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Panorama of the new testament and geography.


Pastor Ana María de Gochez


Always new book quizzes.



San Salvador, 8 January 2020



True or false? Read each statement carefully. If what is stated is true, put a C after the
corresponding number; if false, put an F.

1 Gabriela Mistral held the Bible in high esteem. 1 C___

2 All the authors of the Bible had little literary training. 2___F___
3 The Bible was written in three languages. 3___C__
4 The formation of the Bible took five hundred and fifty years. 4___F___
5 The Bible sold more at the beginning of the 20th century than it does
now. 5___F___
6 John Gutenberg was the first to use movable characters in a printing
press. 6C___
7 The ingenious gentleman Don Quixote de la Mancha was the first book
reproduced on a printing press with movable type. 7___F___
8 The complete Bible has been translated into more than a thousand
languages. 8 __C___
9 The fundamental needs of man are the same today as they were two
thousand years ago. 9 __C___
1 Today we have more manuscripts of the Bible than any other ancient 10__C___
0 book. _
The first persecutor of the Scriptures was Antiochus Epiphanes.
1 11__F____
1 The Hebrews preserved writings that give evidence that the man they 12__C___
2 despised so much is their true king. _
3 Today everyone accepts the fact that the Bible contains myths. 13__F____


1. Make a list of the benefits you enjoy as a result of the work of Bible Societies.

a) It facilitates the circulation of the Bible nationally and internationally.

b) Facilitates the circulation of support material for Bible schools and Bible Institutes.
c) Facilitates the circulation of material for personal evangelism.

2. What work of Bible Societies draws your attention the most? R. That of translating the
scriptures into different languages so that it can be accessible to more people in different parts
of the world.

3. What special program did your church present last upcoming Bible Day? R.

4. How much was collected in your church's Bible Day offering for Bible Societies? R. Every
Sunday a missionary offering is collected.

5. How many people has the church in your country contributed to the ministry of distributing
the Bible? R. Several through missions.



Alternate answer. Underline the word or phrase that best completes each expression.
Example: The disciples asked the Lord to teach them to (pray, sin).

1. The Bible can be called a collection of books as well as (an encyclopedia, a single book ).

2. The harmony of the books of the Bible is seen in the fact that they contribute to the
development of great ( themes , volumes).

3. The main theme of the Bible is (love, Jesus Christ ).

4. It is seen that the Bible is a single book in which many authors quote (their predecessors,
Christ ).

5. The authors of the Bible achieved such a special unity of the Bible by (a prior agreement,
the direction of the divine mind ).

6. The Bible must be a supernaturally inspired work since it presents God as (powerful, one ).

7. Christ is the only one who founded a religion and (was defeated by his enemies,
resurrected eternally ).

8. One can be sure that the mere possession of a copy of the Bible (will provide miraculous
protection against evil, will be worthless without reading it with faith ).
9. Christ argued about the best interpretations of the Scriptures with Satan in order to ( be able
to defeat him in the midst of temptation , show him how much he had learned).

10. All non-Christian religions teach that man achieves salvation through ( his own efforts ,
the pure grace of God).

11. The Talmud contains commentaries of teachers (Hindu, Hebrew ).

12. Scientists today present (plausible evidence, supposed ideas ) to explain the origin of the


1. What experience have you had that illustrates how difficult it is for a group of people to
produce a work that has unity? R When doing group tasks at university, it is difficult to agree.

2. Why would it be difficult for a novelist to create a protagonist with all the characteristics of
Jesus Christ? R Because of the immense amount of prophecies that hundreds of Christ and
should occur in the novel.

3. What psychological value is found in the idea, strange to many religions, that God actively
helps man in his daily life? R. To have the support of God in the different activities that the
Christian carries out.

4. Choose one of the primary teachings of the Bible and show how it more satisfactorily
answers the questions of modern man than any philosophy or religion today. R Death, the
Bible teaches deeply about it.



Selection of options. Read the first part of the sentence and the five different endings. Choose
the one that best completes the idea. In some cases more than one could work, but you should
select the best one, even if none of the five options completely satisfy you.

Underline it and write the corresponding letter in the space to the left of the number.

___C___ 1. The veracity of the story narrated in the Bible...

TO. It has been discredited by the discoveries of archaeology.
b. It has not been proven by the discoveries of archaeology.
c. It has been confirmed by the discoveries of archaeology.
d. It has been confirmed with some archeological discoveries, but with others it
has been questioned.
AND. It has nothing to do with the discoveries of archaeology.
___AND_ 2. The idea that writing was practiced in the time of Moses...
A. is nullified by strong evidence to the contrary
B. has been proven, since otherwise Moses could not have written the
c. It is proven with a document from the Incas that was written a thousand years
d. has little to do with establishing the truthfulness of Scripture.
E. It is established with the discovery of documents made in three
different cultures prior to Moses.
___TO__ 3. Many conflicts between science and the Bible have arisen because of. . .
TO. the acceptance of some hypothesis as if it were a proven principle.

b. the fact that many evangelicals study too much.

c. the fact that many scientists have studied the Bible too much.
d. the fact that Satan is on the side of science.
AND. the acceptance by Bible students of the possibility that science is the
___C___ 4. One reason why it would be impossible to grant more authority to science
than to the Bible is the fact that...
TO. science is more modern.
b. to do so would be too painful for the believer.
c. Science has changed many of its concepts, but the Bible remains the
d. The Bible talks more about God than science.
AND. The churches would lose prestige by granting more authority to science.
___C___ 5. The idea that the earth is millions of years old...
TO. It is totally false, because the Bible says otherwise.
b. It is absolutely true since the Bible affirms it.
c. It is a hypothesis for the study.
d. It is proof that the Bible is not always true.
AND. It should not worry the true believer.
___B___ 6. The case of the Piltdown man. . .
TO. points out the lack of honesty on the part of paleontologists for not
confessing to fraud.
b. points out the difficulty of accurately establishing the age of a fossil
c. completely proves the falsity of paleontology.
d. It does not point out anything, since it was a fraud.
AND. marks the link between the monkey and the first true man.
___AND_ 7. To refer to natural phenomena, the Bible uses language.
TO. spiritual.
b. scientist.
c. modern.
d. vulgar.
AND. phenomenal.
___TO__ 8. Today in Spanish-speaking countries the popular language...
TO. It is used to refer to the first minutes of daylight.
b. It is never used.
c. It is used only among the ignorant.
d. It is considered in bad taste.
AND. It would be a sin for an evangelical.
___C___ 9. The animal classification system that the ancient Hebrews used. . .
TO. It is more correct than that used in biology books.
b. it should always be rejected in favor of a modern university.
c. It is as valid in its context as any other.
d. It has many scientific errors.
AND. It is obviously anti-scientific since it includes the moon among the
___D___ 10. The Bible agrees with science regarding...
TO. the way to calculate and measure.
b. the classification of a whale.
c. the need to use phenomenal language.
d. the order of creation.
AND. the period of time in which the creation of the universe took place.
___AND_ 11. The constitution of matter by invisible entities is...
TO. denied in the Bible.
b. affirmed in the Bible.
c. questioned in the Bible.
d. a belief that the Bible prohibits.
AND. denied by modern science.
____AND 12. With what attitude should a theologian consider the unsolved mysteries in
___ some passages of the Bible that have to do with science?
TO. Deny that they exist.
b. Accept without reservation the explanations offered by modern scientists.
c. Blame Satan for his meddling in spiritual problems.
d. Accept their existence, but refuse to study them, since something could be
discovered that would disprove the Bible.
AND. Formulate hypotheses in the hope that future discoveries will shed
more light on the case.
___B___ 13. If a scientist observed something in nature that seems to be contradictory to
the principles established by science.
TO. I would reject nature.
b. He would conclude that he had made a mistake in his interpretation of
the observed phenomenon.
c. I would assume that the phenomenon was a hoax.
d. I would change profession.
AND. He would criticize his colleagues.


1. What attacks on the veracity of the Bible have you observed? R. On behalf of Catholics
when they say that the evangelical Bible is incomplete.

2. Describe the attitude that a believer should maintain when faced with a person who mocks
the Bible. R. Pray for the person and not give it importance,

3. How important will the topic of the truth of the Bible be to the youth of your church?
Because? A, A lot because young people in schools and universities are exposed to having
the word of God questioned.


True or false? Read each statement carefully. If what is stated is true, put a C after the
corresponding number; if it is false, put an F.

1 All the prophetic books of the Old Testament were translated into Greek
before 250 BC. 1 ___C___
2 The punishment Jesus predicted for Capernaum came to pass when
the Romans destroyed Jerusalem. 2 ___F___
3 After being subject to continued persecution, many civilizations have re-
3 ___F___
established themselves as international powers.
4 In almost every century in history, humanity has acquired as much
knowledge as in the 20th century. 4 ___F___
5 Today the possibility of an apocalyptic destruction of the world is seen
much more clearly than 100 years ago. 5 ___C___
6 He. The word "miracle" always means the same thing. 6 ___F___
7 In the past, people accepted the possibility of miracles without
resistance. 7 ___C___
8 Some theological schools affirm that the miracles narrated in the Bible
are myths. 8 ___C___
9 If God is all-powerful, he can perform miracles. 9 ___C___
1 1
0 Every concept in mathematics today is considered absolute. 0 ___F___
1 1
1 Scientific laws are now considered universally valid. 1 ___C___
1 Science has advanced to such a point that the cause of the laws of 1
2 nature can now be explained. 2 ___C___
1 The scientist who accepts the possibility that the first living cell once 1
3 formed by chance is accepting a miracle. 3 ___C___
1 The Bible states that God used a natural agent to part the Red Sea for 1
4 the Israelites to cross. 4 ___F___
1 Evidence of the veracity of miracles is the experience lived by many 1
5 today. 5 ___C___

1. Which fulfilled prophecy fuels your faith the most? Because? R. The formation of the State
of Israel, because it is very clear.

2. Make a list of the prophecies that have begun to be fulfilled since the year you were born. R.
Earthquakes, wars, rumors of wars, the excessive increase in science.

3. Prepare a list of reasons why it would have been so difficult for humans to predict the place
of Jesus' birth. R. by time, place and circumstances. 4. What happens to the law of gravitation
when an athlete throws a ball into the air? A, The ball has to fall to the ground.

5. How can a miracle be illustrated by citing the case of a higher power intervening in nature to
alter the process that would otherwise take place?

R. The possibility of miracles depends on certain principles that condition the action of natural
laws: So notorious are these conditions that many men of science are now honest and humble
enough to recognize that the universe is too complex to be reduced to simple mathematical
formulas. The concept of a closed universe no longer satisfies, because the same
mathematical truths that were previously considered absolute depend on others that are
fundamental. If these are altered, the mathematical statements are no longer valid. A very
simple example will illustrate: 11 + 3 = 14 only IF 11 AND 3 belong to an infinite set such as
the series of natural numbers. But can it be true that 11 + 3 = 2? Yeah; IF 11 AND 3 belong to
a finite set like the numbers on a clock face.

6. How credible would the Bible be if no miracles were mentioned? R. None.

7. What part do miracles play in establishing the plausibility of the statements Christ made
regarding his own person? R. The Miracles he performed proved that he was God incarnate.


Association of ideas. Match the words in the left column with those in the right. Write in front of
the words or phrases in the right column the number corresponding to the one associated with
them in the left column. You will notice that the two columns are not of equal size, so some
ideas will remain unassociated. No word or phrase in one column should be associated with
more than one in the other column.

1. Leviticus ___4___ TO. Translation made in the intertestamental period.

___3___ b. It is believed to be the first epistle of the Bible to be
2. Proverbs
3. Job ___6___ c. Written by a prophet after the division of the kingdom.
__11___ d. Gospel written in the last era of the formation of the New
4. Joshua
___2___ AND. One of the books written during the golden age of
5. 1 Samuel
___1___ F. Part of the first written book of the Bible as far as we have
6. Jeremiah
historical information.
___7___ g. Priest who revised and compiled several books of the
7. Ezra
8. Santiago ___5___ H. History book written by three prophets.
___9___ YO. A historical book written to clarify the knowledge of a
9. Luke
___3___ J. Moses may have written it although we lack evidence to
10. 1 Thessalonians
be sure.
11. John ___10__ K. The first letter written by Paul.
12. Philemon ___13__ L. Visions that a preacher received during captivity.
13. Ezekiel ___12__ N. Letter written in a prison.
_______ Ñ. Book written in the Intertestamental period.
_______ EITHER. Book written by John the Baptist.


1. What concepts of the formation of the Bible became clear to you as you studied this

R. How the Bible was formed chronologically.

2. In what ways do you think God used human instruments to form the Bible?

3. What relationship do you think exists between the way God used human beings to create
the Bible and the way God wants to work in your life to carry out his purposes in this world

4. How important is the ministry of the evangelical writer today?

5. Make a list of the men mentioned in this chapter who revised and fixed what other, more
well-known men had written.

6. How important is the ministry of reviewing and correcting what others write today?



Alternate answer. Underline the word or phrase that best completes each expression.
Example: The disciples asked the Lord to teach them to (pray, sin).

1. In Jesus' time the name "the law" was applied to (the law of Moses, the entire Old
Testament ).

2. The expression "Word of God" was originally applied to ( the teachings of Jesus , the
verbal revelation given to a person).

3. The word "Bible" derives from a Greek word that applied to (sacred writings, strips of
papyrus ).

4. In Greek "bible" means ( Books , book).

5. The Bible was given to man ( gradually , within a period of a few years).

6. When the first books of the Bible were written, most people believed in ( many gods , one

7. In the time of Daniel, the conquerors of the Hebrews (did not pay attention to, recognized
the ) God of Israel.

8. After the rapture of the church, God will ( make another attempt to ) continue to reveal
Himself to the world.

9. God chose ( Israel , the Levites) to be a kingdom of priests.

10. After the defeat of David's dynasty by the Chaldeans, God revealed to the Gentiles that (
there was a possibility that David would return to the throne , Jehovah is the one who
rules over all).

11. One of the facets of the Bible's plan is ( divine initiative in the salvation of man , the
salvation that man can earn).

12. The revelation of God to man ( it begins with the simple to progress towards the
complex , it is complete at once).

13. The Old Testament prepared the way for the (less demanding, superior ) revelation
presented by the New Testament.

14. The term "Word of God" means (Messiah, Word of God ).


1. Which Bible name do you prefer? Because?

2. What is the name that Roman Catholics most use to refer to the Bible?

3. Suppose you are going to communicate with people in your town who know nothing about
the gospel. What name should you use when referring to the Bible? Because?

4. As God's revelation to man has expanded, how has man's responsibility to respond

5. What are the meanings that the dictionary offers for the word "verb"? What is a verbal

6. In what way should the believer be a word or expression of God?


Selecting options: Read the first part of the sentence and the five different endings. Choose
the one that best completes the idea. In some cases more than one could work, but you should
select the best one, even if none of the five options completely satisfy you. Underline it and
write the corresponding letter in the space to the left of the number.

____B__ 1. The divisions of the Bible called "chapters" are….

TO. inherent to the process of Bible formation.
b. artificial.
c. infallibly traced.
d. as inspired as the words they contain.
AND. hindrances to Bible study.
___B___ 2. The commission in charge of the 1960 revision of the Reina-Valera version
preserved an incorrect translation of the names of the two main divisions of the
Bible. . .
TO. to follow a strongly established tradition.
b. so that it was the same one they used in every case in which the word is
used throughout the Bible.
c. because their policy was to conform to what the people prefer.
d. because that is how God inspired them to act. .
AND. because they were unaware in those days of the correct translation.
____AND 3. Throughout history, God…
TO. He has made a pact with man.
b. He has not made any pact with man.
C has made two pacts with the man.
d. has required that man observe the Sabbath as a sign of his obedience to the
Current Covenant.
AND. He has made several pacts with man. .
___B___ 4. We know that God did not intend for the Old Covenant to be permanent
TO. It is logical to think that no pact will always work due to the inevitable
changes in culture.
b. so it is prophesied in the Old Covenant itself.
c. In the past people were illiterate and that is why there would be a need for
changes once they learned to read.
d. sin entered the world. . .
AND. Nobody likes to continue with the same old thing.
___F___ 5. The New Covenant is...
TO. less important than the Old One. .
b. the only covenant that the believer must study.
c. as important as the Old Covenant.
d. a contradiction of the Old. .
AND. like a plant whose roots are in the Old Covenant.
F. the one that Christ AND the apostles studied. ,
___TO__ 6. Since the 11th century BC to our days, into how many parts did the Hebrews
_ divide the Old Testament.
TO. Three sections.
b. Two pacts.
c. They have not wanted to make any division.
d. Four books.
AND. Three divisions of twenty-two books.
___D___ 7. The division that is currently made of the books of the Bible in Christian circles
follows the system...
TO. of the Hebrews.
b. revealed by the Holy Spirit.
c. of the Septuagint version.
d. of the chronological order in which the books were written.
AND. Greek.
F. Roman.
___C___ 8. Genesis is found in the division of the law...
TO. because it contains the law of Moses.
b. because so it was divinely ordained.
c. because it is more logical to put the book of beginnings with the laws.
d. due to an artificial division.
AND. due to the ignorance of the people of the first century.
___D___ 9. The authors of the books of the Bible in general. ..
TO. They divided their writings into the chapters that today
b. They used chapter divisions only to
indicate topic changes.
c. They were divinely inspired to divide their books
in chapters.
d. They did not divide their books into chapters.
AND. They objected to their writings being divided
___C___ 10. To write a biblical quote, it is customary to separate the chapter number from
the verse number with…
TO. the word "and."
b. a comma.
c. two points.
d. a dash.
AND. semicolon.


1. Why should new people be advised to read the New Testament first?
2. Why should the mature believer know the Old Testament well?
3. What value has the Old Testament had for you personally?
4. What is "verse" in Spanish?
5. Why shouldn't we call Bible verses "verses"?
6. What degree of inspiration must those who divided the Bible into paragraphs have
7. In the following passages of the King James Version, 1960 revision, the titles given to
them fail in their function of summarizing or covering all the topics discussed in them.
Explain why.
to. Psalm 23
b. Psalm 37
c. John 10:7-21
8. What degree of inspiration must those who have placed notes and biblical references in
the margins of the pages on which the sacred text is printed have enjoyed?
9. Why should we not accept a doctrine that is based only on biblical notes or references?
10. Why isn't it said "first Samuel, second Samuel"?
Because they are not Epistles, but books.
11. List ten examples of God's grace manifested in the Old Testament.



Association of ideas. Match the words in the left column with those in the right. Write in front of
the words or phrases in the right column the number corresponding to the one associated with
them in the left column. You will notice that the two columns are not of equal size, so some
ideas will remain unassociated. No word or phrase in one column should be associated with
more than one in the other column.

1. Exposition of the theory of ___14 TO The very words the Bible writers
natural inspiration. chose were not inspired, although
the ideas expressed were.
2. Refutation of the theory of ___13____B God dictated some passages to
natural inspiration. some writers; but it was not always
like this, since individual traits of the
authors are noted in their writings.
3. Exposition of the theory of ____6C God helped writers understand
partial inspiration. divine truths on different levels, as
he continues to do today.
4. Rebuttal of the theory of partial ____9____D Ideas are expressed with words; we
inspiration do not think without the use of them.
5. Exposition of the theory of ____2____E The Bible has many features that no
divine illumination. human being would be able to
6. Exposition of the theory of ____3____F God took part in creation, but the
natural intuition. writers added concepts from their
time and culture to the text.
7. Refutation of the theory of ____7____G The Bible teaches that what is
natural intuition. written in it is addressed to readers
of that time, but also to later
8. Exposition of the theory of ____8____H Language presents serious
mystical experience. problems for communication and,
therefore, the revelation of God is
something internal and personal.
9. Refutation of the theory of ____12____I
mystical experience. The authors of the Bible acted as if
they were human tape recorders.
10. A concept taken from myth ____4____J Some parts of the Bible inspire the
busting theory. reader more than others, but the
entire Bible is a product of the same
divine direction.
11. Rebuttal of myth busting ____6____K Sometimes the authors wrote truths
theory. that had penetrated their spirit
without them reasoning them and
other times they recorded matters of
little value to the modern reader.
12. Exposition of the theory of ____5____L The inspiration of the Bible does not
mechanical inspiration. depend on its readers but on its
13. Refutation of the theory of ____1____M The writers of the Bible were
mechanical inspiration. motivated and enlightened like any
other literary genius.
14. Exposition of the theory of ____11____ Christ confirmed the truth of many
conceptual inspiration. N passages considered mythical.

15. Refutation of the theory of

conceptual inspiration.
16. Exposition of the concept of
divine, verbal and plenary

1. What authority will the Bible have in the life of one who believes that his inspiration was of
the same kind that Cervantes had when writing his immortal work, The Ingenious
Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha?

2. What problem do the myth-busting and inspiration theories of natural intuition have in
common? How does this problem serve as a refutation of these theories? . . .

3. If one believes that the biblical teaching of God's omnipotence, omniscience, and
omnipresence was inspired by God himself. What attitude will you adopt in the face of personal
injustices done to you?

4. What does the Bible teach about the attitude that a believer should have in the face of a
worsening world situation?



True or false? Read each statement carefully. If what is stated is true, put a C after the
corresponding number; IF it is false, put an F.

1 The words "inhale" and "exhale" are synonyms. 1 ___C____

2 2 Timothy 3:16 in the Greek gives the idea that God breathed on the Bible
writers 2 ___C____
3 2 Peter 1:21 in the Greek gives the idea that GOD made his Spirit enter
men. 3 ___C____
4 We can define the divine inspiration of Scripture as a process in which
God spoke and recorded his words through men led by the Holy Spirit.
4 ___C____
5 A good illustration of the process of divine inspiration is what a painter
feels when contemplating a beautiful landscape. 5 ___F____
6 The entire Bible is the result of the direct revelation of truth through the
Holy Spirit. 6 ___C____
7 In order to transmit a divine communication, a prophet had to first
understand it. 7 ___F____
8 All sacred writers received inspiration from the Holy Spirit to understand
what they wrote. 8 ___C____
9 All sacred writers received the illumination of the Holy Spirit to understand
what they wrote. 9 ___C____
1 Some men have said that they gave messages inspired by God when in
0 reality their words had a satanic origin. 1
0 ___C____
1 Sometimes an author wrote without realizing that he was writing under the 1
1 guidance of the Holy Spirit. 1 ___F____
1 Certain sacred writers took some of their ideas and data from works of 1
2 human origin. 2 ___C____
1 Some Bible passages present an argument that depends on a single word. 1
3 3 ___F____
1 Each sacred author followed his own style in writing God's message. 1
4 4 ___C____
1 Christ confirmed the inspiration of the entire Old Testament. 1
5 5 ___C____
1 We must distinguish between what God teaches in the Bible and what He 1
6 intended to be recorded in it. 6 ___F____
1 The author of Ecclesiastes wrote from the point of view of a misguided 1
7 skeptic. 7 ___C____
1 If the Bible is the inspired word of God, it must be free of errors. 1
8 8 ___F____
1 The Bible is revocable. 1
9 9 ___F____
2 Some contemporary scholars have been able to examine one or another 2
0 original manuscript of the Scriptures. 0 ___C____
2 Some copies of manuscripts have typos. 2
1 1 ___C____
2 Our concept of the inspiration of the Bible depends on a mechanical 2
2 artifice. 2 ___F____
2 If a translation has typos or errors, we know that the original does too. 2
3 3 ___F____
2 The Bible is a divine work in which man participated. 2
4 4 ___C____
2 God limited himself to only one way of inspiring sacred writers. 2
5 5 ___F____


1. Since no believer today will receive the same inspiration granted to the sacred writers, what
relationship should be maintained between the prophecies given in a meeting of brethren and
the Bible itself?

2. If sometimes the writers did not realize that they acted under the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit, how careful should we be to evaluate our contribution to the kingdom of God through our

3. What application of the fact that in the Bible the same subject is sometimes treated from
different points of view can be made to the problem of differences of ideas among the brethren
of the church?

4. How important is it that the Holy Spirit did not discard the individual style of each author
when inspiring the writing of the Holy Scriptures?

5. What is the difference between the statement "a couplet from the Bible may have errors"
and the one that says that the Bible has errors?

6. How important will the information in this chapter be to a local church?



Alternate answer. Underline the word or phrase that best completes each expression.
Example: The disciples asked the Lord to teach them to (pray, sin).

1. ( All , some of) the prophetic books claim divine inspiration for themselves.

2. Many sacred writers spoke of their predecessors in a way that (questioned, confirmed )
their divine inspiration.

3. Jesus and the New Testament writers considered the books of the prophets to be ( of equal
authority , of less importance) than the writings of Moses.

4. Jesus said that the Old Testament was ( the word of God , the tradition of the elders).

5. The New Testament contains approximately (75, 300 ) quotations from the Old Testament.

6. The New Testament was written (during, after ) the life of Jesus.
7. Christ did not write any books, but he left orders to his followers to disseminate his (
teachings , social works).

8. Christ promised his followers that their (intellectual capacity, person of the Holy Spirit )
would lead them into all truth.

9. Peter includes (the writings of the early fathers, the epistles of Paul ) in a set with the other

10. Many doubts about the inspiration of Scripture arose in (11th century, modern times).


1. Relate the problems of two or three Old Testament writers in spreading the message that
God had given them.

R. Isaiah and Jeremiah were hated by the Kings for not prophesying in their favor.

2. What would the writers you present in number 1 have said if they had not been certain that
the message was from God?

R. They would not have preached the message of salvation.

3. How does Daniel show that he believed in the divine inspiration of Jeremiah's writings?

R. By citing them.

4. What Old Testament quotes can you offer to prove that Jesus is the fulfillment of the law?


 Isaiah described him with names that underscore his uniqueness: “For unto us a child is born,
unto us a son is given, and the government is upon his shoulder; and his name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (Isa. 9:6).

 Micah announced the birthplace of the Lord: “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, small to
be among the families of Judah, from you will come forth for me one who will be Lord in
Israel; and his going forth is from the beginning, from the days of eternity" (Mi. 5:2).

 Malachi prophesied to someone who would prepare the way for the Son of God:
“Behold, I send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me; and the Lord whom
you seek, and the angel of the covenant, whom you desire, will suddenly come to his
temple. Behold, he comes, says the Lord of hosts" (Mal. 3:1). The one who would
prepare the way is John the Baptist (Mt. 11:10).

 Zechariah described the Lord's entry into Jerusalem: “Rejoice greatly, daughter of Zion;
shout for joy, daughter of Jerusalem; Behold, your king will come to you, just and
saving, humble, and riding on a donkey, on a colt the foal of a donkey" (Zech. 9:9).

5. Name three characteristics of Jesus that surprised his contemporaries and that had been
predicted in the Old Testament.

 Micah 5:2 : Micah prophesies that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem.

 Matthew 2:4–6 : The scribes knew that Bethlehem was the prophesied birthplace of the

 Isaiah 7:14: Isaiah prophesies that a pure young woman will give birth to the son of

 Matthew 1:18–23: Isaiah's prophecy is fulfilled.

 Isaiah 9:6: Isaiah prophesies that Jesus Christ will come as a child; Jesus is described
by various names.

 Luke 2:4–7: Jesus is born.

6. How do the characteristics mentioned in number 5 indicate the impossibility of a group of

men inventing the New Testament? R. It was impossible, because there were too many details
that would have to be taken into account.

7. If one rejects the plenary inspiration of the Bible, what value will he have to assign to the
words of Jesus Christ? R. They would be worthless.

8. If one rejects the testimony of Jesus and the apostles about the Old Testament, what
evidence must he present to show that his opinion is based on incontrovertible evidence? R.
That everything the OT says is false.


Selection of options. Read the first part. of the phrase and the five different endings. Choose
the one that best completes the idea. In some cases more than one could work, but you should
select the best one, even if none of the five options completely satisfy you. Underline it and
write the corresponding letter in the space to the left of the number.

_____D____ 1
Currently the word "canon" refers to...
TO. a priest ordained by an ecclesiastical council.
b. an artillery piece that meets official specifications.
c. the list of authentic sacred books.
d. a measure used by sacred writers.
AND. the catalog of the different versions of the Bible,
_____D____ 2 Christians had to establish a catalog of genuine books
_ because...
TO. a decision of the ecclesiastical hierarchy.
b. a decree of the emperor.
c. Satan's attacks.
d. the multiplication of writings on biblical themes.
AND. a desire of leaders to consolidate their power over the
_____D____ 3
Christians today. . .
TO. They wait for God's written revelation to be completed.
b. They hope to continue adding books to God's written
c. They know that the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their
individual lives has more authority than the Bible.
d. They know that there are no more books missing to complete
the written revelation of God.
AND. They have no need of God's written revelation, since the
Holy Spirit directs them.
_____AND__ 4
For Jews, Catholics and Evangelicals, the canon...
TO. is the same.
b. It is made up of twenty-four books.
c. excludes the apocryphal books.
d. It ceased to exist for several decades.
AND. varies in the number of recognized books.
_____B____ 5 The role of the councils in the canonicity of a book has
_ consisted of...
TO. determine it.
b. confirm it.
c. oppose it.
d. correct the errors.
AND. prohibit the reading of disapproved books.
_____TO___ 6
They were included in the canon. . .
TO. only some of the prophetic writings.
b. all the prophetic writings that were known.
c. all writings of religious value except prophetic ones.
d. the priestly writings of Levitical times.
AND. the "demystified" writings.
_____B____ 7
As for what we know about the formation of the canon...
TO. The reason for each step has been explained.
b. Some unexplained mysteries remain.
c. It's quite an enigma.
d. We have well-founded reasons to doubt some decisions...
AND. We can conclude that some Old Testament books are
missing some important passages.
_____TO___ 8
The determination of the canon has been done as a work...
TO. partly human and partly divine.
b. totally divine.
c. totally human.
d. ultimately carried out under divine direction.
AND. provisional until a new study.
_____AND__ 9 One of the principles by which Christians were guided in the
___ recognition of canonical books was...
TO. physical and initial evidence.
b. literary quality.
c. the writer's need to have a degree in arts and letters.
d. a prohibition of the vice of tobacco in its content.
AND. an evidence of divine authority.
_____B____ 1
Canonical recognition was denied to a book...
_ 0
TO. that was at odds with the teachings of the other books of
the Bible.
b. anonymous.
c. written by a non-Jewish person.
d. that contained boring passages.
AND. that it was difficult to understand the acceptance of the
books to include them in the canon...
_____C____ 1 The acceptance of books for inclusion in the canon...
_ 1
TO. It was always achieved after campaigning in his favor.
b. it was always easily achieved
c. It wasn't always easy.
d. It cost the investment of a lot of money.
AND. It was read in every church.
_____TO___ 1 The final step in determining the canonicity of a book has been.
__ 2 ..
TO. acceptance by the people of God.
b. the recognition of the ecclesiastical hierarchy.
c. the approval of unbelievers.
d. a vote by secret ballot of all registered believers.
AND. the final approval of the rulers.

1. To what extent would it be advisable to teach new converts about determining the canonicity
of the books of the Bible? Because? R. It is not recommended because it is necessary for the
Christian to reach a certain maturity to understand these issues.

2. What books accepted as canonical by evangelicals do Catholics reject?

R. None.

3. What differences will there be between the canon of New Testament books of Protestants
and that of Catholics? R. None.

4. What canonical books were banned by church leaders for a time? R. 3 John and

5. What value will there be in prohibiting believers from reading some books of sects that claim
divine inspiration for themselves? R. They can confuse the immature believer.

6. What disadvantages will there be in prohibiting believers from reading books from sects that
claim inspiration for themselves? R. None.

7. What value is placed on the Scriptures in your church? R. They are valued to such a degree
that they are the infallible rule of faith and conduct.

8. What value is placed on active study of the Scriptures in your church? R. There are
weekly Bible courses.
9. What impulse does your church give to the propagation of the Scriptures to those peoples
who do not yet have them? R. The missionary movement is actively supported.

10. What decisions have you made as a result of studying this chapter? R. Value the scriptures



True or false? Read each statement carefully. If what is stated is true, put a C after the
corresponding number; if false, put an F.

1 We have a wealth of information about the history of the formation of

the Hebrew canon. 1 ____C____
2 Jews have always held the canonical books on par with the rest of
their literature. 2 ____F____
3 It is believed that Moses lived about 1,500 years before Christ. 3 ____C____
4 The Hebrews have always considered the books of Moses canonical.
4 ____C____
5 We have ample data to support the idea that the book of Daniel was
incorporated into the canon around 200 BC. 5 ____F____
6 The book of Proverbs as we know it now was completed centuries
after the death of Solomon. 6 ____C____
7 Archaeological discoveries in recent years provide sufficient data to
completely rule out the possibility that Ezra may have worked in the
formation of the Hebrew canon. 7 ____F____
8 Christ criticized the scribes several times for The Council of Jamnia
made the decision to admit the books of Esther and Ecclesiastes into
the canon. 8 ____F____
9 The Council of Jamnia made the decision not to admit the books of
Esther and Ecclesiastes into the canon. 9 ____F____
10 The growth of the church accentuated the need for a canon of New
Testament books. 10 ____C____
11 Since the first century, churches had the custom of reading letters
received from the apostles in their meetings. 11 ____C____
12 The churches of the first century preserved the letters received from
the apostles. 12 ____C____
13 By the second century Christian writers had cited or alluded to almost
every book of the New Testament. 13 ____V____
14 The oldest canon of the New Testament that we have dates back to
the year 170. 14 ____C____
15 The oldest canon of the New Testament includes all the books that we
currently have in it. 15 ____F____
16 The first canon of the entire Bible appeared at the beginning of the 3rd
century. 16 ____C____
17 In the 4th century, two councils approved the canonicity of the books
that we currently have in the New Testament. 17 ____C____
18 The books of the New Testament were subjected to repeated tests to
achieve acceptance by the entire church.
18 ____C____


1. In the following cases, indicate something that Christ asked of the disciples and that He
Himself could have done by His divine power:

to. Luke 5:4-8……The miraculous catch.

b. John 6:10-11….The multiplication of food.

c. John 11:44…….Unbinding Lazarus.

2. What importance has God given to human intervention in the formation of the canon?

R. An intervention similar to that of inspiration.

3. In your opinion, why has the Holy Spirit not intervened in a more direct and explicit way in
the formation of the canon? R. Because God wants a mutual collaboration between him and

4. How important is canon formation to you? R. It makes it easy to know which books of the
Bible we can trust as the true word of God.



Alternate answer. Underline the word or phrase that best completes each expression.
Example: The disciples asked the Lord to teach them to (pray, sin).

1. The word "apocryphal" originally meant ( unauthentic , secret).

2. The canonicity of the so-called apocryphal books was recognized in a period of history by
(all, a part of ) the churches.
3. Some Jews considered as (canonical, of importance ) many of the books on religious
topics that were written by Hebrews between 200 BC and 100 AD

4. Books 1 and 2 Maccabees figured in ( the Septuagint version , the group of scrolls
discovered near the Dead Sea).

5. Jerome, translator of the Vulgate, stated that the apocryphal books that he included in his
translation (were, were not ) canonical.

6. The apocryphal books were declared (undesirable, canonical ) by the Council of Trent in

7. In his letter, Jude quoted one of the books (Paul's, Apocrypha ).

8. Catholics accept as canonical ( only a part of , all) the apocryphal books contained in the

9. Augustine considered the inspiration of the apocryphal books to be (on the same level as, a
lower level than ) the other books of the Bible.

10. One. One of the reasons why evangelicals have rejected the canonicity of the apocryphal
books is that ( they do not agree with the teachings of the Bible , they have no religious

11. Catholics ( accept , do not accept) the canonicity of the apocryphal books of the New


1. Which of the apocryphal books have you read? 1 and 2 of Maccabees.

2. Make an evaluation of one of the Apocrypha based on the following points:

to. its historical R value. It has a lot of historical value because it addresses various aspects of
the Jewish People during the 400 years of silence.

b. its power to inspire the reader and bring him closer to God

c. its doctrinal value R. It contains no doctrinal value.

d. the most important truth it teaches: R. That it is not with a sword, nor with an army, but with
the power of God that victory is achieved.

3. Should an evangelical worker be familiar with the content of the apocryphal books?
Because? R. Yes, to be able to know their content and refute any false teaching contained in

4. To what extent should an evangelical argue about the canonicity of the apocryphal books?
R. You should not do it because very little can benefit evangelization.

5. For an evangelical to gain the trust of a Catholic, which of the following topics should he

to. The agreement that there is on the canonicity of most of the books of the Bible.

b. The misconception of Catholics about the inspiration of the apocryphal books.

6. What facts from this chapter do believers in your church know? R. Very few.

7. What information from this chapter should believers in your church know? R. All.

8. What have you learned in studying this chapter that will be useful to you? R. In the effort that
men of God have made so that we come to know the Bible as we have it today.



Association of ideas. Match the words in the left column with those in the right. Write in front of
the words or phrases in the right column the number corresponding to the one associated with
them in the left column. You will notice that the two columns are not of equal size, so some
ideas will remain unassociated. No word or phrase in one column should be associated with
more than one in the other column.

1 Ur ____12____ T The best writing material in the 4th century.

2 Hosanna _____7____ b Word of the language that the Assyrians
used in their diplomatic relations.

3 Aramaic _____9____ c Rough drawings that tell a story.

4 Greek ____11____ d God told Habakkuk to write on this material.

5 Hebrew _____5____ A It has an expressive richness in the

N communication of concepts.
6 Ideogram ____12____ F Writing material that the Egyptians began to
7 Maranatha ____15____ g Writing material that the Chinese began to
8 Koine _____4____ h Language that lends itself to a precise
expression of concepts.
9 Pictograms _____2____ Y Word from the language anciently spoken in
o the northwestern region of the Middle East.

10 Cuneiform ____10____ J. System of signs that represent syllables and

_ that the Sumerians used.
11 Waxed _____3____ K The language Jesus spoke at home.
12 Papyrus _____8____ l Popular dialect that the apostles used to
write their letters to the new churches.

13 Parchment _____6____ M Sign that the Chinese use to represent a

14 Incunabula _____1____ N Place where cuneiform inscriptions have
been found dating back to about three
thousand years before Christ.
15 Paper
16 Codex
17 Qumran


1. How important is Spanish to effectively communicate God's revelation to those in the

Hispanic world? R. Much since with it the gospel can be brought to all of Latin America.

2. To what extent will it be essential to master and use Spanish well to serve God well? R. As
best as possible, to correctly transmit the message.

3. What emphasis is given in your church to the need to use Spanish well? R. A lot.
4. What is being done in your church to develop the writing ministry? R. Training theologians
through the Bible Institute and the Sovereign Grace Theological Seminary.

5. What languages other than Spanish are spoken in your country? R. English.

6. What emphasis is placed on hymn writing and writing Bible study materials in the languages
you mentioned in your answer to question number 5? R. Bit.

7. How much would the material used to write the book of Isaiah be worth in the time of Jesus?
Calculate it in your country's money. R$3,000.00

8. Why are we able today to obtain copies of the Scriptures at a modest price when believers
for millennia had no hope of possessing such a treasure for their personal use? R. For the
invention of the printing press.

9. What should we do for those who cannot acquire any books of the Bible for their personal
use today? R. Give them one.

10. What decisions will you make as a result of studying this chapter? R. I am going to
contribute to the free distribution of the Holy Scriptures.



Selection of options. Read the first part of the sentence and the five different endings. Choose
the one that best completes the idea. In some cases more than one could work, but you should
select the best one, even if none of the five options completely satisfy you. Underline it and
write the corresponding letter in the space to the left of the number.

______C___ 1. The first indication we have of the need to make copies of the
_ Scriptures is...
TO. the teaching of Ezra.
b. the reference that Josephus makes in one of his works of history.
c. what Moses said about it.
d. the fact that manuscripts deteriorated over time.
AND. the law that Joshua wrote on stones plastered with lime.
2. It was called "official manuscript" to...
TO. one that had the approval of the king like the example of King
b. one that was shaped like a scroll.
c. one prepared for synagogue use.
d. one who enjoyed the support of an ecclesiastical council.
AND. one that was in the form of a codex.
3. The uncial manuscript is one that...
TO. Enjoy the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
b. It is at least a millennium old in fact.
c. It is written in capital letters.
d. It is made of papyrus.
AND. dates back to the 11th century.
4. The biblical manuscripts that we call autographs are...
TO. those that carry a dedication written by the same author.
b. The originals.
c. those that are written in Hebrew or Greek.
d. those that a secretary wrote while the author dictated.
AND. ancient inscriptions miraculously preserved.
_____TO___ 5. How many original manuscripts of Bible books do we have in
__ existence today?
TO. None.
b. Three.
c. Many.
d. Just a fragment of the gospel of John.
AND. Almost all of Isaiah's prophecy.
6. What is a palimpsest?
TO. A manuscript made of leather.
b. The name with which the Catholic Bible designates books 10 and
20 of Chronicles.
c. A container for manuscripts that were spoiled.
d. A highly authoritative manuscript.
AND. A manuscript made on parchment in which what was
originally written on it was erased
7. The importance of a manuscript depends on...
TO. Its age.
b. the spiritual condition of the recipients.
c. any illustrative drawings you have.
d. its agreement with the older versions.
AND. the place where it was discovered.
8. From the extant manuscripts, we have...
TO. more from the Old Testament than from the New Testament.
b. more of the New Testament than the Old Testament.
c. equal number of both wills.
d. almost none from the Old Testament.
AND. almost none from the New Testament.
9. By "Masoretic text" is meant...
TO. the pure text of the Bible without any commentary.
b. the text in its entirety.
c. the text written on a hammered material.
d. the text that contains many spurious elements and that has resulted
in the emergence of false sects.
AND. the text of the Old Testament established by a group of
10. Written Hebrew...
TO. It lacks vocal letters.
b. It has the same vowels as Greek.
c. It was classified by philologists as the most expressive language.
d. It is the first language that was written.
AND. It has the peculiarity that the name Jehovah is written with vowel
___ 11. The only complete Old Testament manuscript we have is...
TO. the Aleppo Codex.
b. the British Museum Codex.
c. the Codex Sinaiticus.
d. the Dead Sea Scrolls.
AND. the Leningrad Codex.
_ 12. What are the oldest known biblical manuscripts?
TO. The Chester Beatty Museum Collection.
b. The United Bible Societies Collection.
c. The Beza Codex together with that of Claromontano.
d. Some of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
AND. The papyri.
_____TO___ 13. The oldest manuscripts of the New Testament that we have are of
__ a material called.
TO. papyrus.
b. paper.
c. parchment.
d. vellum.
AND. leather.
14. The uncial manuscripts...
TO. They are more numerous than the minuscule ones.
b. They are of more importance than the lowercase ones.
c. They have little authority because they are so old.
d. They are newer than the tiny ones.
AND. They are as numerous as the minuscule ones.
15. Of the uncial manuscripts, the oldest appears to be the Codex. . .
TO. Sinaiticus.
b. Vatican.
c. Alexandrine.
d. Claromontano.
AND. of Ephraim.


1. Why is it so important to us that scholars carefully compare different manuscripts? R. So

that the versions of the Bible that reach us are as faithful as possible to the originals.

2. Why should a translator of a new version of the Bible be aware of the latest manuscript
discoveries and studies carried out by experts in the field? R. To avoid making translation

3. What evidence for the authenticity of the Bible does the existence of so many ancient
manuscripts provide? R. That the differences between all the manuscripts are minimal.

4. What have you learned from this chapter that will help you strengthen your faith? R. That the
word of God is supernatural and can never last over time.

5. How important will the information in this chapter be to believers in a local church? R. It
helps to know where the Bible we currently use comes from.



'True or false? Read each statement carefully. If what is true, put a C after the corresponding
number; IF it is false, put an F.

1 The Reina-Valera version contains some examples of 1 ____V____

transliteration. _
2 2 ____F____
The title "Christ" has an equivalent word in Spanish.
3 A literal translation from Hebrew to Spanish is perfectly 3 _________
4 An equivalent expression is one that incorporates the literal idea of 4 ____F____
the words as they appear in the original. _
5 An interpretation aims to express what the writer wanted to say 5 ____F____
even if other words are used. _
6 To achieve a greater understanding of a translation, it is necessary 6 ____V____
to adapt expressions in a language so that they fit with the culture _
and experiences of the reader.
7 Free translation is one that remains free from any influence of the 7 ____F____
reader's culture. _
8 8 ____V____
The Reina-Valera version has very few imperfections.
9 The constant change of a language makes it necessary to 9 ____V____
periodically carry out new revisions of a version. _
1 The authors of the New Testament wrote their works in literary 1 ____F____
0 Greek. 0 _
1 The serious Bible student will find it necessary to use more than 1 ____V____
1 one version. 1 _
1 The Old Testament had been translated before the birth of Jesus 1 ____V____
2 Christ. 2 _
1 1 ____F____
The Septuagint is a translation of the Old Testament into Latin.
3 3 _
1 1 ____F____
4 The Septuagint was unknown to the New Testament writers. 4 _
1 1 ____F____
The oldest version of the New Testament is the Old Latin
5 5 _
1 1 ____V____
The Vulgate was the official version of the Roman Catholic Church.
6 6 _
1 1 ____F____
Jerome translated the entire Vulgate from the original languages.
7 7 _
1 At the time of the Reformation, Bible translators worked with the 1 ____V____
8 original languages. 8 _
1 1 ____F____
Muhammad read the Old Testament assiduously.
9 9
2 The versions in the modern languages of Europe increased with 2 ____V____
0 the push of the invention of the printing press. 0 _


1. How many times a month is a prayer request presented in your church for those who work
to translate the Scriptures for people who do not yet have the Bible in their own language? R.
There is no program as such, but we pray for the missions and support missionaries.

2. What phrases, expressions or words from the version of the Bible you read would a young
person not understand today? R. However, insults, mocker, dying, kiss, thalamus.

3. How do you explain the fact that today many people have the Bible in their own language,
but others do not? R. That there is still a lot of work to do on the issue of Bible translation,

4. How would you feel if the Bible had not yet been translated into Spanish? R. Sad for not
being able to know the word of God.

5. How many people has the church in your country contributed to work on translating the Bible
into languages in which there is still no translated portion? R. I don't know the number, but
there are several people who collaborate on this work.

6. What can you do to give a boost to the task of translating the Bible into other languages? R.
Support missions.

7. What did you learn from this chapter? R. The many versions and translations of the Bible
and how to choose the best one.

8. What information points in this chapter should the brothers in your church know? R. All.



Alternate answer. Underline the word or phrase that best completes each expression.
Example: The disciples asked the Lord to teach them to (pray, sin).

1. In the Roman Empire each conquered people (lost, kept ) their vernacular language.

2. Spanish (it was spoken, it did not exist ) at the time when Christ walked on earth.

3. In the Iberian Peninsula in the 10th century they spoke (only Spanish, several languages ).

4. Spanish occupies the (first, third ) place among the world's languages.

5. The first version of the Bible that was made in Spanish was ( Alfonsina , de Reina).
6. The Reformation period coincides with the ( Golden Age , beginning of Castilian).

7. The first Castilian version of the New Testament translated directly from Greek was that of (
Enzinas , Reina).

8. In 16th century Spain there was much ( facility for , opposition against) the translation of
the Bible into the vernacular language.

9. The first complete version of the Bible in Spanish was translated by (Juan Pérez,
Casiodoro de Reina ).

10. (Juan Pérez, Francisco de Enzinas ) was imprisoned for having made a version of the
New Testament in Spanish.

11. Reina's Version of Cassiodorus has achieved ( eminent acclaim , little recognition) for its
literary quality.

12. Cassiodoro de Reina was a Catholic monk who became Protestant as a result of ( his
study of the Scriptures , the preaching of John Calvin).

13. Casiodoro de Reina worked ( 12 , 2) years in exile as a pastor while translating the Bible
into Spanish.

14 . The Version of Cipriano de Valera is a (translation, revision ) of the Bible.

15. In addition to working on the version that bears his name, Valera worked hard as ( writer ,

16. Torres Amat's version was translated from ( the Vulgate , the original languages).

17. Both the Nácar-Colunga and Bover-Cantera versions were taken from ( the Vulgate , the
original languages).

18. Almost ( all , none of) the versions of the Scriptures have had to undergo revisions.

19. (None, some ) expression(s) of the '60 Revision urgently need to be changed because
they are unintelligible to the reader.

20. 100 years ago the word "conversation" could mean (restoration, conduct ).

1. What knowledge do believers in your church have of the lives of Casiodoro de Reina and
Cipriano de Valera? R. Very little.

2. To what extent do the brothers feel indebted to Reina y Valera? R. Bit.

3. How many times have you used incidents from the lives of ancient Bible translators into
Spanish as illustrations in your preaching or teaching? R. Never

4. Make a list of all the good versions of the Bible that a Spanish-speaking student who wants
to seriously search the Scriptures should have in his or her library. R. Reina Valera, NVI, NTV,

5. What is the best version of the Bible for the youth of your church? Because? R, Reina –
Valera because when using a different version young people tend to get confused.

6. Which version would you recommend parents use in their family devotions? Because? NTV.

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