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Evaluation test unit 2: The Windows 7 operating system

1. Windows 7 is an operating system and as such, it is responsible for managing the files and devices on your

a) True.

b) False.

2. To turn off the computer, press and hold the power button for 8 to 10 seconds.

a) True.

b) False.

3. If we are left-handed, we can configure the mouse to invert the buttons so that we can click and double-click with
the index finger of the left mouse button.

left hand.

a) True.

b) False.

4. By clicking the right mouse button, generally:

a) Select the entire paragraph of text where we are located.

b) It is equivalent to clicking the center button and is used only on computers that do not have the center button.

c) Displays a context menu, whose options depend on where we click.

d) Nothing happens, because the right mouse button is never used.

5. The on-screen keyboard is used to...

a) People with disabilities, exclusively, so it is located in the Accessibility section of the Start menu.

b) Learn where the keys are and their functions.

c) Typing directly with the screen, either by clicking with the mouse on the keys or with the fingers using a touch

6. The windows...

a) They are all the same.

b) They have elements in common, but there are many different types.

c) In each program that we run on the computer they can be totally different and have nothing in common, in
d) These are boxes where information is displayed. Windows 7 only displays its own programs as windows.

7. Restore is :

a) A window button that resizes the window, returning it to its original size.

b) A button that is only visible when the window is maximized.

c) A and B are correct.

d) No answer is correct.

8. The Close button :

a) Close a window.

b) Turn off the equipment.

c) Closes a document, without saving changes.

9. The scrollbars:

a) They can be horizontal or vertical.

b) They allow you to scroll through the contents of the window, so that you can see it in its entirety.

c) They are active when the content does not fit in the window.

d) All of the above answers are correct.

10. The size of the windows:

a) It is always the same.

b) Normally it can be adjusted by dragging its edges

c) It can only be modified with the minimize, maximize and restore buttons.

Unit 3: The desktop and the task bar

1. An icon is...

a) The menu that appears when you right-click on any item.

b) An image that represents a program and executes it if we double-click on it.

c) The bar at the bottom of the screen, where several buttons and a clock appear.

d) The name of the Start menu search engine.

2. We can directly access our personal folder from the Start menu.

a) True.
b) False.

3. The Jump List of the Start menu...

a) Displays several recently or frequently opened documents and tasks in some programs.

b) It is a list of documents chosen by Windows 7. They cannot be anchored.

c) It appears in the All Programs area.

d) It is not useful for anything, only for decoration...

4. The taskbar contains the system clock that displays the current date and time.

a) True .

b) False.

5. Pinning programs or files is used to...

a) To be executed when the computer starts up.

b) May they never appear on a Jump list again.

c) Make them available more quickly, either in the taskbar or in the Start menu.

d) To make them available more quickly. Only items can be pinned to the taskbar.

6. The notification area is located in:

a) The Start menu.

b) The surface of the desk.

c) The taskbar.

d) All Windows 7 windows.

7. The system date:

a) Sometimes it is delayed. It is necessary to be vigilant to keep it on time.

b) This is the reference date used by the system to store the date and time of document creation.

c) It uses Coordinated Universal Time as time zone. We have to mentally add or subtract hours depending on our

d) It does not include the time, only the day.

8. We cannot customize the toolbar with additional toolbars or buttons.

a) True.
b) False.

9. If you delete a shortcut...

a) We are actually deleting the original file and therefore, the program it refers to.

b) Nothing happens to the program it refers to, we simply remove the icon from the desktop to access it.

c) The program still exists, but we will never be able to use it again.

d) Nothing happens, actually a shortcut cannot be deleted.

10. Gadgets are small applications that take care of simple functions. What can't we do with them?

a) Add and remove them from the desktop.

b) Download new gadgets from the Internet, if we have a connection.

c) Change its opacity to 0%.

d) Move them to any area of the desktop by simply dragging them.

Unit 4 Evaluation Test: Windows Explorer

1. If we press the Shift key when we are deleting an element...

a) It will permanently delete it instead of moving it to the recycle garbage can, if it is a file but not in the case of

b) It will permanently delete it instead of moving it to the recycle garbage can, if it is a folder but not in the case of

c) It will permanently delete it instead of moving it to the recycle garbage can.

d) It will do nothing.

2. The buttons allow you to go to the folder you have visited previously, or to the next one.

a) True.

b) False.

3. With the button we can go back to the previous folder.

a) True.

b) False.

4. If we talk about moving folders from one location to another, point out which of the following statements is false.

a) They can be moved using the Cut and Paste options in the context menu.

b) They can be moved using the Cut and Paste options of the Arrange button.
c) They can be moved with Ctrl + X and Ctrl + V.

d) They can be moved from one unit to another by simply dragging with the left mouse button.

5. We can create a new folder from the Organize button.

a) True.

b) False.

6. We can change the name of a file or folder...

a) Only from the Organize button.

b) Only from the context menu of the file or folder.

c) Press F2 on the selected element.

d) All are false.

7. Which of the following is not a view:

a) Large icons.

b) Medium-sized icons.

c) Details

d) Ascendant.

8. To select non-consecutive elements we can select them by pressing the... key.

a) Shift (Shift).

b) Ctrl.

c) Windows.

d) Alt.

9. The Explorer is used to view all the folders and files on your computer in an organized way.

a) True.

b) False.

10. Which of the following is not part of Windows Explorer.

a) List of files.

b) Navigation panel.

c) Toolbar.
d) Start menu.

Unit 5 Evaluative Test: The Search

1. You can only search for files and folders by typing their name.

a) True.

b) False.

2. If we type our user name in the search box...

a) It will find our personal folder and from there we will have to search through its contents with a new search.

b) It will show as results files containing our user name.

c) It will show as results folders containing our user name.

d) Answers B and C are both correct.

3. The fastest way to search for a program is to search from...

a) The Start menu search box.

b) The Program Files folder.

c) The Windows Explorer search box.

d) The All Programs option in the Start menu.

4. When searching for a file we can...

a) Only visualize it.

b) View it and modify it, as long as the modifications are saved as a different file. The original cannot be modified.

c) View it, modify it and save it, but do not delete it.

d) We can perform the same options as if we had opened the file from its original folder.

5. If we perform two searches from the Start menu, one with the word Penguins and the other with the letters Pin, in
which of the two will we find the file Penguins?

a) Only in the first one.

b) Only in the second one.

c) In neither of the two. You cannot search for files in the Start menu, only programs.

d) In both.

6. If we save a search...
a) It will always show us the same results when we run it again, but it will find them more quickly.

b) It will run the search again and the results will depend on the files and folders that currently exist.

7. We can access a saved search from...

a) The Searches folder located in our personal folder.

b) The navigation pane, inside the Favorites folder.

c) A and B are false.

d) A and B are true.

8. From the Windows Explorer search box we can...

a) Search in the bing search engine directly by typing the word and clicking on the Internet option.

b) Open web pages directly by typing their address. They will open in our default browser.

c) A and B are false.

d) A and B are true.

9. We can use criteria such as modification date or file type to narrow a search.

a) True.

b) False.

10. There are two different places from where we can search for files and folders in Windows 7. The Start menu and
Windows Explorer.

a) True.

b) False.

Unit 6 Evaluation Test: The Recycle Bin

1. How useful is the Recycle Bin?

a) Store only the files and then delete them all at once.

b) Stores files and folders that have been deleted so that they can be recovered later, only at their place of origin.

c) Stores files and folders that have been deleted, so that they do not take up space on our hard disk.

d) Stores files and folders that have been deleted so that they can be recovered later wherever you want.

2. Where are the files in the recycle garbage can reset by default?

a) In Documents.
b) In El Maletín.

c) In our user's personal folder.

d) In the folder where they were deleted.

3. If we need to, we can restore half of the files in a folder from the trash.

a) True.

b) False.

4. Items in the recycle garbage can cannot be deleted because they have already been deleted.

a) True.

b) False.

5. The Empty Trash option deletes the files and folders stored in the trash itself.

a) True.

b) False.

6. The Restore All Items option appears only when all items in the folder are selected.

a) True.

b) False.

7. Files in the Recycle Bin take up disk space.

a) True.

b) False.

8. We can find more than one file with the same name in the recycle garbage can, although in a normal folder this
would be


a) True.

b) False.

9. To delete a file or folder permanently, without it going through the recycle garbage can, we must click...

a) Ctrl + DELETE

b) Alt + DELETE

c) Windows + DELETE
d) Shift + DELETE

10. We can empty the recycle garbage can without opening it.

a) True.

b) False.

Evaluation test unit 9: Windows Help

1. Help can solve any problem for me.

a) True.

b) False.

2. We must always access help from the Start → Help and Support menu.

a) True.

b) False.

3. From the help window I can consult the information classified in categories...

a) Yes, from the browse button .

b) Yes, using remote assistance .

c) No, I can only search for information using the search box.

d) No, I can only search for information by following the links from the home page.

4. If I can't find information on a topic...

b) I try using synonyms or related words in the search and if I have internet I use links to online help.

c) It is impossible to have a topic without information, since all the help about Windows is installed when you install
the operating system.

d) I go to my local library.

5. I can access the help from...

a) Home > Help and support.

b) Start > All programs > Maintenance.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

e) The only thing left for me to do is to ask a trusted friend for help.

6. From the Windows help you can request remote assistance to a friend to help you with your problem.
a) True.

b) False.

7. One way to keep the help information up to date is to...

a) Edit, from the editing options, the help content.

b) Download the new version of Help for Windows 7 monthly.

c) Visit it daily.

d) Have the On-Screen Help option enabled.

8. There are other methods of help in Windows such as:

a) A telephone number of the person in charge of Microsoft in our locality.

b) Pop-ups.

c) The firewall.

d) Tooltips.

9. At any time we can access the Help from the desktop by clicking on...

a) The F11 key.

b) The F12 key.

c) The F1 key.

d) The F2 key.

10. The button in the Help window is used to...

a) Access the Internet explorer home page.

b) Display the desktop.

c) Access the main help page.

d) Request technical support from Microsoft via the Internet.

Unit 12: Configuring the mouse and the touch panel

1. How can you modify the function of the mouse buttons?

a) The configuration is set by the manufacturer.

b) Through the mouse properties.

c) It is necessary to open the mouse and change some cables, this should only be done by a technician.

d) They cannot be modified, so there are specific mice for left-handed people for sale.

2. How can you display the mouse properties?

a) Right-click on the taskbar.

b) From Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers > Mouse.

c) By pressing a special button hidden at the bottom of the mouse.

d) No answer is correct.

3. Windows allows us to adapt the double-click speed to our liking.

a) True.

4. The pointer depends on the action we are performing or where we place the cursor.

a) True.

b) False.

5. It is possible to create a personalized pointer with animal faces.

a) Only if we download a theme that includes these pointers.

b) As long as we indicate where the images that will format the pointer are located and they have the appropriate
format or are included in a theme.

c) As long as it is for a child's computer, never for adults.

d) It is not possible, since we must use the schematics included in the Windows 7 installation.

6. For visually impaired users we can activate the option to highlight the mouse on the screen by pressing a key. What
is it?

a) ALT.


c) F8.

d) CTRL.

7. We can eliminate the pointer schemes.

a) Yes, always.

b) Yes, if they are not system-specific.

c) No, never.

d) Not unless you are logged in with the root user.

8. If we do not want the pointers to change when we modify the Windows theme, we must configure it from the...

a) Mouse properties, in the Pointers tab.

b) Mouse properties, in the Pointer Options tab.

c) The mouse properties, in the Hardware tab.

d) The Themes option in the Customize window.

9. The mouse wheel can be used for:

a) Scroll up and down the screen, without having to use the scroll bar.

b) Press it as a central button.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

10. From the Hardware tab we can view details of our mouse driver.

a) True.

b) False.

Unit 13: Adding or removing programs

1. If we uninstall a program it will no longer appear in the All Programs menu.

a) Yes, but only if we indicate that we want to remove the shortcuts to the program during the uninstallation.

b) Yes, uninstalling a program deletes references to it.

c) No, the shortcut is maintained. We will have to right click on it and Delete to make it disappear.

d) No, because only the programs included in Windows appear in the All Programs menu.

2. Uninstalling programs saves hard disk space.

a) True.

b) False.

3. How to uninstall a program?

a) Through the uninstallation process, which can be started from the program file itself or the Windows uninstaller

b) Formatting the computer.

c) Deleting the folder where the program is located.

d) Deleting the folder where the program is located and also deleting its information from the Windows registry.

4. How can you activate a Windows 7 component that does not appear at the moment?

a) Only through the installation CD or by downloading it from the official Microsoft website.

b) Components cannot be activated, as they are all activated by default. What we can do is to deactivate them.

c) By means of the option Activate or deactivate the characteristics of Windows.

d) Using the Install programs option.

5. If you have little space on your hard disk, it is advisable to...

a) Disable the option to automatically download Windows updates, because if they keep downloading, the disk will
become fuller.

b) Delete or copy to a DVD files that take up a lot of space, such as videos, and uninstall programs you no longer use.

c) Buy a new one.

d) Uninstall all user programs from the system and leave only the programs included in Windows.

6. From Programs and features we can...

a) Uninstall Windows 7.

b) Switch from one version of Windows 7 to another.

c) Program our own programs.

d) Install or uninstall programs, Windows features and updates.

7. When we uninstall a program...

a) It disappears from the Programs and Features uninstall list.

b) It still appears in the Programs and Features uninstall list, in case we want to reinstall it.

c) It still appears in the Programs and Features uninstall list, but in the Old Programs history.

d) It still appears in the Programs and Features uninstall list only if we choose the Keep option in the list.

8. Some very simple programs do not require installation, so you can...

a) They also do not require uninstallation.

b) We will run them directly from their executable file, usually .exe.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

9. We can uninstall, change and repair...

a) Windows updates.

b) Windows features.

c) The programs that we have installed, outside of Windows.

d) Some programs that we have installed, outside of Windows.

10. With Windows Update we keep the operating system up to date.

a) True.

b) False.

Unit 14: Adding new hardware

1. What is a device driver?

a) A program that controls who can use a device.

b) An element of the operating system that controls all devices on the computer.

c) A file that when installed in the operating system allows a device to function correctly.

d) None of the answers is true.

2. A Plug & Play device allows the operating system to automatically detect and install it.

a) True.

b) False.

3. To use the PnP system it is necessary to turn off the computer beforehand.

a) Yes.

b) Yes, but only on non-Windows systems.

c) No.

d) No, although it was required in previous versions of Windows.

4. When should we use the wizard to install legacy hardware?

a) When the operating system does not recognize a device.

b) When the operating system does not recognize a device and we do not have the CD with the drivers.

c) When we have inherited a device that was previously installed on another computer.

d) Whenever we have to install new hardware.

5. What can I do if a hardware device stops working?

a) First of all, call the manufacturer's technical service.

b) Physically disassemble it and reconnect it to the computer.

c) Try to solve it through the Device Manager .

d) Try to solve it through the Task Manager.

6. To install a new device...

a) The manufacturer's disk must always be used.

b) We will have to start the installation manually from the Device Manager.

c) We may not need to do anything, because Windows will search for the drivers automatically.

d) We will need special tools to disassemble the computer and download software to manage the drivers.
7. Windows Update...

a) You can update the drivers you have installed. Upgrades will be in the optional category.

b) You can update the drivers you have installed. The updates will be in the important category.

c) You can update the drivers you have installed as long as they are from Microsoft.

d) It cannot update drivers, as it is used to update Windows.

8. The USB devices are:

a) Internal hardware.

b) External hardware.

9. Plug & Play means...

a) Plug and play.

b) Plug and play.

c) Plug and play.

d) Plug and play.

10. When a device is not correctly installed, it is displayed in the Device Manager window...

a) With a red cross.

b) With a green cross.

c) With a yellow exclamation.

d) With an orange question mark.

Evaluative test, unit 1: My first Word document 2013

1. How do we know the name of the document we have open?

a) Looking at it from Windows Explorer.

b) If we have not saved it, we cannot know it.

c) Reading it in the title bar.

d) Reading it in the status bar.

2. The name of the file...

a) It must have the following structure: Document1, Document2....

b) Must be the name of the author of the document.

c) It can be any text you choose. It usually represents the content.

d) It is optional, a file does not necessarily need to have a name.

3. The insertion point is...

a) The shape the cursor takes when we are in the editable area.

b) The shape the cursor takes when we are in the ribbon.

c) The icon representing the position in which the text to be typed will be entered.

d) All options are true.

4. The insertion point moves...

a) He alone, automatically when writing.

b) If we change its location, by means of the arrow keys.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

5. The ENTER key is used to...

a) Enter text.

b) Enter tables.

c) Enter images.

d) Make a carriage return.

6. The BACKSPACE key is used to...

a) Move the insertion point backwards, i.e. scroll through the text.

b) Go to the previous page.

c) Move the cursor to the left.

d) Delete the letter to the left of the insertion point.

7. The DEL (delete) key is used to...

a) Delete the letter to the right of the insertion point.

b) Delete a sheet.

c) Delete an open document.

d) All answers are false.

8. What does the Close option on the File tab do?

a) Close Word.

b) Close allows you to close the document you have open.

c) Close only allows you to close Word if no document is open.

d) All answers are true.

9. When saving a document, we must take into account...

a) The name we are going to give it, to find it later.

b) The folder in which we are going to save it, to find it later.

c) The type in which it is saved, which must be of Word type to be able to edit it later with the same program.

d) All answers are true.

10. We can save with the keys...

a) CTRL+S.

b) CTRL+G.

c) ALT+F4.

d) ALT+G.

Evaluation 2: The Word 2013 environment

1. The quick access bar is characterized by...

a) Have keyboard shortcuts to execute your commands.

b) Being the only customizable bar in Word, allowing us to change its buttons.

c) Have a few frequently used buttons.

d) Vary depending on the Windows version of the computer.

2. The scrollbars are used to...

a) Move the insertion point.

b) Scroll the document and view the content that does not fit in the window.

c) Move the Word window with respect to the screen.

d) Move the Word window with respect to other open windows.

3. The Zoom tool allows us to...

a) Change the text size, i.e. the document font.

b) Change the sheet size for printing.

c) Change the size of a document image.

d) View the document larger or smaller (zoom in/out) without actually changing its size.

4. The View bar allows...

a) Display the document according to its purpose. Usually you will see them in print view, as this will draw a sheet
with the paper size (by default DINA4).

b) View the document from different perspectives.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

5. Two rulers, one vertical and one horizontal, help us to adjust margins or align objects.

a) Yes, this was the case in previous versions, but in Word 2013 they have been removed. These adjustments are now
made in a different way with specific tools.

b) Yes, but to use them we will have to show them first, if they are not active.

c) No, there are no such rules.

6. The ribbon of options...

a) It is the one that contains all the tools and actions that can be performed in Word.

b) It can be hidden or shown, according to our convenience.

c) It contains options that are accessible from the keyboard, without the need to use the mouse.

d) All answers are true.

7. Suppose I ask you to click Start > Font > Bold in the ribbon, what would you do? will it mean?

a) That you must click on the Home, Font and Bold buttons, in that order.

b) That you must click on the Font option, as long as the Home and Bold options are

c) That you must click on the Font option, which is between the Home and Bold options.

d) That you must click on the Bold option, located in the Font group of the Home tab.

8. The File tab is part of the ribbon, but has a different structure than the other tabs.

a) True.

b) False.

9. The commands on the File tab tab sometimes display a dialog box.
a) True.

b) False.

10. Word includes documentation with various articles that will help you understand and use the program. How to
access it?

a) Only from the Microsoft website.

b) From a question mark button or the F1 key.

c) From an exclamation mark button or the F11 key.

d) All answers are false, because Word 2013 does not include user documentation.

Evaluation 3: Basic editing

1. How do we scroll through the different elements and pages of the document?

a) Using the keyboard. There are different key combinations (CTRL+key) that allow scrolling.

b) Using the scrollbars.

c) Using the navigation panel.

d) All answers are correct.

2. How do I select text from a document?

a) Using the keyboard. There are different key combinations (CTRL+key) that allow scrolling.

b) Dragging the mouse from the beginning to the end of the range to be selected.

c) By clicking or double-clicking on the element to be selected.

d) All answers are true

3. When will it be necessary to select a document element?

a) To indicate on which text we want to apply a certain action, which we will choose later.

b) To highlight with a blue background the important parts of the document.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

4. Which key should we press to delete text?

a) BACKWARDS. This is the key that is normally above the ENTER key.

b) SUPR.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

5. In the following situation: Ball, where the insertion point is in the middle of the word... What would happen if you
press the DELETE key?

a) The letter o would be deleted. The result would be Blah.

b) The letter l would be deleted. The result would be Boa.

c) The entire word would be deleted.

d) Nothing would happen, because SUPR only works if the insertion point is at the beginning or end of the word, not
in the middle.

6. In the following situation: Ball, where the insertion point is in the middle of the word... What would happen if you
press the BACKSPACE key?

a) The letter o would be deleted. The result would be Blah.

b) The letter l would be deleted. The result would be Boa.

c) The entire word would be deleted.

d) Nothing would happen, because BACKSPACE is used to move the insertion point, not to delete.

7. What is the CTRL+Z key combination used for?

a) To undo the last action performed.

b) To redo the last undone action.

c) To go to the end of the document.

d) All answers are false.

8. The document views allow you to change the way the document is displayed on the screen, but which view do we
see by default?

a) Print design.

b) Reading mode.

c) Web Design.

d) Draft.

9. When we select a text and press CTRL+C (Copy) or CTRL+X (Cut), what happens?

a) The text is transferred to the Windows clipboard.

b) The text is moved to the Office clipboard.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

10. When launching a search, either from its button or from the CTRL+F keys, the matches...

a) They will be displayed in the Navigation Panel.

b) They will be highlighted in the text itself, coloring its background.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

Evaluation 4: Saving and opening documents

1. Can there be two documents with the same name?

a) No.

b) Yes, as long as they are in different folders.

c) Yes.

2. When we specify the file type in the Save As... dialog we can choose:

a) Any of the types listed in the drop-down menu.

b) Any type compatible with our operating system.

c) Any type compatible with the document we are editing.

d) Word Document" type only

3. What is the purpose of pressing the F12 key?

a) To switch to Full Screen view.

b) To display the Save As dialog box.

c) To display the Open dialog box.

d) All answers are false.

4. Can a document or folder be deleted from the Open or Save dialog boxes?

a) Files yes, but not folders.

b) Folders yes, but not files.

c) Nothing can be deleted.

d) They can be deleted, yes.

5. The way the list of files and folders is displayed in the Open and Save dialog boxes is determined by:

a) The operating system used.

b) Word version.

c) The selected view.

d) The unit in which we find ourselves.
6. What is the Name text box in the Open dialog box used for?

a) Not at all, but since the same type of window is used as in Save, it is retained.

b) To rename the file before opening it.

c) To write the name of the document we want to open, totally or partially.

d) To hide the files that do not match the text we insert in it.

7. And what is the purpose of the File Type drop-down in the Open dialog box?

a) Not at all, but since the same type of window is used as in Save, it is retained.

b) To change the type of the selected file, before opening it.

c) To inform us of the file types that can be opened in Word, so that we do not try to open a file that cannot be

d) To hide the files in the folder that do not match the type specified in it, in order to facilitate the search.

8. We can open a document that is in...

a) Our hard disk.

b) OneDrive.

c) A pen driver, CD, DVD or any removable device.

d) All answers are true.

9. Pressing the Save icon will open the Save As dialog box.

a) Yes, always.

b) Yes, but only if the document has not been saved before.

c) No, it will simply save, but without opening a dialog box.

d) The Save icon is not used for saving, to save press CTRL+S.

10. Can we recover a document that has been deleted?

a) Yes, with specific recovery tools that can only be used by specialists.

b) Yes, from the recycle garbage can, as long as it has not been emptied.

c) Yes, as long as it is still in the clipboard.

d) No.

Evaluation 5: spelling and grammar

1. Will spell check detect error in the sentence: The hello broke in the sand?
a) No, because all the words it contains are covered in the dictionary.

b) No, because there is no error.

c) Yes, it will detect the error in the word hello, because in the sentence the proper word would be ola.

d) Yes, it will detect an error, but not a spelling error, but a grammatical error.

2. In what color are errors highlighted while typing?

a) In blue.

b) In red.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

3. We can choose to correct spelling, grammar or both.

a) Yes, we can activate one or the other form of proofreading to check only spelling or only grammar, for example.

b) Yes, we can disable grammar to correct only spelling, but not the other way around.

c) No, spelling and grammar are always corrected at the same time.

4. When you open a document, Word checks all spelling and grammar.

a) Yes, always.

b) Yes, as long as we do not deactivate the option.

c) No, just check the spelling.

d) No, to review the document the reviewer must be expressly launched.

5. Your company name constantly comes up on documents and it is not a valid word, how would you prevent the
reviewer from showing it as an error?

a) By clicking on the Skip all option. This way it will no longer be displayed as an error for any document.

b) Disabling the automatic review that checks the document when it is opened.

c) Adding the word to the custom dictionary.

d) All answers are valid.

6. To substitute one word for another in a document, for example one telephone number for another, what would be
the best way to do it?

a) Use AutoCorrect, so that Word changes it as you type automatically.

b) Use the Find and Replace tool.

c) Both tools perform the same action, so both are valid.

d) No answer is adequate.

7. The autocorrection tool...

a) Allows Word to automatically change the text in the document as you type without asking explicit permission.

b) It can be configured to specify what type of corrections we want it to perform.

c) It allows the user to specify a list of terms to be substituted, so that for example, whenever you type ayto, it is
substituted by ayuntamiento.

d) All answers are true.

8. Can a spelling or grammatical correction already made be undone?

a) Yes, each correction is one more action that can be undone.

b) No, corrections cannot be undone unless they have been made in the box showing the error in the correction
dialog box. Because in such a case the Undo button appears in the box.

c) No, corrections cannot be undone in any case.

9. Which key forces the start of the spelling and grammar check by using its dialog box?

a) F5.

b) F7.

c) CTRL+R.

d) CTRL+5.

10. You have clicked Skip all in front of a word marked as an error and you realize that you don't care, because
sometimes it can be really misused, what would you do to fix it?

a) Force a new revision of the document by clicking on the corresponding button.

b) Close and open the document again.

c) Make a small modification to the text and rerun the reviser.

d) Resign yourself, there is no longer a solution, but you can use the Search tool to search for the word in question
and review each of the specific cases.

Evaluation 6: Document format

1. The styles...

a) They define the purpose of a text and its format.

b) They refer to the font used in a text: Arial, Verdana, Times New Roman, etc.

c) They refer to the style of writing: newspaper columns, poems, prose, etc.

d) They allude to the difficulty of understanding a text.

2. One issue is...

a) A song that can be incorporated into the document to provide it with multimedia elements.

b) A document unit or chapter.

c) A set of formats that apply to the entire document.

d) A set of formats that modify the appearance of Word.

3. Will a change in the theme change the appearance of the front page of your document?

a) Yes.

b) No.

4. The bottom of the document page...

a) Allows you to change the background color.

b) Allows you to add borders or fills to pages.

c) Allows you to insert a watermark at the bottom of the pages.

d) All answers are correct.

5. The source affects...

a) To the drawings.

b) To autoforms.

c) To text.

d) To the page background color.

6. The text highlighting tool...

a) Underline a text with a line.

b) Increases the font thickness, i.e. gives a bold effect to the text.

c) Draw a circle around a text.

d) Colors the background of a text, usually with bright colors.

7. The Justified paragraph format...

a) Aligns the text to the right.

b) Aligns the text to the left.

c) Aligns the text left and right.

d) Aligns the text to the center.

8. Bulleted lists are...

a) Lists of items entered by a number.

b) Lists of elements introduced by a symbol or drawing.

c) Lists of elements within comic book style speech bubbles.

d) No answer is correct.

9. Tabulations...

a) They are used to create an indent at the beginning of each paragraph.

b) They are used to create a column structure.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

10. The Format Painter button is used to...

a) Offer advice on writing style or appropriate colors that go well together.

b) Delete a text.

c) Copy a text.

d) Copy a format.

Evaluation 8: Page Design

1. To include margins in our document, we must...

a) Choose default margins: Normal, Narrow, Reflected...

b) Define custom margins.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

2. The margins are defined in the... tab....

a) Page layout.

b) Document design.

c) Design.

d) Page setup.

3. The inner margin is specially designed for...

a) Reserve a space for binding.

b) Reserve a space for the header and footer.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

4. To change the paper size you want to print on...

a) We will go to the Paper tab of the Page Setup dialog box.

b) We will change the printer paper.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

5. The header and footer are placed in the...

a) Within the margin space.

b) Just after the margins.

6. In which tab do we find the Header and Footer options?

a) Page layout.

b) View.

c) Insert.

d) Home.

7. What elements can we add to a header or footer?

a) Images or photographs.

b) The current date.

c) Quick elements, such as the title or author of the document.

d) All answers are true.

8. How do we prevent the cover page from having a header and footer?

a) Selecting them from the first page and pressing DELETE.

b) It is not necessary to do anything, the covers never carry them.

c) Be sure to check the First page different option in the Design tab of the Header and Footer Tools.

d) It cannot be avoided, it is best to print the cover page before applying the header and then apply it to the whole
document and print from the second page onwards.

9. The page number can only be applied in the footer.

a) Yes.

b) No, it is also possible to include it in the header or on the side.

10. Can we decide from which value to start numbering the pages? What about ranges to independently number
each chapter?

a) Yes, both.

b) Yes, we can decide which value will start the account, but do not use ranges.

c) Yes, we can use ranges, but they will always start from number 1.

d) No, neither option is possible.

Evaluation 9: Printing
1. Before printing, it is advisable to take a look at the overall appearance of the document. We will do it using...

a) The Print Layout view and tools such as zoom.

b) The Preview.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

2. How many pages of our document can we view at a time?

a) Only one or two.

b) As many as we want, and organized the way we want.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

3. Which key combination launches the document printout?

a) CTRL+I.

b) CTRL+P.

d) ALT+P.

4. If we print two copies of a three-page document with interleaving...

a) A copy of each page will be printed twice in succession.

b) One complete copy of the document will be printed after the other.

5. To change the orientation of the paper in a document...

a) We will rotate the printer.

b) We will rotate the paper in the printer.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

6. Can we apply a landscape paper orientation to the first page and portrait to the rest?

a) No. The entire document must have the same orientation.

b) No. The orientation in Word is always vertical.

c) Yes. Only if we print it twice.
d) Yes. Setting the options in the Page Setup window.

7. Where do we find the Print option?

a) In the View > Print Layout tab.

b) In the File > Print tab.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

8. What is a virtual printer?

a) A printer that is networked.

b) A printer that is installed but not turned on.

c) A printer that does not physically exist, but prints the document as a file.

d) A printer that can only be seen with special glasses.

9. What technology is responsible for enabling us to work with a new printer by simply plugging it in?
a) Plug&Play.

b) Pray&Play.

c) Glub&Play.

d) Play&Print.

10. In which view can we modify the document margins?

a) Page layout.

b) Print design.

c) Web design.

d) Presentation.

Evaluation 10: Tables

1. The Draw Table tool is used to:

a) Create tables by drawing freehand, so that we can create tables of any shape: round, square, triangular...

b) Create and retouch tables by drawing their edges as straight lines.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

2. What does it mean that a table is nested?

a) That the Merge tool has been used in one or more of its cells.

b) That has been anchored to a certain fixed position and cannot be moved.

c) Which has been created from data in text form.

d) Which has been created inside another table.

3. How to apply a table style?

a) The table is selected and applied from the tab Home.

b) The table is selected and applied from the tab Design.

c) The table is selected and applied from the tab Presentation.

d) There are no table styles. Formatting the tables with the drawing tools.

4. Which button is used to move the table in the document?

a) (From the lower right corner of the table)

b) (From the upper left corner of the table)

c) Order (from tape)

d) None of them.

5. Which button is used to change the size of the cells in a table?

a) (From the lower right corner of the table)

b) (From the tape)

c) (From the tape)

d) All answers are true.

6. To adjust the table with respect to the surrounding text...

a) We use the Adjust table button.

b) We use the alignment options found in the table properties.

c) We use the styles.

d) We use another table to layout the document, placing the text in one cell and the table in another.

7. Can we change the direction of the text in a cell?

a) Yes, we can change it to read from left to right or right to left.

b) Yes, we can change it in three directions: left to right, top to bottom and bottom to top.

c) Only if it is the header.

d) No.

8. By default, what is the distance between cells when creating a table?

a) 0cm.

b) 0.19cm.

c) 1cm.

d) Same as margin.

9. Can we convert text to tables?

a) Yes, as long as the text is well structured it will give good results.

b) Yes, any text will give us good results, thanks to the improvements included in Word 2013.

c) Yes, as long as the text is styled.

d) No.

10. The formulas in the tables...

a) They follow the syntax =Formula(Position)

b) They are not automatically updated if any value used for the calculation is modified.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

Evaluation 11: Images and graphics

1. The clipart images...

a) They can be found in the online images.

b) They are usually of WMF (Windows Media File) type, and therefore most of them can be grouped and ungrouped.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

2. Clipart images can be used for use with ...

a) Personal and commercial use.

b) Any use other than on the Internet.

c) Commercial use.

d) Personal use only.

3. In which tab are the buttons necessary to incorporate images into the document?

a) Home.

b) Data.

c) Archive.

d) Insert.

4. What does it mean to link an image file to the document?

a) That the image is actually on the Internet, not on our computer.

b) That the image will be updated in the document if the original is changed.

c) That the original image is in another Word document or any of the Office programs.

d) That the image has been created by grouping different shapes.

5. What is a screenshot?

a) A wallpaper.

b) A screensaver created with Word.

c) A picture of what you see on the screen.

d) When the screen hangs because the graphics card has crashed.

6. The forms are...

a) Geometric or simple lines and figures that help to create drawings.

b) Formatting options that can be applied to Word images.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

7. Can a shape contain text?

a) Yes, simply by clicking and typing on it.

b) Yes, we will have to apply it with the freehand tool, writing carefully with the mouse or using a drawing board.

c) Yes, but inserting a text box first.

d) No.

8. Data representation graphs...

a) They are created from Word data tables.

b) They are created from data in an Excel spreadsheet.

c) They are created from data extracted by Access queries.

d) They are created with an external auxiliary graphics program and then imported as an image.

9. Can an image or graphic be aligned?

a) Yes, with respect to the page.

b) Yes, with respect to the surrounding text.

c) Yes, with respect to other objects or drawings.

d) All answers are true.

10. To which objects can quick styles be applied?

a) Data graphs.
b) Clipart.

c) Shapes.

d) All answers are true.

Evaluation 1: Introduction. Excel Elements

1. The standard quick access bar contains:

a) Commands such as Save or Undo.

b) Tabs such as Home or Insert.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

2. The ribbon of options

a) Contains commands.

b) Contains links.

c) It contains tabs that correspond to tabs, where you can find commands grouped in groups or categories.

d) All are false.

3. The tape chips are always the same.

a) No, because they can be customized.

b) No, because some programs include their own tabs that offer more functionalities to Excel.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

4. Pressing the ALT key in Excel. .

a) The menus of previous versions are displayed: Files, Edit, Tools, etc.

b) Number and letter indicators are displayed to allow us to use Excel with the keyboard and without the need of the

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

5. The formula bar:

a) It contains buttons with the most commonly used formulas, such as autosum.
b) It contains a list of the last formulas that have been used.

c) It contains only a list of all the formulas available in Excel.

d) Displays the contents of the active cell. If this is a formula, the formula will be displayed, not the value it is

6. Excel 2013 allows you to import and export the environment.

a) Yes, and in case we have customized it, it can be useful to take that same customization to another computer or
keep it after a reinstallation of the applications.

b) Yes, but only in the online version of the program.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

7. Excel Help:

a) It is available from the question mark button.

b) It is available by pressing the F1 key.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

8. Excel, in short, is designed for:

a) Enter data and perform mathematical operations with them. It is a set of spreadsheets.

b) Create graphs based on certain data.

c) Create eye-catching presentations for exhibitions and conferences.

d) To store data, it is a database, actually.

Evaluation 2: Getting Started with Excel

1.An Excel 2013 spreadsheet consists of three different sheets.

a) True.

b) False.

2. The number of sheets in a book can vary between 0 and 255.

a) True.

b) False.
3. If we press the key combination CTRL+ENTER the active cell becomes A1.

a) True.

b) False.

4. A formula is an operation to be performed by Excel that always starts with the = sign.

a) True.

b) False.

5. To go to the last row of the column we are in, press .


b) END and then DOWN ARROW

c) FIN


6. If we are typing data in cell A1, to enter them in the cell and move to the next cell, A2...

a) Press ENTER.

b) Click on the acceptance box in the formula bar.

c) A and B are valid options.

d) A and B are not valid options.

7. If we want to modify the content of a selected cell...

a) Press F2.

b) We click directly on the formula bar.

c) A and B are valid options.

d) A and B are not valid options.

8. Of the following formulas, which one is correct?

a) 10+25

b) =A1:10

c) =A1+D4

d) All are correct.

9. If we are modifying the content of a cell and we press the ESC key...

a) What you had written in the cell will be erased.

b) We will exit Excel.

c) We will close the document.

d) The value in the cell will appear as it was before the modification.

10. The button is used to...

a) Display the last sheet of the workbook.

b) Display the following sheet.

c) Play a video inside the Excel sheet.

d) Move to the next cell.

Evaluation 3: File operations

1. If we press the A button, Excel will close and we will lose all the information that we have not saved.

a) True.

b) False.

2. Clicking the button closes all open documents in Excel 2013.

a) True.

b) False.

3. Clicking the Save button on the tab ribbon always displays the Save As dialog box for naming the workbook

a) True.

b) False.

4. You cannot have several books open at the same time.

a) True.

b) False.

5. If we click on the New option in the File tab.

a) Different options are shown, such as creating a blank book, or working from a template.

b) An empty workbook appears directly on the screen.

c) A dialog box appears allowing you to choose the type of file you want to create: text document, graphic, table, etc.
d) All options are false.

6. From the File tab we access to:

a) The options for saving and closing workbooks.

b) The options to open and start workbooks.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

7. The Save As option allows us to...

a) Save a copy of an existing document under a different name and/or in a different folder.

b) Save a document that we had not yet saved, although in this case the Save button would perform the same

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

8. What path should you follow to Open an existing workbook?

a) Open > Computer > Browse > Open

b) File > New > Open.

c) File > Open > Computer > Browse > Open.

d) File > Open > Browse > Open.

9. The Button button allows us to...

a) Add a comment to a spreadsheet.

b) Add a comment to an Excel workbook.

c) Anchor an option to a menu, e.g. to make a document always available in the list of recently used files.

d) All are false.

10. The combination CTRL + G is used to...

a) Save.

b) Delete the contents of the active book to start from the beginning.

c) Create a new book.

d) All are false.

Evaluation 4: Manipulating cells

1. Cells can only be selected if they are contiguous.

a) True.

b) False.

2. The SHIFT key is used to enlarge or reduce the selected range.

a) True.

b) False.

3. Clicking on a column ID selects all cells containing data in that column.

a) True.

b) False.

4. By hovering over the lower right corner of a selected range, the mouse pointer turns into a black cross and allows
us to copy the range to any position.

a) True.

b) False.

5. Multiple cells cannot be selected using the keyboard.

a) True.

b) False.

6. Column A and row 1 cannot be selected at the same time.

a) True.

b) False.

7. What is the maximum number of objects that can be copied to the clipboard?

a) 5.

b) 25.

c) 50.

d) The number is not determined, it depends on the size of each object and the memory of the hard disk.

8. We can copy to the clipboard a range of cells within the same sheet with the ... key.

a) CTRL.

b) Mayus (shift).
c) Alt.

d) CTRL+C.

9. There is a button that allows us to select the entire sheet.

a) True.

b) False.

10. You can move a cell to another sheet using the mouse.

a) True.

b) False.

Evaluation 6: Functions
1. If we click on the AutoSum button of the Ribbon...

a) You will go directly to the Insert Function dialog box.

b) We insert an addition function in the active cell.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

2. To enter a function in our spreadsheet:

a) From the Formulas tab we access the Insert function button.

b) From the Formulas tab you can access each category of functions (financial, logical, etc.) to enter the one you need.

c) We write the function directly in the cell.

d) All answers are true.

3. The formulas...

a) They can be nested, so that there is one inside the other, for example: =SUM(A1:A2;SUM(A2:B2)).

b) They can be combined by operators, for example: =SUM(A1:A2) + SUM(B1:B2).

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

4. Of the following formulas, which one is NOT correct?

a) =SUM(A1:F5)
b) =B23/SUM(A1:B5)

c) =MAXIMUM(A1:D5)

d) =AVERAGE(A1:B5;D1:E5)

5. If we want to add the range A1:B3:

a) The correct function will be =SUM(A1:B3)

b) The correct function will be =+(A1:B3)

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

6. If we want to subtract B1 from A1:

a) The correct function will be =RESTA(A1:B1)

b) The correct function will be =-(A1:B1)

c) The correct function will be =(A1-B1)

d) All are true.

7. In the Insert Function dialog box, what is the Help link about this function for?

a) To display the wizard that helps you insert the function you have selected.

b) To display help on what operation the selected function performs and what its syntax is.

c) It puts you in contact (via the Internet) with Microsoft technical support to provide you with more detailed and
accurate information about the selected feature.

d) All are false.

8. The NOW() function returns...

a) The current system date.

b) The current system time.

c) Both are correct.

d) None of the above options.

9. The SI() Function

a) It allows to evaluate a statement or condition: If a condition is met, it performs an action and if not, it performs
another action.

b) Returns the values of the cells whose logical operations result in True.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

10. Error control in the functions...

a) It corrects errors, just as the spell checker corrects errors in literal data.

b) It warns us of failures, but does not correct them.

c) It has tools to first locate the error and then decide whether we want to modify it automatically or omit the error.

d) All are false.

Evaluation 7: Formatting cells

1. The K button...

a) Italicizes the selected text.

b) Italicize and bold the selected text simultaneously.

c) Converts the selected text to uppercase.

d) Converts the selected text to lowercase.

2. The N ...

a) Changes the color of the selected text to black.

b) Changes the thickness of the letters in the selected text, thus highlighting the text.

c) Changes the sign of a calculated cell to negative.

d) It does not exist in Excel 2013.

3. Which formats can be used simultaneously?

a) Underline and italics.

b) Italic and bold.

c) Underline and bold.

d) All answers are true. In fact, all three styles could be applied at the same time.

4. Is it possible to define the number of decimal places to be represented from a numeric figure?

a) Yes, as long as they are literal values that we have entered manually, and not the result of a calculation.

b) Yes, as long as they are the result of a calculation or function.

c) Yes, whatever the origin.

d) No.
5. The button img...

a) Colors the text in the cell.

b) Color the cell borders.

c) Color the background of the cell.

d) All are true.

6. The button img...

a) Aligns the text to the center.

b) Aligns text in columns.

c) Aligns the text to the left.

d) Aligns the text to the right.

7. To include the € or $ sign...

a) We can write it before the numerical figure: €150

b) We can write it after the numerical figure: 150€.

c) We can insert the currency format in the cell.

d) All of them are valid options, depending on the one that is most comfortable in each particular case.

8. A topic in Excel 2013...

a) It is a category of tabs found in the ribbon. It groups several buttons and tools.

b) This is a section of the help that deals with a specific topic.

c) This is a song that we can incorporate to be played in the background when the document is opened.

d) It is a set of styles that change the entire look of a workbook quickly.

9. The button img...

a) Used to delete the contents of the selected cells.

b) Used to copy formatting from one cell to another.

c) Used to erase the entire contents of the sheet.

d) It can be used for painting. Clicking on it opens the color palette.

10. With conditional formatting, could we indicate that cells with values between 1 and 5 have a red background?

a) No, we can only indicate the color of the text. We could mark the figure in red.

b) No, since we can only choose from the available conditions and the range of 1 to 5 is not one of them.
c) Yes.

d) All are false.

Evaluation 8: Structure changes

1. The height of 4 rows can be modified at the same time, and they acquire the same height.

a) True.

b) False.

2. You cannot change the height of 2 rows at the same time if they are not contiguous rows.

a) True.

b) False.

3. The AutoFit Row Height option is only available from the Format menu.

a) True.

b) False.

4. You can change the width of 3 columns at the same time, as long as they have the same width and are contiguous.

a) True.

b) False.

5. The standard height and width can be changed.

a) True.

b) False.

6. The Default Width option changes the width of all columns at the same time, regardless of the previous widths of
each column.

a) True.

b) False.

7. The Show Rows option from the Format menu...

a) ...shows all hidden rows.

b) ...displays a dialog box where we choose the rows to be displayed.

c) ...shows the last hidden row.

d) All answers are false.

8. We can define the high standard...

a) centimeters.

b) points.

c) Either of the first two options.

d) None of the above options.

9. How to change the color of the label of an Excel sheet?

a) Using the Label Color option from the Format menu.

b) From the context menu of the label itself.

c) A and B are true.

d) A and B are false.

10. If we select two spreadsheets and choose the Rename sheet option from the Format menu.

a) We will rename the two sheets at the same time.

b) We will rename only the active sheet.

c) If more than one sheet is selected, the Rename sheet option is not activated.

d) None of the above options.

Evaluation 9: Insert and delete elements

1. It is not possible to automatically add more than one row at a time.

a) True.

b) False.

2. Columns can only be added from the Insert Sheet Columns option of the Insert menu.

a) True.

b) False.

3. If we select a row it will not let us add columns.

a) True.

b) False.

4. We can delete a spreadsheet as long as it does not contain data.

a) True.
b) False.

5. Excel knows whether to delete rows, columns or cells based on what is currently selected.

a) True.

b) False.

6. To delete a row we can use the Delete option in the Edit tab.

a) True.

b) False.

7. To delete a sheet we must...

a) the Delete sheet option.

b) ...position the cursor on the sheet label and press the DELETE key.

c) A and B are correct.

d) A and B are incorrect.

8. To copy or move a sheet it is not necessary to move it, since we can indicate the sheet we want to copy.

a) True.

b) False.

9. We can only copy or move a sheet to another workbook if it is blank.

a) True.

b) False.

10. To copy a sheet using the keyboard and mouse combination we will use the ... key.



c) ALT

d) None of them.

Evaluation 10: Spelling correction

1. Spell checking, like autocorrection, can be performed from the Ribbon with its own button.

a) True.
b) False.

2. After correcting the spelling, we are sure that our document is free of mistakes.

a) True.

b) False.

3. When correcting spelling, the Spelling dialog box will not always appear.

a) True.

b) False.

4. To change (c) to the copyright symbol go to AutoCorrect Options..................................................

a) True.

b) False.

5. From the Spelling box we can directly switch a change to the autocorrection.

a) True.

b) False.

6. If we write a word correctly, but it comes out as a misspelling, we will use the button...

a) ...Skip once.

b) ...Add.

c) Either of the first two options.

d) None of the above options.

7. If when we make a spelling mistake we do not get the correct word in the list of suggestions...

a) ...we cannot correct spelling mistakes.

b) ...we will write the correct word.

c) Either of the first two options.

d) None of the above options.

8. To create our own dictionary...

a) use the New dictionary button.

b) use the Custom Dictionaries button...

c) use the AutoCorrect Options button.

d) None of the above is correct.

9. It is possible to add new words to already created dictionaries.

a) True.

b) False.

10. How can a word be added to a dictionary?

a) Press F7, then in the window that opens click Add to dictionary.

b) Go to the Proofreading tab, select Spelling and then click on Add to dictionary.

c) The two previous options are correct.

d) None of the above options is correct.

Evaluation 1: Introduction to the Internet

1. The Internet is the wired network that connects computers together.

a) True.

b) False.

2. A "server" is a computer that serves or provides content to the Internet.

a) True.

b) False.

3. The Internet is an organization used by all countries in the world and is not owned by any of them.

a) True.

b) False.

4. In order to publish a web page on the Internet, you must have the corresponding authorization from the state

a) True.

b) False.

5. Viruses can enter our computer through...

a) Using an outdated browser.

b) By e-mail.

c) For both.

6. If I type two keywords into a search engine such as Google, Bing, etc., it is able to...

a) Find ten pages containing those words on all Internet pages in less than one second.

b) Find ten pages containing those words on all Internet pages in less than ten seconds.

c) Find the top ten pages with relevant keyword information on the entire Internet in less than a second.

7. Which answer is the most accurate? On the Internet you can...

a) Listen to radio stations if you have a sufficiently fast connection.

b) Listen to radio stations and listen to music with acceptable quality if you have a sufficiently fast connection.

c) Listen to radio stations, listen to music with acceptable quality and watch videos if you have a fast enough

8. Is it possible to check my email account from any computer connected to the Internet without having to install or
configure any software?

a) Yes, it is always possible.

b) Yes, if I have a webmail type account.

c) Yes, if I have an IMAP or POP3 account that I normally read from Outlook.

d) It is not possible.

9. What is FTP?

a) A protocol for connecting computers to the Internet.

b) A file transfer protocol.

c) A mailing protocol.

d) None of the above options.

10. We can read the newspaper on the Internet completely free of charge.

a) True.

b) False.

Evaluation 2: Internet connection

1. If the use of our computer is going to be basic, it is preferable to buy a better quality monitor rather than a
powerful machine.

a) True.

b) False.

2. A Modem acts as a translator between the Internet network and our computer.
a) True.
b) False.
3. With an RTB connection we can surf and talk on the phone at the same time.

a) True.

b) False.

4. The cable connection can use the telephone line.

a) True.

b) False.

5. The disadvantage of PDAs or Pocket PCs is that they cannot connect to the Internet.

a) True.

b) False.

6. GSM was the first standard data transmission technology for cell phones.

a) True.

b) False.

7. What does PLC technology use to connect to the Internet?

a) A satellite dish and a dedicated modem.

b) The power grid and a dedicated modem.

c) The telephone line and a dedicated modem.

8. The satellite connection is one of the fastest we can find today.

a) True.

b) False.
9. When we contract an ADSL service, the provider will provide us with a CD to install the connection.

a) Yes, otherwise the connection must be made manually.

b) Yes, otherwise we will not be able to create the connection.

c) No, in any case the installation of the connection will be done manually.

d) No, but no installation is required to make the connection.

10. We can find out our connection data by requesting it from our ISP.

a) True.

b) False.

Evaluation 3: Browsers
1. When opening a link we can do it in the same tab, in a new tab or in a new window.

a) True.

b) False.

2. Even if we do not update our browser we will be able to view the web pages without any problem.

a) True.

b) False.

3. Tabs normally display the name of the site they contain.

a) True.

b) False.

4. Internet Explorer 11 can be configured to perform searches using the Google search engine.

a) True.

b) False.

5. The CTRL+F keys allow you to search for a term on the entire Internet through a search engine.

a) True.

b) False.

6. The following home icon takes us to the web page set as the main or home page.

a) True.
b) False.

7. We will use tabs to load more than one web page in a single browser window.
a) True.
b) False.

8. We can save our favorite web pages in the History.

a) True.

b) False.

9. We can organize our favorite pages in folders.

a) True.

b) False.

10. The InPrivate option allows you to surf in IE in a more confidential way, because it does not store history of visited
pages, passwords or form data.

a) True.

b) False.

Evaluation 4: Search engines

1. The ads that appear in front of the results are often more interesting than the results that follow.

a) True.

b) False.

2. If the results of a search are not satisfactory in the first few pages, it is advisable to search more pages before
adding or modifying keywords.

a) True.

b) False.

3. We can search for textual phrases that appear in web pages using...
a) Parentheses.
b) Double quotation marks.
4. We can narrow a search to a single website, using the advanced search.

a) True.
b) False.

5. With some search engines we can search for much more than just websites, such as files, documents, videos,
images, etc.

a) True.

b) False.

6. We can exclude results that contain a particular word.

a) True.

b) False.

7. By using a meta-search engine we obtain the results that we would get if we performed the same search in several
search engines.

a) True.

b) False.

8. If we activate Google Instant...

a) You will see the most recent search results.

b) We will see the search results practically at the same time as we type the search word.

9. To search with Google it is better to go to the Google home page than to search in the address bar of the browser.

a) True.

b) False.

10. With today's search engines it is possible to search for a licensed red car image that allows us to modify and use it

a) True.
b) False.

Evaluation 5: E-mail
1. An e-mail address is unique, no two can be the same.

a) True.

b) False.
2. Those accounts for which we have sufficient data (such as those of our ISP) can be configured for use with mail
clients such as Windows Live Mail.

a) True.

b) False.

3. The inbox is the folder of our mail where the messages we receive are stored.

a) True.

b) False.

4. Junk Mail is the folder in our mail where the messages we delete are stored.

a) True.

b) False.

5. With an e-mail or mail we can send only text.

a) True.

b) False.

6. It is possible to send a copy of an email using the field...

a) To.

b) CC and BCC.

7. The contact book of our Yahoo, Gmail or Hotmail mail, for example, is accessible for other services of the same
company, such as instant messaging.

a) Yes.

b) Yes, although it is very rare.

c) No.

8. A golden rule to avoid spreading a virus in our computer is not to open e-mails sent by strangers.

a) True.

b) False.

9. There are methods to avoid unwanted mail or Spam.

a) Filters can be applied to mark certain messages.

b) Mail servers automatically scan messages and identify some as spam.

c) We can create a blacklist of addresses that send unwanted emails.

d) All of the above.

10. It is convenient to reply to Spam messages to let the person who sends this type of mail know that we do not
want to receive any more advertising.

a) True.

b) False.

Evaluation 10: Internet Security

1. Viruses are programs that are inadvertently installed on your computer.

a) True.

b) False.

2. By reading e-mail, it is impossible to get infected with a virus.

a) True.

b) False.

3. We must be cautious when visiting websites that we trust.

a) True.

b) False.

4. A virus can be installed in the boot sector of the computer to be launched every time the computer is turned on.

a) True.

b) False.

5. All viruses are destructive.

a) True.

b) False.

6. If the CD reader opens and closes by itself, it is possible that we are infected.

a) True.

b) False.
7. A virus that installs itself on your computer and then sends information to the outside world is a...

a) Worm.

b) Trojan.

8. If you use a mail reader program, it is advisable to use the Preview to avoid the possibility of getting infected.

a) True.

b) False.

9. To remove a virus we can ...

a) Install an antivirus.

b) Use a firewall.

10. From the Security Center we can configure the way in which the Automatic Updates will act.

a) True.

b) False.

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