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1. Matching.

2. Finish your plan.

3. Write a main paragraph. (20 mins; 100-150 words)


Sample essay

Admittedly, those who tend to keep the status quo have their reasons. First of all, they are
often pessimistic about life and believe that many unsatisfactory situations cannot be avoided.
Thus, they just compromise and surrender to reality. For instance, economic downturns can lead
to a company going bankrupt. In this case, if they lose their job, they will just accept it and give
up trying to change the situation. In addition, some people tend to reduce unnecessary stress by
dwelling on current circumstances, as they do not need to make any improvements and can stay
in their comfort zone.

However, I agree with those who argue that it is desirable to confront unsatisfactory
situations and make a change. First, many of such situations are not stubborn but reversible,
and they can be improved if we make an effort. For instance, nobody has to suffer from a bad
job when better jobs are available on the market. If people struggle to acquire new skills or
qualifications in their free time, they are likely to find a more appropriate job. Likewise, people
suffering from poor health can see some visible improvements if they adopt an exercise routine
and a healthy diet. In addition, making endeavors to change the situation can give people a goal
to achieve in life, which can make them motivated, as humans are goal-driven creatures. This
can also help people divert some negative emotions, such as a feeling of bad luck or guilt, into
more positive emotions and become more motivated towards life.

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