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Answer Notes Marks

1 (a) (i) maintain/control/balance water/salt/concentration ignore detects 1
(of blood / of body / of cells) / eq;

(ii) lungs / skin / liver; 1

(b) (i) water / urea / salt / mineral / named ion / eq; ignore nitrogen / phosphorus 1

(ii) 1. large molecules / too big (to pass through); 3

2. (ultra) filtration / pressure / eq; not filtered out of blood =2marks for MP4 and
3. glomerulus / Bowman’s capsule; MP 2
4. stay in blood / eq;

(iii) 1. respiration / eq; ignore absorbed alone 3

2. energy / ATP;
3. (selective) reabsorption / back into blood / eq;
4. proximal convoluted tubule / first coiled tubule /
5. active transport / active uptake;

(Total for Question 11 = 9 marks)

Answer Notes Marks
2 (a) removal / eq; getting rid of toxic
waste = 1 2
waste products of cells / metabolism / respiration / chemical ignore toxic
reactions; ignore examples such
as CO2 / urea
MP2 reject if ref to
(b) (i) release sweat / sweating / eq;
evaporation / eq; 3
cooling / heat loss / eq;

(ii) vasodilation / dilate / widen / expand / eq; ignore names of blood

(more) blood to skin/surface / blood near to skin/surface; vessels 3
cooling / heat loss / eq; ignore
reject blood vessels
(c) (i) lower blood glucose / lower blood sugar / eq; must be stated
glycogen; converts glucose to max 2
liver / muscle; glycogen = 1
(ii) 1 control water level / water regulation / osmoregulation /
eq; max 3
2 permeability / eq;
3 collecting duct;
4 water reabsorption / water into blood / water into body /
less waterloss from body / more concentrated urine /
less urine / eq;
Total 13
Answer Notes Marks
3. (a) water / H2O; ignore sugar / alcohol /
mineral(s) / ion(s) / salt(s) / named hormones

(b) (i) high conc. to low conc. / eq;

(ii) (partially permeable) membrane / small molecules
/ eq; 1
(iii) high conc. to low conc. / conc. gradient;

partially permeable (membrane/tubing) / eq; 2

(iv) same conc. in fluid and blood / normal blood conc.
in fluid / correct glucose conc. in fluid / eq;
if high in blood moves out of blood/into fluid;

if low in blood moves into blood/out of fluid;

(v) ultrafiltration; mark in pairs – only
small molecules or named small molecule out of allow marks from two
blood / large molecules or protein stay in blood / named processes
pressure / Bowman’s capsule / glomerulus / eq;
(selective) reabsorption;
glucose / ions / amino acids / water;

active transport;
glucose / energy / low to high conc. / eq;
Answer Notes Marks
(c) (i) renal vein and renal artery;
ureter; 2

(ii) nearer to bladder / closer to where waste goes /

easier access / closer to surface / eq; 2
ref. to length of tubes/blood vessels /eq;

Total 16
Question Answer Mark
4 (a)
The only correct answer is A

B is not correct as B is not the Bowman’s capsule

C is not correct as C is not the Bowman’s capsule

D is not correct as D is not the Bowman’s capsule 1

Question Answer Additional Mark

Number guidance
(b)(i) An explanation that makes reference to three
of the following points:
 (selective) (re)absorption (1)
 into blood / from / out of filtrate (1)
 proximal convoluted tubule / B (1) Allow PCT /
first coiled
 active transport (1) 3
Question Answer Additional guidance Mark
 99 / 99.2 / 99.17 / 180 000 - 1500 = 178 500
99.16 (recurring) (2)
178 500 ÷ 180 000 × 100 = 99.2

One mark for 178 500 /

(180000-1500 ÷ 180000) /
0.99 / 99.1 / 99.16

award full marks for correct

numerical answer without

Question Answer Mark

the only correct answer is C protein

A is not correct as is fat not used to produce urea

B is not correct as is glucose not used to produce urea

D is not correct as is water not used to produce urea

Question Answer Mark

(c) An explanation that makes reference to four of the following
 less urine / decreases urine production / urine more
concentrated (1)
 collecting duct (1)

 more permeable (1)

 water (absorbed) into blood / water reabsorbed (1)
 by osmosis (1)

Total 11 marks
Question Answer Mark
5(a)(i) 1
The only correct answer is C

A is not correct as ultrafiltration does not take place in A

B is not correct as ultrafiltration does not take place in B

D is not correct as ultrafiltration does not take place in D

Question Answer Mark

(a)(ii) 1
The only correct answer is D

A is not correct as reabsorption does not take place in A

B is not correct as reabsorption does not take place in B

C is not correct as reabsorption does not take place in C

Question Answer Mark

(b)(i) 1
• osmoregulation (1)

Question Answer additional Mark

Number guidance
(b)(ii) 1
• removal of metabolic waste / waste from Ignore waste
chemical reactions (from cells) (1) removal

Question Answer Mark

(c) An explanation that makes reference to the following points: 4
• collecting duct (1)

• impermeable / less permeable / no change in permeability

/ eq (1)

• less water reabsorbed / water is not reabsorbed / less

water back into blood / eq (1)

• more urine produced / dilute urine produced / more water

lost / dehydration / eq (1)

• blood concentration increases / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark
(d)(i) • increases permeability of collecting duct (wall) / 1
becomes permeable / will now be permeable / eq (1)

Question Answer Mark

(d)(ii) An answer that makes reference to the following 2

• decrease (volume) / less urine / eq (1)

• increase concentration / eq (1)

Total = 11 marks

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