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University of Quindío

October 7th, 2023

Módulo de Competencias Genéricas
Cristian Felipe Motato Gomez


1. Carefully read the following texts and answer the questions each text presents.

iPad Air review


Relaunch relanzar (un producto)

Stunning impresionante

Joy placer

Handle manejar o usar

Device dispositivo

To be worth valer la pena

Instead en lugar de / en vez de

Allow permitir

GB gigabyte (informática)

Opt optar / elegir

With a new design based on the successful iPad Mini, Apple have relaunched their tablet
computer range with the iPad Air. The result is a stunning piece of technology that is both a joy to
use and powerful enough for most of the tasks you’ll want to do on it.

Compared to older versions of the iPad, the Air is lighter and easier to handle. In terms of
performance, the Air is a great option. It comes with a fair number of free apps, which make it a
functional addition to your personal technology right out of the box. However, with these apps and
the HD quality of the device, the lower priced 16GB option isn’t worth buying. Instead, opt for the
much more useful 128GB device, which will allow you to fully take advantage of all the iPad Air has
to offer.

1. According to the review, the iPad Mini:
a. Was cheaper than most tablets
b. Had a great deal of success
c. Has a new design
2. The adjective “stunning” is close in meaning to:
a. Spectacular
b. Affordable
c. Useful
3. The older versions of the iPad were:
a. Lighter and easier to handle than the iPad Air
b. Heavier and more difficult to handle than the iPad Air
c. Quite powerful
4. The iPad Air comes with _______ apps.
a. Few
b. Little
c. Some
5. According to the review, it would be a great idea to buy:
a. The iPad Mini
b. The 16GB iPad Air
c. The 128GB iPad Air

James Rodriguez Biography


Grow up (pasado: “grew crecer criarse


Spend (pasado: “spent”) pasar tiempo o gastar


Midfielder centrocampista (futbol)

Sign firmar o fichar

Fee pago, precio, tarifa o tasa

Score a goal anotar un gol

Although aunque

James David Rodriguez Rubio is a Colombian footballer. He was born in Cúcuta on July 12th
1991. He is 1.85 meters tall. His parents’ names are Wilson James Rodriguez Bedoya and Maria Del
Pilar Rubio. Although he was born in Cúcuta, he grew up in Ibagué. He spent most of his childhood
Style of play

He is a midfielder and a natural playmaker.


He started his career in 2006 in the Colombian team named “Envigado FC”. Then FC Porto signed
him for 5.1 million euros. He played for FC Porto from 2010 to 2013.

After that James was signed by AS Monaco for 45 million euros, one of the most expensive transfer
fees for a Colombian footballer. On July 22nd 2014 James signed a contract with the famous Spanish
team Real Madrid.

National Football Team

James started playing for the national football team in 2011. In the 2014 World Cup qualifying
matches he scored three goals and helped Colombia to qualify to the tournament held in Brazil.


1. Was James born in Ibagué?

a. No, he wasn’t
b. Yes, he was
2. What does he do for a living?
a. He is an amateur footballer
b. He is a professional soccer player
3. Did Hames grow up in Cúcuta?
a. No, he did not
b. Yes, he did
4. How much did AS Monaco pay for his transfer?
a. 45 million dollars
b. 45 million euros
5. How many goals did he score in qualifying matches for the 2014 World Cup in Brazil?
a. He scored 4 goals.
b. He scored 3 goals.

Emily and Harry

Emily and Harry were sitting in the park. They have seen each other there a few times before. Harry
looked at Emily and said, “Hi Emily!”. “Oh, hello Harry!” she replied. “It is nice to meet you”, said

“It is nice to meet you too, Harry. How are you today?”

“I am good, thank you! How are you?”

“Great thanks. How old are you, Harry?” – Emily asked – “I am 21 years old. How old are you?”
“I am 70 years old; I am ancient haha.” She replied laughing. “You are not ancient! You are probably
very wise.” Said Harry – “Yes, I am. Old people are very wise!” Emily replied.

“Yes, that’s true! My grandfather is very old and very wise. He always gives me good advice if I have
a problem.” He said.

Emily saw a stroller next to Harry and asked: “That’s nice. Who is this?”. “This is Josh, he is a baby.
We are brothers.” He replied.

“He is a very cute baby. How old is he?”

“He is 2 years old.”. Then Emily said: “He is an adorable baby!”

➔ Choose the right conjugation of the verb to be to fill up the empty spaces.


Question 1:

You/ I am/ Are

Harry: How old are_____, Emily?

Emily: _______ 70 years old.

Harry: Old people_________very wise!

Question 2.

➔ Answer the following questions.

How do we call a very young child?


How do we call something that is very old?


Question 3: True or False?

The baby is Harry’s son (El bebé es el hijo de Harry)



Question 4:

¿Cuál es el orden correcto de los eventos?

Emily asks about the baby / Harry asks Emily how old she / Harry tells Emily that his grandfather is
a wise man / Emily reply that she is good





2. Choose the correct preposition of place according to the statement. Remember that the
prepositions of place are In/ On/ At.

1. I have left my luggage ____ the car

2. My flat is ___ the tenth floor
3. To go to that restaurant you must turn left ___ the next corner
4. I study law __ the Madrid University
5. My dog plays ___ the square with a little ball
6. You can find that article ___ page 15. I recommend that you read it
7. The president of that football club is now ___ prison accused of multiple frauds
8. When I was young I lived ___ Paris with my parents
9. He must be very tired; he has fallen asleep ___ the sofa
10. I will meet you ____ the cinema at 10 o'clock
11. Look at that butterfly ____ the wall. It is so beautiful
12. I have put my glasses ____ your bag. Please, look after them
13. If you agree you must sign ___ the bottom of this document
14. You can see my grandparents ___ this photograph
15. My kids are swimming ___ the river with their friends
16. She was all evening ___ home listening to music
17. I have read that theory ___ a very old book
18. I couldn't hear the teacher because I sat ___ the back of the classroom
19. I live in Madison Avenue ___ New York City
20. I will meet you ___ the party

3. Choose the correct preposition of time according to the statement /At/ In/ On

1. Are you going to travel ___Christmas?

2. ___ Monday I have a date.
3. My first kiss was ___ the 24th of March.
4. I will return ___ Saturday.
5. ____ the last years the world has changed.
6. I'll be there ___ night.
7. He called me ___ time.
8. We should be there ___ time.
9. ____ winter Alaska is a horrible place to live.
10. The train leaves ___ 11 o'clock.
11. ____ Saturday I will have my new car.
12. I must work ___ the weekend.
13. Call me ___ Saturday.
14. My birthday is ____ February.
15. He is coming ____ the moment.
16. He called me ____ midnight.
17. They arrived just ___ time.
18. ___ the 80's I was a hippie.
19. I will wake up ____ 10 o'clock.

4. Choose the modal verb that best suits the statement.

Choose the correct modal verb for each sentence.

1. I ________ [can/could] swim when I was three years old.

2. Where is Kate? She __________ [should/shouldn't/] be home by now.
3. It is very dark in here. I ________ [mustn't/can't/] see you very well.
4. In my opinion, they __________ [should/shouldn't] go to Portugal, not Italy.
5. You ___________ [mustn't/must] tell her about the surprise party.
6. ________ [Must/Can] I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
7. We ___________ [don't have to/have to] wait outside the restaurant. There aren't any
8. You __________ [mustn't/could/should/has to] listen to your parents. They want the best
for you.
9. The weather forecast says it ________ [can/mustn't/has to/may] rain tomorrow morning.
10. Sarah ________ [has to/should/can/could] play basketball better three years ago.
11. Danger! You ___________ [mustn't/may/can/has to] touch the lamp post.
12. Susan ________ [can/may/could/has to] play chess really well.
13. She __________ [may/must/mustn't/should] do her homework for tomorrow. It's
14. Susan was really ill. She _______________________ [must have passed/couldn't have
stolen/should have visited/should visit] the doctor yesterday.
15. If you are ill, you ________________ [Could/should visit/should have visited/couldn't have
stolen] the doctor now.
16. ________ [couldn't have stolen/should have visited/Could/should visit] you swim when you
were 9 years old?
17. John ________________________ [must have passed/should visit/should have
visited/couldn't have stolen] your bike. He was with me all the time.
18. Sarah is really happy. She ____________________ [should have visited/should visit/must
have passed/couldn't have stolen] her yesterday's exam.

Answer Key:

iPad Air Review

1. b. had a great deal of success

2. a. spectacular
3. b. Heavier and more difficult to handle than the iPad Air
4. c. Some
5. c. The 128GB iPad Air

James Rodriguez Biography

1. b, no, he wasn’t
2. b, he is a professional soccer player
3. a, no he did not
4. 4. B, 45 million euros
5. B, He scored 3 goals.

Emily and Harry

1. You ; I am ; are
2. A baby; Ancient
3. False, the baby is his brother.
4. Emily reply that she is good ; Harry asks Emily how old she ; Harry tells Emily that his
grandfather is a wise man ; Emily asks about the baby.

2. Prepositions of Place.

1. I have left my luggage IN the car

2. My flat is ON the tenth floor
3. To go to that restaurant you must turn left AT the next corner
4. I study law AT the Madrid University
5. My dog plays IN the square with a little ball
6. You can find that article ON page 15. I recommend that you read it
7. The president of that football club is now IN prison accused of multiple frauds
8. When I was young I lived IN Paris with my parents
9. He must be very tired; he has fallen asleep ON the sofa
10. I will meet you AT the cinema at 10 o'clock
11. Look at that butterfly ON the wall. It is so beautiful
12. I have put my glasses IN your bag. Please, look after them
13. If you agree you must sign AT the bottom of this document
14. You can see my grandparents IN this photograph
15. My kids are swimming IN the river with their friends
16. She was all evening AT home listening to music
17. I have read that theory IN a very old book
18. I couldn't hear the teacher because I sat AT the back of the classroom
19. I live in Madison Avenue IN New York City
20. I will meet you AT the party
➔ Explanation for IN or ON the river:
In the river means within the river like in water of river.

➔ She is swimming in the river.

➔ She is drowning in river.
➔ She is diving in river.
➔ There are crocodiles in the river.

On the river means on the surface of water of river.

➔ She is standing on the bridge on river.

➔ She is floating on river.
➔ She saw a boat on the river.
➔ She tried to run on river.

3.Prepositions of Time.

1. Are you going to travel AT Christmas?

2. ON Monday I have a date.
3. My first kiss was ON the 24th of March.
4. I will return ON Saturday.
5. IN the last years the world has changed.
6. I'll be there AT night.
7. He called me ON time.
8. We should be there IN time.
9. IN winter Alaska is a horrible place to live.
10. The train leaves AT 11 o'clock.
11. ON Saturday I will have my new car.
12. I must work AT the weekend.
13. Call me ON Saturday.
14. My birthday is IN February.
15. He is coming AT the moment.
16. He called me AT midnight.
17. They arrived just ON time.
18. IN the 80's I was a hippie.
19. I will wake up AT 10 o'clock.

4.Modal Verbs

19. I ________ [can/could] swim when I was three years old.

20. Where is Kate? She __________ [should/shouldn't/] be home by now.
21. It is very dark in here. I ________ [mustn't/can't/] see you very well.
22. In my opinion, they __________ [should/shouldn't] go to Portugal, not Italy.
23. You ___________ [mustn't/must] tell her about the surprise party.
24. ________ [Must/Can] I speak to Mr. Smith, please?
25. We ___________ [don't have to/have to] wait outside the restaurant. There aren't any
26. You __________ [mustn't/could/should/has to] listen to your parents. They want the best
for you.
27. The weather forecast says it ________ [can/mustn't/has to/may] rain tomorrow morning.
28. Sarah ________ [has to/should/can/could] play basketball better three years ago.
29. Danger! You ___________ [mustn't/may/can/has to] touch the lamp post.
30. Susan ________ [can/may/could/has to] play chess really well.
31. She __________ [may/must/mustn't/should] do her homework for tomorrow. It's
32. Susan was really ill. She _______________________ [must have passed/couldn't have
stolen/should have visited/should visit] the doctor yesterday.
33. If you are ill, you ________________ [Could/should visit/should have visited/couldn't have
stolen] the doctor now.
34. ________ [couldn't have stolen/should have visited/Could/should visit] you swim when you
were 9 years old?
35. John ________________________ [must have passed/should visit/should have
visited/couldn't have stolen] your bike. He was with me all the time.
36. Sarah is really happy. She ____________________ [should have visited/should visit/must
have passed/couldn't have stolen] her yesterday's exam.

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