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Narrator: Once upon a time there were 3 little pigs who were brothers and lived deep in the forest.
They had always lived happily but one day they encountered a wolf that was prowling the area.
Then they decided that each one would build their own house, which would serve as a refuge if the
wolf attacked them.

THE FIRST LITTLE PIG: It's easy to build a straw house, I don't need anything more than to place
it and... that's it! I don't need glue, cement, or nails... And let's play!

THE SECOND LITTLE PIG: It is simple to make a wooden house. I just place them and that's it!
I don't need glue, or cement,... and play.

THE THIRD LITTLE PIG: I don't have time to play, I have to work and work!
Narrator: When the third little pig finished building his brick house he went to visit his brothers and
saw them playing and said to them

THIRD LITTLE PIG How do you think about making a house out of straw or wood? The wolf will come
and destroy them!

FIRST LITTLE PIG: It was quick and easy to make… plus we're not afraid of the big bad wolf.

THIRD LITTLE PIG: I don't know about you... I'll go take care of my house.
THE SECOND LITTLE PIG: Goodbye, little brother.
Narrator: Each little pig returned home. Suddenly the first little pig looked out his window and saw the wolf.
Wolf: Little pig, open the door, I want to come in!
THE FIRST LITTLE PIG: Of course not! And get out of here, I'm going to get angry!

Wolf: If you don't open, I will blow and blow and I will destroy your house!
THE FIRST LITTLE PIG: You won't be able to! my house is strong

Narrator: The wolf got angry and blew and blew and destroyed the little pig's house who ran to the house of
one of his brothers but the wolf followed him.

THE SECOND LITTLE PIG: Don't worry brother, my house is strong, and the wolf will not destroy it.
Wolf: Little pigs, open the door, I want to come in!
THE SECOND LITTLE PIG: Of course not! And get out of here, we're going to get angry!
Wolf: If you don't open, I will blow and blow and I will destroy your house!
Narrator: And the wolf huffed and puffed and destroyed the wooden stick house and the two little pigs fled
to their third brother's house. But the wolf followed them.

FIRST AND SECOND LITTLE PIG: Little brother, let us in!

THIRD LITTLE PIG: Why are you so scared?
FIRST AND SECOND LITTLE PIG: The wolf destroyed our houses and is chasing us.
THIRD LITTLE PIG: I warned you! Come in.
Narrator: The three little pigs stayed in the brick house and the big bad wolf arrived.
Wolf: Little pigs, open the door, I want to come in!
ALL THE LITTLE PIGS: Of course not! And get out of here, we're going to get angry!

Wolf: If you don't open, I will blow and blow and I will destroy your house!
ALL THE LITTLE PIGS: You will blow! You will blow! And this time you won't knock down the house!

Narrator: The wolf huffed and puffed but he couldn't destroy the brick house.
ALL THE LITTLE PIGS: You will never destroy this brick house!

Narrator: The little pigs placed a large pot of water under the fireplace. And the wolf decided to enter there
but he got a bad surprise.

Wolf: I'm coming for you, rich and tasty little pigs! aaaaaaahhhhhhh! I'm burning! I'm burning!
Narrator: The wolf fled to his den to heal his burns and the three little pigs lived in peace and never saw the
big bad wolf again.



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