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Started inWednesday, November 13, 2019, 16:34
Finished in Wednesday, November 13, 2019, 16:39
5 mins 12 seconds
Time spent Rating
10.00 out of a total of 10.00 ( 100 %)

1 Human rights can be approached from different dimensions, as they are a
Correct process __________ over time

Score 1.00 out of

Select one:
or a. Definitive
or b. Initial
or c. Built
@d . Under construction Correct answer, human rights are a process under construction, because
they are addressed from social, historical, political and cultural dimensions that change over time

Your answer is correct.

QUESTION 2 The International Bill of Human Rights is made up of


Select one:
Score 1.00 out of

or a. The International Pacts

or b. Optional Protocols
@c . The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR); the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights, as well as its optional protocol; and, the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights, in addition to its two optional protocols Correct answer, All of these
documents make up the so-called International Bill of Human Rights
or d. 30 articles, containing civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights

Your answer is correct.

QUESTION 3 What does it mean that human rights are inalienable?

Select one:
Score 1.00 out of
1.00 @a . That cannot be canceled or taken away from people Correct answer, this
means inalienability in human rights
or b. That can be transferred to whoever needs them
or c. That no one can renounce their human rights
or d. It depends on the specific case

Your answer is correct.

QUESTION 4 Human rights are based on:


Select one:
Score 1.00 out of
or a. The Constitution.
@b . Human dignity Correct answer, human dignity is the foundation of human rights
or c. The Universal Charter of Human Rights
or d. The Bible

Your answer is correct.

QUESTION 5 The gender perspective is closely related to these principles, since

Correct that seeks to make visible and shorten the historical gaps of inequality based on gender

Score 1.00 out of

. Select one:
1.00 @a . Principle of equality and non-discrimination Correct answer, these principles are closely related
to the gender perspective
or b. Principle of legality and inclusion
or c. Principle of freedom and legal equality
or d. Principle of opportunity and equality

Your answer is correct.

6 One of the most notable aspects of the 1917 Constitution, and which made it a pioneer in
Correct subject was:

Score 1.00 out of

Select one:
@a . It established social rights, such as education, health protection and an adequate environment
Correct answer, this Constitution was a pioneer in the recognition of social rights
or b. Established the equality of men and women before the law
or c. He built a defense system to avoid caudillismo
or d. Established obligations and duties for all authorities in matters of human rights

Your answer is correct.

QUESTION 7 Human rights have been grouped by categories, namely:

Select one:
Score 1.00 out of
1.00 @a . According to its contents (economic, social, cultural, civil, political and environmental rights);
rights focused on groups of populations in vulnerable situations (women, people with disabilities,
older adults and indigenous people, for example) Correct answer, these are some categories in which human rights have
been grouped
or b. According to the generations in which they are classified
or c. Depending on the economic system in which they arise
or d. According to the gender of the population to which they are directed

Your answer is correct.

What is the body that promotes the policy to promote equality between women and men,
through the transversal application of the gender perspective in all government programs,
Score 1.00 out of
projects and actions?

Select one:
or a. The CONAPRED
or b. The Legislative Branch
or c. The Federal Judicial Council
@d . The National Women's Institute Correct answer, the National Women's Institute is the
body that promotes the policy to promote equality between women and men, through the
transversal application of the gender perspective in all programs, projects and actions of

Your answer is correct.

In the case of Mexico, the Constitution of _________ was the first in the world to incorporate
economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR)
Score 1.00 out of
Select one:
or a. 1912
or b. 1857
or c. 1810
@d . 1917 Correct answer, this was the first Constitution in the world to incorporate economic,
social and cultural rights (ESCR)

Your answer is correct.

The rights of peoples or nations are those in which their holder is:

Score 1.00 out of

Select one:
or a. Those who have citizenship
@b . The community Correct answer, the community is the holder of the rights of peoples or
or c. The community leader
or d. The council of elders

Your answer is correct.

Your answer is correct.

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