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Fundamentals Final Exam name ____________

Part 1

Listen to the conversation. Then listen again and circle the letter of the correct answer for
each question.

Example: The man says that the woman’s brother Tom is “so tall.” Which word can mean “so”?
a. too [b.] very

1. The man says that Michelle is pretty. Which word can mean “pretty”?
a. good looking b. handsome

2. Who is older, Tom or Jeff?

a. Tom b. Jeff

3. Rebecca is _________years old.

a. 13 b. 14

4. Rebecca is Jeff’s
a. sister. b. daughter.

5. Michelle is Rebecca’s
a. aunt. b. grandmother.


Part 2

Read each group of words. Cross out the one word or phrase that is different from the
other three.

Example: young / short / usually / cute

6. orange / rice / banana /lemon

7. chef / pilot / engineer / colleague

8. mother / aunt / uncle / sister

9. Mr. Lewis / Kyle / Mrs. Lee / Ms. Moore

10. wash dishes / relax / travel / go fishing

11. headache / broken arm / doctor / fever

12. this / that / these / they

13. friend / classmate / neighbor / artist

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14. we / he / I / she

15. girl / Amy / woman / sister

16. father / boss / colleague / manager

17. your / she / our / my

18. what / when / because / how

19. kitchen / bedroom / dining room / garage

20. Mexico / China / India / New York


Part 3

Look at the pictures. Then check ( ✓ ) True or False for each statement.

True False


The weather is hot. (✓ ) ( )


Today is May 2nd. Yesterday was Saturday. ( ) ( )


This man has short, dark, wavy hair. ( ) ( )

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This woman can knit well. ( ) ( )


The time is quarter to two. ( ) ( )


The man is holding a tie. ( ) ( )

Part 4

Listen to the conversation. Then listen again and circle the letter of the correct answer
for each question.

Example: Who gives his or her opinions first?

a. Matt. [b.] Ryan c. Beth

26. Matt cares about______ .

a. beauty b. saving money c. his friends’ opinions

27. Ryan says the rug is “really beautiful.” He means that it is ______ .
a. all right b. too pretty c. very pretty

28. Beth thinks that the rug is ______ .

a. awful b. too big c. too expensive
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29. Who never gives an opinion about the lamp?
a. Matt b. Ryan c. Beth

30. How does Matt feel about the rug and the lamp?
a. He really likes them. b. He’s not sure about them. c. He doesn’t like them.

Part 5

Circle the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.

Example: It can be hot even on a day when it’s ( cool / snowing / [cloudy] ).

31. Sherry is going to ( see / seeing / saw ) a movie tonight.

32 Henry was born ( at / on / in ) a ship during a trip.

33. Bread comes in a ( loaf / can / bottle ).

34 If one store is between two others, it is ( across the street / on the right / next to them ).

35 My family lives ( at / on / in ) a house down the street.

36. My parents want a car that ( has / have / do have ) seats for seven people.

37. If you do something frequently, you do it ( sometimes / often / all the time ).

38. Many people go to work ( from / with / by ) bus or subway.

39. ( Where / What / When ) did you go for vacation last summer?

40. If a meeting starts at 9:30, and you get there at 9:29, you are ( early / on time / late ).

41. Diego didn’t ( made / make / makes ) dinner last week.

42. How much (pasta / lemons / bean ) is there?

43. Every day, my mother ( go / goes / is going ) to work.

44. A: Who’s hungry?

B: ( I’m. / Yes. / I am. )

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Part 6

Read the article. Then check ( ✓ ) True or False for each statement.

A Garden of Their Own

The students at Main School are happy because they have a school garden this year. They are growing peas,
carrots, radishes, and potatoes. They are also growing lettuce, tomatoes, and strawberries.
All of the classes worked on the garden. The teachers told them what to do, but they didn’t do the work. Each
class planted some tomato and pepper seeds in little cups inside. They put the cups near the windows and
waited for warm weather. Then they moved the baby plants outdoors and planted them in the garden. For other
plants, seeds were put right into the ground. This is how the students planted peas, carrots, and beans.
The radishes were ready to eat first. Each student got to have one. The students liked them, and they’re
waiting to try more food.
The garden is very big, so the playground is smaller because some of the play area was used for the garden.
That’s all right with the students because they love their garden! They also love the food they get from it.

True False

Example: Even the youngest students worked on the garden. (✓ ) ( )

45. Carrot seeds were planted first in cups indoors. ( ) ( )

46. The students waited for warm weather to plant outdoors. ( ) ( )

47. Teachers did a lot of the work. ( ) ( )

48. All of the plants in the garden are vegetables. ( ) ( )

49. The Main School garden is near the school. ( ) ( )

50. The students are sad about losing some of their play area. ( ) ( )

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Final Writing Exam
1. Describe your ideal career. Why do you think you would like it? Write at least four sentences.

2. Describe yourself. Write about your appearance and the clothes you are wearing. Write at least four

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Fundamentals—Final Exam
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Final Speaking Exam
Look at the picture. Answer two of the questions below.

Picture response questions

1. What activities are the posters about? Which one would you most like to go to?
2. Describe the people in the picture. What are they wearing? What is their hair like?
3. What is the date? What time is it? What is one way to say when the basketball game will be?
4. Look at the two people on the right. Create a short conversation for these people.

Answer two of the questions below.

Personal Questions
5. What is your favorite kind of event to go to?

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