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1. Art.

30 LOSNCP - Validity of the Bid - The bids shall be understood to bevalid during the
time foreseen for such purpose in the pre-contractual documents. If the term is not
specified, it shall be understood that the bid is valid until the date of execution of the
contract, and the term may be extended at the discretion of the Contracting Agency.

2. Art. 56.-NCP Supervision (FIXED PRICE ) - This type of contract shall be subject to the
supervision of the Contracting Agency, which may be carried out by itself or by third

3. Art. 57.- LOSNCP Procedure: In order to address the emergency situations defined in
number 31 of Article 6 of this Law, prior to initiating the procedure, the Minister of
State or in general the highestauthority of the entity must issue a reasoned resolution
declaring the emergency, in order to justify the contracting. Said resolution shall be
published in the COMPRASPUBLICAS Portal.

4. The incorrect selection of the place of contracting (minor amount and quotation) will
invalidate thepre-contractual procedureand in such situation it must be cancelled or
declared void, as appropriate.

5. Which of the following options does NOT correspond to one of the cases for declaring a
public procurement process void? Select one:

a. If the need does not persist, in which case the file will be closed.
b. All bids or the only bid submitted have been disqualified.
c. As no bids were submitted
d. Failure to conclude the contract for reasons attributable to the successful

6. Is it possible to hire a consultancy through inclusive fairs? Select one:

a. Yes, as long as it is contracted with actors of the popular and solidarity economy.
b. If, through a resolution of the highest authority of the entity
c. Yes, as long as the consultancy is not included in the PAC and does not exceed the
budget of 0.0000002 of the SIP (USD $ 7,263.42).
d. No, the LOSNCP establishes its own procedures for Consulting.

7. Will the Procuring Entity have preference in enforcing the guarantees? Select one:
a. No, the Contracting Entity must wait for the opinion of the insurance company
before enforcing the guarantee, in accordance with the clause establishing the prior
administrative procedure".
b. Yes, it shall have preference over any other creditor, regardless of the nature of the
creditor and the title on which its claim is based.
c. Yes, however, the Procuring Entity must carry out the administrative procedure
foreseen in the guarantees and/or insurance policies.
d. No, since the preference is not related to guarantees, but rather applies to certain
public procurement procedures.

8. What study is carried out in a bidding procedure to determine the Ecuadorian Added
Value? Select one:

a. Social and environmental impact study

b. The technological disaggregation study
c. Unit price analysis only
d. Soil survey

9. Can partial awards be made in an Inclusive Fair procedure? Select one:

a. No, since the Inclusive Fair is a special procedure.

b. Yes, since partial awards can be made in contracts for the execution of works and
the provision of services, including consulting services.
c. Yes, in the Inclusive Fairs procedure it is possible to make partial awards d. No,
since partial awards are exclusive to consulting procedures.

10. I need to contract the lease of abuildingand the only offer is from a supplier who is a
natural person not registered in the RUP, can the contracting be carried out? Select

a. The process must be cancelled if the supplier is not registered in the RUP.
b. No, since it is mandatory for all suppliers to be registered in the RUP.
c. The process should be declared void because there must be at least 3bids.
d. Yes, since the successful bidder is not required to be registered and qualified in the

11. What is the name given to a supplier who is awarded a contract and does not sign the
contract? Select one:

a. Unsuccessful bidder
b. Contractor in default
c. Non-compliant supplier
d. Failed contractor

12. What is the amount established for contracting through the Inclusive Fairs procedure?
Select one:

a. Only if the reference budget is less than or equal to multiplying the coefficient
0.0000002 of the PIE (USD $ 6,416.07).
b. Only if the referential budget is greater than multiplying the coefficient 0.000002 of
the PIE (USD $ 64,160.73).
c. Only if the reference budget is less than or equal to multiplying the coefficient
0.000002 of the PIE (USD $ 64,160.73).
d. No consideration of amounts

13. Which of the following acquisitions is covered by the special cases of the
smallestamount? Select one:

a. Spare parts and accessories

b. For the contracting of communication strategies with a single supplier
c. Low-cost literary works
d. Specific legal advice for specific cases

14. Which of the following supplier groups are not related to preferred sourcing? Select

a. Small business
b. Micro enterprise
c. Large company
d. Artisans

15. What is the maximum number of consultants registered in the RUP that a procuring
entity must select and invite in a Short List procurement procedure? Select one:

a. 6 suppliers
b. 4 suppliers
c. The system selects suppliers
d. 3 suppliers

16. Is it possible for the procuring entity to be in default of payment if the advance
payment has not been fully accrued? Select one:

a. In no case, unless the supplierhas notscheduled

Lob. In no case will this possibility be considered.
c. It is possible in unforeseen economic situations
d. It is possible if the forms have not been submitted by the auditor.

17. Which of the following acquisitions is covered by the special cases of the smallest
amount? Select one:

a. Low-cost literary works

b. Fuels in monthly operations
c. For the contracting of communication strategies with a single supplier
d. Specific legal advice for specific cases

18. Does a medium-sized company have margins of preference in a quotation procedure

for goods and services? Select one:

a. Yes, because in the absence of micro and small companies, the score will be
credited to medium-sized companies that comply with the VAE.
b. No, because the preference margins apply only to MYPES and EPS.
c. Yes, because the margins of preference apply to MSMEs at the national level.
d. No, because preference margins apply to micro, small and medium-sized suppliers
in the locality.

19. Which of the following contracting entities could apply to SERCOP for a specific line of
business authorization? Select one:

a. Foundations
b. Public companies or companies at least 50% of whosesubscribed capital is owned
by public-law entities
c. Judicial bodies
d. Decentralized Autonomous Governments

20. In what cases are advance payment guarantees extended between public institutions?
Select one:

a. Under no circumstances
b. Lease of real estate
c. Procurement of goods and services
d. Interinstitutional agreement

21. The price agreed upon for the acquisition of a specific real estate property may not
exceed for any reason: Select one:

a. 10% of the appraisal carried out by the Municipal Appraisal and Cadastral
b. The appraisal carried out by the Municipal Appraisal and Cadastral Department of
the Municipality
c. The appraisal recorded in the previous sale deed
d. The mediation made by the entity with the owner of the property

22. Upon notification of bid award the supplier must: Select one:

a. To sign the contract within 15 days.

b. Sign the contract within the 15-day period
c. Signing of the handover minutes within a term of 15 days.
d. Deliver the guarantees within 15 days and request payment of the contract.

23. In a procedure of Small Amount Goods and Services, suppliers may submit their
expression of interest in a term of: Select one:

a. 72 hours
b. As indicatedin the specifications
c. 24 hours
d. 48 hours

24. In which procedure is the procuring entity required to have at least three supplier
proformas? Select one:

a. Public Tender
b. Electronic Reverse Auction
c. Small Amounts
d. Quote

25. At what stage is the Technical Commission formed? Select one:

a. Execution
b. Contractual
c. Precontractual
d. High School

26. When should the Technical Commission be formed in an Electronic Reverse Auction
procedure? Select one:

a. When authorized by SERCOP

b. When indicated by the highest authority of the contracting entity.

c When the reference budget is lower than 0 000002 of the PIE (USD $ 64 160.73) d
When the reference budget is higher than 0 000002 of the PIE (USD $ 64 160.73)

27 In a Short List consulting procedure, only one supplier has participated and has complied
with the technical offer in accordance with the regulations. Which of the following
options is the correct one in order to continue the process? Select one:

a Unilaterally terminate the process

b Award direct to supplier
c To declare the process null and void
d Negotiation with the supplier

28 In order to address emergency situations, the Minister of State or in general the highest
authority of a contracting entity must previously issue a reasoned resolution that
provides for: Select one:

a Initiation of a contracting process to overcome the emergency

b The declaration of an emergency to justify contracting
c The declaration of emergency to address emergency situations
d The declaration of an emergency to attend to duly motivated emergency contracting.

29 When is a supply of goods and services considered to be of national origin? Select one:

a When the bidder is a resident of the country

b When it is lower than the threshold of the Ecuadorian Added Value of the public
procurement procedure
c When it equals or exceedsthe Ecuadorian Value Added threshold of the public
procurement procedure.
d When the goods are produced in the country by the bidder

30 In which procurement procedure is the supplier requested to adhere to the reference

quotation? Select one:

a Lesser amount of work

b Lower amount of goods and services
c Short List consulting
d Quotation of goods and services

31 What type of purchases can be contracted under the Emergency Contracting procedure?
Select one:

a Works, goods and services, including consulting services

b Non-standardized Goods and Services
c Works, goods and services excluding Consultancy
d Standardized Goods and Services

32 Any infraction to the LOSNCP committed by authorities, officials, public or private

employees or any person who acts or has intervened in the public procurement
procedure on behalf of the Contracting Entities will be sanctioned: Select one:

a. By the National Public Procurement Service within 15 days

b. By the highest authority of the Contracting Entity within 10 days
c. By the Office of the Comptroller General of the State within 30 days.
d. By the State Attorney General's Office within 30 days

33. Do foreign legal entities wishing to engage in consulting activities have to be registered
in the RUP and therefore be domiciled in Ecuador? Select one:

a. No, because they are foreigners

b. Yes, as long as it is consulting for more than 6 months.
c. Yes, it is required by the Companies Law and the LOSNCP.
d. No, because it is already proven with the certificate of origin.
34. In the system, in the "In Receipt" stage, to finalize a process, the entity must enter the
user of the: Select one:

a. Process creator
b. With any type of user
c. Portal Administrator
d. Contract Administrator

35. The contracting for the development of a software whose referential budget is
$45600.00 may be carried out through the procedure of, select one:

a. Small Amounts
b. Minor Amount Services
c. Special Regime
d. Consulting Direct Contracting

36. In the acquisition of real estate, the transfer of ownership is formalized with, select

a. The public deed to be registered in the Mercantile Registry

b. Delivery of the real estate
c. The contract to be entered into between the parties shall be
d. The public deed to be recorded in the Property Registry

37. In a bidding procedure, what is the minimum percentage of Ecuadorian participation

that the supplier must have in its bid in order not to be disqualified? Select one:

a. To have a percentage equal toor higher than the result of the technological
disaggregation study.
b. Having a percentage equal to or greater than 40% of the VAE
c. Having a percentage equal to or higher than 60% of the VAE
d. To have a percentage higher than 60% of the result of the technological
desegregation study.

38. In the bidding procedure, the technical committee shall be composed of the
following members
also by:
a. The Chief Financial Officer and the General Counsel or their delegates, with
b. voice and vote.
c. The Administrative and Financial Director, with voice and vote
d. The highest authority with voice, but without vote
TheChief Financial Officer and the General Counsel or their delegates, with
voice but without vote.

39. Contracts for the lease of real estate shall be subject to the rules set forth in the
Regulations, in the following cases:

a. In the acquisition of real estate abroad by the State or entities of the

Ecuadorian sector.....
b. When the state or a public institution has the quality of lessor as lessee.
c. When the stateor a public institution has exclusively the quality of lessor.
d. When the state or a public institution has exclusively the quality of lessee.

40. The CPC of the lot in the Electronic Reverse Auction procedures, at what level it is

a. At level 8
b. Level 5
c. In electronic reverse auctions, there are no lots.
d. Level 9

41. In which procurement procedure, the system does not allow the suppliers to be
identified and coded:

a. Quotation of goods andservices

b. Electronic reverse auction
c. Bidding and quotation of works
d. Lower amount of goods or services
42. In which procedures the facilitator module is used:

a. Tendering, inclusive fair, quotation, low bidding, electronic reverse auction

b. Bidding, quotation, lower amount, electronic reverse auction, insurance c.
Bidding, quotation, lower amount, electronic reverse auction, consultancy d.
Bidding, quotation, lower amount, electronic reverse auction, consulting, real
estate leasing.

43. In which contracting procedures, in order to access the evaluation of the economic
proposal, the sole offer must obtain at least 70 points, otherwise it will be disqualified.

a. Electronic reverse auction and catalog purchase

b. In all consulting procedures
c. Short list consulting and public bidding
d. Quotation and bidding

44. The Performance Bond may be used for:

a. Cover payment of contractor's outstanding taxes
b. Payment of overdue contributions to IESS
c. Accrue advance payment
d. To enforce fines imposed to the contractor
45. By means of which contracting procedure, the contracting entity may immediately re-
contract the object of the contract, if the contract was unilaterally terminated:

a. Direct contracting for unilateral termination

b. A Common Regime procedure
c. Similar to the one performed for the initial contracting
d. Contracting for unilateral termination

46. In an emergency procurement procedure, it is possible to contract with a foreign


a. If they have their fiscal domicile in Ecuador

b. Yes, and it is not necessary that they are domiciled inEcuador, this requirement
will be fulfilled once the respective contract is signed.
c. It is not possible to contract with foreign suppliers because it is an emergency.
d. Yes, only if it is registered and categorized in the RUP.
47. In a bidding process for works, partial execution may be subcontracted with:
a. Only with suppliers, small companies or HPS players, regardless of location.
b. Individuals domiciled in the country
c. Individuals or legal entities with tax domicile in the country
d. Micro and small enterprises or actors of the popular and solidarity economy
sector, domiciled in the locality with projects, registered and authorized in the
48. What type of purchase order is generated in the catalog when the value of the order
exceeds the amount of the smallest amount of goods and services.

a. Best offer only

b. Great buy by bid or best offer
c. Bidding only
d. Direct
49. How long the supplier sanctioned as a non-compliant contractor will be disqualified in
the RUP.

a. 1 year
b. 6 years
c. 3 years
d. 5 years

50. At what times procuring entities may publish procurement procedures on the last
business day of the week:

a. Between 08h00 and 16h30

b. Between 08h00 to 20h00
c. Between 07h00 to 14h30
d. Only between 08:00 am and 1:00 pm.

51. Can partial awards be made in a bidding procedure for goods?

a. No, since only full awards are possible in the bidding procedure for goods.
b. No, since partial awards can only be applied in procurements for the provision
of services.
c. Yes, in the bidding procedure goods may bepartially awarded, provided that it
is established in the bidding documents.
d. A bidding procedure admits only one lot, but SERCOP may authorize partial

52. In all procedures provided for in the LOSNCP, preference will be given to the bidder of
goods, works or services that incorporate a greater component of Ecuadorian origin or
to the actors of the Popular and Solidarity Economy and Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises, through the application of mechanisms such as:

a. Increased Ecuadorian value added, outsourcing and market reserve

b. Direct contracting, margins of preference and market reserve.
c. Proportional preference margins, market reserve and preferential
d. Higher percentage of subcontracting and preference margins.

53. What is the percentage of Ecuadorian value added that determines that a good or
service is of national origin?

a. Less than 60% in the case of services and 40% in goods

b. The percentage is set out in the list of thresholds
c. 60% for goods and services
d. 60% in goods and 40% in services

54. Who can request the presumptive receipt before a Notary Public or Civil Judge

a. The Contractor
b. The contracting entity
c. The contractor in coordination with the contracting entity
d. The Contract Manager with the definitive acceptance report

55. Contractors awarded through the smallest amount procedure, whose individual or
accumulated amounts equal the amount equivalent to 0.000007 of the PIE (USD

a. There is no impediment to participate in smaller amounts of works.

b. The following are not eligible to participate in any works procedure
c. The following are not eligible to participate in quotation procedures for works

d. May not participate in procedures for smaller amounts of work.

56. For smaller amounts of goods and services, the invitation will be sent to local suppliers
first at the level

a. National
b. Cantonal
c. Regional
d. Provincial

57. At the proposal submission stage, in an Electronic Reverse Auction procedure. To

whom the system will allow to visualize the unit prices registered in the shipment of
the Ecuadorian Added Value:

a. To all invited suppliers who are submitting quotations

b. Only to the procuring entity upon receipt of the bids
c. Only to the supplier that submitted the proposal through the SERCOP
Institutional Portal.
d. Only to SERCOP, which is the only one that can view in the system.

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