Jurnal Sejarah Pemikiran Islam KLS Ivb

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“Forming Character With Morals Prophet Muhammad Saw And Media Film: Experimental
Example of Rasulullah Saw in Establishing Court Character”
Dosen Pengampu: Ichsan, Lc., M.E.I

Disusun Oleh:


RAISA ZAHRA : 210440045
NORA ZIKRA : 210440118
AMIRA SYUHADA : 210440001
DARA HAMDANA : 210440054



1. Title Forming Character With Morals Prophet Muhammad Saw
2. Journal East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (EAJMR)
3. Download https://journal.formosapublisher.org/index.php/eajmr/article/download/
4. Volumes Vol.1, No.1, Pages: 41-48
and Pages
5. Year 2022 year
6. Writer Imam Tabroni, Dean Dwi Putra, Najah Adawiah, Rosmiati
7. Reviewer Laura Wulandari : 210440071
Raisa Zahra : 210440045
Nora Zikra : 210440118
Amira Syuhada : 210440001
Dara Hamdana : 210440054
Nailan Saada Ritonga : 210440034
8. Date 14 Mei 2023
9. ISSN E-ISSN: 2828-1519
10 Research Abstracts
Research The purpose of this research is to explain that character education can be
Purposes characterized by a whole-souled, wholesome, moral, and disposition
education at rendering good decisions, maintaining what is good, and
wholeheartedly displaying goodness in daily life.
Research Subject research in this journal is the Prophet Muhammad Saw. The prophet
Subject (peace and blessings be upon him) was the messenger of god and the
educator. He got disciplined directly from his Lord so as to have the most
perfect character on the face of this earth. He was renowned among his kind
as honest and trustworthy.
Assessmen This research uses library research method. Judging from its understanding,
t the library research method is a method in which data acquisition is
Data obtained from various literatures, such as libraries and google scolars in the
form of books, journals, documents, and so on.
Keywords Education, Character, Prophet Muhammad Saw

11. Introduction
Background He is Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutholib bin Hasyim from
and Theory the Quraysh tribe. The Quraysh tribe came from the Arabs from the
descendants of the Prophet Ismail, the son of the Prophet Abraham.
Prophet Muhammad SAW was born in Makkah al Mukarromah, on
Monday 12 Rabi'ul Awal the year of the elephant, coinciding with
August 21, 571 AD, and died in Medina 12 Rabi'ul Awal 11 Hijriyah
(615). He was appointed a prophet at the age of 40 years (Zuhairini,
2010). Then he preached in about 23 years, 13 years in Mecca and 10
years in Medina (Rofiq, 2017). The example of the Prophet Muhammad,
can be used as the core and source of learning character education.
Because the substance of character education is to behave, behave and
have good manners. Following the character or approaching him is the
beginning in getting to know the Prophet Muhammad, what kind of
character. With it, then we will be easy to imitate and apply it to
ourselves and those around us. At least, we can also be an example for
our students, both in speech and in attitude (Al-Kuhfi, 1978).
12. Research This study uses a data analysis technique in the form of content analysis
Methods technique, where the process of selecting, comparing, and combining
various understandings is carried out so that relevant discussion results
are found (Zed, 2004).
Research The research result show that:
Result From Ibn Abbas ra, he said: The Messenger of Allah said, “Teach, make
it easy, do not complicate things, give good news, do not threaten. If one
of you is angry, let him be silent” (HR Ahmad and Bukhari). Many
educational methods can be inferred from the hadiths of the Prophet as
well as from the Prophet's social behavior towards children (Marhijanto,
1998). In addition, from direct dialogue with him that he did with
children or with fathers about how to treat their children (Tabroni &
Juliani, 2022). West or east. The many Islamic methods allow parents
and educators to apply them in every aspect of a child's life, both
intellectually and psychologically (Tabroni et al., 2021), (Tabroni &
Budiarti, 2021). Because it is this method that will light their way
(Dradjat, 1970). According to Suwaid & Hafiz (2010) the Prophet's
method of educating children can be realized in the following ways:
Showing Good Role Models.
Exemplary in education is an influential method and has proven to be the
most successful in preparing and shaping the moral, spiritual, and social
ethos of children. Parents are the best figures in the eyes of children,
whose actions they will imitate. A child, no matter how pure his nature
is, he will not be able to fulfill the principles of goodness and the main
points of education, as long as he does not see an example of high moral
values. Good role models have a great impact on a child's personality.
This is because the majority of children imitated come from their
parents. In fact, it is certain that the most dominant influence comes from
his parents.
Research The Messenger of Allah Swt ordered both parents to be good role models
Discussion in behaving and behaving honestly in dealing with children. Children
will always pay attention and imitate the attitudes and behavior of adults
(Purwanto, 1990). If they see both parents behaving honestly, they will
grow up in honesty and so on (Dr. M. Shoffa Saifillah Al-Faruq & Dr.
Sukatin, 2020). For this reason, parents are always required to be good
role models for their children (Tabroni et al., 2021). Because, a child
who is in a period of growth always pays attention to the attitudes and
words of his parents (Tabroni & Juliani, 2022).
This is because at any time the child can accept his advice, but
sometimes at other times he balks at it. If both parents are able to direct
the child's heart to accept it, the direction given will be successful in
educational efforts. The Messenger of Allah always paid close attention
to the right time and place to direct children, build children's mindsets,
direct children's behavior and cultivate good morals. on the child
(Wulan, 2007).
Sometimes a child feels that his parents love his sibling more, because
only this feeling will make the child go wild. As a result, their parents
will not be able to face the wildness and stifle their child's envy (Wulan,
Helping Children to Be Dutiful and Do Obedience. Prepare all kinds of
means so that children are devoted to both parents and are devoted and
do obedience and encourage them to always obey and do orders.
Creating a comfortable atmosphere encourages the child to take the
initiative to become a commendable person. In addition, both parents
mean that they have given the child the greatest gift to help him achieve
success (Hurlock, 1999).
Bibliography Prophet Muhammad SAW was born in Makkah al Mukarromah, on
Monday 12 Rabi'ul Awal the year of the elephant, coinciding with
August 21, 571 AD, and died in Medina 12 Rabi'ul Awal 11 Hijriyah
(615). He was appointed a prophet at the age of 40 years (Zuhairini,
2010). Then he preached in about 23 years, 13 years in Mecca and 10
years in Medina (Rofiq, 2017). His father was Abdullah son of Abdul
Muttalib from the tribe of Bani Hashim. His mother's name was Aminah,
daughter of Wahab from Bani Zuhrah. Understandings of the biography
and Sayings of the
Prophet Muhammad permit us to build true Islamic
environmental ethics and reveal a large way of originative and
original decisions in the modern situation. Moreover, the
Koranic assurance on the nature and the Earth is an attestation
of the importance of the link bonding human beings and the
Earth and Universe in Islamic dialogue.
13. Journal The document is a research paper that uses the library research method to
Analysis explore the topic of Islamic education and the role of parents and
educators in shaping the moral development of children. The paper cites
various sources, including books, journals, and documents, to support its
arguments and uses content analysis as a data analysis technique. The
paper also discusses the influence of school and community
environments on the moral development of children. The references
section includes a mix of books and journal articles, some of which are
in Indonesian. Overall, the paper provides insights into the importance of
Islamic education and the role of parents and educators in shaping the
moral development of children.
14. Conclusion Character is very important for the formation of one's morality, therefore
character education can be interpreted as education in values, character,
morals, and character, which aims to make good and bad decisions,
maintain what is good, and realize goodness in everyday life to the
fullest, heart. Therefore, a very good moral role model is the Prophet
Muhammad Saw because the Prophet Muhammad Saw is the messenger
of Allah Swt as a moral perfectionist and educator, a chosen human from
Allah Swt that we should follow. As for the formation of a person's
character, there are many factors that influence it, such as internal
factors, namely personal innate factors such as instincts, habits, heredity,
desires, and willpower that arise from conscience. Furthermore, there are
also external factors such as family factors, school factors,
environmental factors. In the concept of education applied by the
Prophet Muhammad is the concept of education that comes from God's
revelation, so that he is able to print a great person. The key to his
teaching success lies in his expertise and capability in creating a
synergistic learning atmosphere. In educating children, parents should be
able to understand the child's condition well and use the right method
and according to the stages. As exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad.
Because every child has a different character and personality even
though they come from the same parents. Therefore, look for the right
and accurate method so that children can be directed more easily in
accordance with Islamic teachings.
15. Suggestion This research is not perfect, so you need to dig a lot of information from
various kinds of information sites, namely books, websites, journals, and
etc. Expected to all parents can pay attention to every condition of their
children. In this journal, it also explains that the key to success in
forming children's character so parents must have patience in teaching it.
Teaching children must be able to create a learning atmosphere that is
synergy. In this case, parents must understand the condition of children
well and use the method used by the Prophet because of course the
character of children is also different. So that this can lead to a success of
a character who the Prophet applied.
16. Reference A. A. Bagader, A. T. Elchirazi El-Sabbagh, M. A. Al-Glayand, M. Y. I.-
D. Samarrai, O. A. Llwellyn, Environmental protection in Islam, IUCN
Environment Policy and Law Paper N. 20 Rev., 2nd Revised Ed., IUCN,
Gland Switzerland and Cambridge, UK, 1994.
http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/eplp_020reven.pdf (accessed on
January 16th, 2017).
A. M. Al-Damkhi, Environmental ethics in Islam: principles, violations,
and future perspectives, Inter. J. Environ. Studies 65 (2008) 11-31.
Al-Kuhfi, A. M. (1978). Min Akhlakin Nabiy. Bulan Bintang
Dr. M. Shoffa Saifillah Al-Faruq, M. P. I., & Dr. Sukatin, S. P. I. M. P. I.
(2020). Psikologi Perkembangan. Deepublish.
Dradjat, Z. (1970). Ilmu Jiwa Agama. Bulan Bintang
F.M.Khalid,Islamandtheenvironment,(Vol.5)Socialand economic
dimensions of global environmental change, pp 332-339, P. Timmerman
(Ed.), Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change, T. Munn (Editor-
in-Chief), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, 2002.
http://www.kantakji.com/media/1607/j1000.pdf (accessed on January
16th, 2017).
Hurlock, E. B. (1999). Perkembangan Anak, ter. Meitasari Tjandrasa.
Jakarta: Erlangga.
Purwanto, M. N. (1990). Psikologi Pendidik (5th ed.). Remaja
Rofiq, A. C. (2017). SEJARAH ISLAM PERIODE KLASIK. Penerbit
Gunung Samudera [ Grup Penerbit PT Book Mart Indonesia]
Tabroni, I., & Budiarti, D. (2021). PERAN KYAI DALAM MEMBINA
Jurnal Pendidikan, Sains Sosial, Dan Agama, 7(2), 108–114
Tabroni, I., & Juliani, A. (2022). PERAN ORANG TUA DALAM
Tabroni, Putra, Adawiah, Rosmiati 48PURWAKARTA. Jurnal Sosial
Humaniora Dan Pendidikan, 1(1 SE-Articles). http://ejurnal.stie-
Tabroni, I., Nasihah, F., & Bahijah, I. (2021). THE
Journal of Educational Innovation; Vol 8, No 2 (2021): Erudio Journal of
Educational Innovation.
Wulan, A. N. (2007). Pendidikan Anak Dalam Islam. Pustaka Amani
Zed, M. (2004). Metode peneletian kepustakaan. Yayasan Obor
Zuhairini. (2010). Sejarah Pendidikan Islam. Bumi Aksara


2. Journal International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research
3. Download https://www.jurnal.stieaas.ac.id/index.php/IJEBAR/article/download/
4. Volumes Vol-6, Issue-1
and Pages
5. Year 2022 (IJEBAR) year
6. Writer Ismail, Misrah
7. Reviewer Laura Wulandari : 210440071
Raisa Zahra : 210440045
Nora Zikra : 210440118
Amira Syuhada : 210440001
Dara Hamdana : 210440054
Nailan Saada Ritonga : 210440034
8. Date 15 Mei 2023
9. ISSN E-ISSN: 2614-1280 P-ISSN 2622-4771
10 Research Abstracts
Research The purpose of research this journal is Islam always teaches how to practice
Purpose appropriate business in Islamic business ethics, the behavior and character of
the prophet who is always exemplified in business pratice has always been the
main basic for how to become a successful businessman, tough, responsible
and willing to face various risks.
Research Subject research in this journal is how the nature and business behavior of the
Subject Prophet Muhammad SAW then identify how the business strategy was carried
out by the Prophet Muhammad SAW and finally how the practice of
apprenticeship at a young age in the practice of business management of the
Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Assessmen Research data in the form of scientific journals, books related to the theme of
t Data this
research. The data is observed, processed, summarized properly and regularly,
in accordancewith the rules of scientific writing. This research is a descriptive
qualitative research by revealing the nature, strategies and practices of the
prophet's apprenticeship at a young age by identifying books and journals
published on Google Schoolar.
Keywords Internship, Business Management, Prophet Muhammad

11. Introduction In Islam we are encouraged to develop a business or business pattern. Al-
Quran has stated many commands of Allah related to seeking various business
activities that are blessing and lawful. The rules regarding business have been
explained in the Koran explicitly and the Koran's view of business is one of
the profitable and enjoyable activities. And the Qur'an is very motivating and
encouraging for Muslims who carry out business transactions in their lives
(Rahmawati, 2014).
The complexity of the prophet Muhammad SAW as a prophet and apostle
deserves to be used as a role model for the nature and behavior he does.
Starting from the age of 17 years to 37 years, the life of the prophet
Muhammad SAW is not much discussed in Islamic studies. Interestingly, in
several studies, the story that is rarely told is that before he became Allah's
Apostle he was a successful businessman, namely a formidable trader
(Musthofa, 2013).
Background Islam always teaches how to practice appropriate business in Islamic business
and Theory ethics, the behavior and character of the prophet who is always exemplified in
business practice has always been the main basis for how to become a
businessman, tough, responsible and willing to face various risks. Referring to
Gusriani's research (Gusriani, 2012) also identifies that one aspect of the life
of the prophet Muhammad as a leader in the field of business and
entrepreneurship has received less serious attention. Gusriani also explained in
his research that the prophet Muhammad before becoming a messenger of
Allah he was a businessman. Honesty is one of the characteristics that is
different from the business activities carried out by other entrepreneurs,
besides that he can also be trusted and really keeps his promises. Nobility,
honor and dignity are aspects where proper business should be exemplified in
business interactions. Trade is not only doing the circulation of money and
goods according to the prophet , but we must be more inclined to self-esteem
that must be maintained.
12. Research Research data in the form of scientific journals, books related to the theme of
Methods this research. The data is observed, processed, summarized properly and
regularly, in accordance with the rules of scientific writing. Collecting data
using the observation method as an initial stage to browse, view, select and
obtain data as needed. The next stage, the data was analyzed by means of
inductive thinking with content analysis techniques to find a clear concept of
the nature, strategy and concept of the Prophet's apprenticeship. Furthermore,
deductive thinking is used to draw research conclusions. This type of research
is qualitative with a descriptive method approach. The results of the analysis
are in the form of a description of the observed symptoms and do not have to
be in the form of numbers or coefficients between variables.
Research The author identifies from the discussion and research results that success can
Result be obtained with two events, namely the world and the hereafter. To get both,
you must follow the principles of business ethics in Islam and follow in the
footsteps of the prophet Muhammad SAW. Worldly profits can be obtained by
buying and selling and several other transactions that are in accordance with
Islamic teachings and for the success of the hereafter, one must do good by
applying the good deeds that have been taught and sunnah by the prophet
Muhammad SAW. In one narration it is narrated that honest and trustworthy
traders will be with the prophets, shiddiqin and martyrs and pious people in
heaven (HR. Imam Tarmidhi). Therefore, let us evaluate ourselves by
imitating how the business practices that have been applied by the Prophet
Muhammad SAW, the characteristics attached to him are very worthy of
emulation so that we can get success in this world and the Hereafter.
Research An intelligent Muslim businessman must have high integrity and a strong
Discussion commitment to implementing noble character or norms. Such as the attitude of
fearing God, being open, honest, trustworthy, helping each other, living a
simple life, prioritizing the interests of others above personal interests. It is the
noble character that will bring the perpetrator to two advantages; worldly
benefits as well as hereafter benefits. Worldly gains are obtained with wealth
and effort, while the hereafter gains are obtained with noble character. As
described in (Irwan Misbach, 2017) The forms of sharia business behavior that
must be carried out by Muslims in order to always be successful in business
are: Siddiq, Amanah, Fathonah, Tabligh and Istiqomah
Bibliography Muhammad's success is based on the character he has and gives an example
that should be followed. He has delivered a straight message of Islam. Minutes
supporting the accumulation of wealth carried out in accordance with sharia
provisions. When carrying out his business activities, Muhammad Saw had a
business strategy, which is what the Prophet wanted to convey and teach his
people when doing business. In this business strategy, he actually preached in
the form of da'wah bil hal, namely da'wah which emphasized more on
examples of real actions. The strategies in question are: honest, customer
oriented (customer oriented), competence (competence), balance and justice,
and based on divine values. In addition to the strategies described, there are
many other teachings that serve as a framework for doing business that need
to be studied further from the Prophet’s business because in fact every activity
of the Prophet is da’wah. The competence of the Prophet Muhammad can be
seen from the story. Before he became a successful businessman, he had
pioneered his skills in business since the age of 12, at which time the Prophet
learned ways to do business with his uncle Abu Talib. Even his uncle Abu
Talib invited Muhammad to go to trade leaving his country city of Mecca to
the land of Sham (now known as Syria) in order to trade directly. At the age of
24, Muhammad joined a rich businessman named Siti Khadijah, and he was
trusted to run Khadijah's business with a partnership pattern. The Prophet
began to achieve great success in his business at the age of 25 thanks to his
expertise and prowess in business (Gusriani, 2012). In (Aqil Barqi Yahya,
2020) it is also explained that before learning to trade the Prophet Muhammad
had worked as a shepherd for goats and camels belonging to the residents of
13. Journal
14. Conclusion The experience of the prophet Muhammad in the business world is recounted
by the ahlul hadith when he reached adulthood he preferred to become a
trader. At that time the prophet did not have capital, he became a trade and
business manager which was carried out by means of profit sharing. One of
the big investors is a wealthy investor from Mecca, namely Khadijah. In some
literature the prophet is also mentioned as al-amin and as-shiddiq because of
his honesty and some trust from the investors who trusted him. The
apprenticeship practice that the prophet has carried out since the age of 12 has
made him a strong person in business and a super entrepreneur. Some of the
keys to the success of the Prophet Muhammad in running a business are also
related to the nature of Siddik, Tabligh, Amanah, Fathanah owned by the
prophet. Prophet Muhammad was a strong businessman, been a businessman
for 20 years and never lied even in his business journey. His career started at a
young age, in this case the prophet is used to facing various tough problems,
likes to rely on people who do justice and truth and most importantly is a
strong businessman who is someone who starts his business at a young age.
15. Suggestion
16. Reference

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