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In the city of Arequipa, being 09.00 hours of August 07, 2019, we met in the property
located in Urbanización Magnopata C - 6, district of Yanahuara, province and
department of Arequipa, ; all the partners signatories of the minutes dated July 04, 2019;
acting as president Herbert Joseph Marroquín Medina, identified with DNI N°
46762617, as vice president Ruth Milagros Ventura Prado, identified with DNI N°
42715045, and as secretary Alexis Santuyo Macedo, identified with DNI N° 73484329,
and as Fiscal Jose Alfredo Salinas Herrera, identified with DNI N° 70289634.

Meeting held in order to reopen the Minutes of the General Shareholders' Meeting,
dated July 04, 2019, which contains errors or omissions as indicated in the notice of
observation dated August 07, 2019, filed with the title 2019-1830403, which indicates
several points to be corrected.

In order to clarify the observation indicated in the above mentioned Esquela and with
the purpose of registering my request, I hereby clarify as follows:

1. The date of the respective minutes was not specified; therefore, in order to correct
this observation, it is hereby CLARIFIED that the date of the respective MINUTES
IS AUGUST 02, 2019.

2. The rules for Quorum and Convocation of the Board of Directors were omitted,
therefore, in order to correct this observation, Articles 21 and 22 of the Bylaws are
clarified and should be understood as indicated below:

Article 21. - Notice of meeting: The meeting shall be called by the president of the
board of directors by means of a notice of meeting sent to the addresses registered with
the association of its members or by newspaper notice in the written or radio press in
the city of Arequipa or by facsimile, e-mail or other means of communication that
allows proof of receipt to be obtained.

The call shall be made or notified not less than five calendar days prior to the meeting,
and shall contain the day, time and place of the meeting.

In the same summons , the first and second summons may be held on the same day,
with a difference of not less than half an hour between them. If the second call is not
fixed in the same notice, a new date must be called with the same formalities.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the general assembly of associates shall be deemed
convened and validly constituted to deal with any matter and to adopt the
corresponding resolutions, provided that all the associates are present and that they
unanimously accept the holding of the assembly and the matters proposed to be dealt
with therein.


Article 21.- Calling the meeting: The general meeting of associates is called by the
president of the board of directors of the Association, in the cases provided for in the
bylaws, when agreed by said board of directors or when requested by at least one tenth
of the associates. If such request is not complied with within fifteen days of filing or is
denied, the provisions of Article 85 of the Civil Code shall apply.

The summons for the general assembly shall indicate the agenda, place, day and time of
the meeting and shall be communicated to the members by means of notices or any
other means of communication (e-mail, wall newspaper, among others) at least seven
(7) days in advance. In addition, the notice of the election shall be sent by e-mail or
through the association's web page, also publicizing the election schedule and,
subsequently, the results.

Article 22º.- Quorum and amendment of the by-laws: The quorum required for the
general assembly shall be half plus one of the associates at first call and those attending
at second call.

To modify the by-laws or to dissolve the association, the attendance of more than half
of the associates is required at the first call; at the second call, the quorum required shall
be no less than 10% of the total number of associates.

The associates may be represented at the general assembly by another person, with
prior identification and respective documentary evidence (simple power of attorney
with legalized signature).

Article 22.- Quorum and amendment of bylaws: The assemblies are constituted,
function and deliberate with the quorum, summons and other requirements
contemplated in articles 86° and 87° of the Civil Code. For the validity of the general
assembly meetings, the concurrence of more than half of the associates is required at
the first call, and at the second call, the presence of any number of associates is
sufficient. Resolutions are adopted with the vote of more than half of the members

To modify the by-laws or to dissolve the association, the attendance of more than half
of the associates is required at the first call. Resolutions are adopted with the vote of
more than half of the members present. At second call, resolutions are adopted with the
members in attendance representing at least one tenth of the members.

The associates may be represented at the general assembly by another person, with
prior identification and respective documentary evidence (simple power of attorney
with legalized signature).

3. Article 26 of the Bylaws states that the Board of Directors is made up of the
President, Vice President and Secretary of Minutes and Records; however, the
position of the Fiscal Officer is named and the powers of the latter are developed;
therefore, in order to correct said observation, the same is clarified and should be
understood as indicated below:

ARTICLE 26- The Board of Directors is the representative, coordinating and executive
body of the association, being responsible for the general administration of the
association. Its members are elected for a period of one year, and may be reelected for
the same or a different position for a new term.

The directorships are as follows:

a) President.
b) Vice-president.
c) Recording and filing secretary.

The Board of Directors is the representative, coordinating and executive body of the
Association, and is responsible for the general administration of the Association. Its
members are elected for a period of one year, and may be reelected for the same or a
different position for a new term.

The directorships are as follows:

a) President.
b) Vice-president.
c) Recording and filing secretary.
d) Prosecutor

In this way, the observations made by the registrar are considered to have been clarified;
likewise, the corrections made in the present reopening of the minutes were unanimously
approved and the uncorrected items were duly ratified.

The same persons who signed the Minutes of the General Meeting of July 4, 2019, at 11:00 a.m.
of the same day, sign this Reopening of the Minutes as a sign of conformity.

Herbert Joseph Marroquín Medina, identified with DNI N° 46762617, as Vice President
Ruth Milagros Ventura Prado, identified with DNI N° 42715045, and as Secretary Alexis
Santuyo Macedo, identified with DNI N° 73484329, and as Prosecutor Jose Alfredo
Salinas Herrera, identified with DNI N° 70289634.

………………………………….. .…………………….

Herbert Joseph Marroquín Medina Ruth Milagros Ventura Prado

………………………………….. .…………………….

Alexis Santuyo Macedo Jose Alfredo Salinas Herrera

I, Herbert Joseph Marroquín Medina, identified, declare under oath that the signatures of the
members appearing in the reopening minutes dated August 07, 2019 correspond to all the
members who participated in the meeting held on July 04, 2019.

Arequipa August 07, 2019.


Herbert Joseph Marroquín Medina

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