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God is My Protection


God is our protection. He is always ready 上帝是我們的保護者。是我們患難中隨

to help us. 時的幫助。
You have nothing to fear at night and no need to be 你不用害怕在夜晚,或是白
afraid during the day. 天。
God will command his angels to protect you 上帝必命令祂的天使隨時隨地保護
wherever you go. 你。
God says, “I will protect my children who call to 上帝說:「我必保護你。你遭遇
me for help. I will be with them when they are in 患難,我必與你同在,我必拯救
trouble, and I will rescue them.” 你。」

Image 1: © Aurora Productions. Used by permission.

Image 2: Image on left designed by Freepik. Image on right designed by

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Image 4 & 5 designed by prostooleh via Freepik

Text from the Bible, Psalm 46 and Psalm 91.

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