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Subject: ENTREPRENEURSHIP 10 Grade Level: 10 Quarter: 3rd Week: 1-3

MELC: Perform actual selling of products or services applying the Competency Code: N/A
marketing strategies and sales management based on the
Name __________________________Section _______________ Date ____________

School __________________________District __________________________________

A. Readings/Discussions


Most successful entrepreneurs believe that there are ideal techniques in actual selling.
However, based on the experiences of successful entrepreneurs our module offers some
selling strategies which might be useful for your enterprise. A good seller is good in asking
questions to determine the customer’s needs and desires. This knowledge will help you gain
customers who will be willing to pay for your product or service. On the other hand, you
should be much more knowledgeable about their product or service, then the prospects. You
must also offer valuable information and in sight to the decision-making process of your


1. Cold Calling - the process of approaching prospective customers or clients who

were not expecting such an interaction.

2. Consultative Selling – emphasize customers’ needs and meeting those needs with
solutions combining products or services.

3. Direct Selling – face to face presentation, demonstration and sale of products or

services, usually at the home or office of a prospect by the independent direct

4. Persuasive Selling – It calls for the ability of the seller to persuade his buyer
according to the compelling reasons why the buyers need to buy your enterprise.


1. PROSPECTING – you can get prospects from a number of sources such as REFERRAL
which means you can get customer through existing customers.

2. SALES PRESENTATION – presenting your product or service to your customers.

Four Types of Sales Presentation:

a. STIMULUS – RESPONSE – where you try to offer necessary information (stimulus) at
the right time to make your clients (response).
b. FORMULA SELLING – more thorough in providing your product information. It
reduces the risk of losing important information.
c. CANNED PRESENTATION – presenting what you have memorized or just doing it by
d. NEED PRESENTATION – involves asking and listening to customers to identify their
needs and desires.
this matter.

3. HANDLING QUESTIONS – usually prospects are objecting based on the costs, benefits or
both. Patience is a virtue on means you can get customer through existing customers.

4. CLOSING – secure their commitments to purchase.

5. BUILD LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP – it involves follow-up sales to see to it that they

are satisfied with your enterprise.

Let us remember, Selling is believed to be an art of persuasion. There are suggested

steps where you can go through to sell your product or service successfully.

B. Exercises
Exercise 1: Reflection

1.1.Directions: Below is a Reflection Chart which will determine whether you will continue
or not as an entrepreneur. Rank yourself accordingly from scale of 1 to 5 as 1 the lowest and
5 the highest. Put a check on the corresponding row for your rank. Add all your ranks. If you
get a total of 15 and above, then, you are a promising entrepreneur. Finally, state your reasons
why you want to continue as an entrepreneur or not.


A. 1 2 3 4 5
1. I am a risk taker.
2. I can easily decide for
3. I easily get mad at
4. I feel irritated if I failed
to meet my expectations.
5. I am glad to meet people.

1.2. Put a check on your corresponding answer and state your reasons.
()I want to continue to become a successful entrepreneur because

( )I do not want to continue as an entrepreneur because


Exercise 2: ESSAY

Direction: Answer the question for at least 3 sentences. You can choose more than one
selling strategy and explain your answers as to why. You can choose any languages.

Referring to the given strategies in selling, which one

would you employ as best suited for your Business Plan?


C. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)

Directions: Multiple Choice. Put the letters of your best answer before the number!

1. What is expanded definition of BUTRUD?

a. Business Type Run Design c. Business Understanding Trial Run Design
b. Business Trial Run Design d. Business Understanding Type Run Design
2. What is the last step in the chain of commerce where buyers exchange cash for a seller’s
goods or services?
a. buying b. purchasing c. manufacturing d. selling
3. Which of the following term is a seller’s attempt to persuade a buyer to make a purchase?
a. consultative selling b. direct selling c. persuasive selling d. personal selling
4. What do you call the market value or the agreed exchange price?
a. price value b. market value c. book value d. par value
5. Which selling strategies is the process of approaching prospective customers who were not
expecting such an interaction?
a. cold calling b. consultative selling c. persuasive selling d. direct selling
6. Which selling strategies that emphasize customer’s needs and meeting those needs with
a. cold calling b. consultative selling c. persuasive selling d. direct selling
7. Which selling strategies that focuses on face to face presentation, demonstration and sale of
a. cold calling b. consultative selling c. persuasive selling d. direct selling
8. Which strategies that calls for the ability of the seller to persuade his buyer according to his
a. cold calling b. consultative selling c. persuasive selling d. direct selling
9. What is the first step to follow in selling?
a. Prospecting b. Sales Presentation c. Handling Questions d. Closing
10. Which step in selling when presenting your product or service to your customer?
a. Prospecting b. Sales Presentation c. Handling Questions d. Closing
11. After handling questions, what is the next step to secure commitment of the buyer to
a. Prospecting b. Sales Presentation c. Handling Questions d. Closing
12. What is the last step to follow in selling?
a. Prospecting b. Sales Presentation c. Build Long term Relationship d. Handling Questions
13. After prospecting possible customers, what is the next step in selling?
a. Prospecting b. Sales Presentation c. Build Long term Relationship d. Handling Questions
14. What sales presentation when you try to offer necessary information at the right time to
make your clients?
a. Formula Selling b. Canned Presentation c. Need Presentation d. Stimulus-Response
15. What sales presentation where it involves asking and listening to customers to identify
their needs and desire?
a. Formula Selling b. Canned Presentation c. Need Presentation d. Stimulus-Response
16. What sales presentation where it involves presenting what you have memorized or just
doing it by reading?
a. Formula Selling b. Canned Presentation c. Need Presentation d. Stimulus-Response
17. What sales presentation where it involves presenting thorough information about your
a. Formula Selling b. Canned Presentation c. Need Presentation d. Stimulus-Response
18. What serves as a tool to check and balance the management of one business to ensure a
good income?
a. Selling b. BUTRUD c. Selling Strategies d. Selling Techniques
19. Which of the following is not part of selling strategies?
a. prospecting b. direct selling c. cold calling d. persuasive selling
20. In handling questions in selling, what characteristics do you need to have?
a. pessimistic b. patience c. reliable d. annoying


Teneza, Celedonia T., Ed.D., Worktext in Technology & Livelihood Education in Business
Management III, published by Shekinah Publishing and Printing Press Co., Copyright, 2006

Teneza, Celedonia T., Ed.D., & Baes, Ma. Gradiva S., Worktext in Technology & Livelihood
Education in Business Management IV, published by Shekinah Publishing and Printing Press
Co., Copyright, 2006

Villanueva, Cristina R. & Rojo, Luz V., Technology & Livelihood Education

Prepared by: Edited by:

Teacher 1
Consolacion National High School-Day Class


For the Teacher

This self-learning home task was designed to provide you a tool to facilitate learning
in the Entrepreneurship subject. The series of learning activities are provided in order to
complete the learning outcomes.

For the Learner

This self-learning home task was designed to provide you with meaningful
opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes in Entrepreneurship in a guided and
independent manner at your own pace and time.

For the Parent/Home Tutor

This self-learning home task was designed to provide your child and brief and concise
learning tool for a guided and independent learning at his/her pace and time. Your guided
supervision, support and coordination with the teacher are important towards effective

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