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Technical Secondary School No.

Extraordinary Mother Language Exam: Spanish
Prof. Alejandra Gastelum

Name: ___________________ Cluster: _______ Successes: ________

I. Instructions : Point out the elements contained in the following bibliographical
reference (Value 4 pts.).

Justo de la Rosa, M., Influenza and children. To not let your guard down . México,
Trillas, 2010, p. 17.

II. Instructions : Underline the correct answer (Value 20 pts.)

1 .- Cards or slips that serve to organize the data found and the most important
information of materials consulted in an investigation.
a) Brainstorming b) Worksheets c) Summary d) Appointment


2 .- Reduction of a text to its essential parts, in the which should be respected

the order of the
main ideas and words of the author.
a) Brainstorming b) Worksheets c) Summary d) Appointment


3 .- They are those that recover a fragment of a text with exactly the same words that its
author used, they are in quotes.
a) Brainstorming b) Worksheets c) Summary d) Textual quote

4 .- Documents that specify norms to regulate the activities of the members of a

community, lay the foundations for coexistence.
a) Regulations b) Laws and rights c) Declaration of the Rights of children and adolescents d) Constitution

5 .- Explanation or interpretation that expresses the same meaning of the author, but
with other words in a more amplified way.
a) Paraphrase b) Worksheets c) Summary d) Textual quote

6 .- They are resources that are used to provide information that is not textual, except:
a) Illustrations b) Graphs c) Tables d) Summary

7 .- They help to identify the data of the consulted text (Sources):

a) Paraphrase b) Textual quote c) Bibliographic references d) Summary

8 .- Set of legal rules that protect people who are not yet 18 years old. a) Regulations b) Laws

and rights c) Declaration of the Rights of children and adolescents d) Constitution 9.- They were

established to promote a more just and equal life.

a) Regulations b) Laws and rights c) Declaration of the Rights of children and adolescents d) Constitution 10.-

Brief narrative with a central event, it has few characters and an intense plot.
a) Story b) Myth c) Legend d) Novel
11 .- Point out whether a certain book is worth reading, try to persuade the reader and
do not tell you the entire story.
a) Reading report b) Monograph c) Review d) Infographic
Technical Secondary School No. 22
Extraordinary Mother Language Exam: Spanish
Prof. Alejandra Gastelum

12 .- Beings that participate in the action of a story; They can be main, antagonistic,
secondary and environmental.
a) Actors b) Narrator c) Characters d) Authors

13 .- Omniscient, Equiscient and Deficient are the different types of:

a) Actors b) Narrators c) Characters d) Authors

14 .-This is the name given to the classification that stories have, depending on the
characteristics, elements and themes they share; They fall into the genre of Literature.
a) Literary subgenres b) Verses c) Graphic resources d) Literary resources

15 .- Writings addressed to authorities, representatives of institutions or people with a

political position. They use formal language and are used to request something.
a) Reading report b) Review c) Monograph d) Formal letter

16 .-Vocables that help us link words or sentences and give continuity to an idea.

a) Verbs b) Links c) Adjectives d) Concordance

17 .- Record of the different elements of a reading, it can describe observations of

characters or the plot and comments on the reader's experience with it.

a) Reading report b) Monograph c) Review d) Infographic

18 .-Literary genre belonging to the dramatic, where the stories are represented in front
of an audience on a stage, consisting of characters, dialogues and setting.

a) Stories b) Theater c) Novel d) Literary and poetic movements

19 .-It brings together authors and their works that belong to the same era, share
historical context, similar themes and have a common style.
a) Stories b) Theater c) Novel d) Literary and poetic movements

20 .- He is the one to whom the Letter is addressed.

a) Director a) Sender c) Recipient d) Pdte. Municipal

II. Instructions : Point out the elements contained in the following Letter (Value 7 pts.)

Mexicali, Baja California, August 16, 2019.
Prof. Ramona Figueroa
Director of State Secondary School No. 3019
__________:Bathroom repair Affair
Dear teacher Figueroa:
By this means, we are writing to you to comment on the
Body of the letter state of the bathroom at our school.
Three months ago we noticed that there were leaks and
we notified our tutor. Mr. Kiko fixed it, but it was not enough
because the leaks occurred again.
We consider it necessary to call a plumber to check the
installations before the problem becomes bigger.
We appreciate your attention to this.

Sincerely Farewell

1st grade students

Technical Secondary School No. 22
Extraordinary Mother Language Exam: Spanish
Prof. Alejandra Gastelum

IV. Instructions: Match with one line, the term described on the
left with the correct answer on the right, for greater clarity use colors (Value 7 pts.).

1) They communicate to readers the information that was obtained, they Ask
are useful as
support documents for students and researchers.

2) Events or data that are presented objectively, without the intervention of

beliefs or judgments. Interview

3) They give fewer answer options, they are useful when the
interviewee answers yes or Report
4) Technique through which information or a testimony is obtained through
of a series of questions.
5) They allow you to obtain broader answers, in which you can detail closed

6) True, timely and objective information about a recent event and
interest to a large group of people.

V. Instructions: Point out the elements contained in the following News (Value 6 pts.).

Thursday September 10, 2017 • wwwe ciknformant e com mx

Bullet or
_ । . suicides M. are ., I . ।. ..1.

Header Mexico ranks first

internationally in bullying
Summar In your country , 187,818,75 cases of the country, have suffered some type of
bullying are registered, a specialist in violence lence in school,' said the expert.
y school violence reports 09/10/2017 He explained that according to cases Auction
Miguel Garría Tinoco Correspondent from the National Polytechnic Institute (GPN)
and the National Autonomous University of
Mexico (UNAM). 60% of the more than 26
MEXICO CITY, September 10 bre.- Mexico
million banking education students have
occupies first place even international level in
suffered from bullying.
bullying or bu llying, with a total of 18 million
Entranc 781 thousand 875 cases, according to the
specialist in school violence. Rodo Alonso Rublo,
e during the TViolencla Escolar-Bullying
conference. within the framework of the pri mer
Forum for the Rights of Children and
Adolescents in Michoacán

"Unfortunately, Mexico ranks first in cases

Developm of sexual harassment." lar... the OECD says that

last year, 18 million, almost 19 million of the 26
ent million students we have in

Fuswra MigualGanlaTinoco,"Maicooccupiesprimarlgaz a nullinternacional. nibk available at:
httpe/googVHIIURe (Consulted: November 1, 2017).
"I hullying." in Emdnknr, in
Technical Secondary School No. 22
Extraordinary Mother Language Exam: Spanish
Prof. Alejandra Gastelum

SAW. Instructions: Place the correct answer on the line using the
concepts in the box (Value 6 pts.).
They incorporate Spanish.
It is a idiom that contains a

1) Words from indigenous languages
observation or advice of popular wisdom.

Structure of the monograph

3) __________________________ It is: Introduction, development, conclusion and
Bibliographical sources.
4) Graphic representation with information
synthesized and striking images about a topic.

5) Phrase that collects popular wisdom and
to warn about something or illustrate social behavior.
6) Texts
science, literature or art), based on information from different sources.

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