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Solve the following problems related to the calculation of simple interest and its derivative formulas

1) Calculate the interest yielding $13000 in 9.5 months at 2% per month. Answer: $2470
0 CALCOLAR The teres ¿ 5 %o ,7^ScrAL 7 .

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2) What is the interest earned on $14500 in 3 months at 1.5% per month? Answer: $652.5

3) Calculate the interest earned on a placement of $17,000 that remained invested for 15 months at 12%
Answer: $ 5100

Yes ///7E/55 6-E AA EANACO O/VA Coíac^cióíj Ds $ 11CO0 QuE

^ef\nANE£.¡c> /U£R7/0A DUcAnTE z5 ,7e5=s Ai /z %. = E=s7/AZ.

4) Determine what is the principal that in 120 days yields $ 1224 interest at 18% per annum. Answer: $ 20400

5) Calculate the principal that in 5 months and 20 days yields $ 1020 interest at 18%
per annum.
Answer: $ 12000

6) If 2/3 of a principal yields $ 3300 interest in 7 months and 10 days at 24% per annum, what is the value of the
said principal?
Answer: $ 33750

7) Calculate the initial capital of a deposit if the doubling of the deposit yields, in 5 months and 20 days, an
interest rate of $
2720 at 18% per annum
Answer: $ 16000

8) On March 15, one-third of a principal amount is placed at 20% annual interest for 9 months. The remainder of
that principal is placed on the same date at 24% per annum for the same period. If the total interest as of
December 15 is $ 120000. What is the original capital?
Answer: $ 705882

9) At what annual percentage rate was $ 23000 placed if in 14 months they earned $ 5903.33?
Answer: 22% per annum

10) A principal amount of $3,32560 remained in place for 8.5 months earning interest of $
4151,40. At what interest rate was it placed?
Answer: 18% per annum.

11) At what annual interest rate was a principal of $ 46885 placed that in 7 months and 15 days increased by
Answer: 24% Annual

12) Calculate the annual interest rate that in 8 months made a capital of $ 71325 yield a profit of $ 71325.
Answer: 19%.
13) Two thirds of a capital of $10,500 was placed for 6 months at 10% per annum, while the rest of that capital
was placed during the same period at a different interest rate. If the interest produced by both parts of the
initial capital is $ 560, what is the rate at which the remaining third was placed?
Answer: 12% Annual

14) We have two capitals of $ 10000 and $ 15000 respectively; the first one is placed for 9 months at 18% per
annum while the second one is placed for half a year at an interest rate such that, at the end of the term the
interest earned amounts in total to $ 2850 What is the interest rate at which the second capital was placed?
Answer: 20% Annual

15) How long must a capital of $ 30000 placed at 24% per annum remain on deposit to earn $ 8400 interest?
Answer: 1.166666 Years or 14 Months
16) Calculate in how much time $ 25000 earn $ 3333.33 interest if placed at 24% per annum. Answer: 8 months

06 CACue Ev co4v7o 77/0 -4 2Scco EA,AN 4

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5£ 5£ EOLCeAN At 20 % or CANUL.

s= 3663,36
Co = Z5O0O
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n_ . T --3336,
250 . o, z

In =0.6 ANo =7 8 weights

17) Calculate in how long $ 16,000 earn $ 16,000 of interest if placed at 24% per annum Answer: 4.16666 years or
4 years 1 month and 28 days

18) In how long does $25000 increase to $7800 if it remains in place at 20% per year? Answer:
1.56 years or 1 year 6 months and 22 days

19) in how much time $47000, placed at 20% per annum earned $5000 interest?
Answer: 0.53 years or 6 months 11 days 11 hours
20) A person owns $27000. He manages to place 2/3 of this capital at 24% per annum for 6 months, while the rest
is placed at 20% per annum for a period of time such that, at the end of this period, he obtains a total profit of
$ 3510. What is the placement time of the third of the initial capital? Answer: 9 months

Solve the following problems related to the calculation of simple interest and its derivative formulas. Use calendar
1) Calculate the interest yield of an investment of $ 8300, placed at 16% per annum for 60 days.
Answer: $ 218.30

2) Calculate the interest earned on $ 7800 placed for 55 days at 14% p.a. Answer: $ 164.55

3) An $8500 capitañ was placed at 17% per annum for a period of 35 days. Calculate the total interest obtained.
Answer: $ 138.56

4) What is the profit obtained by placing for 72 days at 15% per annum a capital of $9000? Answer: $ 266.30

Answer: $ 9500
7) Calculate how much has been invested for 21 days at 18% per annum, knowing that the interest earned
amounts to $126.35.
Answer: $12,200

8) What is the value of the capital that, placed at 16% per annum for 35 days, obtained a profit of $ 138.08?
Answer: $ 9000

9) Calculate the annual interest rate at which a capital of $ 7500 was placed for 55 days, at the end of which it
allowed to withdraw an interest of $ 180.82.
Answer: 16% annul

10) An investment has been made for 50 days at 17% annual interest. 20 days later, another investment is made
with the same maturity date, but at a rate of 18% per annum, the profit obtained by both at the moment
11) when the term ends is $ 365.84. We wish to know the value of both initial investments, knowing that the
second one exceeds the first one by 50%.
Backs: $ 8000 $12000

12) A capital of $ 13000 remained in place for 30 days, yielding a total interest of $ 187 At what annual rate was it
Answer: 17.5% Annual

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Co - $/3O0O

O । 1s A1 " S 9o AAUn( .

13) An investment of $ 8000 made 72 days ago earned interest of $ 291.95 Calculate the annual interest rate at which
the transaction was agreed.
Answer: 18.5% Anal

14) A capital of $ 5500 has been invested for 70 days, 10 days after this investment was made and as a consequence
of an increase in the value of the interest rate, which rose to 18% per annum. It was decided to invest double the
original amount. With the same maturity term, knowing that the total interest produced by
15) both capitals at the end of the investment term is 494.25, we want to know the annual interest rate at which the
first investment was made.
Answer: 16% Annual

16) Calculate how many days was placed a capital of $ 8000 that at 13% annual interest, allowed earning $ 8000.
Answer: 90 Days

17) A Capital of $ 7500, placed at 17% per annum, yielded a total profit of $ 122.26. We would like to know how
many days it remained in place.
Answer: 35 Days

"5 -l CA/7A¿ n= s 7500, rcrr^L De } 122 CDi "cAOd Ae M7%o ANeAt, P£0oU7O J7VA
AAS /■jñ'-f/7yf/vec^C' {0¿o4.o. ,26 ■ S= £584 SA&e2 D-£eN7E clt/2os.

7 SoO . O, 12

/ /? - o, G Ano - 35 0/45

18) An investment of $ 9200 produced a profit of $ 166.36 for having placed it at 16.5% annual interest calculate
how many days this capital remained placed.
Answer: 40 Days
19) I can obtain $234.25 interest if I place $9500 at 15% annual interest. I need to know for how many days I will
have to leave that amount deposited in order to achieve the above mentioned interest.
Answer: 60 days

20) Mr. Z placed $ 11000 at 15% annual interest for 60 days. After a certain time, the annual rate rose 3 points (to
18% per annum), reason why Mr. Z added to his original investment the sum of $ 15000 knowing that, after
60 days of placing the first sum, Mr. Z withdraws the total interest of both investments, which amounts to $
456.17, we want to know how many days after the first deposit he made the second one.After 60 days after
the first deposit, Mr. Z withdraws the total interest of both investments, which amounts to $ 456.17, we want
to know how many days after the first deposit he made the second one.
Answer: 35 days
Amount Simple interest (Business year)
1) On April 15, $ 30,000 is deposited at 72% annual interest rate. Determine how much is withdrawn as of
December 15. Answer: $ 44400

2) 25,000 was deposited for 120 days in a bank that pays 84% annual interest. Calculate the total amount
withdrawn, if:
a) 360 days are taken in the year.
b) 365 days are taken in the year.

Answer: a) $ 32000; b) $ 31904

3) On April 15, 20,000 $ 20,000 was deposited at 80% annual interest. Determine how much is withdrawn at
200 days, considering:
a) Business year = 360 days
b) Calendar year = 365 days
On June 15, $ 15,000 was placed at 70% per annum for 6 months, on which date the total produced is
withdrawn and deposited in another bank at 78% per annum for 4 more months, calculate the total
accumulated balance at the end of 10 months.

5 -E JVN

Answer: $ 25515

5) What is the principal that in 7.5 months produced an amount of $72875 at 60% annual interest? Answer: $

C Cult

6) Calculate the capital that placed at 66% per annum for 4 months and 10 days yielded an amount of $ 43961
Answer: $ 35500
7) What principal gave rise to $100000 in 4 months and 20 days, earning 80% annual interest? Answer: $

8) What capital was deposited 72 days ago, if today the sum of $2,052 calculated at 96% per annum can be
withdrawn? Answer: $ 18500

9) At what annual rate was a capital of $ 36000 placed that in 126 days became $ 46710?
Answer: 85
09 10) What is the monthly interest rate that in 3 months converted the sum of $ 14500 into $
d Eyelet €
SunA ng. t
Cn_6 4140 Co
- 644 50o

11) What is the monthly interest rate that in 68 days allowed transforming a capital of $ 23500 in an amount of $
Answer: 7.8% monthly
12) At what monthly interest rate was $13200 placed, if in 100 days it yielded $16500? Answer: 7.5% Monthly

13) In how long does a principal of $15500 become $19220 if it has been placed at 8% monthly interest? Answer:
3 months
14) In how long does a capital of $ 25000 become % 32500 if it is placed at 6% monthly interest? Answer: 5


Ln = d 32500
CQ = d 25000
= 0.06 AEvsvAl n - these

15) Calculate how long it takes to

double $28,000 at 20% quarterly.
Answer: 5 Quarters

16) Calculate in how much time a capital of $ 70000 was transformed into $ 112000 if it was placed at 24%
quarterly interest.
Answer: 2.5 Quarters
17) How long does it take to transform a capital of $ 30000 into $ 42000 if it was placed at 12% quarterly
Answer: 3.33 quarters = 3 Quarters and 1 month = 10 months

18) A capital invested at 20% per annum yields $600 more in 9 months than if invested at 24% per annum for
180 days. Determine this capital.
19) A capital invested at 24% per annum for 1.5 years produces a certain amount. If the capital were higher by
$15,200 and were placed for one year at 20% per annum, an amount equivalent to twice the previous
amount would be obtained. We are asked to calculate the amount and the capital of the first operation.
Answer: Co= $ 12000; Cn = $ 16320

20) There is a capital of 8,000 and another of 12,000, which were placed in different entities Response: 11

-Cn:. C._Co (4lin)

*Co : 8000
3 A: 20% ANAL ""X |
If n - ne5a5 .8000.(4 + z0 .)+ 12000 1+21 .r = 23840 + V too121 -1oo
9 Cn =
, Co x 4 zooo Az CO + 12000 + 288on = 23840
E L = 24 c/o AAL
- n=.? 288on = 23840 - -200 - 12000
V ' n = 2640 -
C=23840 2880
n=4 YEARS or 44
12 _________ )

21) I deposited $ 200000, earning 6% monthly interest after a certain period of time Answer: 4 Months
20000 e . (n+3 = 38668
- 100 i

2cooo 4 A200b] - 3n 38688

t {zoon] = 38688
. 25 AC

2A80 4 4 boon + 448en +R6h = 38680

46n*+o8en+24800-38688= o


624 43 A - gee

-44347432 (4,6.0
Simple Interest Amount (Calendar Year)
1) A principal of $ 7500 was deposited at 15% per annum for 65 days. We wish to know the total amount
withdrawn at the expiration of the term of the placement.
Answer: $ 7700.34
2) 42 days ago, I was able to deposit $8500 in an entity that pays 18% annual interest. Calculate the amount
withdrawn on the day of the date.
Answer: $ 8424.16
3) 90 days ago, an investment of $8,000 was made in a bank that pays 16.5% per annum. How much is
withdrawn today?
Answer: $ 8325.48
4) For a deposit of $9300 I am paid a rate of 17.5% per annum. Calculate how much I can withdraw after 45
days of investing that amount.
Answer: $ 9500.65
5) 48 days after having made an investment with an annual interest rate of 18%, I was able to withdraw an
accumulated total of $ 8701.24. I would like to know the initial value of the investment.
Answer: 85000
6) A capital has been placed at 17% per annum for 50 days. Knowing that the total amount withdrawn was $
10028.22, the calculation of the initial capital is requested.
Answer: $ 9800
7) After being placed for 60 days at 19% annual interest, a principal was transformed into an amount of $
12374.80. Calculate the value of this capital.
Answer: $ 12000
8) What capital needs to be placed for 55 days so that, at 16.5% annual interest, an amount of $ 11888.41 can
be withdrawn?
Answer: $ 11600
9) An investment of $9,200 remained in place for 90 days, after which a final amount of $9744.44 could be
withdrawn. It is desired to know at what annual rate the transaction was made.
Answer: 24% p.a.
10) A principal amount of $ 14474.66 after 75 days of placement. What was the agreed annual interest rate?
Answer: 16.5%.
11) After remaining on deposit for 60 days, a capital of $1,500 became an amount of $1,890.41. At what annual
rate was it placed?
Answer: 19%.
12) I invested $15,000 for 40 days and earned 17% annual interest. At the expiration of the term, I withdrew the
amount thus formed and deposited it again for 30 days, at the end of which I withdrew the total
accumulated amount of $15530.62. I would like to know the value of the annual interest rate at which the
second placement was made.
Answer: 20
13) An initial investment of $ 8300, which was placed at 21% annual interest, yielded a final amount of $
8491.02. We would like to know how many days it was in place.
Answer: 40 days
14) A capital of $1,500 was placed at 16% annual interest and, after a certain period of time, the total amount
produced was withdrawn, which amounted to $12,294.53. Calculate how many days the initial capital
remained in place. Answer: 72 days
15) How many days must I wait for a capital of $ 11000 to become $ 11263.70, knowing that I can invest it at
17.5% annual interest?
Response 50 Days.

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