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The passengers of the missing submarine died

The company released a statement in which it regrets the loss of the five crew
members.This Thursday afternoon OceanGate, the company that made underwater trips to
explore the remains of the Titanic, reported that the 5 crew members who were mobilizing in
the Titan submarine died.

The tallest pyramid and other attractions to discover in Egypt

The place where the Great Pyramids of Egypt are located, in addition to housing the only
wonder of the ancient world that is still standing, has several archaeological discoveries.

15 vaccines that have changed the history of humanity

From smallpox to the coronavirus, we review the vaccines that have changed the course of
the most devastating outbreaks in history.

The strange, long neck of this Triassic predator was its own trap
The prehistoric reptile Tanystropheus had a neck longer than its body, allowing it to sneak
up on its prey in the water and make it a target for even larger hunters.

What is the origin of the periodic table

According to the Chemistry and Society Forum, by the mid-19th century, 63 chemical
elements were already known in the scientific field. Despite these great advances, scientists
did not agree on their terminology or how to order them.The first attempt to classify the
elements occurred in 1789 when the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier grouped the
elements according to their properties into gases, non-metals, metals and earths, says the
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), a UK scientific society.

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