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\ Discussion ‘With a partner, decide which three of these surviv: 1, being lost at sea in a small yacht 2. travelling to do business in a country where you do not speak the language 3. losing your wallet, credit cards and passport in a foreign country 4. being lost in the middle of a forest 5. living in a dangerous 6.ha: Read those newspaper articles and survived? “Survivors! tuations are the worst: pact of the city where people are regularly mugged two fifteen-year-old nephews to stay for a weekend without their parents 7. being the only one at a party who doesn't know anyone 8. your car breaking down on the motorway Reading ROY USES BELTTO STOP BLEEDING _ ABBEVILLE, S.C (AP) ‘A boy whose leg ‘was severed by a train used his belt i6 stop himself from bleeding to death ~a skill he Jeamed from his motber when she was sndying to be a mise, ‘Alex Compton, 10, was crossing the tracks near his home on Moiday when his foot got ‘caught on some rocks. After the accident, he removed his belt and ‘tightened it around his thigh o:stop the bleeding, rescue workers said. He'leamed the technique from his mother, Lisa Compton, \hio had Studied firs ai at school. A ‘neighbour found Alex beside the track. His Jeg was also found but doctors couldn't re- artuch it, Abbeville County Coroner Ronnie‘Ashley said he had never known anyone to survive such an accident. “Alex isa very very brave child,” Ashley said. “He's something special, He keeps wanting to know how he's going to Fide his bicycle and how he is going to run and play with the other kids.” Work In pairs and mark the following statements: T=Tue F =False 1. Alex Compton lost both legs. 2.1f Alex Compton had not used his bet 3. Alex Compton struggled to get to the h ‘answer the questions below. Do you think you could h; {0 stop the bleeding, ospital by himself, LOST MAN SURVIVES IN WOODS GORMAN, Calif. (AP) A 25-year-old man ‘who wandered into the Angeles National Forest a month ago and got ost has been, found alive, police said, ‘Sean Kelly, who was reported missing on ‘September 30th, was found by a hunter on Monday about 60 miles north of downtown Los Angeles, sheriff's Deputy Michael Lorene said. Kelly was too weak to walk, 50 rescuers transported him by helicopter to Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital, where he was trented, ‘Kelly old the hunter he had been lost for About two weeks and survived by eating roots and bugs, Lorcnci said. To survive, he covered himself with dirt and branches at night to keep warm, “We're all surprised that he'd been out there {or 30 days and that he survived." Lorene, sald “Ws not every day that something like this happens,” NEI = Not Enough Information he would have bled to death. 4. Alex Compton has already come to terms with this incident 5. Sean Kelly went into the woods to go camping. 6. Sean Kelly was forced to eat insects. 7eSean Kelly. 's amazingly well after being so long in the woods. 8, Sean Kelly is an exceptionally lucky person to have survived such an experience. (ee nee ee eae aaa Look at this sentence from the second article: It's mot every day that something like this happens. Does this mean that itis very unusual or that it ls commonplace? Divide the expressions below into those that mean ‘very unusual’ and those meaning ‘more common‘: very unusual more common a. It was out of the ordinary, b. Ie was a one-in-a-million chance, ¢. It happens all the time. d. It’s hard to believe. . Imagine that! £. [e's not unheard of. g. I think it's highly unlikely. fh. Te’ nor the first time, i. I'm not all that surprised. 900000000 Q000gog000g Work In pairs. Use the above expressions to respond to the following: 1. Have you heard there's been an earthquake in central Turkey? 2. Someone's just been found alive after two months lost in Brazil. 3. There's been another bomb attack in Belfast. 4. There’s been a massive pile-up on the M6 ~ nine people are known to have died, 5.Do you think the President will resign? 6. There’s been a lot of flooding in Bangladesh. 7. All we need is one flake of snow and the trains are off! 8. They've found that girl who's been missing for six months ~ and she’s alive and well! Discussion Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the best ways to survive In these situations: 1. You are on holiday in Australia, You are swimming about a mile off shore. You have « just seen a shark about 100 metres away. 2, The small plane you were travelling in has crashed in the middle of the jungle. You are unharmed, but you have no food or water. 3. You are in a busy street in the city. Buildings start moving. It's an earthquake! 4, You are on holiday - on safari in Africa. You are camping. A very large snake has entered your tent. 5. You wake up, smell smoke and realise that there is a fire in your house. 6. You are trapped in a crowded lift ~ 2 hours have passed and still no help has arrived. We often read about poople who lose their sight, their hearing, tholr speech, thelr sense of smell or taste. If you lost one of your senses, which would be the most difficult to cope without?

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