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A. Situational Analysis
A.1. Read these arguments. Are these based on reason? Defend your answer.

1. “You didn’t even finish high school. How could you possibly know about

 I believe these arguments try to picture that the statement wants us

to concur that the ability of the subject must be skilled or well-
literate to express himself in the given scenario. it is stated that
reason commends what it commends regardless of our feelings

2. I am filing for reconsideration of the offenses complained about. Since I am

a well-known athlete, I can make your University great again.

 The reason, because it possesses strong evidence that he can make

the university great again due to his well-known career as an addition, it has a motive of action that is not based

3. Oh, Officer, there's no reason to give me a traffic ticket for going too fast
because I was just on my way to the hospital to bring blood bags to my
dying child. They are needed in a few minutes.

 The reason, because it has a motive of action. Whereas in the line “I

was just on my way to the hospital to bring blood bags to my dying
child.” It shows the reason that he committed a violation due to
consciously making sense of things.

4. After Sally presents an eloquent and compelling case for a more equitable
taxation system, Sam asks the audience whether we should believe anything
from a woman who isnt married, was once arrested, and smells a bit weird.

 “Sam asks the audience whether we should believe anything from a

woman who isn’t married”. It shows prejudice that hasn‘t been
disparate in the statement. The reason, because it has no principle of
justice which holds that decisions ought to be based on objective

5. Linus Pauling, winner of two unshared Nobel prizes, one for chemistry,
another for peace, stated his daily medication of Vitamin C delayed the
onset of his cancer by twenty years. Therefore, vitamin C is effective in
preventing cancer.
 There’s no proof or evidence on this. Maybe It’s just
what Linus Pauling think. Not reasonable.

6. “UFOs are not real, because the great Carl Sagan said so.” You haven’t held
a steady job since 1992. Worse than that, we couldn't find a single employer
who’d provide you with a good reference”
 Because the source in the argument provided supporting details or
claims on the main idea of the topic that he isn’t capable of due to
his lacking. Reasonable.

7. “People like you don’t understand what it’s like to grow up in the slums.
You have no right to argue about the gang violence on our streets.”

 We have different perspective in life depending on our

environment and where we grew up.

8. “Well, it’s not like you graduated from a good school, so I can see why you
wouldn’t know how to properly grade a writing assignment."

 Reason, because reasons commend what it commends regardless of

the feelings and possesses motive for action as it claims that the
assessment of the source is his background somehow shows his
lacking in the field of grading assignments properly.

9. “You’re clearly just too young to understand.”

 Maturity doesn’t come with age. Not reasonable.

10.“How can you make a decision about someone having marital problems if
you’ve never been married yourself?”

 Reasonable, there things that we will never know not until we try to
experience it ourselves.

A.2. Analysis

1. Which arguments are attack on the personality of the source of the argument?
 Number 1
2. Which are arguments are an appeal to pity?
 Number 10
3. Which argument/s is/are appeal to authority?
 Number 3 and 6

If you are in the position of Archie Paray, use the seven-step moral reasoning
model and come up with your own solution to the problem.
Using the seven-step moral reasoning model, the solution I have devised and
come up to is that first by Gathering the facts. The first thing I must do is to clear my
thoughts and to be stay calm in this situation I should not make decisions very quickly.
next is determining the ethical issue, before taking actions on the situation, I should
clarify my goals and the see the outcomes to avoid regrets. I will determine what I
heard and gather information before doing any scenarios that will lead into nothing.
There may be Constitutional principles or principles drawn from natural law that
supplement the Biblical principles that come into play. Sympathy and good
leadership. Followed by listing the alternatives Law is law, things should be taken
according to the law and the hostage takes should be taken down. Do what the
hostage taker wants with precaution. Law is law but my conscience will eat me for
not letting the guard express his feelings because it is really unjust what happened to
him. His claims will be heard but the way he wanted to be heard broke many laws
especially human rights for taking hostage and endangered others life. Taking things
against the law will never end well but at least your conscience is clear. You will
satisfy your soul for helping others but the way that person showed his need for help
is against the law. I will take things according to the law and help his claims to be
heard when things calmed down.

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