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Prophetic Focus: I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU HELPLESS – Jhn 14:16-18

Wednesday 11th October 2023
1 Opening Prayers 5:45-5:48pm 03 mins
2 Praise & Worship 5:48-5:55pm 07 mins Choir
3 Prayer 1: 5:55-5:59pm 04 mins
4 Prayer 2: 5:59-6:03pm 04 mins
5 Prayer 3: 6:03-6:07pm 04 mins
6 Praise 6:07-6:11pm 04mins
7 Prayer 4: 6:11-6:15pm 04 mins
8 Prayer 5: 6:15-6:19pm 04 mins
9 Personal Supplication: 6:19-6:23pm 04 mins
10 Announcements/ Testimonies 6:23-6:30pm 07 mins
11 Offering 6:30-6:40pm 10 mins
12 The WORD/Altar Call 6:40-7:05pm 25 mins RP
13 Prayers/Communion 7:05-7:20pm 15 mins ‘’
14 Welcoming of 1st timer 7:20-7:30pm 10 mins ‘’
15 Prophetic Blessings and Closing 7:30-7:45pm 15 mins ‘’


Prophetic Focus: I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU HELPLESS – Jhn 14:16-18
Wednesday 11TH October 2023
1 Opening Prayers 5:45-5:48pm 03 mins
2 Praise & Worship 5:48-5:55pm 07 mins Choir
3 Prayer 1: 5:55-5:59pm 04 mins
4 Prayer 2: 5:59-6:03pm 04 mins
5 Prayer 3: 6:03-6:07pm 04 mins
6 Praise 6:07-6:11pm 04mins
7 Prayer 4: 6:11-6:15pm 04 mins
8 Prayer 5: 6:15-6:19pm 04 mins
9 Personal Supplication: 6:19-6:23pm 04 mins
10 Announcements/ Testimonies 6:23-6:30pm 07 mins
11 Offering 6:30-6:40pm 10 mins
12 The WORD/Altar Call 6:40-7:05pm 25 mins RP
13 Prayers/Communion 7:05-7:20pm 15 mins ‘’
14 Welcoming of 1st timer 7:20-7:30pm 10 mins ‘’
15 Prophetic Blessings and Closing 7:30-7:45pm 15 mins ‘’
Intercession 1: Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for drafting
great multitudes into all our Service(s) Last Sunday and for crushing
every generational curse by the power of your Word – Numbers 23:20
(KJV) "Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed;
and I cannot reverse it."

Intercession 2: Father, Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, and by the

revelation of Your Word, keep this revival fire ever burning in my soul all
through Operation 11th Hour change of story and beyond. Lev. 6:12 12 And the
fire upon the altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be put out: and the priest shall
burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order upon it; and he
shall burn thereon the fat of the peace offerings.

Intercession 3: Father, in the name of Jesus, let the zeal of the Lord
consume all our new converts and new members , so they can continue
to identify with Christ openly, thereby bringing others to Christ all
through this year- Rom 1:16 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of
Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that
believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Intercession 4: Father, by the blood of Jesus,we decree the destruction
of all the powers of darkness out to resist the entrance of the Gospel, as
the army of the Lord marches across our harvest field all through this
prophetic season . Rev. 12: 11 11 And they overcame him by the blood
of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their
lives unto the death.

Intercession 5: Father, draft record-breaking multitudes into our Service(s)

this coming Sunday, and grant every worshipper a New Dawn encounter
with Your Word – Isaiah 43:19 (KJV) "Behold, I will do a new thing; now it
shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the
wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
1. Praise the Lord: Operation 11th hour change of story September 24 – November 12,
2023, please be reminded that we have entered the 3 rd week of operation 11th hour
change of story, this operation provide an opportunity for each of us to take delivery of
our 11th hour packages, for God is a re-warder of them that diligently seek him every
winner shall be required to nurture minimum two souls to the point of establishment
both in the Kingdom and this church, within this prophetic season, in the name of Jesus
Christ. Amen.

2. Good-news: Congregational prayer, Tagged: Operation Push out your testimony

Continues tomorrow Thursday 12th November 2023, here in the church , therefore
every member of this church is admonished to be part of this. Time 6pm-7pm . Ps. 65:11,
the year must end in goodness for us in Jesus name.

3. Every member is admonished to keep the revival fire burning by attending the
Covenant Hour of Prayer from Monday to Saturday. Time: 6am.

4. Winners Satellite Fellowship: Our house to house fellowship hold this Saturday at our
WSF Centre. Remember we shall be praying for one another invite your neighbor to
partake of this fellowship the time is 5:00pm – 6:00pm.

5. For all electronic financial givings for tithe and offerings, please use Zenith bank, Acct
No is 1013067907 while for transport seed 1013392304. Always indicate what the seed
sown is meant for.

6. :Recommended books of the month authored by Bishop David Oyedepo include: *Not by
Power nor by Might* Anointing for Breakthrough *Understanding the Anointing
*Anointing for Exploits *Release of Power *Manifestation of the Spirit

7. Praise the Lord! Next Sunday shall be our New Dawn Banquet. As it is written, “Behold,
I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?” (Isa. 43:19.) The
Holy Ghost is the Lord of new things. After the Holy Spirit came down upon the disciples
in the upper room, the supernatural began to manifest to the point that peter’s shadow was
healing the sick (Act. 3:3-5/ Act. 9:14-15/35-36/ Act. 5:12-16) The Holy Ghost shall be
launching every worshipper into a new realm in this service. Come prepared for an
encounter for your supernatural change of story in this service.remember to come with
your bottle of oil . Come along with your converts, invitees, and other loved ones. Jesus is
Lord!’ Time: 7:00 & 9.00am.
Winners’ First Timers Welcome Charge
This evening it is my privilege to welcome all those worshiping with us for the first time
in a service like this.
⁃ If today is your first time of worshiping with us here at LFC Chika, may I ask that
rise on your feet?
⁃ Church give Jesus a big hand everywhere as they begins to rise
⁃ Our officials will put in your hand a slip to fill, ensure that you receive your copy
⁃ I want to welcome you on behalf of Jesus the head of the Church and His servant
⁃ Please pay very close attention to these words
What is unique about this Church?
⁃ This Church is ordained by God as a centre of signs and wonders by a divine
mandate where God turns impossible cases into open miracles.
⁃ We continuously see God wipe away tears from the eyes of men and women, old
and young, boys and girls as they engage with the truth of the word as taught upon this
⁃ For over 41years God has continued to confirm His word in this Church, thereby
making every member a wonder to many.
⁃ I want to welcome you to this home of signs and wonders and may today’s
encounter usher you into the realm of ears tingling testimonies that you have always
longed for in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
⁃ Somebody who believes say a big amen!
⁃ Therefore, to all our first-time worshipers and returning worshipers again I say to
you welcome home.
⁃ Church give Jesus a big hand of praise.

Please bow yours head as I pray…

⁃ Our Father in the name of Jesus, we thank you today for each of these precious
ones You have drawn into your presence this evening,
⁃ Lord! you brought them to bless them therefore, we declare each of them blessed in
the name of Jesus,
⁃ whatever they have left behind as a concern to come into your presence today,
Lord we declare that those issues be converted into testimonies
⁃ And above all, for every one of these special people that are yet to be saved, we
declare today as their day of salvation.
Thank You almighty God, for it is done, in Jesus precious name we have prayed.
Amen and amen!

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