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‫‪Business Law‬‬

‫‪Introduction to the Concept of Law‬‬

‫األزرق هو أهم شي خصوصا اللي‬

‫يكون تحته خط‬

‫‪BY MR. MURAD ALQAEFI‬‬ ‫وبعده اللون األخضر‬

‫واحفظوا النقاط الرئيسية حق كل فقره‬

What is Law?

 The Word “LAW” is defined in the Oxford English

Dictionary as; law is the body of enacted or
customary rules recognized by a community as
 Three Main Points on the Definition of Law:
▪ A set of rules
▪ Regulates interactions between people/parties
▪ Enforceable through sanction.
 There is No definite definition to the word law.
Rule of law 3

The Rule of Law involves the following three propositions/ theories:

1. No person must be punished except for a breach of the law.
This means; A person should be able to know whether what they may want
to do is lawful or unlawful.
It also recognizes the law as the highest authority in society.
2. All persons are equal before the law irrespective of status or position; All
persons are equal in the law however their status or position is;
3. The rights or freedoms of citizens are enforceable in the courts. Citizens
have their rights or freedoms in the courts.
 The Main Legal Systems

1. Civil Law System

It is a complete code of written laws whose primary source of law
is legislation. Which is derived from The Roman law.
 In “Civil Law System” Law is derived from a complete written laws of
legislation .
2. Common Law System
Derived from case law (or precedent) and statute (written Law).
 In “Common Law System” Law is derived from previous cases.
Classify with
Classification of Law define each

Law has been classified into three broad divisions: 5 one

1) Public law :- It is the relationship between individuals and the state.

A. Constitutional Law :- the rights of individuals in the state.
B. Criminal Law :- Different offences done by individuals against the state. Ex:- Murder ,
2) Private law :- affect the rights and duties of individuals between
Inculdes 3 :-
A. Contracts : Contracts are based on agreement.
B. Torts : Torts are based on an obligation imposed by law. A tort is a civil wrong.
C. A Trust :
 International law :- defined as the body of law which is composed of the
principles and rules of conduct which states feel themselves bound to
observe, in their relations with each other.
Inculde two categories:-
1. Public international law :- law that prevails between states.
2. Private international law :- in every country there will be a different
version of it.
Two Main Sources Of International Law

1. Customary Rules of International Law,

2. Treaties and Conventions.

 Once a country ratified a Treaty or Convention, the

government would conform with the convention and act in
accordance with it,
 Examples including the United Nations treaties and

Thanks for your attention

Lee Mei Pheng & Ivan Jeron Detta, Business Law, 1st Ed., OXFORD
University Press, 2009.

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