirit is one of the most powerful deities of the Mayan cosmology, he was called "Ku-
Ku" which means Sacred over the sacred. Cocoa was cultivated by this culture 2,500 years ago.

Prepared according to the 600 year old secret recipe taught to us by our Mayan ancestors and
accompanied by shamanic healing chants, it is the gateway to a journey into our inner self and
opening our heart.


The Aztecs learned from the Mayas the cultivation and preparation of what was the drink of the
Gods, they called it "Cacahuat" and when they extracted the bitter drink they obtained from its
fruits they called it "Xocolatl", hence the name Chocolate in Spanish. It is important to mention
that it was only consumed by the emperor and the nobility.


When you work in ceremony with the spirit of this grain, you make a journey into your inner self
where your wisdom resides, this ceremony reconnects you with the beauty, sweetness and love
that resides in yourself. Therapeutically it helps you to recover your power to relate and to serve


Cocoa is rich in stimulating principles, it provides energy to overcome the daily work, keeping you
mentally more active, eliminating body aches, keeping the skin cleaner and free of impurities.

In properly prepared cocoa, according to our recipe, we find a high level of Theobramine, which
produces beta-endorphins. These hormones are directly responsible for feelings of tranquility,
relaxation and happiness. It acts as a diuretic and stimulates the renal system. It has a stimulating
effect on the central nervous system.

Cocoa also contains small amounts of other endorphin substances, directly responsible for
emotional ecstasy; it stimulates the pleasure centers and gives a feeling of constant love.
Therefore, scientists concluded that chocolate taken in larger quantities induces a pleasurable
feeling of well-being.

It contains natural antioxidants, suitable mainly as protection against heart disease and also help
prevent degenerative diseases, cell aging and even cancer.

It acts on the sphenoid bone, an odd bone located in the middle part of the base of the skull,
where the pituitary gland is housed and is stimulated thanks to the high content of theobramine
contained in ceremonial cocoa, which helps us to awaken our third eye (sixth chakra).

Requirements for the ceremony: 3 hours of fasting, a bottle of water, comfortable clothes, a towel
to sit on and the determination to open your heart and feel how wonderful life is.


Cacao is an ancient medicinal plant, a keeper of wisdom, a teacher and facilitator and unlike other
power plants, cacao does not push, cacao invites you on a journey of self-knowledge, but only if
you choose it.


The ceremony uses pure cocoa prepared by hand, mixed with some spices and mascabado sugar,
not commercial chocolate, which has lost its subtle elements. With these ingredients, a water-
based drink is prepared and drunk hot.


This ceremony is perfect for all those who wish to accelerate and activate their evolution, release
what no longer serves them, activate what is stagnant and heal it, increase vibrational energy and
for all people who wish to stimulate the heart to heal it and expand it in loving vibration.


You can be given the intention to make an inner journey.

To facilitate lucid dreaming.

To enter into communion with one's partner or a community.

Emotional healing.


When you work in ceremony with the spirit of this grain, you make a journey into your inner self
where your wisdom resides, this ceremony reconnects you with the beauty, sweetness and love
that resides in yourself. That is loving consciousness. Therapeutically it helps you to recover your
power to relate and to serve others.


The first step is to ask permission to the six cardinal directions (east, west, north, south, earth and
cosmos), and then begin to dance. There are many types of dances but all of them have a basic
element (step) on which variations are made and the rhythm of the huehuetl is carried by one
person that the others will follow; the steps are simple and as you dance you gain more speed and

Totlazocamachillillia in Ehecanauhcampa

(Nahuatl) Greetings to the Cosmic Addresses


Ce: Axcan totlahpallolliz in TLAUIZTLAMPA chaneque; In Tonatiuh Iquizayan, xochicuepopan in tlilli

in tlapalli; iyeyan in Quetzalcoatl.

Otitemahtilia in Copalli in atecocolli tlapitzalli, ihuan huehuetl tzotzonalli.

Ome: Axcan totlahpallolliz in ZIHUATLAMPA chaneque; In Tonatiuh temoa; iyeyan in Yaozihuatl;

Cuauhtemotzinco; iyeyan Mayahuel ihuan Mixcohuatl.

iyeyan in Xipetotec.


Yei: Axcan totlahpallollis in MICTLAMPA chaneque; in Tonatiuh cochi;

in izehecayan tequihtoc toxayac; Tonantzin Coatlicue; iyeyan Tezcatlipoca.

Nahui: Axcanto tlahpallolliz HUITZTLAMPA chaneque; in Tonatiuh ilhunepantlayan;

Tzentzohuitzahuaco; in Tetzahuitl Tezcatlipoca; iyeyan Huitzilopochtli.


Macuilli: Axcanto tlahpallolliz in HUEY ILHUIXIKTLI; huel tlazohtli to Teotatzin

Tonatiuh, in Cuauhtlehuanitl. In Totonamitl.


Chicuace: Axcan totlahpallolliz huel TLAZOHTLI tlalnantzin Coatlicue,

Tonacanatzin, in ilamateotl tocihuauh.



Axcan totlahpallolliz in Xictlampa chaneque; in xictli in Cemanahuac, in hueyi Mexihco -

Tenochtitlan; in cuauhtli ipipizcayan, inetomayan in cohuatl izomocayan in michin ipatlanian,
ininepahuiyan inatlatlayan inichiyeloyan nauhcampa inepapan tlaca. One: East: Now we greet
the guardians of the course of light; place where the sun rises; place where the black and red dye
sprouts as a flower; region of Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent.

We offer you smoke of copal, touch of snail and venerable touch of huehuetl.

Two: West: Now we greet the guardians of the women's course; place where the sun descends;
place of the warrior women; region of the venerable lady of the maguey and of the serpent of
clouds, place of Xipe Totec.

the disembodied.

We offer you...
Three: North: Now we greet the guardians of the course of death;

place where the sun sleeps; place of the obsidian wind that cuts like razors our faces; region of
Coatlicue that of the skirt of serpents; course of Tezcatlipoca smoking mirror.

We offer you...

Four: South: Now we greet the guardians of the thorny course

luminous; place where the sun rests in the middle of the sky; place of the portentous smoking
mirror; course of Huitzilopochtli.

We offer you...

Five: Cosmos: Now we greet the navel of the cosmos, the beloved Father Sun, the soaring eagle,
he of arrows of heat.

We offer you...

Six: Earth: Now we greet our beloved Mother Earth, our lady of the serpent skirt, mother of our

We offer you...


Now we greet the guardian anima of the center; in the navel of the world, in the great Mexihco -
Tenochtitlan; where the eagle is deployed,

where the snake is devoured, where the fish swims, at the junction of the embracing waters,
meeting place and gathering place of people from the four corners of the world.


1. Introduction
2. Greetings to the four directions

3. Light the fire and light the candles.

4. Delivery of cocoa seeds to participants

5. Limpia de fuego and Limpia de rosas

6. Communion with cocoa in silence.


Two dozen roses in bloom in the color of your choice.

A bag of rose petals to create the mandala.

A bottle of water to stay hydrated.

Do not eat two hours before the ceremony. Eat lightly during the day.

Avoid coffee during the day. As an alternative beverage, drink caffeine-free herbal tea.

Wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing.

The ceremony lasts approximately 4 hours.

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