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Virita and Vale are best friends, Vale tells her friend on the phone that she is
going to France. Virita gets sick and cannot say goodbye to her friend
although she hopes that one of the paper boats she made will fly to her.
Aunt Pita tells Virita that if you really love them, friendship never ends, that
you are capable of doing impossible things for them, whether it's taming a
hippopotamus or making a ship fly.
Aunt Pita, Virita's neighbor and second best friend, receives visitors at her
house. It's Trinidad and her mother, although at first she gets angry, then she
has a good time making a prank with Trinidad (They gathered creams, soaps,
detergents and perfumes in the bathtub to make a hygienic bomb).
Together with Trini they plan to make the stink bomb, to throw it at
Morgana, Virita's arch enemy, who isolates her and bothers her at school.
Everything goes wrong, and the stink bomb ends up in the teacher, Aunt
Laura, but she forgives her and tells her that the next time Morgana bothers
her, the three of them would talk to resolve it.
While they are playing with Matilde the spider and Trini's hamster Napoleon,
a moving truck arrives, as new neighbors arrive. Napoleon the hamster gets
lost and Virita finds him at the new neighbor's house, Roco. She invites him
to be part of a detective club that doesn't really exist.
Virita is preparing the meeting for the detective club, when she receives a
letter from Vale, which makes her very sad because he tells her that he
misses her and that he loves her very much. Virita starts crying and hugs
Roco who accidentally witnesses her crying. Then Trini arrives and thinks it
was Roco who made her cry and almost kicks Roco. They decide to set up a
detective club and have Vale be part of it when he returns. Aunt Pita is very
proud of her. Virita sleeps cuddling with her mother.
Virita starts playing basketball with Roco, and when the ball lands near a
door, Virita goes in to look around. He discovers that there are many
instruments in that place and that Roco plays them all, very well. Out of
shock he falls on some instruments and although Roco gets a little angry,
Virita starts laughing. Due to the roar of the instruments, Roco's father
arrives and is happy and grateful that his son is now happier and causing
mischief. Roco tells Virita that he goes to a school for children who know
many things and that sometimes he got bored and wanted to be like any
child. Virita feels happy to make someone else's life happy.
Virita receives an email from Vale, who tells her that she has good friends but
she still misses her, so she is very happy. The spider Matilde escapes from her
jar at school, and Virita is suspended because the spider scares Aunt Laura so
much. His parents forgive him his suspension but make him promise never to
take the spider to school again and give him permission to write back to Vale.
Virita dreams that the dog Salomón wants to eat the spider Matilde, then at
school and as always Morgana annoys her by saying “Daniela Silly”, to get
revenge, Virita secretly ties Morgana's shoelaces and she falls when she falls.
gets up to go out for recess. The teacher Laura leaves them alone in the room
to solve their problems, they begin to make faces to scare each other and
show their anger, but they both end up laughing and when the teacher
arrives she is also infected by her laughter and they laugh hugging each
other. This makes Virita feel good.
Virita visits Aunt Pita to bring her breakfast, but she takes it at 6 in the
morning so the aunt tells her to go back to her house but she doesn't or she
does since her dog Salomón doesn't want to leave the house so she He stays
to sleep in the living room. When Aunt Pita wakes up she is screaming
because she is allergic to dogs and Salomón makes a big fuss. Finally Aunt
Pita, who is writhing in pain on the floor, asks Virita to call the ambulance. By
mistake he calls Morgana instead of the ambulance and asks her to call the
ambulance, which arrives at Virita's house instead of Aunt Pita's house.
When the ambulance arrives, another commotion breaks out since the
mother does not know where Virita is, and the police arrive thinking that
Virita had disappeared. After the whole mess, they take Aunt Pita to the clinic
since she actually had gallstones. Virita regrets that she cannot apologize to
Aunt Pita returns home and many people come to visit her. There he finds
out that his mother is going to have two babies (twins). This makes Virita very
sad and she feels like she is no longer loved, and decides to leave the house.
He contacts Morgana and Trini, but neither agrees with him leaving the
house and Roco is not even there. Then she writes to Vale to ask her to raise
money to go to France together. At that moment her mother throws a letter
under the door that says how much she loved her when she was born and on
the other side expresses that she still loves her. Virita decides to go look for
her mother and the two hug each other, then her father arrives and they hug
too. Vale answers the letter telling her to save money and go live with her,
but now she wants to meet her brothers first.
Virita writes a letter to Vale to tell him how her end of the year was. He tells
her that they now have two new friends: Trini and Roco, and that they
formed a detective club. With the money they have been paid for solving
cases, they had a costume party for the New Year. In the middle of the party,
the mother had to go to the clinic to have her babies, who have not yet been
named, so they are called Melli1 and Melli2. Virita is happy and tells her that
he will wait for her.

Salomón, Salo: Virita's dog.
Aunt Laura: Virita's teacher.
Aunt Lali: Sister of Aunt Pita.
Napoleon: Hamster café de la Trini.
Matilde: Virita's chick spider.
Roco: His name is actually Rodrigo, he is a perceptive boy and Virita's new
neighbor. His dad is a painter
Vale: Virita's best friend, she defended her when she was bullied. He went to
France with his parents. He likes animals. She signed as MOCO.

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