NZ - Work Visa - Granted - Rasel Howladar

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Dear Mr,
Rasel Howladar
Madaripur, Bangladesh

Grant Letter of Electronic Travel Authorization for New Zealand

Status: Issued
Passport Number : A08118777
Visa Number : E4791720
Visa issue Date : 30 JULY 2023
Visa Valid Till : 30 JULY 2025
You are now authorised to pass through all international airports in New Zealand as a listed
international passenger. When you travel to New Zealand, you will need to bring the passport you
used to apply for visa, as the visa is electronically linked to it.
New Zealand border services agency and Airline check in staff will have electronic access to find out
your visa online status. You can check your online status Go to
get your visa status,
Any opinions expressed in the message are not necessarily those of the ministry of Business,
Innovation and Employment. This message and any transmitted file with it are confidential and
solely for the use of the intended recipient. \l you are not intended recipient or the person
responsible for delivery to the intended recipient, be advised that you have received this message in
error and that any use is strictly prohibited. Please contact the sender and delete the message and
any attachments from your computer.

Thank you

Immigration New Zealand

*Note : This paper Authorised by immigration New Zealand and valid till the end of visa
expire date

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