Corporate Object Advertising Company

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Consulting and design of professional image and corporate identity, style, etiquette, verbal and non-verbal
corporate communication, covering the different areas that make up an integral image.
2.- The solution of problems in the field of industry, commerce and all cultural activities, audiovisual
communication, graphic arts, advertising, marketing or product management, through the design process.
3.- The professional practice of designing and projecting functional objects, ergonomic tools, furniture, useful
accessories, clothing, physical or virtual spaces, webs, multimedia, information, signs, signs, non-verbal
messages, symbols and systems, graphic elements and images, classifying typologies, creating and modifying
typographies, designing products and their containers, packaging, labels, packaging.s, non-verbal messages,
signs, symbols and systems, graphic elements and images, classifying typologies, creating and modifying
typographies, designing products and their containers, packaging, labels, containers.
4.- Training, conferences and seminars on professional image and corporate identity.
Design workshop focused on the research and development of new products, as well as the elaboration,
commercialization and, if necessary, export of various products of our own manufacture.
6.- The provision, import, commercialization of products and services of advertising, marketing, image design,
audiovisual production, digital printing and other media.
Editing and publishing reference books, magazines, pamphlets, brochures, newsletters, newspapers, creating
Internet pages, producing television and radio programs, as well as carrying out advertising campaigns.
8.- To design systems and products that involve analysis, diagnosis and solutions of ergonomic, technological
and environmental aspects, as well as to design and develop products synchronized with industrial availability.
The administration, promotion, design and implementation of advertising campaigns for the launching of new
products and services in the national and international markets;
Coordination and administration;
The purchase and sale of promotional items, as well as the sale and rental of panels, counters and all types of
modules for the exhibition of products, catalogs and advertising accessories;
12.- Purchase, sale and rental of all types of real estate and personal property;
13.- The manufacture, production, machining, acquisition, storage and importation, as the case may be, of all
kinds of goods for subsequent sale, export, supply, storage, distribution, representation and commercialization,
for its own account or for the account of others, of products related to industry, energy, vehicles, automobiles,
etc.13. The manufacture, production, machining, acquisition, storage and importation, as the case may be, of
all kinds of goods for subsequent sale, export, supply, storage, distribution, representation and marketing, for
its own account or for the account of others, of products related to industry, energy, vehicles, home and office,
among others.The company may carry out all kinds of acts of commerce, being able to buy, sell, import,
export, export and commercialize all kinds of goods subject to commerce, among others, as well as raw
materials, processed or semi-elaborated products and other annexed, related or similar or diverse articles,
provided that they are necessary for the immediate or future realization of the corporate purpose, for which
reason it may carry out all kinds of acts of commerce, being able to buy, sell, import, export and commercialize
all kinds of goods subject to commerce.
The purchase and sale, commercialization, design, development and implementation of internet pages, or any
e-commerce software; as well as training in the same.
The realization of all types of designs, industrial process and development of all types of products, as well as
any known and unknown material,
The processing, obtaining, purchase, sale and/or exploitation of patents, inventions, trademarks or trade
names, copyrights, preferences, improvements and others related to the corporate objects.
17.- The provision of party services, banquets for events of all kinds, such as conferences, seminars, parties,
round tables, and others, anywhere in the Republic or abroad, as well as the assistance of all kinds of services
related to the above,
To provide service of models, hostesses, entertainers and professional botargas, for events such as
congresses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, conventions of all levels,
19.- Hiring and representation of artists,
Promotion and diffusion, by means of media management and professional image of all kinds of products for
sale to the general public, as well as all kinds of events,
21.- Hiring, training and provision of the necessary human resources for the purposes of the Company.
To elaborate plans and programs of training and qualification, according to the diverse areas of specialty and
in terms of the applicable local and federal laws. For this purpose, it may give courses, seminars or talks for
the fulfillment of this purpose,
23.- The rendering of professional, specialized or non-specialized services of promoters, hostesses, models,
hostesses, entertainers, waiters, ballet parking, chauffeurs, kitchen personnel, cleaning or catering personnel,
drivers and event assistants, security personnel, receptionists, dance instructors, light and sound technicians,
stage technicians, designers, photographers, chefs, pastry chefs, helpers and assistants in various areas,
garroteros, bartenders, barmen, dishwashers, clowns, magicians, clowns, pastry chefs, helpers and assistants
in various areas, garroteros, bartenders, barmen, clowns, magicians, and other professionals.We also provide
stage installation technicians, designers, photographers, chefs, pastry chefs, assistants and assistants in
different areas, garroteros, bartenders, barmen, dishwashers, clowns, magicians, artists of any kind, actors,
singers and other personnel necessary for the needs of our clients.---------------------------------
24.- The rendering of modeling services, fashion shows, advertising, radio and television promotions,
animation, distribution of advertising, brochures and circulars, artistic, theatrical, musical, product advertising
services of any kind, hostesses, escorts and other services related to the various social, cultural, festive,
advertising, political, sports and other events.The provision of modeling, fashion shows, advertising, radio and
television promotions, animation, distribution of publicity, brochures and circulars, artistic, theatrical, musical,
advertising services for products of any kind, hostesses, escorts and other services related to various social,
cultural, festive, advertising, political, sporting, educational and other events.
The provision of advice, organization, coordination, supervision, logistics, decoration, setting, execution and
operation of social, cultural, festive, advertising, political, sporting, educational and other events where the
application of our services is necessary.
26.- The purchase, sale, rental, distribution, storage, storage, assembly, import, export, commercialization,
transformation, transportation, manufacture, acquisition, production and maintenance of stands, event rooms,
warehouses, gardens, land, premises and other spaces useful for the diversity of events.
The rendering of professional services dedicated to radio spots, commercials of any kind, such as television or
radio spots, advertising in magazines, brochures and circulars, photography, video clips, and other advertising
28.- The purchase, sale, rental, distribution, import, export, commercialization, acquisition, and maintenance of
floral arrangements, glassware, chinaware, ceramics, table linens, tables, chairs, all types of furniture, lighting
equipment, advertising clothing, advertising items, promotional vehicles, transportation vehicles, and cargo
vehicles to comply with the corporate purpose.The purchase and sale of floral arrangements, glassware, tiles,
ceramics, table linens, tables, chairs, all types of furniture, lighting equipment, advertising clothing, advertising
items, promotional vehicles, transportation vehicles and cargo vehicles to comply with the purpose of the
The purchase, sale and lease of machinery and equipment for social, cultural, festive, advertising, political,
sporting, educational and other events.
30.- The purchase and sale and lease of all types of real estate.
31.- The preparation of any project and study aimed at advertising and promotion of events and articles of any
kind, in the broadest sense of the word.
Planning, administration, control and supervision of social, cultural, festive, advertising, political, sporting,
educational and other events, as well as any type of promotions and advertising.
33.- The rendering of specialized or non-specialized professional services related to cultural workshops,
diploma courses, courses, seminars, classes, research, educational manuals, reengineering and studies
related to modeling, animation, realization and production of events, conduction of events, advertising and
promotion of products or services.
34.- Supply, training, coaching, supervision and administration of personnel involved in the disciplines
mentioned in the preceding paragraphs or for the fulfillment of this object.
35.- Services of agents, commission agents, representatives, intermediaries or distributors of goods and
36.- The purchase and sale, lease and sublease of all kinds of real estate necessary for the realization and
development of the main object of the company.
37.- Purchase and sale, manufacture, commission, mediation, consignment, import, export and transportation
of all kinds of paper for any use, as well as artifacts, tools and machines used to carry out social, cultural,
festive, advertising, political, sporting, educational and other events.
38.- To carry out, organize, coordinate, supervise and contract everything related to banquets, light and sound,
concerts, artistic and political tours, lighting and special effects in different events, artistic, cultural, sports,
advertising, educational and other shows.

To participate as promoter, investor or partner in all kinds of companies and associations of a mercantile or
civil nature.
41.- Subject to the legal and regulatory provisions applicable in each case, the acquisition, alienation,
issuance, endorsement, acceptance, assignment, subscription, drafting, discount and investment by any legal
title, of all kinds of shares, corporate shares, securities and debt securities in general, being able to carry out
any such legal acts through the stock exchange or outside them.The Company may, by any legal title, acquire,
dispose of, issue, endorse, accept, assign, subscribe, draft, discount and invest all kinds of shares, corporate
shares, securities and debt securities in general, and may carry out any of these legal acts through the stock
exchange or outside the stock exchange.
The contracting, underwriting, obtaining and granting by any legal title, of all kinds of credits, loans and
To acquire, dispose of, administer, lease, encumber and in general deal with all kinds of movable and
immovable property that may be necessary, consequent or convenient for the fulfillment of the corporate
purposes. ---The celebration of trusts.
To be the holder, owner, licensor, licensee, licensee, concessionaire, franchisee, franchiser or franchisor of all
kinds of concessions, permits, authorizations, franchises, patents, trademarks, trade names, copyrights,
subsidies and incentives of any nature that directly or indirectly relate to any of the corporate purposes.
To be an agent, principal, mandatary, mediator, promoter, concessionaire and representative of all kinds of
industrial, commercial and service companies, preferably related to the business and commercial activities
referred to in paragraphs one and two of this clause.
The rendering, receiving or contracting of all kinds of advisory, consulting, supervision, technical, operating
and administrative services that are directly or indirectly related to any of the corporate purposes.
48.- The purchase, sale, lease and sublease of all kinds of real estate and personal property.
49.- The hiring of personnel for the development of the corporate purpose.
In general, to carry out and celebrate any other related, accessory, incidental or habitual acts related to any of
the aforementioned corporate objects.

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