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In order for Peace Education to fulfill all its missions, it must be structured

around four learnings.

Select one:

to. Peace, tolerance, justice, equality

b. Human rights, justice and tolerance
c. Nonviolence, dialogue, negative peace
d. Learn to be, live together, know and do

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Question 2
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Johan Galtung presents “the triangle of violence” where the three different
types or forms of violence closely related to each other are pointed out.

Select one:
to. Violence in the community, family and school
b. Psychological, verbal and sexual violence

c. Physical, structural and cultural violence

Correct! The triangle of violence was the metaphor that Galtung used to
explain how violence is reproduced in society, and that direct violence is
just the tip of the iceberg.

d. Direct, family and psychological violence

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Question 3
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Its objective is to achieve social harmony, knowledge and application of
values, justice and equality; its characteristics refer to the absence of
direct, structural and cultural violence.

Select one:
to. positive peace
b. New school
c. Cultural violence

d. Nonviolent conflict resolution

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Question 4
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It consists of promoting knowledge of human rights based on reflection on
attitudes and places emphasis on building relationships and values of
respect for dignity.

Select one:

to. Education for Human Rights

Correct! Education for human rights therefore has the purpose of developing
social skills such as: empathy and commitment to the rights of others,
among others.

b. The principles of human rights

c. The universality of human rights
d. culture of peace

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Question 5
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Type of violence that is part of the social structure and that prevents basic
needs from being met, an example of this is social inequality,
unemployment, poverty, etc.

Select one:
to. Gender violence
b. Psychological violence
c. Cultural violence

d. Structural violence
Correct! Also known as indirect violence, for example, the actions that
cause poverty are not designed for this purpose, but are the consequences
of economic policies.

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Question 6
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These are two attitudinal objectives of human rights education.

Select one:
to. Education for peace and education for human rights
b. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and pillars of education
c. Know the history of the fight for Human Rights and understand the

meaning not only of rights but of duties

d. Promote the development of each person's self-esteem and raise
awareness about the need for interpersonal relationships

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Question 7
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International instrument that states that “education shall have as its
objective the full development of the human personality and the
strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms…”:

Select one:
to. Political Constitution of the United Mexican States
b. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

c. Universal Declaration on Human Rights

Correct! The UDHR is the most widely accepted document and is a
reference in education, since it highlights the importance of the full
development of the human being.

d. General Education Law

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Question 8
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Law that seeks to comply with the ideals of peace since it must develop
intellectual, moral and emotional capacity; Instill responsibility; promote
tolerance; respect human dignity, among others.

Select one:
to. The right to housing
b. The right to health
c. The right to a life free of violence

d. The right to education

Correct! The right to education is a human right that is indispensable for the
exercise of other human rights.

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Question 9
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It is understood as the absence of war or direct violence, that is, it focused
on preventing military confrontations from continuing and the outbreak of
more armed conflicts.

Select one:
to. Tolerance
b. Negative peace
c. Cultural violence

d. positive peace
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Question 10
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Norwegian sociologist and mathematician who has a relevant role in the
construction and contributions of peace; developed the concepts of
negative peace and positive peace.

Select one:
to. Albert Einstein
b. Ernesto Sabato

c. Johan Galtung
Correct! He defined negative peace as the absence of war and positive
peace related to human rights.

d. Benjamin Franklin

Your answer is correct.

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