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The Constitutional Principles of Human Rights in the Public Service MODULE 1

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Question text

The concept of human rights has various meanings according to:

Select one:
to. The continent on which it is located.
b. The territory and its sociocultural level.
c. The level of well-being of the general population.

d. The culture, the historical context and the different currents of thought.
Correct answer, these are some of the elements that shape the concept of human rights


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Question 2

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Document prepared and published by Olympe de Gouges in the 18th century

Select one:
to. Declaration of Independence of the American colonies
b. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789

c. Declaration of Women and Citizens

Correct answer, Olympe de Gouges prepared and published this document as a demand for
recognition of the principle of equality between men and women
d. Suffragette Movement


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Question 3

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The International Bill of Human Rights is made up of

Select one:
to. Optional Protocols
b. The International Pacts
c. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR); the International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as well as its optional protocol; and, the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in addition to its two optional

Correct answer, All these documents make up the so-called International Charter of Human
d. 30 articles, containing civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights


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Question 4

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Human rights have been grouped by categories, namely:

Select one:
to. According to its contents (economic, social, cultural, civil, political and
environmental rights); rights focused on groups of populations in vulnerable situations

(women, people with disabilities, older adults and indigenous people, for example)
Correct answer, these are some categories in which human rights have been grouped
b. According to the generations in which they are classified
c. According to the gender of the population to which they are directed
d. Depending on the economic system in which they arise


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Question 5

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In the case of Mexico, the Constitution of _______ was the first in the world to incorporate
economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR)
Select one:
to. 1912
b. 1810
c. 1857
d. 1917
Correct answer, this was the first Constitution in the world to incorporate economic, social
and cultural rights (ESCR)


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Question 6

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The principles of equality and non-discrimination are contained in article ___________ of

the Mexican Constitution.
Select one:
to. 14 and 16

b. 1st
Correct answer, this constitutional article addresses the principles of equality and non-
c. 4th
d. 27


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Question 7

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One of the most notable aspects of the 1917 Constitution, and what made it a pioneer in the
matter, was:
Select one:
to. Established the equality of men and women before the law
b. Established social rights, such as education, health protection and an adequate

Correct answer, this Constitution was a pioneer in the recognition of social rights
c. Established obligations and duties for all authorities in matters of human rights
d. He built a defense system to avoid caudillismo


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Question 8

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Movement aimed at the recognition of the right to vote for women and the incorporation of
women into political life
Select one:

to. Declaration of Women and Citizens

Incorrect answer, remember that we are referring to a movement aimed at the recognition
of the right to vote for women and the incorporation of women into political life.
b. Feminist movement
c. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
d. Suffragette Movement


Your answer is incorrect.

Question 9

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Human rights can be approached from different dimensions, as it is a _________ process

over time
Select one:
to. Definitive
b. Initial
c. Built

d. In construction
Correct answer, human rights are a process under construction, because they are addressed
from social, historical, political and cultural dimensions that change over time


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Question 10

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What does the principle of universality of human rights consist of?

Select one:
to. How they govern the entire planet

b. What are of and for all people?

Correct answer, this is how we describe universality in terms of human rights
c. That do not depend on the territory where they are applied
d. How they apply to the representative universe of individuals


Your answer is correct.

Thursday, January 30, 2020, 4:20
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Finished in Thursday, January 30, 2020, 16:25
Time spent 5 minutes 2 seconds
Qualification 9.00 out of a total of 10.00 ( 90 %)
Question 1
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Question text

The concept of human rights has various meanings according to:

Select one:
to. The continent on which it is located.
b. The territory and its sociocultural level.
c. The level of well-being of the general population.

d. The culture, the historical context and the different currents of thought.
Correct answer, these are some of the elements that shape the concept of human rights

Your answer is correct.

Question 2

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Question text

Document prepared and published by Olympe de Gouges in the 18th century

Select one:
to. Declaration of Independence of the American colonies
b. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen of 1789

c. Declaration of Women and Citizens

Correct answer, Olympe de Gouges prepared and published this document as a demand for
recognition of the principle of equality between men and women
d. Suffragette Movement


Your answer is correct.

Question 3

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Question text

The International Bill of Human Rights is made up of

Select one:
to. Optional Protocols
b. The International Pacts
c. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR); the International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, as well as its optional protocol; and, the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in addition to its two optional

Correct answer, All these documents make up the so-called International Charter of Human
d. 30 articles, containing civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights


Your answer is correct.

Question 4

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Question text

Human rights have been grouped by categories, namely:

Select one:
to. According to its contents (economic, social, cultural, civil, political and
environmental rights); rights focused on groups of populations in vulnerable situations

(women, people with disabilities, older adults and indigenous people, for example)
Correct answer, these are some categories in which human rights have been grouped
b. According to the generations in which they are classified
c. According to the gender of the population to which they are directed
d. Depending on the economic system in which they arise


Your answer is correct.

Question 5
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Question text

In the case of Mexico, the Constitution of _______ was the first in the world to incorporate
economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR)
Select one:
to. 1912
b. 1810
c. 1857

d. 1917
Correct answer, this was the first Constitution in the world to incorporate economic, social
and cultural rights (ESCR)


Your answer is correct.

Question 6

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Question text

The principles of equality and non-discrimination are contained in article ___________ of

the Mexican Constitution.
Select one:
to. 14 and 16

b. 1st
Correct answer, this constitutional article addresses the principles of equality and non-
c. 4th
d. 27


Your answer is correct.

Question 7

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Question text

One of the most notable aspects of the 1917 Constitution, and what made it a pioneer in the
matter, was:
Select one:
to. Established the equality of men and women before the law
b. Established social rights, such as education, health protection and an adequate

Correct answer, this Constitution was a pioneer in the recognition of social rights
c. Established obligations and duties for all authorities in matters of human rights
d. He built a defense system to avoid caudillismo


Your answer is correct.

Question 8

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Question text

Movement aimed at the recognition of the right to vote for women and the incorporation of
women into political life
Select one:

to. Declaration of Women and Citizens

Incorrect answer, remember that we are referring to a movement aimed at the recognition
of the right to vote for women and the incorporation of women into political life.
b. Feminist movement
c. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
d. Suffragette Movement


Your answer is incorrect.

Question 9

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Question text

Human rights can be approached from different dimensions, as it is a _________ process

over time
Select one:
to. Definitive
b. Initial
c. Built

d. In construction
Correct answer, human rights are a process under construction, because they are addressed
from social, historical, political and cultural dimensions that change over time


Your answer is correct.

Question 10

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Question text

What does the principle of universality of human rights consist of?

Select one:
to. How they govern the entire planet

b. What are of and for all people?

Correct answer, this is how we describe universality in terms of human rights
c. That do not depend on the territory where they are applied
d. How they apply to the representative universe of individuals


Your answer is correct.

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