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Sajan Shrestha - 16-105-16


PE Civil Transportation Your Performance Compared to Average of Passing Examinee

Your Performance Your Performance Average of Passing Examinees =

Knowledge Area Number of Items
(No. Correct) (% Correct) You =

1 Project Planning 4 0 0

2 Means and Methods 3 1 33

3 Soil Mechanics 6 2 33

4 Structural Mechanics 6 4 67

5 Hydraulics and Hydrology 7 4 57

6 Geometrics 3 2 67

7 Materials 6 4 67

8 Site Development 5 4 80

9 Traffic Engineering (Capacity Analysis and Transportation Planning) 11 4 36

10 Horizontal Design 4 1 25

11 Vertical Design 4 2 50

12 Intersection Geometry 4 1 25

13 Roadside and Cross Section Design 4 2 50

14 Signal Design 3 0 0

15 Traffic Control Design 3 1 33

16 Geotechnical and Pavement 4 4 100

17 Drainage 2 1 50

18 Alternatives Analysis 1 1 100

The purpose of this diagnostic report is to provide feedback about your exam results and to help focus your preparation for retaking the exam. It is neither intended nor designed to be used in determining the passing score.
The last column represents your performance in a knowledge area compared to the average performance of all passing examinees. For each knowledge area, the portion of the bar between your performance (solid line) and the average performance of the
passing examinees (dashed line) indicates the relative difference between your performance and the performance average of the examinees who passed.
Performance in a knowledge area significantly below that of the average passing candidate contributed to your failing the exam. Substantial study of this material is recommended before retaking the exam. Performance in a knowledge area near or above that
of the average passing candidate indicates your understanding may be improved by further study, thus improving your chances of passing the exam.

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