A1 - Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells With Micro:nano Texture

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Applied Surface Science 266 (2013) 1–4

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Applied Surface Science

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Crystalline silicon solar cells with micro/nano texture

Dimitre Z. Dimitrov a,∗ , Chen-Hsun Du a,b
Green Energy & Environment Research Labs, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Chutung, Hsinchu, Taiwan
National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Institute of NanoEngineering and MicroSystems, Hsinchu, Taiwan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Crystalline silicon solar cells with two-scale texture consisting of random upright pyramids and surface
Received 26 April 2012 nanotextured layer directly onto the pyramids are prepared and reflectance properties and I–V charac-
Received in revised form 12 October 2012 teristics measured. Random pyramids texture is produced by etching in an alkaline solution. On top of
Accepted 15 October 2012
the pyramids texture, a nanotexture is developed using an electroless oxidation/etching process. Solar
Available online 23 October 2012
cells with two-scale surface texturization are prepared following the standard screen-printing technol-
ogy sequence. The micro/nano surface is found to lower considerably the light reflectance of silicon. The
short wavelengths spectral response (blue response) improvement is observed in micro/nano textured
Crystalline silicon solar cell
solar cells compared to standard upright pyramids textured cells. An efficiency of 17.5% is measured for
Nano structure the best micro/nano textured c-Si solar cell. The efficiency improvement is found to be due to the gain in
Antireflection both Jsc and Voc .
© 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction could be also incorporated on microtextured silicon surfaces (for

example, pyramids etched mono crystalline silicon) to improve
The silicon surfaces functionality increasing is of high impor- even further the solar cell devices functionality [6]. Indeed on
tance for various applications. One particular approach for the micro/nanostructured two scale surfaces a weighted light
implementing multifunctionality is the formation of two-scale reflectance of 3.8% in the 300–1000 nm wavelength was measured
structured surfaces, as for instance micron-scale structured sur- [3]. Electroless stain etching in HF/HNO3 [7] and HF/Fe(NO3 )3 [8]
faces that also possess nanoscale roughness. These surfaces have solutions, as well as electrochemical etching [9,10] was further
superhydrophobic self-cleaning (after an additional surface fluo- employed for formation of nanoporous layer on pyramids pre-
rination), photoluminescence and antireflection properties. There textured wafers. The prepared solar cells using these methods as
are several methods for preparation of two scale micro/nano sur- well as metal-assisted electroless etching however possess rather
face structures, the metal-assisted etching [1] being one of the low conversion efficiency [11].
simplest and effective. Superhydrophobic surface was obtained by In this paper a relatively simple method for producing a hier-
two-scale roughness prepared by this simple silicon etching tech- archical (micro/nano) structure on the crystalline silicon surface is
niques as described in [2]. Micron-scaled pyramid structure was presented. The preparation method is using only electroless wet
obtained by anisotropic KOH etching and nanostructure onto these chemistry processes at room temperature. Solar cells with this
pyramids by metal-assisted etching in HF/H2 O2 aqueous solution. multi-scale surface structure incorporated were prepared, by using
Furthermore [3] the potential application of these two-scale rough the standard screen-printing process, and their performance mea-
surfaces formed by the metal-assisted etching of micron-sizes sured.
pyramid texture in antireflection and light-trapping properties
was highlighted. Silicon solar cells texturization is important 2. Experimental
for the reflection losses reduction, increased light absorption as
well as for an overall conversion efficiency improvement. More- The p-type CZ c-Si (1 0 0) wafers with thickness of 180–240 ␮m
over, surface texture with nano-dimensions [4,5] is proven to be and resistivity 3–6  cm were fabricated to solar cells using the
effective for broadband reflection suppression. The nanotextures processing sequence shown in Fig. 1. A texturization with micron-
sized random pyramids was performed in KOH-IPA solution at a
temperature 80 ◦ C for 45 min. The textured wafers were cleaned in
∗ Corresponding author at: Green Energy & Environment Research Labs, Industrial
HCl:H2 O2 :H2 O (HPM) mixture at 80 ◦ C for 10 min and then wafer
Technology Research Institute (ITRI), 195 Sect. 4, Chung Hsing Rd., Bldg. 51, R.1144,
surfaces H-terminated in diluted HF. The nanotexture onto the ran-
Chutung, Hsinchu, Taiwan. Tel.: +886 3 5915987; fax: +886 3 5822157. dom pyramids was formed by two-step process consisting of an
E-mail address: dzd1955@gmail.com (D.Z. Dimitrov). electroless treatment in an acidic aqueous solution of Na2 S2 O8 and

0169-4332/$ – see front matter © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V.

2 D.Z. Dimitrov, C.-H. Du / Applied Surface Science 266 (2013) 1–4

diffusion and phosphor-silicate glass (PSG) removal in diluted HF

Damage-etched c-Si was measured to be approximately 80 /sq. After PECVD deposi-
tion of a SiNx passivation and anti-reflection layer on the front side
Random pyramids texturization of the wafers, silver pattern contact and aluminum back surface
field were formed by using screen-printing and co-firing in a belt
IR furnace. The total reflectance of the texturized wafers and the
Nanotexturization solar cells was measured with a Hitachi U-3010 spectrophotome-
ter equipped with an integrating sphere, in the wavelength range
POCl3 diffusion 300–900 nm. The wafers surface morphology was studied by using
scanning electron microscopy (SEM) technique. For SEM (JEOL JSM-
6500F) measurements square pieces of size 20 mm × 20 mm were
PSG etching prepared using laser cutting. The finished solar cells performance
was analyzed by reflectance, quantum efficiency and I–V measure-
PECVD SiNx AR coating ments. The solar cells current-voltage (I–V) parameters assessment
was performed at 25 ◦ C under AM 1.5 G solar spectrum using a solar
simulator Wacom WXS-220S-L2 with power density of 1000 W/m2 .
Contacts screen printing
3. Results and discussion
Contacts co-firing
3.1. Surface structures
Laser edge isolation
Micron-sized surface pyramids were formed by anisotropic
etching of silicon wafers with (1 0 0) orientation in an aqueous
Fig. 1. Processing sequence for the preparation of crystalline silicon solar cells with KOH-IPA solution. The treatment in Na2 S2 O8 activated by AgNO3
micro/nano surface texturing.
electroless solution and following 2 min etching in HF/H2 O2 /H2 O
resulted in production of a nanostructure directly onto the pyra-
AgNO3 (pH < 3) for 6 min followed by an etching in an aqueous solu- mids covered silicon surface. The hierarchical (nanotexture on
tion of HF and H2 O2 for 2 min. Both treatments were performed at microtexture) structure prepared in the above described tech-
room temperature on 125 cm × 125 cm pseudo square wafers. The niques is shown in Fig. 2 as plan-view as well as cross-sectional
electroless solution preparation details are described in [12]. The SEM images. The pyramids surface is covered uniformly with
average sheet resistance after the phosphorous oxychloride (POCl3 ) fine nanoporous layer. The pores lateral dimensions are less than

Fig. 2. (a and b) Plan-view SEM images with different magnification of Si pyramid surfaces covered with nano-texture, (c) nano-texture on pyramid surface (high magni-
fication), (d) cross-sectional SEM image, of the multi-scale surface texture. The inset in (b) shows higher magnification (100,000×) image of the nano-texture (scale bar –
100 nm).
D.Z. Dimitrov, C.-H. Du / Applied Surface Science 266 (2013) 1–4 3

c-Si, pyramids (macrotexture)
50 c-Si (after nanotexturization)

Reflection (%)

E Q E (%)
60 c-Si/pyramids


0 20
300 400 500 600 700 800 900
200 400 600 800 1000 1200
wavelength (nm)
wavelength (nm)
Fig. 3. Light reflection of silicon surfaces with pyramids texture and pyramids/nano
two-scale texture. Fig. 5. External quantum efficiency spectra of solar cells with random pyramids
texture and pyramids/nanotexture.

100 nm, with a dept less than 200 nm. Surface micro/nano com-
stability. Mechanical testing [13] also revealed good resistance of
bined two-scale structures attracted increasing interest due to
such kind of surfaces.
the various potential applications. On silicon these structures
Fig. 5 presents the measured external quantum efficiency
possess multi-functionality with super hydrophobic and antireflec-
(EQE) of solar cells with random pyramids texture and pyra-
tive properties suitable for improving the reliability and conversion
mids/nanotexture. The estimated internal quantum efficiency
efficiency of the solar cells.
(IQE), and reflectance of solar cells with random pyramids texture
and pyramids/nanotexture are compared in Fig. 6. The IQE spec-
3.2. Surface reflectance and quantum efficiencies tra show improved blue response (wavelength range 300–450 nm)
of the pyramids/nanotexture textured solar cell, suggesting that
The surface reflectance of silicon wafers with random upright passivation properties are not disturbed by the presence of the
pyramids texture and nano/micro textured as well as the nanostructured surface layer.
reflectance evolution of solar cells textured with hierarchical
texture (nanotexture on macro/pyramids texture) after the consec- 3.3. I–V measurements on solar cells
utive preparation steps according to the standard screen-printing
preparation process for solar cells are shown in Figs. 3 and 4 respec- The I–V parameters measured on solar cells with hierarchi-
tively. Over the measured interval (300–900 nm) of wavelengths cal texturing as well as cells with conventional random upright
the reflectance of two-scale pyramids/nanotexure surface is below pyramids texture for comparison are presented in Table 1. The
3% – significantly lower than the reflectance of the random pyra-
mids textured surface. The reflectance of the two-scale textured
solar cells is lower especially at shorter wavelengths. The sup- 100
pressed reflectance implies that the absorption of the sunlight will
I Q E, Reflectance (%)

be improved. The optimized reflectance of the cells with hierarchi-

cal texture combined with the self-cleaning capability single out
this approach as very attractive for solar cells with enhanced func-
tionality. The solar cell reflectance is changed a little during the 60 sc-Si/pyramids
high-temperature processing suggesting the nano/micro texture sc-Si/pyramids/nanotexture

c-Si/pyramids textured 20
50 nanotextured c-Si/pyramids
after emitter formation
Reflection (%)

40 after SiNx ARC deposition 0

300 400 500 600 700 800 900

30 wavelength (nm)

Fig. 6. Internal quantum efficiency and reflectance of solar cells with random pyra-
20 mids texture and pyramids/nanotexture.

10 Table 1
I–V parameters of pyramids textured and two-scale textured c-Si cells.

0 Cell type Voc (mV) Jsc (mA/cm2 ) FF (%)  (%)

300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Reference average 615 33.9 77.9 16.3
wavelength (nm)
Reference best 615 33.9 79.9 16.7
Micro/nano texture average 622 35.6 77.0 17.1
Fig. 4. Light reflection evolution after different stages of solar cell device prepara-
Micro/nano texture best 623 35.5 79.3 17.5
4 D.Z. Dimitrov, C.-H. Du / Applied Surface Science 266 (2013) 1–4

Fig. 7. Plan-view SEM images of nanotexture on pyramids textured c-Si (a) and (b and c) inverted pyramids formation after KOH etch-back for different time. Etch-back time
of (c) was 2 times longer than (b). Scale bars – 1 ␮m.

conventional cells were prepared with a 55 /sq emitter, which is improved short wavelength spectral response and enhanced solar
typical for solar cells with diffused junction. The open circuit volt- cells efficiency. The results confirm the feasibility of two-scale sur-
age (Voc ) and the short circuit current (Jsc ) are both improved in face texture for further incorporation in high-efficiency crystalline
the solar cells with hierarchical surface texture. The nanoporous silicon solar cells.
structure with relatively shallow pore depth and the emitter with
reduced doping (80 /sq compared to 55 /sq) lead to improved Acknowledgements
blue-response and the gain in Jsc and Voc in the two-scale textured
cells. On the best cell an efficiency of 17.5% was measured proofing The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support
the feasibility of the two-scale structure approach for incorporation from the Bureau of Energy of Ministry of Economics, Taiwan.
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