Person Growth

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( Source: Seven Keys to a Better Life – by Dick Eastman )

Following is a list of personal growth topics for each day of the month. On each of the 31
days, read the Bible verse listed for that day’s focus and then ask God to help you develop
the quality emphasized in the word being focused on. May the Lord bless you in your
personal relationship to Him as you grow in holiness and righteousness.


1. Assurance A depth of faith Hebrews 10:22
2. Authority A capacity to command Matthew 16:19
3. Availability A readiness to go Isaiah 6:8
4. Commitment Dedication to the cause of Christ Joshua 24:15
5. Compassion Love in action Mark 8:1-2
6. Confidence A baptism in boldness Philippians 4:13
7. Consistency The quality of faithfulness James 1:8
8. Diligence The willingness to work hard 2 Peter 1:5
9. Generosity The desire to give Matthew 10:8
10. Holiness Christlike behavior 1 Peter 1:16
11. Humility The willingness to submit James 4:10
12. Integrity The quality of truthfulness Romans 12:17
13. Loyalty A zeal for fidelity Ruth 1:16
14. Maturity The capacity to grow Hebrews 6:12-14
15. Prayer A longing to wait Isaiah 40:31
16. Purity A desire to be clean Matthew 5:8
17. Purpose The wisdom to set goals Proverbs 4:25
18. Reliability A depth of dependability 1 Corinthians 4:2
19. Repentance A willingness to change Luke 3:8
20. Revelation Learning to listen Ephesians 1:15-18
21. Restoration A ministry of healing Isaiah 61:1-2
22. Reverence The fear of the Lord Proverbs 9:10
23. Self-denial Sacrifice of surrender Luke 9:23
24. Sensitivity Openness of heart Luke 10:30-37
25. Servanthood The ministry of helping others Galatians 6:9-10
26. Simplicity A lifestyle uncluttered Romans 12:8
27. Submission Choosing to yield Ephesians 5:21
28. Teachability The quality of meekness Titus 3:2
29. Tenderness A willingness to weep 2 Kings 22:19
30. Trust A fearless reliance Psalm 125:1
31. Unity A respect for others 1 Corinthians 1:10


Sydney, Australia

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