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Unit1: Yourself

1. I study English because it is very important in the future. First, it will give me more job
opportunities in the future. Second, I can easily travel anywhere in the world because
people all around the world speak English. I have been able to speak E in every country I
have visited. I can use your knowledge of E to learn more about World’s culture. Besides,
I can improve my confidence when I talk to each others. In particular, I can date more
people in the world. In brief, it has many benefits for the person who uses it, and so do I.
I often study E every day because English is compulsory in many school programs. I
usually learn E after going to school in my room. For this reason, I want to get good
results in class and have a good job in the future
2. I am very excited to talk about a famous person. Do you know Tae Yeon? She is very
famous in Korea. Her full name is Kim Tae Yeon. She was born and raised in Korea. She
is a Korean. She is 33 years old, but she is very young. She is a singer Some years ago
when I watched a programme about K-pop, I caught her song. I really like the way she
sings and the way she expresses her feeling about the song. I have become her big fan
since then. Tae Yeon is beloved for her good personality too. She is known to all her fans
for her voice and sense of humor. In particular, together with her fans and friends, she has
been doing a lot of charity activities silently to help the poor, the sick, and the homeless
people. She has many concerts in many countries in the world. I never attend her concert.
And so, I wish I can see her in the future.
3. Today I am very happy to tell you about my family. My family is a nuclear family. My
family includes my parents, my older brother, and me. My father is tall and handsome.
He is 42 years old. My mother is short She is 41 years old but she is very beautiful. My
older brother is tall and thin. I am the youngest person in my family, I am short but cute.
My parents are business. My older brother is 20 years old. He is a somophore at the
University of technology. He is very intelligent. And I am 18 years old, younger than my
brother. I am a freshman at FPT University. On the weekend, we love traveling together.
We sometimes eat out at a small restaurant. I really love my family and so does my
4. There are 3 activities I like to do in my free time. The first is anime. I like to watch anime
very much. I love ‘’Doraemon” most because it is very exciting and funny. I often watch
it with my friends to relax. Second, I also go running with my mother when I have free
time. I think running is a sport which helps us have good health and reduce stress.
Finally, I like reading books best. Since reading books are good, you can learn about
another culture. Moreover, it is useful in my life. All in all, find that if I haven’t anything
to do in my free time, I will be bored.
Unit 2: Going out
1. I don’t download music because there are lots of good streaming services. It’s so easy.
And it doesn’t cost much. I just click on an app on my smartphone and listen.
2. I ‘m a real music lover, so I listen a lot. I even listen to music when I’m doing other
things. I listen to quiet listen when I’m sad, I’m bored, when I’m relaxing… almost all
the time.
3. I really like pop music because it makes me feel comfortable, happy, and relaxed after
school time. It helps me reduce stress.
4. I hate bolero most because it is so slow, I can’t feel it.
5. My favorite singer is Soobin Hoang Son. Her voice is great. If you have time, you should
listen to his song. It is very interesting.
6. Music can raise someone’s mood, get them excited, or make them calm and relaxed.
Music allows us to feel nearly or possibly all emotions that we experience in our lives.
7. No, I haven’t. I never attend an entertainment or cultural event before. And so, I want to
go there in the future
Unit3: Your family
1. Yes, I can.
2. There are 4 people in my family: my parents, my older brother, and me.
3. Yes, I have an older brother.
4. I like living in a small family because I will become closer to my parent and can discuss
my thoughts frankly and freely. Small families tend to do more family planning, and all
members bear expenses and responsibilities together.
5. Yes, I do. Because I want to help my parents to do household chores. Besides, I feel
comfortable when I live with them. I can share my life at school with my parent. My
parent will give me advice when I have difficulty.
6. Yes, I do because I want to spend more time with my family. I also feel happier when my
family is traveled together.
7. Yes, I do. I usually spend time with my family. We often talk to each other when we
stroll along a park. Sometimes, we watch TV together. Besides, we often have a trip, we
can understand each other better.
8. My family sometimes travel together on holidays.
9. On weekends, my family often spends time going out together. Sometimes, we eat at a
small restaurant.
10. The person closest to my family is my mother. My mother has high cheekbones. And we
look alike. My mother is very thoughtful, she always knows what I need. My mother is
really outgoing and sociable she can a bit impatient. I love her very much, she taught me
many things about life, general knowledge, and the way to behave with people.
11. I live in a nuclear family with 4 people and so sometimes I feel lonely because my older
brother cannot play games for girls with me. That time I wish I had a younger sister to
play with. I like the time when my family is together like eating, watching TV, and going
out together.
12. First, Most North Americans expect their children to move out of the house at 18. But on
my own, they usually leave home between 26 and 30.
Unit4: food
1. My favorite food is grilled chicken/snack lay’s/cake. I sometimes eat it.
2. My breakfast is bread. My lunch and my dinner include rice, vegetables, meat, and
3. I think breakfast is the most important because when you wake up from overnight sleep,
you may not have eaten for up to 10 hours. Breakfast will provide energy and nutrients to
your body. Breakfast foods are rich in key nutrients such as folate, calcium, iron, B
vitamins, and fiber. Breakfast provides a lot of your day’s total nutrient intake. In fact,
people who eat breakfast are more likely to meet their recommended daily intake of
vitamins and minerals than people who don’t. Breakfast boosts brainpower. If you don’t
have breakfast, you might feel sluggish and struggle to focus on things. This is the reason
your brain hasn’t received the energy it needs to get going. Besides, a healthy breakfast
may reduce the risk of illness. Compared with people who don’t have breakfast, those
who regularly eat breakfast tend to have a lower risk of both obesity and type 2 diabetes.
There is also some evidence that people who don’t have breakfast may be at a higher risk
of cardiovascular disease.
4. I love to eat so many kinds of food in my country, but my all-time favorite is Pho. Pho is
already a very famous dish in Vietnam, and most people will immediately think of it
when we mention food in Vietnam. It is very understandable because it is so delicious
that we can not find it anywhere else. Pho is a healthy food because it is low-calorie. And
that is one of many reasons people like it, and so do I. To get a good pot of soup, we must
have many different materials like onions, meat, and the most important thing is bones. In
particular, The bones have to be cooked for a long time and then we combine them with
some spice. Banh Pho is also very special when it is not like other types of noodles. It is
made from rice flour. And after many steps, we will complete the Pho bowl. Although
Pho has many versions from different regions, it is always the national dish that most
Vietnamese people love very much.
5. I prefer food from restaurants
6. Yes, I do. I can cook some dishes with meat like grilled chicken, bake pork…
7. I think there are 3 reasons you should learn to cook. First, you make better choices when
you cook at home. When you are cooking your own meals, you choose better options
with more nutritional value for your body. By cooking your own meals, you cut out more
processed food and make healthier choices than you would be consuming at a restaurant
or takeout. In addition, food portions tend to be far more reasonably sized when you cook
at home. Second, you will save money because restaurants charge a lot for meals with
beef, pork, and chicken. If you want to save money and eat healthier, learn how to cook
at home. Finally, you can learn more recipes. And so, you can know what food is good
for your health.
8. My mother and I often make meals in my family. I cook for lunch and my mother cook
for dinner. Yes, I do.
9. I think a family meal is very important. Eating together encourages family togetherness.
Positive family mealtimes help family members maintain relationships and feel a sense of
belonging. Family meals provide nutrients that kids need to grow strong and healthy such
as calcium and iron. Besides, eating together saves time and money. Because eating a
home-cooked meal can be faster than driving to a restaurant, ordering, eating, and driving
10. I sometimes eat out.
11. If you find a restaurant famous in Viet Nam, I really want to introduce you to Box BBQ.
This is a grilled restaurant in my hometown. There are many dishes for grilling. Last
week, I ate in there and I really like the grilled chicken. It is so delicious. The restaurant
is very clean and the waiter serves very friendly. After meals, you can pay with credit
cards. It is very convenient, isn’t it?
12. I sometimes eat fast food. Fast food is fatty food. It can make you fat because it contains
a lot of oil. I know fast food is bad for me, but I really like it.
13. In my opinion, fast food is both advantages and disadvantages. No one can deny that fast
food brings many health problems. Fast food is high in calories, weight gain, increases
the risk of obesity and On the other hand, fast food also has its advantages. For example,
people who don't have time to prepare meals to prefer to use fast food because it is easy
to buy, it provides enough energy for a long day. In addition, the price is low and
delicious, suitable for student breakfast. And I am a person who also likes fast food, but I
also don't eat often because of its harmful effects.
14. Disadvantages of fast food. First, it is not good for health because it contains a lot of oil.
Second, it gives you many kinds of diseases in gift, you don’t know any safe and they’re
working of preparing food and that is why you cannot assure about the quality.
15. I prefer to eat unhealthy food because it is so delicious, I know it is bad for me but I still
eat it.
16. I eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day.
Unit 5: Technology
1. I usually use my laptop. I use it to learn, and entertain for example listen to music,
watching film…
2. I usually use a laptop or smartphone for browsing the internet.
3. The smartphone is the most important to me.
4. I want to have new headphones.
5. Apple is my favorite brand because it is very convenient, famous, and easy to use.
6. My favorite electronic device is a laptop. When I am 12 years old, my parents gift me in
my birthday. I use it every day because my Laptop helps you in studying. It is the most
convenient and fastest information if you look for information. Second, it helps you to
store documents, and more than that, it also helps you to have knowledge about life. You
can learn many things without going anywhere. It makes you waste time on
entertainment. Third, a laptop is a very effective entertainment tool. Online libraries and
some web students can download the whole book online. It saves time and money.
Laptops enable students to watch films and video clips as well as download music from
the net. Besides, it permits us to adjust information, make a video, do business… In
particular, the laptop makes us happier with many games, and a lot of music, ...

1. On one hand, social networks bring about lots of advantages. First and for most, they are
the fastest and most convenient way people communicate nowadays. People no longer
need to write or send letters and wait for a long time before receiving the responses. They
just need a smartphone, a tablet or a laptop that is connected to Internet to talk face to
face with the others even when they live far from each other. Another huge advantage of
social networks is that they are a way to spread beautiful messages. For example, when
there is someone meeting difficulties, people can post the information on Facebook or
zalo to raise fund. Thanks to social platforms, there are many disable are helped and
many people living in poverty can be supported. Besides, social networks help the firms
and corporations advertise their products and buy them online, which raise their revenue
dramatically. Students use social platform to share study tips and help each other in

2. On the other hand, social media has several drawbacks. The most negative effect is that
people, especially young people, get addicted to social networking. They spend even
more than 4 hours a day checking their social network, which wastes an amount of their
time. Nowadays, you can easily see young people on the streets staring at their
smartphones to use Facebook or Viber, or Snapchat. Furthermore, even primary children
now use Facebook, which affects badly on their awareness. Another problem concerning
social media is the invasion of privacy. When you log in, you must provide your private

a. Although the social network owners commit not to reveal your profile but the
hackers can take it from them any when they can. Furthermore, some people use
social networks for bad purpose such as offense some one or spread wrong
b. In conclusion, social network is beneficial when you make use of it. I suggest that
you take responsibility for what you do and protect your privacy. Be careful with
what you post and treat others as if you were in a face-to-face situation.
4. Not yet. For me, if you use technology properly, it will help you.
5. -looking for information faster
-can study online anywhere.
-know more knowledge about the subject.
-library online help students can download free
-can store and revise information easier.
- save more time and money.
6. I think it is so terrible. It is very difficult to look for information about everything. We
can’t handle issues faster. Besides,
7. I think children should have a smart because We can use them for relaxing, connecting
and especially studying. Students can learn in the Internet, search information for their
lessons,... Usismartphonesnes can solve many problems quickly and easily. But, there is a
proble m. Some students mostly use smartphones to relax and spend less time studying.
They concentrate on the smart phones instead of keeping their eye on learning.
a. If students were allowed to use smartphones, learning would be easier. Unless
they were banned to use smartphones, they could be focused on learning.
Anyway, I think smartphones shouldn't be banned. Although it makes students
can't be a focus on the lessons, It helps them a lot in relaxing at break time and
studying. We've also got some suitable rules such as: not using phones while you
are studying, just using them at break time,...
b. The rules not only help students be a focus on learning but also study effectively

8. At 16 years old
9. 5 hours a day
Unit 6: Staying in shape
1. Less than 1000 calories
2. I often do exercises such as running and riding my bike. Besides I choose some healthy
food that contains more protein. I also eat vegetables like broccoli, carrots, onions
3. No, I am.
4. I sometimes exercise.
5. In my opinion, exercising regularly is important for people to stay in shape because it
makes to reduce calories that are produced when we eat.
6. Describe my fitness and eating habits
a. Fitness Habits: I go running and do aerobics to keep fit on Tuesday and Sunday. I
often practice for about 2 hours. It is very good for me because it helps me reduce
more calories from fatty food that contains a lot of oil.
b. Eating habits: I eat a lot of greens and a lot of fruit and I try to avoid sweet foods
and foods that are high in fat as much as possible. Green vegetables, legumes, and
fruit juices are good for your health and keep you in shape. And unfortunately, I
like fried food, but I still try to eat in moderation.
c. Describe my routines: còn một ý cuối
i. In the morning, I usually get up at 6 a.m. then do personal hygiene, get
dressed, and have breakfast. On weekdays, I always go to school from
Monday to Friday, but on weekends, I go to extra classes. In the afternoon,
I spend my free time playing badminton with friends in the park or going
shopping with my sister. In the evening, I go home, take a shower, and
have dinner. Sometimes, I go running around the part or go out with
friends. After that, I do homework and watch television with my family
before going to bed.
ii. I'd like to get a lot more exercise, but I really don't have time for it. I had
to go to school almost everyday.
iii. I must do my homework every day because I want to get a high score.
Besides, I get to sleep enough every day because I can have good health
and keep myself in shape.
iv. List things you don’t have to do every day. Explain why
Unit 7: vacation
1. I travel once or twice a year.
2. I like beautiful things, so I want to see the sunset and clear blue skies on the beach,
3. I want to visit Korea because I can eat spicy food. And I can attend the concert of my
4. Phu Quoc is the most famous place in my country.
5. The plane is the best way to travel because this is the fastest vehicle. You can save time.
Besides, if you travel by plane, you will not get into the traffic jam.
6. I choose to travel alone because it is easier to meet people that way. I will stay with the
new friends I make on my journeys and finding out about new cultures is my favorite part
of exploring.
7. I like visiting the countryside because it is
8. Benefit
a. Alone: You will get to know yourself better. When you travel on your own it is
much easier to keep up with your budget because you are the one who decides
where and what to eat. That also means that it is much easier to save up money for
other things. Besides, traveling to other countries in the world will show you the
importance of relying on yourself in difficult situations. You are the one and most
important person in your life so make sure you learn how to trust your own heart,
take decisions and make your own choices.
b. Benefit with family: Going on a trip serves as an opportunity to relax and enjoy
time with each other. Family travel gives enough space to develop confidence in
kids and they know their parents are there to help when needed. You become
responsible for taking care of your own things, taking care of yourself without the
help of family members.
c. Benefit with friends: Traveling with friends brings deeper relationships. Besides,
when you travel with friends, the entire adventure is more affordable. Traveling
with friends means there is always a photographer ready to capture a moment. It
also means you’ll be in more pictures too!
9. Hello everyone! I am Quynh. Today, I am very happy to tell you about my last summer
vacation. Last year, I went to the beach with my family for three days. We went there by
plane. It was my second time, and I was very excited. I really love it. We stayed in a hotel
near the beach. It was really hot, and we swam in the pool and the sea every day. I prefer
vacations that are relaxing and interesting. I like the sea the most because of the waves. I
tried surfing but it was difficult for me. Besides, the people were so friendly. We played
many games with them. In the evening, we ate seafood for dinner in a restaurant then we
strolled along the seaside. I stood on the rocks and relaxed with the wind blowing.
Finally, my family went to the shop for seafood and bought some fish to bring home. We
bought a lot of presents for our friends. In particular, I had chances to see sunrise and
sunset at the beach with my family and I enjoyed this moment the most.
10. If anyone asks about my favorite tourist destination, I can answer that day is Dalat. Dalat
is a tourist city with many famous beautiful scenes such as flower garden, Cam Ly
waterfall, Xuan Huong Lake, … This city has cool and fresh air. The beautiful nature
here attracts many tourists. The works serving tourism and relaxation in Da Lat were
more and more increasing such as villas, hotels, and golf courses, … Da Lat was located
at an altitude of 1500m, so there were many types of cold vegetables such as cauliflower,
and corn. cabbage, … prominently the strawberry. Dalat city is also a paradise of flowers:
roses, chrysanthemums, orchids, … Come to Dalat and enjoy the beauty of this place!

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