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Phl 1105: Introduction to Logic

Assignment 5.1: Conversion, Obversion, and Contraposition


Part I

Exercises 1 through 5 provide a statement, its truth value in parentheses, and an operation to be performed on that
statement. Supply the new statement and the truth value of the new statement. Exercises 6 through 10 provide a
statement, its truth value in parentheses, and a new statement. Determine how the new statement was derived from
the given statement and supply the truth value of the new statement.


Sample: No A are non-B (T) Conversion No Non-B are A Logically
1. Some A are B (T) Contrapositio Some non-B are non-A Not Logically
n Equivalent
2. All A are non-B (F) Obversion No A are B Logically
3. All non-A are B Contrapositio All non-B are A Logically
n Equivalent
4. Some non-A are not B Conversion Some B are not non- A Not Logically
(T) Equivalent
5. Some non-A are non-B Obversion Some non-A are not B Logically
(T) Equivalent
Sample: No non-A are non-B Contrapositio No B are A Undetermined
(F) n Truth Value
6. Some A are not non-B Obversion Some A are B True
7. All A are non-B (F) Conversion All non-B are A Undetermined
Truth Value
8. No non-A are B (F) Obversion All non-A are non-B True
9. Some non-A are not B Contrapositio Some non-B are not A True
(T) n
10.Some A are non-B (F) Conversion Some non-B are A True

Part II

Perform the operations of conversion, obversion, and contraposition as indicated.

Convert the following propositions and state whether the converse is logically equivalent or not logically equivalent
to the given proposition.

SAMPLE: All hurricanes are storms intensified by global warming.

ANSWER: All storms intensified by global warming are hurricanes. (not logically equivalent.)

11. No sex-change operations are completely successful procedures.

No completely successful procedures are sex change operations. (Logically equivalent)

12. Some murals by Diego Rivera are works that celebrate the revolutionary spirit.
Some works that celebrate the revolutionary spirit are murals by Diego Rivera. (Logically equivalent)

13. Some forms of carbon are not substances with a crystalline structure.
Some substances with a crystalline structure are not forms of carbon. (not logically equivalent)

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Obvert the following propositions and state whether the obverse is logically equivalent or not logically equivalent to
the given proposition.

SAMPLE: All radically egalitarian societies are societies that do not preserve individual liberties.

ANSWER: No radically egalitarian societies are societies that preserve individual liberties. (Logically

14. No cult leaders are people who fail to brainwash their followers.
All cult leaders are people who brainwash their follows. (Logically equivalent)

15. Some college football coaches are people who do not slip money to their players.
Some college football coaches are not people who do slip money to their players. (Logically equivalent)

16. Some budgetary cutbacks are not actions fair to the poor.
Some budgetary cutbacks are actions not fair to the poor. (Logically equivalent)

Contrapose the following propositions and state whether the contrapositive is logically equivalent or not logically
equivalent to the given proposition.

SAMPLE: All physicians whose licenses have been revoked are physicians ineligible to practice.

ANSWER: All physicians eligible to practice are physicians with valid licenses. (Logically equivalent)

17. No unprosecuted migrants are migrants granted asylum.

No non migrates granted asylum are prosecuted migrants (not-logically equivalent)

18. Some politicians who do not defend Social Security are politicians who do not want to increase taxes.
Some politicians who want to increase taxes are politicians who defend Social Security. (not logically equivalent)

19. Some opponents of gay marriage are not opponents of civil unions.
Some opponents not for civil unions are not opponents of gay marriage. (Logically equivalent)

Part III

Use conversion, obversion, and contraposition to determine whether the following arguments are valid or invalid. For
those that are invalid, name the fallacy committed.

SAMPLE: All commodity traders are gamblers who risk sudden disaster.

Therefore, all gamblers who risk sudden disaster are commodity traders.

ANSWER: Invalid (illicit conversion).

20. No child abusers are people who belong in day-care centers.

Therefore, all child abusers are people who do not belong in day-care centers.

Answer: Valid Obversion

21. Some states having limited powers are not slave states.

Therefore, some free states are not states having unlimited powers.

Answer: Invalid Conversion

22. Some organ transplants are not sensible operations.

Therefore, some organ transplants are senseless operations.

Answer: Valid Obversion

23. No individuals who laugh all the time are people with a true sense of humor.

Therefore, no people with a true sense of humor are individuals who laugh all the time.

Answer: Valid Contraposition

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24. Some swimsuits are not garments intended for the water.

Therefore, some garments intended for the water are not swimsuits.

Answer: Invalid Conversion

25. Some peaceful revolutions are episodes that erupt in violence.

Therefore, some episodes that do not erupt in violence are non-peaceful revolutions.

Answer: Valid Contraposition

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