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last year I was bored all alone at home.

while I was going into a boring

routine, I always ate the same thing, I always did the same activities.
suddenly one day I had the wonderful idea of organizing a trip with my
best friend to a new destination. After hours and hours of reflection, we
decided to take our backpacks and buy our tickets to Hyderabad.the
flight was very long, it was so tiring, we just landed, the only thing I had
in mind was to go to the hotel to rest and eat because the food on the
plane was very bad. Once out of the airport, a driver was waiting for us,
but everything did not go as planned. a crowd of people followed us and
looked at us with wonder some even took pictures. people would
approach from everywhere and welcome us to their city by inviting us to
drink tea at their place. I was stunned, I never imagined that people
would have been so generous, kind and caring to strangers. After that
we went to the local market, we meeted new people end ate all sorts of
indian dishes like samosas,naan... the next day I met my guide, then we
went to the train station. the train was late and it was packed, there was
not even enough room to stand in the train, that's why we clung to the
wall of the train thanks to the barrier on the sides of the train . once we
arrived at our destination webackpacked, the landscapes were
magnificent we had never seen it anywhere nature was to its best, it was
the best experience I have had in my life. On this journey, I got the
chance to discover this captivating country, and I got to see this whole
other side of it that isn’t shown in the media and for that I am so
grateful. The weeks I spent in India will never be forgotten, they will
always be carved in the back of my mind.

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