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One World International

School, PG Digital Campus

Term 1 Progress Report

Yashna Bhandari
Grade 8
Assessment criteria description

Thinking Skills

Value Abbreviation Description

Student is always:
- acquiring knowledge and working to comprehend information;
Highly Profcient 1
- applying, analyzing and synthesising; evaluating as the student
goes along and making necessary adjustments.

Student is typically:
- acquiring knowledge and working to comprehend information;
Profcient 2
- applying, analyzing and synthesising; evaluating as the student
goes along and making necessary adjustments.

Student is working on:

- acquiring knowledge and working to comprehend information;
Nearly Profcient 3
- applying, analyzing and synthesising; evaluating as the student
goes along and making necessary adjustments.

Student is evolving in:

- acquiring knowledge and working to comprehend information;
Emerging 4
- applying, analyzing and synthesising; evaluating as the student
goes along and making necessary adjustments.

Communication Skills

Value Abbreviation Description

Student is consistently:
- listening, writing and speaking on topic;
Highly Profcient 1
- using critical non-verbal communication;
- confdent and articulate in verbal communication.

Student is mostly:
- listening, writing and speaking on topic;
Profcient 2
- using critical non-verbal communication;
- confdent and articulate in verbal communication.

Student is somewhat:
- listening, writing and speaking on topic;
Nearly Profcient 3
- using critical non-verbal communication;
- confdent and articulate in verbal communication.

Student is developing in:

- listening, writing and speaking on topic;
Emerging 4
- using critical non-verbal communication;
- confdent and articulate in verbal communication.

Social Skills
Value Abbreviation Description

Student is consistently:
- accepting self responsibility and respecting others;
Highly Profcient 1
- cooperating & helping to resolve confict;
- helping lead group decision making and taking on diferent roles.

Student is generally:
- accepting self responsibility and respecting others;
Profcient 2
- cooperating & helping to resolve confict;
- helping lead group decision making and taking on diferent roles.

Student is sometimes:
- accepting self responsibility and respecting others;
Nearly Profcient 3
- cooperating & helping to resolve confict;
- helping lead group decision making and taking on diferent roles.

Student is emergent in:

- accepting self responsibility and respecting others;
Emerging 4
- cooperating & helping to resolve confict;
- helping lead group decision making and taking on diferent roles.

Research Skills

Value Abbreviation Description

Student is highly profcient in:

- articulating their questions and able to explain why they are
- developing a research plan that is organised and addresses all
Highly Profcient 1 the necessary components,
- locating high-quality sources that are relevant and evaluate
them critically,
- communicating fndings or presentation in writing and/or

Student is profcient in:

- articulating their questions and able to explain why they are
- developing a research plan that is organised and addresses all
Profcient 2 the necessary components,
- locating high-quality sources that are relevant and evaluate
them critically,
- communicating fndings or presentation in writing and/or

Student is nearly profcient in:

- articulating their questions and able to explain why they are
- developing a research plan that is organised and addresses all
Nearly Profcient 3 the necessary components,
- locating high-quality sources that are relevant and evaluate
them critically,
- communicating fndings or presentation in writing and/or
Value Abbreviation Description

Student is beginning to show profciency in:

- articulating their questions and able to explain why they are
- developing a research plan that is organised and addresses all
Emerging 4 the necessary components,
- locating high-quality sources that are relevant and evaluate
them critically,
- communicating fndings or presentation in writing and/or

Self-management Skills

Value Abbreviation Description

Student is steadily:
- demonstrating gross and fne motor skills;
- aware of personal space and space those around;
Highly Profcient 1
- organised and shows good time-managing;
- keeping safe and healthy, following all school behavior
expectations and making informed choices.

Student is generally:
- demonstrating gross and fne motor skills;
- aware of personal space and space those around;
Profcient 2
- organised and shows good time-managing;
- keeping safe and healthy, following all school behavior
expectations and making informed choices.

Student is close to:

- demonstrating gross and fne motor skills;
- aware of personal space and space those around;
Nearly Profcient 3
- organised and shows good time-managing;
- keeping safe and healthy, following all school behavior
expectations and making informed choices.

Student is beginning to:

- demonstrate gross and fne motor skills;
- be aware of personal space and space those around;
Emerging 4
- organise and show good time-managing;
- keep safe and healthy, follow all school behavior expectations
and making informed choices.

Work and Efort Attainment Indicator

Value Abbreviation Description

Outstanding 1 • Highly engaged with the learning and consolidated all necessary
learning skills.

• Demonstrates a consistent positive approach and attitude

towards learning.
Value Abbreviation Description

• Completes given work to an excellent standard.

• Is always prepared for class and actively participates, asking and

answering questions frequently.

• Works very cooperatively with other students, and listens to

others respectfully.

• Often engaged with the learning and sometimes makes the

efort to consolidate some learning skills.

• Often demonstrates a positive approach and attitude towards


Very Good 2 • Completes given work to a good standard.

• Is usually prepared for class and participates, asking and

answering questions.

• Works cooperatively with other students, and listens to others


• Engages with the learning and sometimes consolidates learning


• Demonstrates an expected level of positive approach and

attitude towards learning.

Good 3 • Mostly completes given work to a satisfactory standard.

• Mostly prepared for class and participates by asking and

answering questions with a little prompting

• Works cooperatively with other students, and listens to others


• Does not engage actively with the learning and rarely

consolidates any learning skills.

• Sometimes demonstrates a positive approach and attitude

towards learning.

4 • Sometimes completes given work to a satisfactory standard.

• Sometimes prepared for class and participates by asking and

answering questions with prompting.

• Works cooperatively with other students, and listens to others

respectfully with some support.

Syllabus content

Thinking Communication Research
Social Skills management
Skills Skills Skills

Approaches to Learning 2 2 2 2 2


Overall grade Work and Efort

Attainment Indicator
D 4


Overall grade Work and Efort

Attainment Indicator
A 1


Overall grade Work and Efort

Attainment Indicator
C 3

Global Perspectives

Overall grade Work and Efort

Attainment Indicator
C 2


Student is not taking this subject.



Student is not taking this subject.


Overall grade Work and Efort

Attainment Indicator
D 4


Overall grade Work and Efort

Attainment Indicator
A 2


Overall grade Work and Efort

Attainment Indicator
D 3

Overall grade Work and Efort
Attainment Indicator
C 4



Subject available in Term 3 and 4.


Overall grade Work and Efort

Attainment Indicator
C 3

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