European Defense Challenge 2 - Philomène Vétillart and Marc Bernard - Sciences Po Lille - France

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technologies baies #C4ISTAR

Participant # 1
The Challenge
Name Philomène VETILLART

The European Commission has declared technology

University Sciences Po Lille.
as the EU’s top priority for the next five years. More
particularly, one key objective is the mastery and
ownership of key technologies in Europe. Country France.

With this objective in mind the European Defence Email

Challenge asks the students of Europe to propose
one or more work approaches dealing with topics
such as artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles,
batteries, cybersecurity, chip technologies, control,
Participant #2
robotics, signal and image processing, and related to
defence technologies within the framework of the Name Marc BERNARD.
question mentioned above.
University Sciences Po Lille.
Please, defend your proposal by including not only
technological, but also socio-economic, political,
ethical and/or environmental aspects. Country France.

SEND TO: Email

European Defense Decision Coordinator

The reconfiguration of global dynamics, as a result of the new hierarchy of powers that is taking shape, calls for
urgent consideration of the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and, in particular, the role it will play in a context of
growing conflict.
Artificial Intelligence will inevitably play a role within armies and decision-making positions, inviting us to question
the consequences of its application within European headquarters in the framework of European Defense.
AI as an aid to conflict prediction and operational planning will prove essential. The prevention of a confrontation
allows one to avoid it in the best case, or to plan it in order to ensure a tactical and operational superiority. AI
emerges as an essential analysis aid to overcome uncertainty.
Therefore, AI may become very handy in order to harmonize the decision-making processes in EU members
General staffs. The project could take the form of a shared system relying on AI and Shared Database specialized
over various issues in which European Forces are involved such as joint operations, operation of peacekeeping and
peacebuilding and for joint exercises.
Main Idea:
The main purpose of the EDDC would be to ensure centralization and sharing of information in order to facilitate
decision-making and cooperation in European defense matters through a common system relying on Artificial
Intelligence and use of collective Database.
The EDDC would take the form of an Intelligent Decision Support System, that would act thanks to the richness of a
common European defense database. Intelligent Decision Systems (IDS) can greatly help decision makers by
providing, through a rapid analysis of data and the identification of patterns in it, suggestions of courses of actions
and evaluation of action efficiency. The sharpness of the IDS could help military staff to make decisions while
considering patterns normally invisible to the human eye. Also, in a multilateral decision-making context such as
the EU one, that sometimes reduces the reactivity and efficiency of joint operations, EDDC can offer unbiased
consideration of a decision and therefore accelerate the multilateral decision process.
As the military leader makes decisions under uncertainty, one of the main gains expected from AI is the decision
support. AI reinforces the understanding of the present and allows even the prediction of a certain future.
Committing soldiers to combat by making them take a lethal risk, any military decision must be justified. Thus, the
adoption of such a technology makes it possible to respect International Humanitarian Law or the Law of War.
Moreover, modeling international conflicts requires empirical and quantitative analyses based on data held by
countries, and bringing them together in a single interface would facilitate decision-making.
The device could be first implemented through the Military and Planning Conduct Capability (MPCC) because of its
focus on exercise. Other PESCO projects could integrate EDDC to harmonize decision-making and the progressive
integration of AI within European defense. Projects such as Cyber Threats and Incident Response Information
Sharing Platform (CTISP) and ​EU Collaborative Warfare Capabilities (ECoWAR), could be great additions to a global
project such as the EDDC.
The long-term objective would be the establishment of effective military missions at the European level with an
integrated MPCC headquarters.

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