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1. Name three examples of extinct animals. When and why did they become
Javan Tiger became extinct in the 1970s because of habitat loss and hunting.
West African black rhinoceros became extinct in 2011 because of poaching.
Dodo became extinct in 1680 because of hunting and habitat loss.
2. Name three species that are in danger of becoming extinct now. Why are they in
Black rhinos, Red pandas, and Blue whales are in danger of becoming extinct now
because of habitat loss and poaching
3. What is de-extinction?
bringing back extinct animals to life.
4. What are ethical concern and health concerns about de-extinction?
- Ethical Concerns about De-Extinction: The concern is that:
o Ecological disruption: The reintroduction of extinct species could
potentially disrupt existing ecosystems. The reintroduced species may
not have natural predators, competitors, or prey in their new
environment, leading to uncontrolled population growth and potential
ecological imbalances.
o Ethical implications of cloning: The process raises significant ethical
concerns, including the potential for increased suffering of cloned
animals and the exploitation of animals for scientific purposes.
- health concerns about de-extinction
o Disease transmission: The reintroduction of de-extinct species could
introduce new diseases to e`xisting populations, as well as the risk of
the de-extinct species themselves becoming carriers of diseases.
o Environmental solution: The process of cloning and genetic
engineering could involve the use of chemicals and substances that
may be harmful to the environment and cause a risk to the health of
living animals.
5. What is a hybrid animal? How can one be created?
- A hybrid animal is a combination.
- In this case, it’s an animal that gets most of its DNA from a living animal
but has some DNA from an extinct animal. Scientists create a hybrid by
adjusting the DNA of a living animal to match the DNA of an extinct animal
after examining the extinct animal’s genome.
6. Why is de-extinction controversial? Why are different people for and against it?
- There are a number of health and ethical considerations.
- Its supporters believe that it can help fix damaged ecosystems and also give
us important knowledge about why species become extinct in the first place.
On the other hand, critics say that there may be unexpected negative
consequences of bringing species back to life: we don’t know what will
7. Do you think scientists and conservationists should use de-extinction to bring
back extinct species? Why or why not?
- No, I don’t. De-extinction may not effectively solve ecological problems and
could even cause unintended ecological consequences. They also argue that
resources invested in de-extinction could be better used to address other
pressing environmental issues, such as habitat loss and conservation of
existing species.
8. Do you think wild animal conservation is a waste of resources? Should we focus
on technology development instead of preventing wild animals from dying out?
 No. many experts argue that wild animal conservation is important for
maintaining ecosystem health and functioning, preserving biodiversity, and
supporting human livelihoods. Conservation efforts can help prevent
species’ extinction and restore habitats, which can have important
ecological, social, and economic benefits.
 We should try to develop technology while also focusing on efforts to
protect and preserve the natural world, including wild animals and their
habitats. While technology development can bring many benefits to society,
such as improving healthcare and facilitating communication and
transportation, it is equally important to protect and preserve the natural
world, including wild animals and their habitats.
9. What are some solutions/measures we can take to protect endangered/threatened
- Monitoring and Anti-Poaching Patrols
o For example: To help protect the rhinos from poaching in Kenya, they are
kept in 16 fenced and highly protected areas. They also use advanced technologies
to monitor the rhinos daily, which includes keeping track of their well-being and
confirming all individuals are accounted for.
- Educating the public and raising awareness about the importance of
conservation and the threats facing rhinos can encourage support and action to
protect them.
o For example: Don’t buy rhino products, especially while traveling to African
countries or places throughout Southeast Asia that may sell them as souvenirs.
- Environmental protection is also an effort to protect endangered animals.
o For example, avoid water pollution, air pollution, land pollution, something
like that.
10. Some scientists are very interested in creating hybrid animals. Do you think
this act goes against nature and can bring a lot of consequences?
- On the one hand, creating hybrid animals can potentially provide new
knowledge about genetics, evolution, and animal behavior. It may also have
practical applications, such as developing new animal breeds that are better
adapted to changing environmental conditions or have desirable traits for
farming or biomedical research.
- However, there are also potential risks and ethical concerns associated with
creating hybrid animals. Genetic manipulation can have unintended
consequences, such as unpredictable changes in behavior, physiology, or
susceptibility to diseases. It may also raise questions about animal welfare
and the moral implications of manipulating the natural world for human
1. Choose an existing electronic device or an application. What seems to be the
issues with its design? What can you do to fix them?
- One electronic device that has faced criticism for its design in recent years is
the Apple MacBook Pro. Specifically, the main issue with its design is the
lack of ports, specifically the removal of all standard USB-A ports, and
HDMI ports, leaving only USB-C ports.
- To fix this issue, Apple could consider adding back some of these ports or at
least including more USB-C ports on the device. Another solution could be
to create more affordable docks that would be included with the device or
available at a lower cost to users.
2. How important is design thinking for the user’s experience with regard to some
products, apps, or services?
Design thinking is a way of thinking that focuses on the need or the problems
of a customer or user. Design thinking is extremely important for a user’s
experience with a product, app, or service. Because design thinking is what catches
the eye of consumers and the first buyer when they see that product. In addition, if
the product has a unique and new design, it will stimulate ˈstimyəˌlāt the curiosity
ˌkyo͝ orēˈäsədē of customers, thereby attracting more people to buy them. In terms
of use, a product with design thinking will have the design that is most suitable for
the user, making the user feel comfortable and convenient when using it.
3. What is the most important/essential step/stage/phase in a design process?
As far as I know, there are five stages of the design process. These are The define
Stage, Ideate Stage, Prototype Stage, Feedback Stage, and Develop Stage. In my
opinion, Step is the most important is the Feedback Stage. This is when you get
information on customers’ experience with the new design. Before designing or
officially selling a product with that design, a good design process leverages
prototype testing and user feedback. From there, they will know where their
product has strengths to continue to promote it as much as possible. And most
importantly, the negative reviews about it, those reviews will help designers know
the weaknesses and problems that their design faces, from which they will come up
with a solution. and make it better.
4. What makes a good design? (Suggestions: 5 principles on Page 34)
Creating a good product requires five important principles: Innovation, Problem-
Solving, User-oriented, Attention to Detail, and Making it simple.
5. How can designers make sure their product is user-oriented?
They should think about how a user uses a product and should make use of
prototype testing and user feedback.
6. What will happen if a product’s design is complicated?
It leads to problems with user experience. And a complicated design won’t make
for a happier user, and they won’t use the product more often.
7. Give an example of a good product’s design. Explain why you think it is good.
One example of a good product design is the Tesla Model S.
Sleek and Modern: The design of the Model S is sleek and modern, which appeals
to many consumers.
Eco-Friendly: Tesla is known for its commitment to sustainability, and the Model
S is no exception. The car is powered by electricity, which makes it
environmentally friendly and more efficient than traditional gas-powered cars.
1. Human intelligence is defined by our ability to solve problems, use tools,
plan for the future, and much more. Do you think animals are as intelligent
as humans? What can they do?
- Yes, I do
o First, some animals can use tools to solve problems and perform tasks.
For example, elephants have been known to use rocks as tools,
throwing them at their enemies.
o Second, animals also have planning skills. For example, Elephants
have been observed traveling long distances to find water sources
during dry seasons. Birds are known to store food in different
locations to use for the future.
o Finally, some animals can recognize and respond to the emotional
states of others. For example, dogs can understand human emotional
signals and respond accordingly. Also, elephants understand people
very well- they remember which groups have hurt or have tried to kill
them and which people are friendly.
2. Do you think animals also have emotions/feelings? Give examples.
- Yes, I do. Observations of animal behavior have shown that many species
exhibit behaviors that suggest they experience emotions like those felt by
- For example, dogs wag their tails when they are happy or excited, and they
may also become depressed when they are separated from their owners.
Elephants have been observed at the funeral of their dead and dolphins have
been seen displaying empathy toward other animals in distress.
3. Many environmentalists object to zoo operations. How about you? Do you
support zoo operations?
- I support zoo operations because it brings many advantages. In fact, zoos
can provide a safe environment for endangered species and also provide
educational opportunities for people to learn about wildlife and
conservation. Additionally, research conducted in zoos can contribute to our
understanding of animal behavior and biology.
4. If you were an animal, where would you like to live - lake, jungle, zoo, etc.?
- If I were an animal, I would like to live in the forest because I have some
reason. First is about the way I live, I want to feel free from the place I
live, I don’t want to be kept in a cage. Second, is the environment, in the
forest is very fresh, it doesn’t have much smoke or pollution. Living in
the forest can meet and make friends with other animals too.
If I were an animal, I would live at the zoo. I don't have to get food, especially
when the weather is bad. All I do is stay in one place and people will serve me.
1. Some people say if we spend time studying our past, we can know more
about modern societies. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Explain and give examples.
- Yes, I agree with the statement that studying our past can help us know more
about modern societies. Studying history helps us understand how past
societies, systems, governments, cultures, and technologies were built, how
they operated, and how they have changed. It also helps us understand how
events in the past made things the way they are today. With lessons from the
past, we not only learn about ourselves and how we came to be but also
develop the ability to avoid mistakes and create better ways for our societies.
- For example, studying the history of pandemics can help us understand how
they spread and how people responded to them in the past. This knowledge
can help us prepare for future pandemics and respond more effectively when
they occur. ( chứng minh cho ý t3)
2. Did you like studying History during your school years? Why are students
usually not interested in learning History? What can be done to encourage
students to learn History?
- No, I am not into studying History during my school years.
- Students aren’t usually interested in learning History. There are some
o First, history classes can sometimes be taught in a way that focuses on
memorizing dates, events, and people, without providing context or
critical analysis. This can make history seem boring and unconnected.
o Second, students may not see the relevance of history to their lives
and may struggle to connect the past to the present.
o Finally, History can be complex and difficult to understand, especially
if it is taught in a way that is not engaging or accessible.
- To encourage students to learn history, it is important to make the subject
engaging, relevant, and accessible. Here are some solutions.
o First, incorporate a range of teaching methods, such as discussions,
debates, simulations, and primary source analysis, to keep students
engaged and to help them develop critical thinking skills.
o Second, making history relevant by connecting historical events to
current events and issues, and encourages students to think about how
the past has shaped the present.
o Finally, teachers can incorporate technology, such as virtual reality or
online archives, to make history more interactive and engaging.
3. A lot of people think doing research on the past wastes too much time and
resources in the modern world. What is your opinion about it?
- No, I don’t think so.
- History can help in developing critical thinking, analytical skills, and
empathy, which are important in various fields, including politics, business,
and law. For example, by understanding the historical context of a political
decision, policymakers can make better-informed decisions that consider the
consequences of past actions.
4. Who should be responsible for teaching history to children? If children are
not taught history, what might be the consequences?
- Parents, teachers, or education organizations should be responsible for
teaching history to children.
- If children are not taught history, there are some consequences. First,
they will lack a basic understanding of the world around them. In fact,
they may not know deeply understand how past governments,
cultures, or technology were built, how they were operated, and how
they have changed leading to disrespecting things the past which
people came to be. Second, if children don’t have knowledge about
history, they also may repeat mistakes instead of avoiding them and
responding to them effectively. Moreover, studying history can help
children develop analytical skills and critical thinking so teaching
history to children is necessary.
5. Describe a historical event that interests you the most. What happened?
When did it happen? Who got involved in the event? Why are you interested
in this historical event?
- One historical event in Vietnam that interest me the most in the founding
of the Ly dynasty in 1010. The Ly dynasty was a period of great culture
and achievement, and it had a lasting impact on the history and culture
of VN. In that year, Ly dynasty conducted to build an imperial citadel of
Thang Long.
1. What do you know about nature - animals, plants, land - around lakes?
- Lakes play an important role in ecosystems, especially in nature-
animals, plants, and land- around lakes.
- First, lakes provide a habitat for many different types of plants .Second,
lakes also are home to many animal species such as fish populations or
other aquatic animals like turtles and water birds like ducks and geese.
Finally, the land around lakes can also vary depending on the location.
Some lakes may be surrounded by forests or mountains. In many cases,
human development and land use practices can have a significant impact
on the ecosystem around the lake, affecting water quality.
2. Some people say lakes bring a lot of economic benefits to human’s life. To
what extent to you agree with this statement?
- I would agree that lakes can bring economic benefits to human life, although
the extent depends on a variety of factors like location, and the types of
activities that attract people.
- In fact, some lakes have many economic benefits, and attract visitors for
activities like fishing, boating, swimming, or camping. This way can provide
jobs in tourism companies and generate income for local businesses. In
addition, lakes may also be used for hydroelectric power or water supply
which can contribute to local economies.
3. What is global warming? What causes it? How does it affect lakes in
general? Do you have any solutions/measures to solve this problem?
- Global warming is a long-term increase in the average temperature of the
Earth’s atmosphere1. It is caused by human activities such as burning fossil
fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes that release large amounts of
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
- Global warming has a significant impact on lakes worldwide. As
temperatures rise, lakes become warmer, which can lead to a reduction in
oxygen levels and an increase in harmful algal blooms. This can cause
negative effects on fish populations and alter the entire aquatic ecosystem.
o Changes in ice cover: In colder regions, global warming can reduce
the duration and thickness of lake ice cover. This can change in the
timing of spring blooms and modifications in species distributions
- Solution
o Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by transitioning to cleaner energy
sources, such as solar and wind power, and improving energy
o Encouraging sustainable land use practices, such as reforestation and
sustainable agriculture.
o Promoting water conservation and management strategies to address
changing water availability.
o Developing and implementing policies and regulations to address
global warmings, such as carbon pricing and emissions standards for
o Conducting research and monitoring to better understand the impacts
of global warming on lakes and identify effective strategies for
mitigating and adapting to.
4. Humans are not only destroying the habitat of animals but also are making
bad impacts on lakes. Explain this issue and give examples.
- Humans can have a negative impact on lakes in many ways. For
example, pollution from agricultural runoff, sewage, and industrial
waste can contaminate lakes and harm aquatic life. Additionally,
human activities such as deforestation and urbanization can increase
erosion and sedimentation in lakes, which can cause water quality
problems. Finally, overfishing can also have a negative impact on lake
ecosystems by reducing the number of fish and other aquatic species.
it can lead to imbalances in the ecosystem, such as an increase in the
number of predatory species or a decline in the number of prey
species. This can ultimately impact the overall health and biodiversity
of the lake.
1. What is DNA? Why is it important in our life?
DNA is the hereditary material in our cells that contains all the information
our bodies need to grow and live.
DNA is important in our lives because it defines who you are. In fact, each
person has a different DNA code. And it serves as the blueprint for the
development, growth, and function of all living organisms. It carries genetic
information that determines our physical characteristics such as eye color,
hair color, and height. DNA also plays a role in the replication and
transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next.
2. Would you like to change your own DNA to become smarter? To have
different hair?

3. Do you think gene editing/ changing your DNA would be safe? Why or
why not? Would you let your children change their DNA?
No, I don’t. There are some reasons.
First, in simple terms because we don’t know what will happen. At the
moment, we understand very little about the many different ways that
genes work. We have no idea if humans will develop correctly with new
genes. They might become very unhealthy adults. And we should not use
human lives as experiments.
A second reason is that editing DNA may be used to give people special
abilities, like making them smarter, stronger, or faster. Making people
smarter is not bad, of course. But the problem is that rich people will be
the only ones who will be able to pay for this technology. As a result,
society will become less fair than it already is. And this is not the society
that we want. Scientists must move forward slowly with genetic
engineering. It is necessary both for people's safety and for the future of a
fair society.
4. What is CRISPR? How is CRISPR used to edit genes? Discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of CRISPR.
CRISPR is a powerful gene-editing tool that allows scientists to make
exact changes to the DNA of an organism.
It acts like a pair of scissors, cuts bad genetic information from calls, and
replaces that with good genetic information.
-Advantages: CRISPR has several advantages over other gene editing
techniques, including its speed, precision, and flexibility. CRISPR can be
used to make changes to genes quickly and easily, with a high degree of
accuracy. It is also much cheaper than other gene editing techniques,
making it more accessible to researchers and scientists around the world.
Additionally, CRISPR can be used to make changes to multiple genes at
once, which can be very useful for studying complex biological
there are also some disadvantages to using CRISPR. One major concern
is the possibility of off-target effects, where the Cas9 enzyme cuts DNA
at unintended locations, leading to unintended genetic changes. Another
concern is the potential for unintended consequences that could arise
from making changes to the genome. It is possible that even small
changes to the DNA sequence could have unexpected effects on an
organism's health and development. Additionally, there are ethical and
societal implications to consider when using gene editing technologies
like CRISPR, such as the potential for misuse or unintended
consequences that could have far-reaching consequences.
1. Name at least 6 common business strategies. Explain the purpose of each
business strategies the purpose
Marketing to identify and fulfill the needs and
wants of target customers through
the creation, communication, and
delivery of a unique value
Goal setting to provide a clear direction and a
roadmap for achieving desired
Pricing to determine the optimal price for a
product or service that will
maximize profits while remaining
competitive in the marketplace.
Market expansion to grow a business by entering new
markets or expanding its reach
within existing markets
Improve customer service to enhance the quality of customer
service provided by a business,
with the aim of improving
customer satisfaction, loyalty.
Product diversity to expand a company's product
offerings by introducing new
products or product lines.

2. What does M&A mean? Give 3 reasons to explain why some companies
want to take part in M&A deals.
- M&A stands for mergers and acquisitions, which refer to transactions where
one company purchases or merges with another company to form a larger
- First, Access to new markets or customers: By acquiring or merging with
another company, businesses can gain access to new geographic regions or
customer segments, expanding their reach and market share.
- Second, Diversification: M&A can be a way for companies to diversify their
product or service offerings, reducing their dependence on a single product.
- Third, Strategic positioning and competitive advantage: M&A can help
companies position themselves strategically within their industry, gaining a
competitive advantage and increasing their market power.
3. Give one example of an M&A deal in Vietnam: when did it happen? What
was the cost of the deal? Who decided to make the deal and why?
- One example of an M&A deal in Vietnam involving Central Group is the
acquisition of Big C Vietnam from the French retail group Casino in 2016.
The deal was valued at approximately $1.1 billion and was completed in late
- The decision to make the deal was made by Central Group's strategy to
expand its retail presence in Southeast Asia and strengthen its position in
Vietnam's growing consumer market. Big C Vietnam was one of the leading
supermarket chains in Vietnam at the time, with 43 stores across the country.
- The acquisition allowed Central Group to increase its market share in
Vietnam and benefit from the country's strong economic growth and rising
consumer demand.
4. Give one example of an M&A deal in another country: when did it happen?
What was the cost of the deal? Who decided to make the deal and why?
- Give one example of an M&A deal in another country involving an M&A
deal Elon Musk bought Twitter. It happened in 2022. The deal was valued at
approximately 44 billion and was completed in 2022.
- The decision to make the deal was made by Elon Musk. The statement he
wanted to "help humanity" improve freedom of speech.
5. Name 3 factors that make the success of a company. Give one example of a
company that you know and explain how it became successful.
- Strong leadership: A company needs effective and visionary leadership to
guide its strategy, make smart decisions, and inspire its employees to work
towards a shared goal.
- Innovation: Companies that can innovate and adapt to changes in their
industry are more likely to succeed over the long term. This means
developing new products or services, improving existing ones, and accepting
new technologies and ways of working.
- Strong brand: A strong brand can help a company to differentiate itself from
its competitors, build trust with its customers, and create a loyal following.
- One company that I often use its products and services is McDonald's. I use
mc products and not other companies' products because of their success.
McDonald's is innovating its menu to meet the preferences and trends of
consumers. For example, it introduced healthier options like salads and fruit
to attract to customers looking for healthier options. McDonald's offers
affordable prices, making it an attractive option for consumers. The
company also offers various promotions and discounts. The company invests
in advertising and marketing to maintain its brand image, helping it attract
new customers and maintain existing customers.
6. Talk about the start-up process of a company that you know. What
difficulties do entrepreneurs have to face when starting their businesses?
The most common reasons for businesses closing were first high rents which
are thirty-three percent higher than the national average due to the area being
Second, a lack of knowledge about grants because of ignorance about how to
access them, and thirdly a lack of business support because they did not
know where to obtain advice.
7. How do you define UX design in business? What is the objective of UX
design? What are the key stages of UX design?
- UX is the process of designing digital products and services that are easy to
use, and enjoyable for the user.
- UX is involved with all parts of a user’s experience, from first visiting a
website to buying a product in a store, to taking it home and opening it, and
so on.
- The objective of UX design is to improve the user experience by making a
product or website useful, easy to use, and enjoyable.
- The key stages of UX design are user research, design, and testing.
8. Increasing users and customers is a life-and-death problem for companies.
What are effective ways that businesses often do to reach their customers?
- There are many effective ways that businesses use to reach their customers
and increase their user and customer base.
- First, Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing involves partnering with
social media influencers to promote products and services to their followers.
This method has proven to be effective in reaching a large audience and
increasing brand awareness.
- Second, Customer Referral Programs: Referral programs encourage
customers to refer friends and family to a business in exchange for rewards
such as discounts, free products, or cash.
- Third, Digital Marketing: Companies use various digital marketing
techniques such as social media marketing, email marketing,
1. What ways do elephants use to communicate with each other? (Go to Pages
166-167 - Textbook for reference)
- Elephants communicate in many ways: Sound-low frequency, gestures-bend
ears to frighten others, touch and seismically- use their feet to feel
2. Compare ways of communication (making sounds, hearing sounds) between
elephants and humans. (Go to Page 168 - Textbook for reference)
- Though humans and elephants look very different on the outside, they both
have similar body parts for making sounds. Like humans, elephants have a
larynx (or voice box) in their throat. Air that is pushed out from the lungs
travels over the larynx and makes the voice cords (which are part of the
larynx) move- similar to the way a flag moves in the wind.
- Elephants’ sounds were shaped by the tongue, mouth, and trunk, also use the
head, neck, and ears to change the position of the larynx large body helps
amplify sound instead of shaping by tongue and mouth like humans’ sounds.
While the vocal cord of elephants is longer, thicker, and looser which is
similar lower tones of the bass violin than its humans.
- Humans hear sounds in a frequency range of 20-20,000 hertz. And because
humans have smaller heads so they can hear at a higher frequency. However,
elephants hear sounds in a frequency range of 14 to 12,000 hertz. They have
a larger head and can hear lower frequencies because the ear canal is longer,
the eardrum wider, and the middle ear bigger. They also go down the ear
canal, the eardrum vibrates bigger ear so they can hear more sound entering
their ears.
3. Animals have a lot of ways to communicate, such as touching and using gestures
or vocals. Talk about animal communication. Describe at least three animals.
- Ants: Ants release pheromones which are chemical signals that are detected
by other ants. Pheromones are used to mark trails, signal food sources, and
indicate the location of the nest. Some pieces of ants also use vibration.
These sounds are used to warn of danger or to attract mates.
- Dogs: Dogs have their own ways of communicating with their owners and
with other dogs. One of their most common basic means of communication
is using body language. In fact, when your dog is confused, he will wrinkle
his forehead. If his ears are raised, he is relaxed or listening. They will
perhaps pull his lips back and ‘smile’ by showing his teeth if they are happy
or want to play. The way a dog wags his tail also tells how he feels. If the
tail wags more to the right, it is a sign of positive feelings, while left-side
wagging shows negative feelings.
- Tigers: Tigers’ communication is using body language. In fact, when they
flatten their ears and tuck their tail. They will feel scared. But when they
flatten their ears and lower their head, they will feel submission. The way a
tiger wags his tail also tells how he feels. When his tail wags slowly, it is a
sign of relaxation, while wagging rapidly shows aggression. Tigers also
communicate by using vocalization. While growling shows aggression,
moaning will show submission.


1. Describe a historical site in your country.

2. Describe a historical site that you have visited before.
3. Describe a historical site that you would like to visit. Explain your reasons

Hoi An Ancient Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in central


Hoi An Ancient Town is a well-preserved trading port from the 15th to the 19th
centuries, located in central Vietnam. It is an important historical site in the
exchange and combination of different cultures.

Hoi An Ancient Town was created by Chinese, Japanese and Southeast Asian
traders. They came here to exchange goods and build shops, houses, bridges
and other structures. The ancient town of Hoi An became a major center and an
important destination of the Eastern Sea route

Hoi An town becomes significant because of the following reasons

It is a meaningful picture of Vietnamese history. Hoi An Ancient Town has a

combination of ancient cultures especially China and Japan. Through the unique
architecture, we can see the innovation and development of Vietnamese culture.

Another reason is the cultural value of Hoi An ancient town. It is home to many
traditional Vietnamese cultural features, including traditional crafts such as
lantern making, silk weaving, fabric dyeing, and pottery making. By
participating in these activities, visitors can learn about the ancient techniques
and professional traditions of the Vietnamese people.

In addition, Hoi An ancient town is also an important tourist destination,

helping to develop Vietnam's tourism industry, creating jobs for people and
contributing to the local economy.

"Hoi An Ancient Town is one of the world's cultural heritages, a unique
architectural and cultural masterpiece of Vietnam and Southeast Asia. The old
houses, bridges and other structures here have helped preserve and develop this
area's traditional culture. It is a valuable asset of people and society, which
should be preserved and developed sustainably."
4. Do you know any historical sites that are important to understanding human
history or culture? Explain.
the Qin Shi Huang Tomb, which is also known as the Tomb of the First Qin
Emperor. This tomb is considered extremely important to understanding
both human history and culture.
Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of China, and he merged the country in
221 BC. He is known for many achievements, including building the Great
Wall of China and establishing a standardized system of weights, measures,
and currency. However, he is perhaps most famous for his massive tomb,
which was constructed over 2,000 years ago.
The tomb is in Shaanxi Province, China, and it is said to contain the
emperor's remains, as well as thousands of terra cotta soldiers, horses, and
chariots. The terra cotta army was discovered in 1974 by local farmers, and
it is now considered one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the
20th century.
The tomb and the terra cotta army are important to understanding human
history because they provide insight into the ancient Chinese development
and the beliefs and customs of the time. They also offer hints about the
technological advancements of the Qin Dynasty and the skill of the
craftsmen who created the terra cotta army.
In terms of culture, the Qin Shi Huang tomb is significant because it reflects
the emperor's desire for immortality and his belief in the afterlife. The
terracotta soldiers were created to protect the emperor in the afterlife, and
the tomb itself was designed to be a grand, eternal resting place for the
emperor's remains.
5. What is the importance of learning history in general and archaeology in
particular? What can we learn about ourselves?
- Studying history helps us understand how past societies, systems,
governments, cultures, and technologies were built, how they operated, and
how they have changed. It also helps us understand how events in the past
made things the way they are today. With lessons from the past, we not only
learn about ourselves and how we came to be but also develop the ability to
avoid mistakes and create better ways for our societies.
- For example, studying the history of pandemics can help us understand how
they spread and how people responded to them in the past. This knowledge
can help us prepare for future pandemics and respond more effectively when
they occur.
- Archaeology is important because it provides us with real evidence of the
past. By studying artifacts, buildings, and other material remains, we can
reconstruct the lives of past societies and gain insight into their daily
routines, social structures, and economic systems. Archaeology can also help
us understand how the natural environment has shaped human societies over
- In terms of learning about ourselves, studying history and archaeology can
provide us with a better understanding of our own cultural heritage and
identity. It can help us appreciate the achievements and struggles of our
ancestors and give us a sense of connection to the past. Additionally, by
examining how past societies have grappled with issues like inequality,
social justice, and environmental sustainability, we can better understand the
challenges that we face today and how we might address them.
6. A lot of people say old buildings should be destroyed/ knocked down/
demolished, despite their historical values, in order to build more modern
ones, which can help develop the country’s economy. Give your opinions
on this topic.
- However, from a historical and cultural perspective, old buildings are an
essential part of a country's identity and heritage. They represent the
country's past and are a physical link to its history, culture, and traditions.
- Demolishing historical buildings to make way for modern structures can
result in a loss of cultural identity and heritage. Historical buildings can also
contribute to tourism, which can generate significant economic benefits for a
- In many cases, it is possible to find a balance between preserving historical
buildings and promoting economic development. For example, some
historical buildings can be renovated and repurposed to serve new functions,
such as turning an old factory into a museum or converting a historic
mansion into a boutique hotel. This can help to preserve the building's
historical significance while also contributing to economic development.
7. Historical sites often attract a lot of tourists from around the world, which
causes unexpected damages to the artifacts inside the site. What measures
can be done to solve this problem?
- Limit the number of visitors: One of the main reasons for damage to
historical sites is overcrowding. By limiting the number of visitors
allowed at a time, the site can be better preserved.
- Control visitor behavior: Visitors should be educated about the
importance of preserving historical sites and artifacts. Signs, audio
guides, and docents can help educate visitors about the fragility of the
artifacts and how to behave properly while touring the site.
- Increase security: Increased security measures, such as setting up
cameras, can prevent visitors from damaging artifacts or taking
unauthorized photographs.
- Many historical buildings have become run-down. Do you know any of
them that need to be renovated?
- Hue Imperial City: Located in central Vietnam, this historical site was the
former imperial capital of the Nguyen Dynasty. The site suffered
significant damage during the Vietnam War, and many of its buildings
are now in need of restoration.
- Hoi An Ancient Town: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Hoi An
Ancient Town is a well-preserved example of a Southeast Asian trading
port from the 15th to the 19th centuries. However, due to tourism and
age-related wear and tear, many of its buildings need restoration.
8. Some people say governments should focus on building new roads and new
buildings instead of restoring and renovating historical buildings. To what
extend do you agree or disagree?
- Preserving historical/ancient buildings is important for several reasons.
Firstly, these buildings are part of our cultural heritage and serve as a
physical link to our past. Secondly, these buildings often have significant
architectural, artistic, and historical value. Finally, preserving
historical/ancient buildings can also have economic benefits. Many of these
buildings are important tourist attractions, drawing visitors from around the
world and contributing to local economies. preserving historical/ancient
buildings is important for cultural, historical, artistic, and economic reasons.

1. What are the causes and effects of
 tsunami?
 blizzard?
 drought?
 global warming/ climate change?

Natural Cause Effect

Global  Human activities such as  Climate change can cause
warming burning fossil fuels, rising sea levels, which
deforestation, and land- can result in flooding.
use changes have  Changes in temperature
increased the and rain can lead to crop
concentration of failures, water shortages,
greenhouse gases in the
and food insecurity.
atmosphere, leading to
 Climate change can also
global warming.
 Natural factors such as lead to extreme weather
volcanic eruptions, solar events such as
radiation, and changes in hurricanes, heat waves,
the earth's orbit can also and droughts, which can
contribute to climate result in significant
change. economic losses and
losses of life.

Blizzard  Blizzards occur when  Blizzards can result in

cold air masses meet significant damage to
warm air masses, causing infrastructure,
intense snowfall and particularly to buildings
strong winds. and transportation
 They can also be caused systems.
by ocean currents,  Heavy snowfall and high
pressure changes, and winds can cause power
temperature differences. outages and disruptions
in the supply chain.
 Blizzards can also result
in loss of life due to
hypothermia, car
accidents, and other
accidents caused by icy
and slippery conditions.
Drought  Droughts can be caused  Droughts can cause water
by natural factors such as shortages, which can
climate variability and have significant impacts
ocean-atmosphere on agriculture, energy
interactions. production, and other
 Human activities such as industries.
deforestation,  Reduced water supplies
overfarming, and overuse can also lead to health
of water resources can issues and sanitation
also contribute to problems.
drought.  Droughts can also result
in wildfires and soil
erosion, which can lead
to environmental
tsunami  Earthquakes, volcanic  Tsunamis can cause
eruptions, and landslides massive destruction,
can cause tsunamis. particularly in coastal
 Underwater landslides, areas.
meteor impacts, and  They can damage
nuclear explosions can infrastructure, homes,
also generate tsunamis. and other buildings,
leading to significant
economic losses.
 Tsunamis can also cause
loss of life, as they can
result in large-scale
flooding and drowning.
2. What should governments and individuals do to reduce the damage caused
by natural disasters?
- Establish early warning systems: Governments can set up systems to alert
people in advance of a natural disaster, providing them with sufficient time
to prepare or evacuate the area.
- Invest in disaster preparedness: Governments can invest in disaster
preparedness, including building resilient infrastructure, improving
emergency response systems, and conducting regular disaster drills.
- Promote education and awareness: Governments and individuals can work to
educate people about natural disasters and the steps they can take to reduce
the risks, such as creating emergency kits and developing evacuation plans.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions: To mitigate the impact of climate change,
governments and individuals can take steps to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, such as investing in renewable energy, promoting energy
efficiency, and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
3. What survival skills should we learn to cope with natural disasters?
- First Aid: Knowing basic first aid skills can be useful in a disaster situation,
such as how to treat wounds, stop bleeding, and perform CPR.
- Shelter Building: In some disaster situations, such as earthquakes or
hurricanes, homes may be destroyed or made uninhabitable. Learning how
to build a temporary shelter using available resources, such as wood and
debris, can be critical for survival.
- Food Procurement: Knowing how to find and procure food during a natural
disaster can help you survive. You can learn basic food procurement skills
like fishing, hunting, trapping, and foraging for edible plants.
4. What should we do to deal with global warming? Give your suggestions.
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by transitioning to cleaner energy
sources, such as solar and wind power, and improving energy efficiency.
- Encouraging sustainable land use practices, such as reforestation and
sustainable agriculture.
- Promoting water conservation and management strategies to address
changing water availability.
- Developing and implementing policies and regulations to address global
warming, such as carbon pricing and emissions standards for industries.
- Conducting research and monitoring to better understand the impacts of
global warming on lakes and identify effective strategies for mitigating and
adapting to it.
5. Talking about natural disasters, do you know any survival stories?
- Tsunami survivor Tilly Smith: In 2004, 10-year-old Tilly Smith and her
family were on vacation in Thailand when a massive tsunami struck the
beach where they were staying. Tilly had learned about tsunamis in a
geography class at school and recognized the signs of an impending tsunami,
including the water retreating from the shore and the sound of waves
crashing. She warned her family and other tourists, potentially saving their
6. What natural disasters can be caused by global warming?
- Heat Waves: Global warming can lead to more frequent and severe heat
waves, which can result in heat exhaustion, dehydration, and other heat-
related illnesses.
- Droughts: As the Earth's temperature rises, the amount of moisture in the air
increases, causing more frequent and severe droughts in some areas.
- Wildfires: Rising temperatures and drought conditions can also increase the
risk of wildfires, which can cause significant damage to ecosystems and
- Hurricanes and Cyclones: Warmer ocean temperatures can fuel stronger
hurricanes and cyclones, which can cause widespread damage through
strong winds, heavy rain, and storm surges.
- Floods: Warmer temperatures can also cause more frequent and intense
precipitation, leading to an increased risk of flooding.
- Sea Level Rise: Global warming can cause the polar ice caps to melt,
resulting in rising sea levels. This can lead to flooding of coastal areas,
erosion of beaches, and damage to infrastructure and property.

Wildfires: Rising temperatures and drought conditions can also increase the risk of
wildfires, which can cause significant damage to ecosystems and communities.
Floods: Warmer temperatures can also cause more frequent and intense
precipitation, leading to an increased risk of flooding.

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