Workshop 1)

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Week 5


Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

Week 5

Once the comprehensive reading of Units I and II of the study material has
been completed, it is essential to carry out this workshop, the objective of which is
to measure the correct internalization and application of the concepts addressed in
the aforementioned units.

The development of this work is individual; workshop deliveries in

pairs or groups will not be allowed.

Specific instructions

Suppose you have been asked to prepare the project for an Opinion Study by
means of a Survey, oriented to study a topic of your choice.

Before we begin:

Review the contents of the module, which are applicable to carry out the Study

In addition, it is recommended to review the archives of the recent Chile 3D Study -

2018 report, prepared by GFK:


Chile 3D_Consumer_online_2018

Chile 3D_Lifestyles_2018

Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

Week 5


1.- Choose one of the following topics:

- Habits,
- Preferences,
- Likes,
- Attitudes,
- Lifestyles,
- Membership groups or segments,
- Purchasing habits,
- E-commerce shopping habits,
- Other behaviors and/or preferences

2.- Prepare the opinion survey project, developing the following points:

2.1 ) Specify the Topic to be investigated

2.2) Express the desired results

Develop in minimum 50 and maximum 150 words

2.3)Determine the segmentation of people to whom the study will be


Develop in minimum 30 and maximum 150 words

2.4)Determine the Research Instrument to be used.

Justify in a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 200 words.

2.5)Complete the Questionnaire to be applied.

Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

Week 5

Develop in minimum 100 and maximum 500 words

This activity will be evaluated by the professor of the course, so it is
suggested, for its realization, to consider the Evaluation Criteria
detailed at the end of this document.

The total score for this workshop is 100 points, and the minimum
passing score is 60 points.


Evaluation Criteria Score

Punctuality in the delivery of work 10
Writing and spelling 10
Specification of the Topic to be Investigated 15

Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

Week 5
Definition of results sought 15
Determination of segmentation of people to whom the study will be
applied 15
Research Instrument to be used 10
Questionnaire to be applied 25
Total score 100


 Format: Word file with the following name: YourFirstName_YourLastName

 Typeface: Arial 12
 Spacing: 1.15
 Upload the file to the platform

Tecnológico Nacional Iplacex

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