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Mutually Exclusive and Collectively exhaustive (MECE)

Core Qs-Company (5Cs-Company,Customer, Collaborators, Competition ,Climate)

Strategy (BCG/Porter) Product-BCG Matrix/PLC/3 horizons FW
 Market share Product mix?
 Why to enter/do?  Life cycle-Threat of substitutes
 Current and future Positioning  Cost/margins? Profitability?
philosophy- Cost  Product differentiations? (PoD/PoP)
leader/Differentiator`  Market share?
Finances  Cannibalization between products?
Profits for the last three years? Price
 What are the major revenue  Pricing strategy
streams, and what percentage of Promotion
the total revenue does each stream  Brand? Market leader?
represent? Place
 What are the major costs? Do any  Distribution channels?
seem out of line? Production capabilities/capacity?
Customers based on Product  Inhouse/Outsource/ Bottlenecks,
 Customer segmentation(s)? TQM
 Characteristics?  Relationship w.r.t to suppliers? Vs
 Changing needs? PLC
WCS (What constitutes success?)
 Which metric to use?

Core Qs-Market: (5Cs-Company,Customer, Collaborators, Competition ,Climate)

Industry PESTEL Analysis (Non-market)Risks
 Where is it in its lifecycle?  Barriers to entry/exit?
(Emerging? Mature? Declining?)  Political-Stable/volatile
 Market size, growth rate, and  Economic-EDB, IR, Tariff, Exchange
trends? (industrial Attractiveness) rate, Literacy, UER, systematic risk,
 Industry drivers?  Social-Culture
 Margins? BPB?  Technological-innovation, tech
 Products and Customer  Environmental-PCB, NGT, activism
segmentation  Legal- contract enforcement, IPR
 Industry changes? (M&A? New SCM
players? Change in technology? New  Sourcing and Distribution channels
regulations?) and alignment with the customer
Competitors  Bargaining power of Suppliers
 Major players and market share?  Bargaining power of buyers
 Competitive rivalry-HHI Score

 Who are our collaborators?
Profit and Loss Question
Economy/Environment P = R- C Market / Industry
 GDP and its Growth rate  Who are they? Same as above
 Inflation  What do they do?  Industry
 Unemployment rate  What are their products?  Competitors
 Disposable income • Market leader?  Customers
 Consumer confidence  Size in terms of revenues  Collaborators
 Saving and spendings and profits, public or  SCM
 Interest rates and private? (Ask for 3 years.)  PESTEL Analysis (Non-
Financial markets • Products or services? market)Risks
 The dollar’s strength in • Product mix?
the currency market • Revenue mix and trends?
 Raw material and • Customer segmentation?
Commodity prices  WCS? (What constitutes
 Energy prices incl. MS success?)
 Freight rates  Revenue = Quantity x
 Exports and Imports Price (Price elasticity of
 Environmental causes- demand)
CC/Monsoon etc  Costs = (Quantity x
Variable Costs) + Fixed
Costs (bench mark?)
ST and LT solutions to raise profits
1. Revenue-based strategies
 Customers PLC Check and 3 horizons FW/ Ansoff matrix
 GTM -Pricing, Channel, and Positioning Check and Brand Loyalty
2. Cost-based strategies
 Production-RM/WIP/FG/OM/SCM
 Labor
 Finance-Refinance debt, hedge and Selling assets
Entering a New Market
Introduction Step 3: Assessing Market Entry
 "Why does the company want to  Evaluate competitors and their
enter this market?" market share.
Step 1: Company Analysis  Compare your products with
 financial performance over the last competitors and formulate pricing
three years strategies.
 product mix and its potential impact  availability of substitutions and any
on existing products. potential exit barriers.
 customer segmentation and the  Analyze risks associated with market
feasibility of using current entry, such as regulatory changes.
 distribution channels and sales Step 4: Market Entry Strategies
force. Consider four major market entry
 Production considerations-location strategies:
and workforce requirements. 1. organic growth,
 Strength of the company's brand 2. acquisition,
and its market leadership status. 3. joint ventures/strategic alliances,
 Define the criteria for success. and
Step 2: Market Analysis 4. outsourcing.
 The size & GR of the current market Perform a cost-benefit analysis for each
 Industry's life cycle stage strategy to determine their pros and cons.
 Segment the customer base Recommendation
 The role of technology industry.  Clearly state the recommendation:
 Competitive landscape -product "Yes” or "No”
differentiation.  Provide reasons for the
 Pricing strategies and the Threat of recommendation.
substitutes  If recommending not to enter,
 Barriers to entry suggest alternative plans and
 Exit barriers and risk factors emphasize how you can assist
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS-decisions are driven by the goal of increasing shareholder
value and the compatibility of organizational cultures.
1. Private Equity Buyers 3. Reasons to Purchase
 Why does the private equity firm  Expanding market access, boosting
want to acquire the target the brand, and increasing market
company? share.
 What else is in their portfolio, and  Diversifying the company's holdings.
how does this acquisition fit into  Preventing competitors from
their broader strategy? acquiring the target.
 What are their intentions with the  Target company as a strategic
target company (hold, sell, or break threat.
apart)?  Gaining access to management
 Recognize the potential synergies talent.
within the private equity portfolio  Obtaining patents, licenses, or
that might be overlooked. products.
2. Strategic Acquisitions  Realizing synergies, cost savings,
 In cases where one company is cultural integration, expanding
acquiring another, consider not only distribution channels, and enlarging
the "why" but also the broader the customer base.
context:  Gaining tax advantages.
 Why is the acquisition taking place?  Increasing shareholder value.
 What other products or services 4. Due Diligence
does the acquiring company offer?  The target company's financial
 the synergies that will result from health, management, product
the acquisition to ensure it aligns offerings, profitability, and brand
with the company's business value.
objectives.  The target's stand-alone value and
growth trajectory.
 Market stability, customer
relationships, and supplier security.
 Margin structures (high volume, low
margin, or low volume/high
 Industry performance and the
target's position within the industry.
 Competitors' responses.
 Legal issues that may affect the
 Potential technology-related risks.
 The acquisition cost and ensure it
aligns with value.
 Confirm that the buyer has sufficient
financial resources or access to
capital markets to fund the
Pricing Strategy
Introduction Competitive Analysis
 pricing strategy - the company's  Assess the competitive landscape
objectives, product positioning, and and how Company’s product
market dynamics. compares to rival products.
Step 1: Investigate the Company  Gather information on competitor
 company's size & role invmarket. pricing, costs, and the presence of
 pricing objective: Is the primary goal substitutes.
to maximize profits, gain market  Predict competitive responses to
share, or establish brand different pricing strategies.
positioning? Cost-Based Pricing
 whether the company sets prices  Calculate all costs associated with
independently or reacts to market producing the tablet and add a
conditions and competitors. profit margin.
Step 2: Investigate the Product  Determine the breakeven point,
 Compare Company product with which is essential for cost control.
similar products in the market.  Note that cost-based pricing might
 Evaluate where the tablet is in its need adjustments if market
product life cycle (e.g., introduction, conditions change.
growth, maturity, decline). Price-Based Costing
 The presence of substitutes or  Understand what customers are
alternatives. willing to pay for the tablet.
 Any supply-and-demand dynamics  Assess the tablet's perceived value
that might affect pricing. to buyers.
Step 3: Determine a Pricing Strategy  profit margins specific to the
 Explore three primary pricing industry.
strategies:  Compare the product's value to
 competitive analysis, other products or services in
 cost-based pricing, and customers' lives.
 price-based costing.  Partition pricing, which involves
charging separately for specific
features or services, can complicate
pricing strategies.
 Consider industry norms and
customer expectations when
deciding whether to bundle or
separate costs.
Growth strategies
 When focusing on sales growth, the 4.,Invest in Marketing:
primary goal is not necessarily profit  Launch effective marketing
maximization; it's about increasing campaigns to raise awareness of the
volume or revenue. K6 double-prong lightning rod, its
Step 1: Learn about the Company benefits, and BBB Electronics as a
 Understand BBB Electronics' current reliable distributor.
size, available resources, and 5.Consider Acquisitions:
product offerings.  Evaluate acquiring competitors in
 Identify the company's objectives the industry, especially if the goal is
and any past trends in sales growth. to increase market share.
Step 2: Investigate the Industry 6.Price Adjustments:
 Analyze the lightning rod  Modify pricing strategies based on
distribution industry and how it's customer price sensitivity. Lower
evolving. prices to boost sales volume, and
 Compare BBB Electronics' growth to consider raising prices to enhance
industry trends and assess pricing profit margins.
competitiveness. 7.Create Seasonal Balances:
Strategies to Increase Volume/Revenues:  Implement seasonal strategies to
1.Expand Distribution Channels: sell products year-round. For
 Broaden the number of distribution example, diversify the product line
channels to reach a larger customer to match seasonal demand or
base. promote different product features
2.Diversify Product Line: in various seasons.
 Introduce complementary products 8.Explore Niche Markets:
or services that won't cannibalize  Investigate emerging industries with
existing sales. high barriers to entry. BBB
3.Identify High-Potential Segments: Electronics can carve a niche in such
 Analyze business segments with the markets, enjoying less competition
highest future growth potential and and higher visibility.
profit margins. Focus resources on
these areas.

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