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The use-case diagram for the Student Smart Printing Service (HCMUT_SSPS) system is as

left to right direction

actor Student
actor SPSO as "Student Printing Service Officer"
actor HCMUT_SSO as "HCMUT_SSO Authentication Service"

rectangle "HCMUT_SSPS System" {

Student --> (Printing Documents)
Student --> (View Printing Log)
Student --> (View Account Balance and Buy Printing Pages)
Student --> (View Printing Log)

(View Printing Log and Generate Reports) <-- SPSO

(Manage Printers) <-- SPSO

HCMUT_SSO --> (Authenticate User)


The use-case diagram shows the actors involved in the system and the use-cases they can
perform. The actors include the Student, the Student Printing Service Officer (SPSO), and the
HCMUT_SSO Authentication Service. The use-cases include uploading a document, choosing a
printer, specifying printing properties, viewing the printing log, viewing the account balance, and
buying printing pages. The SPSO has additional use-cases for managing printers, managing
configuration, and generating reports. All users need to be authenticated by the HCMUT_SSO
Authentication Service before using the system.
For the module "Manage Printers", the use-case diagram is as follows:

left to right direction

actor SPSO as "Student Printing Service Officer"

rectangle "Manage Printers" {

(Add Printer)
(Enable Printer)
(Disable Printer)
(Configure Printers)

SPSO --> (Add Printer)

SPSO --> (Enable Printer)
SPSO --> (Disable Printer)
SPSO --> (Configure Printers)

The module "Manage Printers" allows the Student Printing Service Officer (SPSO) to add printers,
enable printers, disable printers then re-configure the printer if needed. These use-cases provide
functionality for managing the printers in the system.

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The use-cases for the whole system and the "Manage Printers" module are described in the
following table:

Use Case 1: Print Document

| Step | Action | |------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
1 | User uploads a document file to the system.
2 | User selects a printer from the available printers.
3 | User specifies the printing properties such as paper size, pages to be printed, one-/double-sided,
number of copies, etc. | |
4 | The system checks if the file type is permitted. | |
5 | The system deducts the appropriate number of pages from the user's account balance. | |
6 | The system logs the printing action, including student ID, printer ID, file name, printing start and
end time, and page count.|

Use Case 3: Check Balance and Buying New Pages

| Step | Action | |------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
1 | User Accesses Balance and Buy Pages Module
2 | Check Current Balance
3 | Select Buy Pages Option
4 | Select Page Type and Quantity
5 | Review and Confirm Purchase
6 | Payment Processing and Payment Confirmation
7 | Display Updated Balance
8 | Transaction History

Use Case 3: View Printing Log and Reports for SPSO

| Step | Action | |------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
1 | User selects the option to view the printing log. | |
2 | User specifies the time period (date to date) and printer filters (optional). | |
3 | The system retrieves the printing log based on the specified filters. | |
4 | The system displays the printing log to the user, including student ID, printer ID, file name, printing
start and end time, and page count. |

Use Case 4: Manage Printers and System Configuration

| Step | Action | |------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
1 | Admin selects the option to manage printers. | |
2 | Admin chooses to add a new printer, enable an existing printer, or disable a printer. | |
3 | The system performs the requested action on the selected printer. | |
4 | Modify the System Configuration | |
7 | Save changes | |
8 | Log out (option) | |

Use Case 5: Authenticate Students

| Step | Action | |------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
1 | User Accesses Authentication Module: The user, whether a student or the Student Printing
Service Officer (SPSO), accesses the HCMUT-SSPS web-based app or mobile app. | |
2 | Request for Authentication: Upon accessing the app, the user is prompted to authenticate their
identity.| |
3 | User Provides Credentials: The user enters their authentication credentials, which typically include
a username and password.| |
4 | Submission of Credentials: After entering the credentials, the user submits the information to the
system.| |
5| Credential Verification: The system verifies the provided credentials against its database of
authorized users.| |
6 | Successful Authentication: Access to the system's features and functions is granted based on the
user's role (student or SPSO). | |

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7 | Role-Based Access:
Depending on the user's role, they are directed to the appropriate dashboard or landing page
within the HCMUT-SSPS app.
For students, this may include access to features like printing, checking balance, and viewing
their printing history.
For the SPSO, this may include access to administrative tools and system configuration


Use Case Identification and History

Use Case ID: Smart Printing 1.0
Use Case Name: Smart Printer Management Version No: 1.0

End Objective: Enable the SPSO to add, enable, disable printers and configure as needed,
ensuring that the printing infrastructure is well-maintained and functional.
Created by: Nguyễn Phan Duy Minh On (date): 29/09/2023
User/Actor: SPSO
Business Owner HCMUT Contact
Name: Details:
Trigger: The system receives a request from the Student Printing Service Officer
(SPSO) to perform a printer management action (e.g., add printer, enable
printer, disable printer, update printer configuration, delete printer).
Frequency of Use: Whenever a student has a need to print documents and printers needed to be
add or enabled before hand or there’s a need for re-configuration

Authentication: The SPSO must be successfully authenticated and authorized to access the printer
management features of the system. This ensures that only authorized personnel can perform printer
management tasks.

Access Permission: The SPSO must have the necessary access permissions and privileges to manage
printers within the system. This may be determined by the system's role-based access control
(RBAC) or a similar access control mechanism.

Functional System: The HCMUT_SSPS system must be in a functional state with its core
components and services operational. Printer management actions cannot be performed if the system
is undergoing maintenance, experiencing technical issues, or is in an inactive state.

Printer Availability: If the SPSO intends to add or enable a printer, the printer hardware must be
available and properly set up. Adding or enabling a printer that is not physically present or not
correctly configured may lead to issues.

Technical Requirements: The technical infrastructure required for adding or enabling printers must
be in place. This includes network connectivity, drivers, and any necessary hardware components.

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Printer Information: When adding a new printer, the SPSO should have the necessary information
about the printer, such as its ID, brand/manufacturer name, printer model, short description, and the
location (campus name, building name, and room number). This information is required for
configuring the new printer within the system.

Basic Flow : Printer Management

Step User Actions System Actions
1 The SPSO logs into the The system verifies the SPSO's identity and grants
HCMUT_SSPS system using access to printer management features.
their authorized credentials.

2 The SPSO provides The system validates the provided information and
information about the new checks for any conflicts with existing printers.
printer, including its ID, If the information is valid and there are no conflicts,
brand/manufacturer name, the new printer is added to the system and becomes
printer model, short available for student use.
description, and location
(campus name, building name,
room number).
The SPSO may specify
additional configuration
parameters such as supported
paper sizes and features.
3 After performing printer Printer Prompt
management actions (adding,
enabling, or disabling,
configure), the SPSO confirms
the changes.
The system saves the changes
made to the printer

4 The SPSO logs out of the Log Out

system to ensure security and
prevent unauthorized access to
printer management features.

Alternate Flow <may be more than one> : Enable a previously added printer
Step User Actions System Actions
1 The SPSO logs into the The system verifies the SPSO's identity and grants
HCMUT_SSPS system using access to printer management features.
their authorized credentials.
2 The SPSO selects the printer The system enables the printer, making it accessible
from the list of available for students to use.

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Alternate Flow <may be more than one> : Enable a previously added printer
Step User Actions System Actions
3 After performing printer The system saves the changes made to the printer
management actions (adding, configuration.
enabling, or disabling,
configure), the SPSO confirms
the changes.

4 The SPSO logs out of the System log out

system to ensure security and
prevent unauthorized access to
printer management features.

Exception Flow <identify system and data error conditions that could occur for each step in the
normal and alternate flow>
1. Authentication Failure:

Trigger: The SPSO attempts to log

in, but authentication fails due to
incorrect credentials or other
authentication issues.
Action: The system displays an
authentication error message to the
Resolution: The SPSO is prompted
to re-enter valid credentials, or they
may contact system administrators
for assistance if the issue persists.

2. Printer Already Exists:

Trigger: While adding a new printer,

the system detects that the printer
being added already exists in the
system with the same ID or other
identifying information.
Action: The system displays a
notification about the existing
Resolution: The SPSO can choose to
update the existing printer's
configuration instead of adding a
duplicate printer. Alternatively, they
may provide unique information to
distinguish the new printer from the
existing one.

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3. Invalid Printer Information:

Trigger: During printer addition, the

SPSO provides invalid or incomplete
printer information.
Action: The system detects the
invalid or missing information.
Resolution: The SPSO is prompted
to correct the provided printer
information, ensuring that all
required fields are filled accurately.

4. Printer Enabling/Disabling Error:

Trigger: While enabling or disabling

a printer, the system encounters an
error due to technical issues, such as
a network problem or printer
communication failure.
Action: The system displays an error
message indicating the issue.
Resolution: The SPSO is advised to
investigate the technical problem,
resolve it, and then retry the enabling
or disabling action.

5. Unauthorized Access:

Trigger: An unauthorized user or

SPSO without the necessary
permissions attempts to access the
printer management features.
Action: The system denies access to
unauthorized users.
Resolution: The unauthorized user
should contact system administrators
or higher-level personnel to request
the necessary permissions.

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6. System Unavailability:

Trigger: The HCMUT_SSPS system

is temporarily unavailable or
undergoing maintenance during
printer management.
Action: The system displays a
maintenance message or error
Resolution: The SPSO is advised to
wait until the system becomes
available again or to check for
system status updates from

7. Unhandled Errors:

Trigger: Unforeseen technical errors

or exceptions occur during printer
Action: The system logs the error
and displays a general error message.
Resolution: Technical support or
system administrators should be
notified to investigate and resolve
the issue.

Post conditions
Successful Printer Addition:

The SPSO adds a new printer successfully, the new printer is now part of the system's
printer pool and available for students to use.
The system's printer configuration is updated to include the new printer's information.

Successful Printer Enabling:

the SPSO enables a printer successfully, the printer becomes accessible for student use
within the system.
The printer status is updated to "enabled."

Successful Printer Disabling:

The SPSO disables a printer successfully, the printer is no longer accessible for student
use within the system.
The printer status is updated to "disabled."

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Successful Printer Configure/Reconfigure:
The SPSO configures a printer successfully, the printer is updated with new
configuration and is accessible for student use within the system.
The printer status is updated to “ newly configuration saved”
Updated Printer Information:
the SPSO updates the configuration of an existing printer (e.g., changes in supported
paper sizes or features), the updated information is reflected in the system's printer
Students can access and use the updated printer based on the new configuration.

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