Business Research Methods MCQ

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Business Research Methods

1. What is the primary focus of Unit I: Foundations of Research?

a. Literature Review
b. Research Design
c. Introduction to Research
d. Measurement & Data

2. Which of the following is NOT a component of the research 'onion'?

a. Philosophies
b. Time Horizons
c. Budget Allocation
d. Technique and Procedures

3. Which term refers to a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon?

a. Construct
b. Hypothesis
c. Proposition
d. Variable

4. What is the primary purpose of a research proposal?

a. Conducting data analysis
b. Defining the research problem
c. Reporting research findings
d. Selecting a research philosophy

5. In research, what is the function of a Control group?

a. To establish causal relationships
b. To ensure the validity of measurements
c. To provide a baseline for comparison
d. To collect primary data

6. What is the difference between Qualitative and Quantitative research?

a. Qualitative research focuses on numbers, while Quantitative research focuses on
b. Qualitative research is exploratory, while Quantitative research is conclusive.
c. Qualitative research uses words, while Quantitative research uses numbers.
d. Qualitative research is based on hypothesis testing, while Quantitative research is
7. Which type of validity refers to the degree to which a measurement tool accurately
represents the concept it is intended to measure?
a. Content Validity
b. External Validity
c. Construct Validity
d. Face Validity

8. What is the purpose of using a Likert Scale in research?

a. To measure temperature
b. To measure attitudes or opinions
c. To categorize data
d. To determine sample size

9. Which type of data is collected directly from original sources for the first time?
a. Primary Data
b. Secondary Data
c. Tertiary Data
d. Ancillary Data

10. What is the main goal of random sampling techniques?

a. To ensure every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
b. To select elements based on specific criteria
c. To select elements based on convenience
d. To ensure representation of all strata in the sample

11. Which step in the research process involves summarizing the relevant literature on a
particular topic?
a. Defining the problem
b. Literature Review
c. Data Collection
d. Report Writing

12. What is the role of a Control Variable in an experiment?

a. It remains constant throughout the study to isolate the effects of the independent
b. It is the variable that is manipulated by the researcher.
c. It is the outcome variable that is measured in the study.
d. It is not relevant in experimental design.

13. Which type of research design is focused on gaining a deeper understanding of a

phenomenon and generating hypotheses for future research?
a. Exploratory Research Design
b. Descriptive Research Design
c. Experimental Design
d. Causal Comparative Design

14. What is the purpose of using a Likert Scale in research?

a. To measure temperature
b. To measure attitudes or opinions
c. To categorize data
d. To determine sample size

15. Which type of validity refers to the degree to which a study's findings can be generalized to
other populations or settings?
a. Internal Validity
b. External Validity
c. Construct Validity
d. Content Validity

16. Which type of research design involves observing and analysing behaviours in their natural
settings without manipulation?
a. Experimental Design
b. Descriptive Research Design
c. Causal Comparative Design
d. Observational Design

17. What is the difference between a Population and a Sample in research?

a. A population is a subset of a sample.
b. A population includes all elements of interest, while a sample is a subset of the
c. A sample includes all elements of interest, while a population is a subset of the
d. A population and a sample are synonymous terms in research.

18. Which type of data is collected from sources that have already undergone some form of
processing or analysis?
a. Primary Data
b. Secondary Data
c. Tertiary Data
d. Ancillary Data
19. Which sampling method involves selecting every nth element from the sampling frame after
a random starting point?
a. Simple Random Sampling
b. Systematic Sampling
c. Stratified Sampling
d. Convenience Sampling

20. What does the term "Validity" refer to in research?

a. The degree to which a measurement tool accurately represents the concept it is
intended to measure.
b. The degree to which a study's findings can be generalized to other populations.
c. The degree to which a study's findings are statistically significant.
d. The degree to which a study's design is free from bias.

21. What is the primary focus of a research proposal?

a. Conducting data analysis
b. Defining the research problem
c. Reporting research findings
d. Selecting a research philosophy

22. Which term refers to a proposed explanation for an observable phenomenon?

a. Construct
b. Hypothesis
c. Proposition
d. Variable

23. In research, what is the function of a Control group?

a. To establish causal relationships
b. To ensure the validity of measurements
c. To provide a baseline for comparison
d. To collect primary data

24. Which type of research design is focused on gaining a deeper understanding of a

phenomenon and generating hypotheses for future research?
a. Exploratory Research Design
b. Descriptive Research Design
c. Experimental Design
d. Causal Comparative Design

25. Which step in the research process involves summarizing the relevant literature on a
particular topic?
a. Defining the problem
b. Literature Review
c. Data Collection
d. Report Writing

26. What is the difference between Qualitative and Quantitative research?

a. Qualitative research focuses on numbers, while Quantitative research focuses on
b. Qualitative research is exploratory, while Quantitative research is conclusive.
c. Qualitative research uses words, while Quantitative research uses numbers.
d. Qualitative research is based on hypothesis testing, while Quantitative research is

27. Which type of validity refers to the degree to which a measurement tool accurately
represents the concept it is intended to measure?
a. Content Validity
b. External Validity
c. Construct Validity
d. Face Validity

28. Which type of data is collected directly from original sources for the first time?
a. Primary Data
b. Secondary Data
c. Tertiary Data
d. Ancillary Data

29. What is the main goal of random sampling techniques?

a. To ensure every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
b. To select elements based on specific criteria
c. To select elements based on convenience
d. To ensure representation of all strata in the sample

30. What is the purpose of using a Likert Scale in research?

a. To measure temperature
b. To measure attitudes or opinions
c. To categorize data
d. To determine sample size

31. Which step in the research process involves analyzing and interpreting the collected data?
a. Defining the problem
b. Literature Review
c. Data Analysis
d. Report Writing

32. What is the role of a Dependent Variable in an experiment?

a. It remains constant throughout the study to isolate the effects of the independent
b. It is the variable that is manipulated by the researcher.
c. It is the outcome variable that is measured in the study.
d. It is not relevant in experimental design.

33. Which type of research design is often used when the researcher aims to establish a cause-
and-effect relationship between variables?
a. Exploratory Research Design
b. Descriptive Research Design
c. Experimental Design
d. Causal Comparative Design

34. What is the primary goal of Meta-analysis in research?

a. To conduct exploratory research
b. To analyze the underlying philosophy of a study
c. To synthesize and analyze the results of multiple studies on the same topic
d. To design research questionnaires

35. What is the purpose of using Projective Techniques in research?

a. To measure subconscious thoughts and feelings
b. To conduct surveys efficiently
c. To analyze secondary data
d. To calculate sample size

36. In research, what is the function of an Extraneous Variable?

a. It remains constant throughout the study to isolate the effects of the independent
b. It is the variable that is manipulated by the researcher.
c. It is a variable that may affect the dependent variable and should be controlled.
d. It is not relevant in experimental design.

37. What type of research design involves studying a phenomenon at a single point in time?
a. Cross-sectional Research
b. Longitudinal Research
c. Experimental Research
d. Observational Research
38. Which type of validity refers to the degree to which a study's findings can be replicated in
other settings or with other samples?
a. Internal Validity
b. External Validity
c. Construct Validity
d. Content Validity

39. Which type of scale allows respondents to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement
with a statement?
a. Nominal Scale
b. Ordinal Scale
c. Interval Scale
d. Likert Scale

40. Which term refers to the process of selecting elements from a population for inclusion in a
a. Sampling
b. Measurement
c. Data Collection
d. Hypothesis Testing

41. What is the purpose of a Decision Support System in research?

a. To conduct surveys efficiently
b. To assist in making informed decisions based on data and analysis
c. To analyze secondary data
d. To calculate sample size

42. Which type of research design is focused on providing a detailed, accurate portrayal of a
specific situation or phenomenon?
a. Exploratory Research Design
b. Descriptive Research Design
c. Experimental Design
d. Causal Comparative Design

43. What is the purpose of using Semantic Differential Scales in research?

a. To measure subconscious thoughts and feelings
b. To conduct surveys efficiently
c. To categorize data
d. To assess the meaning or connotation of a concept
44. In research, what is the function of a Treatment group?
a. To establish causal relationships
b. To ensure the validity of measurements
c. To receive the experimental manipulation or treatment
d. To collect primary data

45. What is the primary purpose of a Sampling Frame in research?

a. To list all elements in the population
b. To determine sample size
c. To select elements for the sample
d. To analyze data

46. Which type of research design involves studying a phenomenon over an extended period of
time, often with multiple data collection points?
a. Cross-sectional Research
b. Longitudinal Research
c. Experimental Research
d. Observational Research

47. What is the primary purpose of a Quota Sampling method in research?

a. To ensure every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
b. To select elements based on specific criteria
c. To ensure proportional representation of certain characteristics in the sample
d. To conduct surveys efficiently

48. Which type of data is categorical and can be ranked but lacks a consistent unit of
a. Nominal Data
b. Ordinal Data
c. Interval Data
d. Ratio Data

49. What is the primary focus of a Meta-analysis in research?

a. Conducting original experiments
b. Synthesizing and analyzing results from multiple studies on the same topic
c. Conducting interviews with experts
d. Drafting research proposals

50. What is the main goal of Cross-sectional Research?

a. To establish causal relationships between variables
b. To study a phenomenon over an extended period of time
c. To gather data from a single point in time
d. To conduct experiments in controlled settings

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