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Based on the information provided in the Self Directed Teams case study, we can create a Behavioral

Change Plan using the Change Management Toolkit as a guideline. The goal of this plan is to address the
behavioral changes required to successfully implement the self-directed teams initiative. The plan will
focus on behaviors that need to change, success measures, knowledge and skills, systems and tools,
policies and procedures, training, organizational support, and consequences for sustaining behavior

Behavioral Change Plan: Self-Directed Teams Implementation

1. What Behaviors Need to Change?

 Supervisors:

 Adapt to the new role of facilitating self-directed teams.

 Foster open communication and collaboration within the teams.

 Front-line Staff:

 Embrace self-directed team principles.

 Engage in peer consultation for clinical supervision.

2. What Does Success Look Like? How Will You Measure It?

 Success Metrics:

 Increased team collaboration and communication.

 Reduced conflicts and increased job satisfaction among staff.

 Improved client service quality and efficiency.

 Measurement Tools:

 Staff surveys to gauge job satisfaction.

 Number of conflicts resolved.

 Client feedback on service quality.

3. What Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Are Needed to Ensure New Behaviors?

 Training Programs:

 Leadership and facilitation skills for supervisors.

 Conflict resolution and communication skills for all staff.

 Self-directed team principles and practices.

 Clinical supervision within peer consultation models.

4. What Systems and Tools Are Needed to Support the Behavior Change?
 Implement a digital collaboration platform for teams to share information and communicate

 Establish regular team meetings and reporting mechanisms.

 Provide access to resources and materials for self-directed team development.

5. What New Policies, Procedures, and/or Processes Are Needed to Support the Behavior Change?

 Develop clear policies and procedures for:

 Team decision-making processes.

 Conflict resolution within teams.

 Peer consultation and clinical supervision.

6. What Training Is Needed to Support the Behavior Change?

 Supervisors will receive training on leadership, facilitation, and conflict resolution.

 All staff will undergo training on self-directed team principles, communication, and peer

7. What Organizational Assistance Is Available to Emotionally Support the Employee?

 Create a support network within the organization for staff to discuss concerns and receive
emotional support.

 Offer counseling services if needed.

8. What Reinforcements/Consequences Need to Be in Place to Sustain Behavior Change?

 Recognize and reward successful implementation of self-directed teams.

 Monitor adherence to new behaviors through regular performance evaluations.

 Address non-compliance with appropriate consequences.

Implementation Timeline:

 Phase 1: Training and Development (3 months)

 Phase 2: Pilot Implementation of Self-Directed Teams (6 months)

 Phase 3: Continuous Monitoring and Adjustments (Ongoing)

Communication Strategy:

 Regularly update all staff on the progress and benefits of the self-directed teams initiative.

 Encourage open communication channels for feedback and concerns.

 Celebrate milestones and successes.

By following this Behavioral Change Plan, the organization can better prepare its staff for the transition
to self-directed teams, address their concerns, provide the necessary training, and establish the support
and accountability mechanisms required for a successful implementation.

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