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Brandon Alvarado

Profesor Encinias

CAS 115

October 13, 2023

Keys Locked in Car

I believe everyone has at least once in their life, has locked their keys in their car, it’s

inevitable. Whether because you are pushed for time, you simply forgot, for whichever reason it

has happened. To me it has to me more than I would like, most happened when I was really

young. However the most recent time occurred just this year, this past summer in fact and it is

really funny once you think about it. Summer was ending, I would soon begin my college

journey, however I still had my responsibilities. We were cleaning the backyard for my sister's

quince. I was sent out on a supply run to get more cleaning supplies since we had run out. I was a

newly licensed driver and all I wanted to do was get out and drive my moms car, however old it

was. It had a lot of miles, the brakes shrieked like a banshee, the floor riddled with dust, but I felt

free, like I was a cowboy in an open field riding with his horse. Then I saw that my mom was

low on gas, so I thought I would do her a favor and fill it up. I made my way to home depot and

then stopped by a gas station. I was rushing because I felt with my luck there was a good chance

that I would run out of gas on the road, therefore I forgot to take the car keys out of the ignition. I

remembered because I was feeling my pockets and didn’t seem to have my keys, I was in shock.

“No, no, no” I was thinking to myself, I tried all my doors to see if any were unlocked, to no

avail. I asked people around me for help, I borrowed some tape and a clothes hanger to try and

pry open a small opening so I can unlock the door. After several minutes of struggle I decided to

call my brother. He came and called Triple A, however he forgot his wallet, everyone was
forgetting things that hot summer day. He had to go back, luckily he came back just in time

because at the same time so did the Triple A truck and they flawlessly opened the door and I was

able to put gas, get the supplies and make it back home. I always figure you can learn something

with experience like this and I did, I learned that once in a while taking some time to take a

breath might serve you some good. It definitely would have served me well back then, but who

knows I will more than likely lock my keys in the car before the year is over, once I get my own

car. Until then I have nothing to worry about. Below you will see my keychain, where in the

future I will lock the keys to my car within the car itself.

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