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According to Title III of the Membership Regulations, on the membership

procedure for incorporation to the CIP as an Engineer, the following is
established: Article 16 paragraph b: "Approve the evaluation of the
institutional and deontological rules of the CIP".

This questionnaire, duly completed, will allow new members to comply with the minimum
requirement of knowing the institutional and deontological rules of our College of Engineers
of Peru.

Surname and First Name: Jean Simons Jesús Infante Reyes
Reg. CIP: 245692 Specialty: Electrical Mechanics

1. Engineering is the profession that applies with foundation and responsibility the scientific
and technological knowledge achieved through the study of higher mathematics and
natural sciences (physics, chemistry and biology), which transforms nature through
productive processes for the benefit of humanity, to satisfy human needs, achieving the
realization of an idea in REALITY.

Detail below, Article 1.05 of Section One ENGINEERING:

In Peru, engineering is practiced exclusively by engineers with university degrees,

registered and authorized by the Peruvian Association of Engineers, who are at the service of
society and whose practice is supervised by the CIP.

2. The College of Engineers was created by the enactment of Law No. 14086 on June 8, 1962
during the administration of President Manuel Prado and subsequently amended by Law
No. 24648. June 8 of each year has been established as "Engineer's Day".

According to Art.2.02 of our STATUTE, what does the College of Engineers of Peru
promote and foster?
The College of Engineers of Peru encourages and promotes the existence and
availability of an ethically and technically competent national engineering.
3. In the CIP Bylaws, it is established: "No natural or juridical person may use the corporate
name or distinctive signs of CIP or any other that may resemble it." Art 2.09

Detail below, the 3 symbols of the College of Engineers of Peru:

(1) The flag

(2) Hymn
(3) The badge

4. According to Art.3.02 of the STATUTE, to practice the profession of Engineer it is required

to be an Ordinary, Life or Temporary member of the CIP.

Briefly define the four classes of IPC members

(1) Ordinary Engineers are those incorporated to the CIP, who have a Professional
Degree issued by a Peruvian University, with five years of studies or ten (10)
academic semesters, according to the University Law. Your registration is
unique and permanent.
(2) Lifetime Engineers are those ordinary engineers who have contributed their
institutional dues for 30 years. Upon acquiring the status of engineer for life,
his or her authorization to practice the profession is permanent, except in the
case of institutional or judicial sanction.
(3) Temporary Engineers are foreign engineers whose professional engineering
degree is recognized by the National Superintendence of Higher Education or
the entity that performs such function.
(4) Honorary Members are natural persons, national or foreign, who for special
merits or acts that commit the gratitude of the CIP, are deserving of such

5. The College of Engineers of Peru has a decentralized structure. Define the 4 governing
bodies of the College of Engineers:

a) The National Congress of Departmental Councils: is the highest body of the CIP. Its
decisions represent the sovereign will of the totality of the Members of the Institution and have
the force of law for them.
b) The National Council is the representative and executive body of the CIP and
coordinates the actions of all the Departmental Councils without detriment to their
administrative and economic autonomy. Conducts the execution of the CIP action plan during
his term of office.
c) Departmental Assemblies: the highest authority of the Departmental
d) Departmental Councils: is the executive body with economic, administrative and
registry autonomy, which represents the engineering profession in each department and leads
the execution of the departmental plan. Their registration shall be subject to the approval and
recognition of the National Electoral Commission and the National Congress of Departmental
Councils of the CIP.
Each Departmental Council has its Board of Directors (11 members maximum) and is
composed of: Departmental Dean, Departmental Vice-Dean, Director Secretary, Director Pro
Secretary, Director Treasurer, Director Pro Treasurer and 5 Engineering Chapter Presidents,
who have obtained the highest vote in the suffrage.
Identify the current Directors of the Lambayeque Departmental Council and the
National Dean of the CIP:

National Dean:

Eng. Carlos Fernando Herrera Descalzi

Departmental Dean:

Eng. Salazar Montaño Ciro Antonio

Departmental Vice-Dean:

Eng. Zamora Capelli Walter Antonio

Departmental Secretary Director:

Eng. Lescano Salazar Luis Enrique

Departmental Pro-Secretary Director:

Ing.Oliva Tonw Willy Augusto

Departmental Treasurer Director:

Ing.Calero Nuñez Luis Alberto

Director Pro Treasurer of the Department:

Celiz Bravo Percy Javier

6. The CIP's decentralized bodies include the Departmental Councils in Institutional Zones of
geographic distribution.

Identify the Departmental Councils within their respective Institutional Zone:

North-Nor Oriente Institutional Zone: formed by the Departmental Councils of Tumbes,

Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad, San Martín-Moyobamba, San Martín-Tarapoto, Loreto,
Cajamarca, Amazonas, Áncash-Chimbote and Áncash-Huaraz.

Central Institutional Zone: formed by the Departmental Councils of Pasco, Junín,

Ayacucho, Ucayali, Huancavelica, Huánuco-Huánuco and Huánuco-Tingo María.

Southern Institutional Zone: formed by the Departmental Councils of Arequipa,

Moquegua, Tacna, Puno, Cusco, Apurimac and Madre de Dios.

Central Coast Institutional Zone: formed by the Departmental Councils of Lima, Ica and

Qualified members of ORDEN may be disqualified (disqualified member), in accordance with

article 3.10 for the following four (4) reasons:

(1) For having been disciplinarily sanctioned by the CIP Bodies, for the time
ordered in the corresponding Resolution.
(2) For having been sanctioned with a sentence for the commission of an
intentional crime in a court of law related to the professional practice, which
has become final, for the duration of the sanction and/or sentence, related to
the professional practice.
(3) For owing more than three months of regular dues;
(4) For owing a fine for not voting in the General Elections of the CIP or others,
with the exception of lifetime engineers.
7. The Institute of Social Services (ISS), organizes and executes a system of social welfare for
the members of the Order, there is a SOLIDAR FUND formed by the personal
contributions of each member according to art 4.165 of Chapter III on the ISS, point out,
who are entitled to the ISS and the exceptions of the payment.

All Ordinary and Life Members who are up to date in their monthly contributions and in
accordance with the Regulations shall be entitled to the benefits of the ISS, except for Life
Members over 70 years of age, or any Member of the Order with a diagnosis of terminal illness
or permanent disability.

8. In Chapter II of the Code of Ethics on Fundamental Concepts, how is PROFESSIONAL

ETHICS defined in Article 9?

The Code of Ethics defines criteria and concepts that should guide the professional
conduct of the Engineer in view of the high purposes of the profession he/she practices. As
such, it is an instrument of self-regulation, which regulates the professional and personal
performance of the engineer, ensuring that this function is performed within the
framework of values and principles that the CIP advocates.

9. In accordance with the Code of Ethics established in article 13

The Code of Ethics determines the duties and obligations of the Members of the Order,
as well as the sanctions and the corresponding disciplinary procedure. The engineer's
professional conduct and behavior must be in accordance with the objectives and purposes of
the Institution.

10. The IPC, through its deontological bodies, must apply one of the five sanctions,
depending on the offense committed. Mention each sanction:

(1) Written reprimand, graded and decided by the corresponding Departmental

Ethics Tribunal, sanction that cannot be appealed.
(2) Temporary suspension for a Minor Offense, from three months to one year,
qualified by the respective Departmental Ethics Tribunal and resolved by the
National Ethics Tribunal, whose resolution is not subject to appeal.
(3) Temporary suspension for Serious Misconduct, more than one year up to three
years, qualified by the respective Departmental Ethics Tribunal and resolved by
the National Ethics Tribunal, whose resolution is not subject to appeal.
(4) Expulsion or definitive separation for Very Serious Misconduct, qualified by the
respective Departmental Ethics Tribunal and resolved by the National Ethics
Tribunal, whose Resolution may be subject to review or appeal so that the
proceedings may be submitted to the National Congress of Departmental
Councils, whose decision is final and subject to appeal, thus exhausting the
administrative channel. be subject to review or appeal so that the proceedings
may be submitted to the National Congress of Departmental Councils, whose
decision is final and unappealable, thus exhausting the administrative
(5) Economic sanction, which proceeds in the cases resolved by the Professional
Ad-Hoc Court, in the facts contemplated as administrative infractions for
performing engineering work without being a member or authorized in the CIP,
whose resolution is unappealable.

11. Within the PERSONAL CONDUCT, an offense against the oath of incorporation to the CIP
is indicated in Article 28 of the Code of Ethics, mention additionally one minor offense
and two serious offenses.
(1) Failure to comply with the oath of incorporation to the College.
(2) Violate the laws, ordinances and provisions in force related to the practice of
the profession and the specialty (professional field).
(3) Perform actions that constitute malice or malice or that are contrary to the
general interest.

12. With regard to the commitments concerning THE COMPANY, describe 2 minor offenses,
one serious offense and two very serious offenses.

(1) Infringing the rules of respect for the dignity of workers, safety, hygiene and
social welfare of employees and workers linked to its projects and works.
(2) Performing acts contrary to good technique or incurring in culpable omissions,
even when in compliance with orders from superior authorities.
(3) Committing or allowing violations of labor laws, or in the allocation of fringe
benefits and disregarding the trade union rights of its employees, provided that
it has the corresponding functional responsibility.
(4) Performing tasks knowing that they involve malice or are contrary to the public
(5) Allowing their professional services or their name to facilitate or make possible
the practice of engineering by those who are not legally authorized to do so,
may also be liable to the criminal penalty provided in the Penal Code, Article
364, which states: "The professional who covers with his signature the work of
someone who does not have the title to practice it shall be punished with
imprisonment of not more than four years and disqualification of one to three

13. According to the profession, indicate the following cases as minor misconduct (FL);
serious misconduct (FG) and very serious misconduct (FMG):

a) Extorting and obtaining illicit advantages from suppliers. (FG )

b) To authorize with your signature any professional task that has not been conceived,
executed and controlled by you. ( FL )
c) Not to charge or give professional work as a gift to any natural or legal person, except
for humanitarian reasons, institutional relationship or blood relationship up to the
second degree. ( FL )
d) Associating with persons or companies that engage in professional activity of a
fraudulent, dishonest or unethical nature. ( FMG )
e) Unjustified abandonment or negligence in the works and works entrusted to a
Engineer. ( FG )

14. Deontology or professional ethics, in the Code of Ethics, establishes the procedures for
misconduct and sanctions. Mention the 3 IPC Deontological bodies:

(1) The National Ethics Tribunal (TNE), in accordance with Article 4.76 of the IPC
(2) The Departmental Ethics Tribunals (EDT), in accordance with Article 4.78 of the
IPC Statute.
(3) The Ad Hoc Professional Tribunal (TAP), in accordance with Article 4.81 of the
IPC Statute.

15. Mention the requirements (7) to integrate the deontological organizations:

(1) Be an Ordinary or Life Member and be qualified.

(2) To have at least ten (10) years of membership.
(3) To have maintained an honorable behavior and conduct.
(4) Not having been sanctioned by the CIP.
(5) Not to have been sentenced for the commission of an intentional crime.
(6) Not hold any other position or representation in the CIP.
(7) Not be a spouse or relative, up to the second degree of consanguinity, of any
Member of the Governing or Specialized Bodies of the CIP.

16. Mention at least 5 fouls that the collegiate must avoid in order not to be sanctioned by
the CIP:

(1) Committing the institution to the fulfillment of partisan or other sectarian

objectives, particularly those members who perform managerial functions.
(2) Accept directly any work for the execution of which the Governing and
Management Bodies of the College have previously determined the
requirement of competition.
(3) Influencing the duties of an assessor, jury or contest director or accepting such
influence in the performance of such duties.
(4) Failure to comply with the Bylaws, Regulations, Resolutions and others of
mandatory compliance, issued by the College of Engineers of Peru.
(5) Make public, without prior authorization, matters of an internal nature, under
any media or social network.
(6) Violation and/or non-compliance with the rules contained in the Bylaws and
this Code.

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