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What are the 5 wounds of childhood?

These are 5 ways in which we adapted in childhood to situations of pain that led us to defend
ourselves and make decisions to stop feeling the pain. How do I know what my wound is?

Questions to recognize your pain pattern.

1. Are you terrified of loneliness and do you usually put up with relationships to avoid being S
2. Do you often feel unable to set limits and say clearly what you need?
3. Do you tend to become dependent on people?
4. Do you often disqualify or overestimate the circumstances?
5. Do you end up feeling that people don't like you and don't value you?
Total. More than 4 are abandonment
1. When you were a child, did you have respiratory problems such as asthma, frequent rhinitis
and skin problems?
2. Were you a lonely, quiet, lonely child and adult who felt or feels that you are not part of your
family or the human race?
3. Do you often experience feelings of self-rejection, doubting your ability or feeling afraid of
being rejected?
4. Do you have a very strong angry relationship with your same-sex parent?
5. Does the intellectual side, music, video games and all the solo activities call to you?
Total. If you have 4 of these positive questions, your wound is rejection.
1. Do you suddenly realize that you are super accommodating and unconditional with others?
2. Are you ashamed of your childhood, your body, your sexuality?
3. Do you have trouble seeing and meeting your own needs?
4. Are you overweight?
5. Are you usually the ambulance, a pall of tears and the rescuer of many?
Total. More than 4 humiliation:
1. Do you tend to be perfectionist, strict, rigid and square like your mom or dad?
2. Don't know how to ask for help?
3. Do you find it hard to be spontaneous and do fun things?
4. Is order, structure, discipline your thing?
5. Are you very sensitive but don't allow your emotions to come out?
Total. More than 4 is injustice:
1. You don't know or you find it difficult to trust even if the trust is proven?
2. Do you always have high expectations of everything and everyone?
3. Are you a life organizer, in a hurry and multitasking?
4. Do you tend to feel that you are always right?
5. Are you mental, intuitive and hate lying?
More than 4 treason:

If your wound is rejection

- I can and can do it.
- I am accepted and part of.
- I am important.
- I belong and I make myself present.

- I am valuable.
- I can take care of myself.
- I set healthy limits.
- I have a life and identity of my own.
- I can have free relationships.

- First what I need.
- I respect and accept my body.
- I set healthy limits for my mother.
- I am proud of....
- I express what I feel and need.

- I choose who I trust and release.
- I control my mind and my impulses before the lives of others.
- I have high expectations but I am flexible and realistic.
- I respect the pace of others.
- I know how to receive and sometimes I am wrong.

- I allow myself to be flexible and spontaneous.
- I can be wrong and respect myself.
- I enjoy what I do.
- I allow and cultivate my emotions.
- I am not always good or always in control.
Consequences of living with injuries
1. Do not live in privacy.
2. Constantly feeling empty.
3. Generate repetitive stories.
4. Denying and not meeting my true needs.
5. Surviving without living the real life.

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