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1. Dewa Nyoman Prawira Ari Sudiana (P07134223048)
2. I Kadek Indra Muliawan (P07134223051)
3. Ni Putu Tatia Darmautami (P07134223052)
4. Hibbatullah Fijyadi Putra (P07134223064)
5. I Kadek Angga Dwi Santika (P07134223069)


Prawira : “Excuse me, so we have an assignment from ours lecture to do interview with you about
ours campus and major. Do you have any time?”.
Prawira : “Thank you so much I appreciate it. So before we start let us introduce ours self first, you
can call me Prawira, and this is my friends Tatia, Awan, Angga, and also Putra. May I know
what is your name? Where do you come from?”
Prawira : “Great! So did you ever heard about Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar?”.
Prawira : “Don’t worry. I will tell you about ours campus, so our campus Poltekkes Kemenkes
Denpasar is the only one campus in Bali that under the auspices of the Ministry of Health
of Indonesia established since 2001. Denpasar Health Polytechnic has two study programs
there are Diploma 3 and Diploma 4 and also has six majors such as nursing, nutrition,
midwifery, enviromental health, dental health, and ours major is medical laboratory
technology. This campus has 4 different locations and one of them located at Sanitasi Street
number 1. Also ours campus has a vision there are quality, professional, competitive,
cultural, and tourism-oriented in 2030. So do you want to more about our campus?”
Prawira : “Ok! So I will show you one of our tools that we use medical laboratory technology!!
Prawira : “So this is called a Centrifuge and the function is to contain liquids during centrifugation,
which separates the sample into components by rapidly rotating it around a fixed axis.”
Prawira : “So for the next material will explain by my friend Tatia”
Tatia : “Ok nice to meet you Mr Yoon. I am Tatia and will explain about medical laboratory
technology’s history. So medical laboratory technology department at Poltekkes Kemenkes
Denpasar was originally named the Department of Health Analyst, which was founded on
January 22, 2009 according to the decision of the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2009,
this department had A accreditation, then as time went on Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar
changed its name to the Department of Higher Medical Laboratory Technology and need
for laboratory personnel in certain agencies, starting from government agencies such as
hospitals, health centers, and educational institutions can increase the opportunities for
graduates of medical laboratory technology to work both on a national and international
Tatia : “And then So the next material about our mission by Awan.”
Awan : “Hello Mr Yoon so my name is Awan I will tell you about our mission as a medical
laboratory technologist and also tell you about laboratory that we use”
Awan : “So our mission first is to provide high-quality, professional, competitive, culturally
enriched, and health-tourism-oriented vocational education in medical laboratory
technology. Second to advance research in the field of healthcare. Third to engage in
community service based on research outcomes and local wisdom. Last to establish
partnerships and collaborations with various institutions both domestically and
Awan : “So do you know what laboratory that we use? Okay, the medical laboratory technology
department at Denpasar Health Polytechnic provides a range of laboratories, including
basic chemistry laboratory, applied chemistry laboratory, histotechnology-cytotechnology
laboratory, bacteriology and parasitology laboratory, immunology laboratory, hematology
laboratory, clinical chemistry laboratory, and molecular biology laboratory. That about
laboratory that we use next material about medical laboratory technology’s function by
Angga : “I am Angga and I will tell you about our major function”
Angga : “Medical laboratory technologists, often referred to as health analysts, play a role in
assisting doctors to identify types of diseases and determine appropriate treatment steps.
To work as a medical laboratory technologist, qualifications in the field of Medical
Laboratory Technology (MLT) are required. Next we move to the last material about job
prostects of medical labortary technology. The MLT program is a part of the Faculty of
Health Sciences that prepares graduates to conduct examinations, determinations,
measurements, and tests on materials (fluids and body tissues) with the aim of determining
disease types and causes.”
Putra : “Hello Mr Yoon as you know I am Putra I here to tell you last material about job prostects
of medical labortary technology. So there are two job prospects first is General Profile
Education in Medical Laboratory Technology carries out educational activities that produce
graduates of Associate Experts in Medical Laboratory Technology who are religious and
have character in carrying out their duties as health workers. And then the second job
prospect is Custom Profile.
1. Phlebotomy Technician: Associate of Medical Laboratory Technology who has the
ability to perform taking blood specimens handling human body fluids and tissues for
medical laboratory examination
2. Medical laboratory technician Associate Medical Laboratory Technology expert who
has the ability to perform examination of blood and other biological materials and is
responsible for the quality of the results examination in a medical laboratory
3. Specimen handling technician Planners, takers, processors, assessors and quality
assessors of biological specimens for laboratory tests according to standard procedures.
4. Species Test Expert Technician Able to carry out testing of biological specimens by
selecting the appropriate examination method, as well as analyzing test results
diagnostic information based on standard operating procedures and the latest

Prawira : “So that all from us about our campus for the last time can you take the picture with us
for documentation?”

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