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Learning Guide: "Film PACHAMAMA".

Name: Course:

1-item. Answer the questions posed, marking with one the correct
A) The main characters of the film Pachamama are:

B) The names of the characters in the film are:

a) Tepulpaï and Naïra.
b) Shaman and tepulpai
c) Manco Capac and Oclo
C) The main economic activity of the Incas was:
a) Livestock
b) Fishing
c) Agriculture

D) The capital of the Incas was located in:

a) Argentina
b) Bolivia
c) Cuzco

E) The Inca empire had a great extension and occupied territory of the
current countries such as:
a) Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and Chile.
c) Venezuela, Guatemala, Canada, Costa Rica.
d) Nicaragua, Brazil, Cuba, United States.
F) The Pachamama in Inca mythology was:
a) Goddess of the stars who brings the sun and the rain
b) Goddess of fertility who administers the sowing and harvest.
c) Goddess of love who brings peace and tenderness to the Inca people.

2- Open-ended questions: Complete the following questions with answers.

a) Name three foods cultivated by the Incas that still predominate in our
society (Predominant = exist).
1 ______________________________________________
b) Write your opinion about the sacrifices made by the Inca culture. Support
your answer, writing at least 1 argument. (Why?)

c) What things in nature does Pachamama represent? Describe.

d) Why was I sad?


e) Why do we have to take care of water and electricity?

f) What was Pachamama like?
g)- Draw the scene you liked the most and explain briefly.
h) Color the image you liked the most from the movie then explain why you
chose it.



My personal reflection
Name: Date:

PL = To be achieved EP= In process ML = Moderately Achieved L= Achieved
Indicators Score
Listened and read instructions during the class
I paid attention in class
Hand in my homework attentively
My homework is clean and organized
I kept my mind at ease while working
I understand that it is okay to make mistakes in order to learn
I try to perform all my tasks, even those I find very difficult.
Helped my colleagues

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