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‫مآلحظة هآمة ‪ -:‬هذه النسخة تركيز فقط على أهم وابرز األسئلة المتكررة في النماذج وتعتبر من اجتهاد شخصي

وغير مسؤول عن أية أخطاء ويجب‬

‫االطالع على الساليدات الرئيسية‬

‫‪ ‬اللون األحمر معناه النقطة الرئيسية‬

‫للساليد او النقطة التي تليها‬

‫‪ ‬اللون األخضر هو المهم للحفظ فهن‬ ‫‪Subject:‬‬
‫‪Business Law .‬‬
‫‪ ‬الذي باللون األسود غالبا ً يكون‬
‫لالطالع ودعم االجابة‬
‫‪The 7 common Questions included in Final Exam‬‬

‫‪ ‬الساليدات التي تحتوي على نجمة‬ ‫‪Chapters : 3 , 4 , 5 , and 6.‬‬

‫فالدكتور مراد قال نركز عليهن‬ ‫‪Al-Hattami‬‬
 Explain the White-Collar Crimes: ‫جرائم الياقات البيضاء‬:
What is the White-Collar Crimes ?
Definition of white-collar crime: it may be best described as a crime committed by a person inside a business or governmental organization.
1. Embezzlement or Misappropriation: Embezzlement is the dishonest change of property by a person who entrusted.
 Embezzlement is different from robbery
2. Theft or Robbery: is the taking of someone else’s property without their permission.

3. Cheating: Cheating involves deception.

4. Bribery: Is when one person gives another anything of value in return for some advantage or preferential treatment.
 A variation of bribery is a secret commission.
5. Insider Trading:
 Using price-sensitive information that affect the company’s shares & securities.
 the use of price-sensitive information which is not publicly available that affecting the price of the company’s shares & securities.
6. Industrial Espionage & Sabotage:
a) Industrial espionage : stealing private or sensitive business information of company to be used by its competitors. .
b) Industrial sabotage : doing something to disrupt the efficient operations of a competitor’s business such as infecting the competitor's
computer network with a virus.

7. Money Laundering: The process when criminals convert the proceeds from their illegal activities.
8. Environment Vandalism: Relates to actions to dispose of waste products against to environmental laws & procedures.
9. Computer Crimes: One of the most commonly Embezzlement crimes is computer crimes. ‫المقصد أنه من أشهر أنواع االختالس هو عن طريق الكمبيوتر‬
 Cybercrime: The Computer Crimes are the offences relating to the misuse of computers.
 How do business effect on environment ( Environment Vandalism ) ?

Environment Vandalism:
• In the context of white-collar crime,
Environmental Vandalism relates to actions to dispose of waste products
against/contrary to environmental laws & procedures.
• The aim is to avoid the financial & time cost involved in disposing of the waste legally.
• Common examples are the disposal of liquid waste directly into sewers drains ‫الصرف الصحي‬
or watercourses ‫ & َم َمر مائِي‬discharging gases & vapors ‫ بُخَار‬into the atmosphere‫ الهواء الجوي‬.
 What are the characterises of an ethical investing company ? (Ethical investment )
Ethical Investing :‫االستثمار األخالقي‬
• It used to be that investment in the stock exchange was perceived as the exclusive field of high finance operators.
• Ethical investing is investment in companies that operate ethically, provide social benefits & are sensitive to the
.‫ • كان يُنظر إلى االستثمار في البورصة على أنه المجال الحصري لمشغلي التمويل الكبار‬
.‫ وتوفر مزايا اجتماعية حساسة لالعتقال‬، ‫• االستثمار األخالقي هو االستثمار في الشركات التي تعمل بشكل أخالقي‬
Positive factors Negative factors
 Positive factors: :‫العوامل اإليجابية‬  Negative factors::‫العوامل السلبية‬
1. Ethical Employment Policies. .‫سياسات التوظيف األخالقية‬ 1. Unethical Employment Practices..‫ ممارسات التوظيف غير األخالقية‬.
2. Environment Protection. .‫حماية البيئة‬ 2. Unethical Environmentally Practices..‫ الممارسات الضارة بالبيئة‬.
3. Protection of Resources..‫حماية الموارد‬ 3. Terrorism. .‫ اإلرهاب‬.
4. Pollution Control. .‫السيطرة على التلوث‬ 4. Tobacco or Alcohol. .‫ التبغ أو الكحول‬.
5. Health & Safety of the Workplace and the Community. 5. Money Laundering. .‫ غسل األموال‬.
.‫صحة وسالمة مكان العمل والمجتمع‬ 6. Armaments. .‫ التسلح‬.
7. Oppressive Regimes. .‫األنظمة القمعية‬
8. Animal Exploitation. .‫استغالل الحيوانات‬
9. Gambling. .‫القمار‬
10. Pornography and other vices. .‫المواد اإلباحية والرذائل األخرى‬
 What are the basic elements of a contract ?
 Contract: -an agreement which legally binding between the parties. -an agreement enforceable by law.
• Every contract contains an element of agreement, but the agreement alone cannot lead to a legally recognized contract.
1. Offer: All contracts start with an offer. One party requires something from the other. The other party has the resources to satisfy it for an
exchange in value.
• The person making the offer called the promisor/ offeror. The person received the offer called the offeree.
• An offer made verbally or in writing is called an express offer while the offer without speaking (through behavior) is called an implied offer.
2. Acceptance: When the person who gets the offer agrees, the offer will be acceptance .
• When acceptance is made with words, it is called express acceptance, and acceptance is made with other than that (behavior), it is called
implied acceptance.
3. Intention to Create legal Relations:- Contract law does not provide for the intention to create legal relations, but because some previous
cases happen , it is necessary to mention this element in contracts.
4. Consideration: Consideration is an important element of the contract that both parties of the contract must clearly agreed on.
• Under Malaysian law, Consideration not need to be Adequate/Enough.
5. Certainty: The terms of an agreement must be certain.
• An agreement which is uncertain or is not capable of being made certain is void/cancelled.
6. Capacity: Refers to the ability of the parties to a contract to fully understand its terms and obligations.
 What is the meaning of Revocation of Offer and Acceptance ?
 Revocation of Offer and Acceptance: ‫الغاء العرض أو القبول‬
1. Cancellation notice by the offeror to the offeree.
2. Death or mental disorder of the offeror. .‫اشعار اإللغاء من قبل العارض الى المعروض عليه‬ .1
.‫موت أو اضطراب عقلي لمقدم الطلب‬ .2
3. The time of accepting the offer has expired.
.‫انتهاء وقت قبول العرض‬ .3
4. The acceptor does not meet the conditions. .‫عدم استيفاء القابل للشروط‬ .4
 When a contract can be voidable ?
VOIDABLE CONTRACT: consent is free when it is not caused by one or more of the following:
1. Undue influence: using the position to coercion, or pressure another to get an unfair advantage.
2. Coercion: - an unlawful act with intent to enforce another party to enter into an agreement. (with forcing another party.)
3. Fraud: certain acts with intent to induce another party to enter into a contract. (with out forcing another party.)

4. Misrepresentation: even if with no intent , when one or both of the parties do wrongdoing that related to the
5. Mistake: when both the parties are mistaken with a fact essential to the agreement, the agreement is void.

Additional Information : ‫معلومة إضافية من خارج الساليدات‬

What is different between VOIDABLE contracts & VOID/illegal contracts ??? ‫الفرق الرئيسي بين العقود القابلة لإلبطال والعقود الباطلة او الغير قانونية‬
The main difference between void contract and voidable/illegal contracts is that:-
 a void contract is invalid from the time it is created.
Meanwhile ,
 A voidable contract:- remains valid until the dissatisfied party cancels the contract if certain conditions are not met or if one
of the 5 issues happened -( which included in the slide of VIODABLE CONTRACTS)- .

. ‫ غير صالح من وقت إنشائه‬-: ‫ العقد الباطل او الغير قانوني انه‬

‫ يظل العقد ساري المفعول حتى يقوم الطرف الغير راضي بإلغاء العقد إذا لم يتم استيفاء شروط معينة او كان يوجد احد الخمس‬-: ‫ اما والعقد القابل لإلبطال فهي‬
) ‫الحاالت ( المذكوره اعلى في هذا الساليد‬
 When a contract can be void or illegal ?
Void Contract: is an agreement not enforceable by law.
- is an agreement which is unlawful.

The object of an agreement is unlawful if:

1. It is forbidden by law.
2. It is fraudulent.
3. It would defeat any law if allowed /permitted.
4. It includes damage to the person or property of another.
5. The court considers it as immoral, or against to public policy.

Consequence of Void or Illegal Agreements:

• The general rule under the Contracts Act 1950 is that the courts will not enforce an illegal contract, also the
person who received any advantage under such agreement or contract is bound to restore it to the other
party or to pay adequate compensation for the same.

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